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Isentropic flow#
Calculated Mach number vs. area for an isentropic flow. Relies on the wrapper functions defined in demo_ftnlib.cpp to call the Cantera C++ interface. See also the Python version of this problem in
c This file is part of Cantera. See License.txt in the top-level directory or
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program isentropic
implicit double precision (a-h,o-z)
parameter (oneatm = 1.01325d5, NPTS = 200)
double precision a(NPTS), dmach(NPTS), t(NPTS),
$ ratio(NPTS)
call newIdealGasMix('h2o2.yaml','ohmech','none')
temp = 1200.d0
pres = 10.d0*oneatm
call setState_TPX_String(temp, pres,'H2:1, N2:0.1')
c stagnation state properties
s0 = entropy_mass()
h0 = enthalpy_mass()
p0 = pressure()
dmdot = 1.0d0
amin = 1.0d14
do n = 1, NPTS
p = p0*n/(NPTS+1)
call setState_SP(s0,p)
h = enthalpy_mass()
rho = density()
v2 = 2.0*(h0 - h)
v = sqrt(v2)
area = dmdot/(rho*v)
if (area .lt. amin) then
amin = area
end if
a(n) = area
dmach(n) = v/soundspeed()
t(n) = temperature()
ratio(n) = p/p0
end do
do n = 1, NPTS
a(n) = a(n)/amin
write(*,30) a(n), dmach(n), t(n), ratio(n)
30 format(4e16.5)
end do
double precision function soundspeed()
implicit double precision (a-h,o-z)
double precision meanMolarMass
parameter (R = 8314.4621d0)
gamma = cp_mass()/cv_mass()
soundspeed = sqrt(gamma * R * temperature()
$ / meanMolarMass())