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Critical state properties#
Print the critical state properties for the fluids for which Cantera has built-in liquid/vapor equations of state.
import cantera as ct
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
Create PureFluid
fluids = {'water': ct.Water(),
'nitrogen': ct.Nitrogen(),
'methane': ct.Methane(),
'hydrogen': ct.Hydrogen(),
'oxygen': ct.Oxygen(),
'carbon dioxide': ct.CarbonDioxide(),
'heptane': ct.Heptane(),
'HFC-134a': ct.Hfc134a()
Plot critical properties and print tabulated values:
fig, ax = plt.subplots()
print('Critical State Properties')
print(f"{'Fluid':^16s} {'Tc [K]':^7s} {'Pc [Pa]':^10s} {'Zc':^7s}")
print(f"{'-'*16} {'-'*7} {'-'*10} {'-'*7}")
for name in fluids:
f = fluids[name]
tc = f.critical_temperature
pc = f.critical_pressure
rc = f.critical_density
mw = f.mean_molecular_weight
zc = pc * mw / (rc * ct.gas_constant * tc)
ax.plot(tc, pc, 'o')
ax.annotate(name, (tc, pc), (4, 2), textcoords='offset points', size=9)
print(f'{name:16s} {tc:7.2f} {pc:10.4g} {zc:7.4f}')
ax.set(xlabel='Critical Temperature [K]', ylabel='Critical Pressure [Pa]')
ax.set(xlim=(0, 750))

Critical State Properties
Fluid Tc [K] Pc [Pa] Zc
---------------- ------- ---------- -------
water 647.29 2.209e+07 0.2333
nitrogen 126.20 3.4e+06 0.2891
methane 190.56 4.599e+06 0.2904
hydrogen 32.94 1.284e+06 0.3013
oxygen 154.58 5.043e+06 0.2879
carbon dioxide 304.21 7.384e+06 0.2769
heptane 537.68 2.62e+06 0.2972
HFC-134a 374.21 4.059e+06 0.2600
Total running time of the script: (0 minutes 0.169 seconds)