ODE system for a constant-volume, adiabatic reactor#

Function CONUV evaluates the system of ordinary differential equations for an adiabatic, constant-volume, zero-dimensional reactor. It assumes that the gas object represents a reacting ideal gas mixture.

function dydt = conuv(t, y, gas, mw)
    % Set the state of the gas, based on the current solution vector.
    gas.Y = y(2:end);
    gas.TD = {y(1), gas.D};
    nsp = gas.nSpecies;

    % energy equation
    wdot = gas.netProdRates;
    H = (gas.enthalpies_RT - ones(1, nsp))';
    gas.basis = 'mass';
    tdot =- gas.T * GasConstant / (gas.D * gas.cv) .* wdot * H;

    % set up column vector for dydt
    dydt = [tdot
            zeros(nsp, 1)];

    % species equations
    rrho = 1.0 / gas.D;

    for i = 1:nsp
        dydt(i + 1) = rrho * mw(i) * wdot(i);


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