Flame speed as a function of equivalence ratio#

Simulate flame speeds across a range of equivalence ratios, and observe the impact of incorporating the reduced-pressure linear mixture rule (LMR-R) in such calculations.

Here we will consider a mixture of NH3/air (1 atm, 296 K) and compare results against the experimental measurements of Ronney. [1] Two models are compared in this example:

  1. A 2023 model of H2 and NH3 chemistry published by Alzueta et al. [2]

  2. An adapted version of this model that has applied the reduced-pressure linear mixture rule (LMR-R) and ab initio third-body efficiencies. [3]


[1] P. D. Ronney, Effect of chemistry and transport properties on near-limit flames at microgravity, Combust. Sci. Tech. 59 (1988) 123 – 141.

[2] M. U. Alzueta, I. Salas, H. Hashemi, P. Glarborg, CO-assisted NH3 oxidation, Combust. Flame 257 (2023) 112438.

[3] P. J. Singal, J. Lee, L. Lei, R. L. Speth, M. P. Burke, Implementation of New Mixture Rules Has a Substantial Impact on Combustion Predictions for H2 and NH3, Proc. Combust. Inst. 40 (2024) 105779.

Requires: cantera >= 3.1

Tags: flame speed kinetics combustion premixed flame

import cantera as ct
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import numpy as np

Run Simulations#

file = 'example_data/ammonia-CO-H2-Alzueta-2023.yaml'
models = {'Original': 'baseline', 'LMR-R': 'linear-Burke'}
colors = {'Original': "xkcd:grey", 'LMR-R': 'xkcd:purple'}
results = {}

Tin = 296  # unburned gas temperature [K]
p=760  # pressure [torr]
n=16 # number of points to simulate
phi_list = np.linspace(0.6,2.0,n) # equivalence ratios to simulate across
for m, name in models.items():
    vel_list = []
    gas = ct.Solution(file, name=name)
    for j, phi in enumerate(phi_list):
        gas.set_equivalence_ratio(phi, 'NH3', {'O2':1, 'N2': 3.76})
        gas.TP = Tin, (p/760)*ct.one_atm
        f = ct.FreeFlame(gas, width=0.03)
        f.set_refine_criteria(ratio=3, slope=0.06, curve=0.10)
        # f.transport_model = 'multicomponent' # optionally enable
        # f.soret_enabled = True  # optionally enable
        f.solve(loglevel=1, auto=True)
        vel_list.append(f.velocity[0] * 100) # cm/s
    results[m] = vel_list
************ Solving on 8 point grid with energy equation enabled ************


Attempt Newton solution of steady-state problem.
Newton steady-state solve failed.

Attempt 10 timesteps.
Final timestep info: dt= 0.0001709  log(ss)= 3.704

Attempt Newton solution of steady-state problem.
Newton steady-state solve failed.

Attempt 10 timesteps.
Final timestep info: dt= 0.004379   log(ss)= 3.446

Attempt Newton solution of steady-state problem.
Newton steady-state solve failed.

Attempt 10 timesteps.
Final timestep info: dt= 0.07482    log(ss)= 2.044

Attempt Newton solution of steady-state problem.
Newton steady-state solve succeeded.

Problem solved on [9] point grid(s).
Expanding domain to accommodate flame thickness. New width: 0.06 m
Refining grid in flame.
    New points inserted after grid points 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7
    to resolve H H2 H2NO H2O H2O2 HNO HNOH HO2 HONO HONO2 N N2 N2H3 N2H4 N2O NH NH2 NH2OH NH3 NO NO2 O O2 OH T cHNNH tHNNH velocity

*********** Solving on 17 point grid with energy equation enabled ************


Attempt Newton solution of steady-state problem.
Newton steady-state solve failed.

Attempt 10 timesteps.
Final timestep info: dt= 0.0001709  log(ss)= 3.712

Attempt Newton solution of steady-state problem.
Newton steady-state solve failed.

Attempt 10 timesteps.
Final timestep info: dt= 0.002919   log(ss)= 3.071

Attempt Newton solution of steady-state problem.
Newton steady-state solve failed.

Attempt 10 timesteps.
Final timestep info: dt= 0.04988    log(ss)= 2.557

Attempt Newton solution of steady-state problem.
Newton steady-state solve succeeded.

Problem solved on [17] point grid(s).
Expanding domain to accommodate flame thickness. New width: 0.12 m
Refining grid in flame.
    New points inserted after grid points 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12
    to resolve H H2 H2NO H2O H2O2 HNO HNOH HO2 HONO N N2 N2H3 N2H4 N2O NH NH2 NH2OH NH3 NO NO2 O O2 OH T cHNNH tHNNH velocity

*********** Solving on 30 point grid with energy equation enabled ************


Attempt Newton solution of steady-state problem.
Newton steady-state solve failed.

Attempt 10 timesteps.
Final timestep info: dt= 0.0002563  log(ss)= 4.156

Attempt Newton solution of steady-state problem.
Newton steady-state solve failed.

Attempt 10 timesteps.
Final timestep info: dt= 0.00146    log(ss)= 3.757

Attempt Newton solution of steady-state problem.
Newton steady-state solve failed.

Attempt 10 timesteps.
Final timestep info: dt= 0.0002923  log(ss)= 5.073

Attempt Newton solution of steady-state problem.
Newton steady-state solve failed.

Attempt 10 timesteps.
Final timestep info: dt= 0.003329   log(ss)= 3.758

Attempt Newton solution of steady-state problem.
Newton steady-state solve failed.

Attempt 10 timesteps.
Final timestep info: dt= 0.001777   log(ss)= 3.78

Attempt Newton solution of steady-state problem.
Newton steady-state solve failed.

Attempt 10 timesteps.
Final timestep info: dt= 0.0004745  log(ss)= 4.107

Attempt Newton solution of steady-state problem.
Newton steady-state solve failed.

Attempt 10 timesteps.
Final timestep info: dt= 0.008108   log(ss)= 3.223

Attempt Newton solution of steady-state problem.
Newton steady-state solve failed.

Attempt 10 timesteps.
Final timestep info: dt= 0.2078     log(ss)= 1.286

Attempt Newton solution of steady-state problem.
Newton steady-state solve succeeded.

Problem solved on [30] point grid(s).

grid refinement disabled.

******************** Solving with grid refinement enabled ********************


Attempt Newton solution of steady-state problem.
Newton steady-state solve succeeded.

Problem solved on [30] point grid(s).

Refining grid in flame.
    New points inserted after grid points 1 2 3 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19
    to resolve H H2 H2NO H2O H2O2 HNO HNOH HO2 HONO N N2 N2H3 N2H4 N2O NH NH2 NH2OH NH3 NO NO2 NO3 O O2 OH T cHNNH tHNNH velocity


Attempt Newton solution of steady-state problem.
Newton steady-state solve failed.

Attempt 10 timesteps.
Final timestep info: dt= 0.0002563  log(ss)= 4.122

Attempt Newton solution of steady-state problem.
Newton steady-state solve failed.

Attempt 10 timesteps.
Final timestep info: dt= 0.001095   log(ss)= 4.114

Attempt Newton solution of steady-state problem.
Newton steady-state solve failed.

Attempt 10 timesteps.
Final timestep info: dt= 0.0187     log(ss)= 2.761

Attempt Newton solution of steady-state problem.
Newton steady-state solve failed.

Attempt 10 timesteps.
Final timestep info: dt= 0.002497   log(ss)= 3.373

Attempt Newton solution of steady-state problem.
Newton steady-state solve failed.

Attempt 10 timesteps.
Final timestep info: dt= 0.003555   log(ss)= 3.927

Attempt Newton solution of steady-state problem.
Newton steady-state solve failed.

Attempt 10 timesteps.
Final timestep info: dt= 0.02025    log(ss)= 2.714

Attempt Newton solution of steady-state problem.
Newton steady-state solve failed.

Attempt 10 timesteps.
Final timestep info: dt= 0.005405   log(ss)= 3.191

Attempt Newton solution of steady-state problem.
Newton steady-state solve succeeded.

Problem solved on [48] point grid(s).

Refining grid in flame.
    New points inserted after grid points 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33
    to resolve H H2 H2NO H2O H2O2 HNO HNOH HO2 HONO N N2 N2H3 N2H4 N2O NH NH2 NH2OH NH3 NO NO2 O O2 OH T cHNNH tHNNH velocity


Attempt Newton solution of steady-state problem.
Newton steady-state solve failed.

Attempt 10 timesteps.
Final timestep info: dt= 0.0003844  log(ss)= 4.069

Attempt Newton solution of steady-state problem.
Newton steady-state solve failed.

Attempt 10 timesteps.
Final timestep info: dt= 0.009853   log(ss)= 3.088

Attempt Newton solution of steady-state problem.
Newton steady-state solve succeeded.

Problem solved on [64] point grid(s).

Refining grid in flame.
    New points inserted after grid points 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43
    to resolve H H2 H2NN H2NO H2O H2O2 HNO HNOH HO2 HONO N N2 N2H3 N2H4 N2O NH NH2 NH2OH NH3 NO NO2 O O2 OH T cHNNH tHNNH velocity


Attempt Newton solution of steady-state problem.
Newton steady-state solve succeeded.

Problem solved on [86] point grid(s).

Refining grid in flame.
    New points inserted after grid points 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 57
    to resolve H H2 H2NO H2O H2O2 HNO HNOH HO2 HONO N N2 N2H3 N2H4 N2O NH NH2 NH2OH NH3 NO NO2 O O2 OH T cHNNH tHNNH velocity


Attempt Newton solution of steady-state problem.
Newton steady-state solve succeeded.

Problem solved on [114] point grid(s).

Refining grid in flame.
    New points inserted after grid points 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 59 60 61 62 63 64 65 66 67 68 69 70 71 72 73 74 75
    to resolve H H2 H2NO H2O H2O2 HNO HNOH HO2 HONO N N2 N2H3 N2H4 N2O NH NH2 NH2OH NH3 NO NO2 O O2 OH T cHNNH tHNNH velocity


Attempt Newton solution of steady-state problem.
Newton steady-state solve succeeded.

Problem solved on [144] point grid(s).

Refining grid in flame.
    New points inserted after grid points 81 82 83 84 85 86 87 88 89 90 91 92 93 94 95 96 97 98 99 100


Attempt Newton solution of steady-state problem.
Newton steady-state solve succeeded.

Problem solved on [164] point grid(s).

Refining grid in flame.
    New points inserted after grid points 80
    to resolve NH


Attempt Newton solution of steady-state problem.
Newton steady-state solve succeeded.

Problem solved on [165] point grid(s).

no new points needed in flame

************ Solving on 8 point grid with energy equation enabled ************


Attempt Newton solution of steady-state problem.
Newton steady-state solve failed.

Attempt 10 timesteps.
Final timestep info: dt= 6.407e-05  log(ss)= 4.493

Attempt Newton solution of steady-state problem.
Newton steady-state solve failed.

Attempt 10 timesteps.
Final timestep info: dt= 0.001095   log(ss)= 3.527

Attempt Newton solution of steady-state problem.
Newton steady-state solve failed.

Attempt 10 timesteps.
Final timestep info: dt= 0.02806    log(ss)= 2.802

Attempt Newton solution of steady-state problem.
Newton steady-state solve succeeded.

Problem solved on [9] point grid(s).
Expanding domain to accommodate flame thickness. New width: 0.06 m
Refining grid in flame.
    New points inserted after grid points 0 1 2 3 4 5 6
    to resolve H H2 H2NN H2NO H2O H2O2 HNO HNO2 HNOH HO2 HONO N N2 N2H3 N2H4 N2O NH NH2 NH2OH NH3 NO NO2 O O2 OH T cHNNH tHNNH velocity

*********** Solving on 16 point grid with energy equation enabled ************


Attempt Newton solution of steady-state problem.
Newton steady-state solve failed.

Attempt 10 timesteps.
Final timestep info: dt= 6.407e-05  log(ss)= 4.367

Attempt Newton solution of steady-state problem.
Newton steady-state solve failed.

Attempt 10 timesteps.
Final timestep info: dt= 0.001642   log(ss)= 4.318

Attempt Newton solution of steady-state problem.
Newton steady-state solve failed.

Attempt 10 timesteps.
Final timestep info: dt= 0.0002192  log(ss)= 4.36

Attempt Newton solution of steady-state problem.
Newton steady-state solve failed.

Attempt 10 timesteps.
Final timestep info: dt= 0.003745   log(ss)= 3.636

Attempt Newton solution of steady-state problem.
Newton steady-state solve succeeded.

Problem solved on [16] point grid(s).

grid refinement disabled.

******************** Solving with grid refinement enabled ********************


Attempt Newton solution of steady-state problem.
Newton steady-state solve succeeded.

Problem solved on [16] point grid(s).

Refining grid in flame.
    New points inserted after grid points 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11
    to resolve H H2 H2NN H2NO H2O H2O2 HNO HNOH HO2 HONO N N2 N2H3 N2H4 N2O NH NH2 NH2OH NH3 NO NO2 O O2 OH T cHNNH tHNNH velocity


Attempt Newton solution of steady-state problem.
Newton steady-state solve failed.

Attempt 10 timesteps.
Final timestep info: dt= 0.0002563  log(ss)= 4.299

Attempt Newton solution of steady-state problem.
Newton steady-state solve failed.

Attempt 10 timesteps.
Final timestep info: dt= 0.0003649  log(ss)= 4.535

Attempt Newton solution of steady-state problem.
Newton steady-state solve succeeded.

Problem solved on [27] point grid(s).

Refining grid in flame.
    New points inserted after grid points 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 23
    to resolve H H2 H2NN H2NO H2O H2O2 HNO HNOH HO2 HONO N N2 N2H3 N2H4 N2O NH NH2 NH2OH NH3 NO NO2 O O2 OH T cHNNH point 23 tHNNH velocity


Attempt Newton solution of steady-state problem.
Newton steady-state solve failed.

Attempt 10 timesteps.
Final timestep info: dt= 0.0001709  log(ss)= 5.251

Attempt Newton solution of steady-state problem.
Newton steady-state solve failed.

Attempt 10 timesteps.
Final timestep info: dt= 0.0009731  log(ss)= 4.585

Attempt Newton solution of steady-state problem.
Newton steady-state solve failed.

Attempt 10 timesteps.
Final timestep info: dt= 0.002463   log(ss)= 3.867

Attempt Newton solution of steady-state problem.
Newton steady-state solve failed.

Attempt 10 timesteps.
Final timestep info: dt= 0.02806    log(ss)= 2.667

Attempt Newton solution of steady-state problem.
Newton steady-state solve succeeded.

Problem solved on [43] point grid(s).

Refining grid in flame.
    New points inserted after grid points 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28
    to resolve H H2 H2NN H2NO H2O H2O2 HNO HNOH HO2 HONO N N2 N2H3 N2H4 N2O NH NH2 NH2OH NH3 NO NO2 O O2 OH T cHNNH tHNNH velocity


Attempt Newton solution of steady-state problem.
Newton steady-state solve succeeded.

Problem solved on [59] point grid(s).

Refining grid in flame.
    New points inserted after grid points 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40
    to resolve H H2 H2NN H2NO H2O H2O2 HNO HNOH HO2 HONO N N2 N2H3 N2H4 N2O NH NH2 NH2OH NH3 NO NO2 O O2 OH T cHNNH tHNNH velocity


Attempt Newton solution of steady-state problem.
Newton steady-state solve succeeded.

Problem solved on [84] point grid(s).

Refining grid in flame.
    New points inserted after grid points 12 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 53 54 55 58 59 60
    to resolve H H2 H2NN H2NO H2O H2O2 HNO HNOH HO2 HONO N N2 N2H3 N2H4 N2O NH NH2 NH2OH NH3 NO NO2 O O2 OH T cHNNH tHNNH velocity


Attempt Newton solution of steady-state problem.
Newton steady-state solve succeeded.

Problem solved on [119] point grid(s).

Refining grid in flame.
    New points inserted after grid points 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 59 60 61 62 63 64 65 66 67 68 69 70 71 72 73 74 75 76 77 78
    to resolve H H2 H2NO H2O2 HNO HNOH HO2 HONO N N2H3 N2H4 N2O NH NH2 NH2OH NO NO2 O OH cHNNH tHNNH


Attempt Newton solution of steady-state problem.
Newton steady-state solve succeeded.

Problem solved on [155] point grid(s).

Refining grid in flame.
    New points inserted after grid points 25 90 91 92 93 94 95 96 97 98 100 101 102 103 104 105 106
    to resolve H2O2 HNO N NH NH2 cHNNH tHNNH


Attempt Newton solution of steady-state problem.
Newton steady-state solve succeeded.

Problem solved on [172] point grid(s).

Refining grid in flame.
    New points inserted after grid points 109
    to resolve NH


Attempt Newton solution of steady-state problem.
Newton steady-state solve succeeded.

Problem solved on [173] point grid(s).

no new points needed in flame

************ Solving on 8 point grid with energy equation enabled ************


Attempt Newton solution of steady-state problem.
Newton steady-state solve failed.

Attempt 10 timesteps.
Final timestep info: dt= 3.204e-05  log(ss)= 4.719

Attempt Newton solution of steady-state problem.
Newton steady-state solve failed.

Attempt 10 timesteps.
Final timestep info: dt= 0.0008211  log(ss)= 3.581

Attempt Newton solution of steady-state problem.
Newton steady-state solve failed.

Attempt 10 timesteps.
Final timestep info: dt= 0.02104    log(ss)= 3.223

Attempt Newton solution of steady-state problem.
Newton steady-state solve succeeded.

Problem solved on [9] point grid(s).
Expanding domain to accommodate flame thickness. New width: 0.06 m
Refining grid in flame.
    New points inserted after grid points 0 1 2 3 4 5 6
    to resolve H H2 H2NN H2NO H2O H2O2 HNO HNOH HO2 HONO N N2 N2H3 N2H4 N2O NH NH2 NH2OH NH3 NO NO2 O O2 OH T cHNNH tHNNH velocity

*********** Solving on 16 point grid with energy equation enabled ************


Attempt Newton solution of steady-state problem.
Newton steady-state solve failed.

Attempt 10 timesteps.
Final timestep info: dt= 3.204e-05  log(ss)= 4.705

Attempt Newton solution of steady-state problem.
Newton steady-state solve failed.

Attempt 10 timesteps.
Final timestep info: dt= 0.0002053  log(ss)= 5.261

Attempt Newton solution of steady-state problem.
Newton steady-state solve failed.

Attempt 10 timesteps.
Final timestep info: dt= 0.0001461  log(ss)= 4.501

Attempt Newton solution of steady-state problem.
Newton steady-state solve failed.

Attempt 10 timesteps.
Final timestep info: dt= 0.003745   log(ss)= 3.77

Attempt Newton solution of steady-state problem.
Newton steady-state solve failed.

Attempt 10 timesteps.
Final timestep info: dt= 0.06399    log(ss)= 2.379

Attempt Newton solution of steady-state problem.
Newton steady-state solve succeeded.

Problem solved on [16] point grid(s).

grid refinement disabled.

******************** Solving with grid refinement enabled ********************


Attempt Newton solution of steady-state problem.
Newton steady-state solve succeeded.

Problem solved on [16] point grid(s).

Refining grid in flame.
    New points inserted after grid points 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11
    to resolve H H2 H2NN H2NO H2O H2O2 HNO HNOH HO2 HONO N N2 N2H3 N2H4 N2O NH NH2 NH2OH NH3 NO NO2 O O2 OH T cHNNH tHNNH velocity


Attempt Newton solution of steady-state problem.
Newton steady-state solve failed.

Attempt 10 timesteps.
Final timestep info: dt= 0.0001709  log(ss)= 5.245

Attempt Newton solution of steady-state problem.
Newton steady-state solve failed.

Attempt 10 timesteps.
Final timestep info: dt= 0.0002433  log(ss)= 4.651

Attempt Newton solution of steady-state problem.
Newton steady-state solve failed.

Attempt 10 timesteps.
Final timestep info: dt= 0.004157   log(ss)= 3.87

Attempt Newton solution of steady-state problem.
Newton steady-state solve failed.

Attempt 10 timesteps.
Final timestep info: dt= 0.0001849  log(ss)= 5.151

Attempt Newton solution of steady-state problem.
Newton steady-state solve failed.

Attempt 10 timesteps.
Final timestep info: dt= 0.000395   log(ss)= 4.715

Attempt Newton solution of steady-state problem.
Newton steady-state solve failed.

Attempt 10 timesteps.
Final timestep info: dt= 0.0005624  log(ss)= 4.487

Attempt Newton solution of steady-state problem.
Newton steady-state solve succeeded.

Problem solved on [27] point grid(s).

Refining grid in flame.
    New points inserted after grid points 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 23
    to resolve H H2 H2NN H2NO H2O H2O2 HNO HNOH HO2 HONO N N2 N2H3 N2H4 N2O NH NH2 NH2OH NH3 NO NO2 O O2 OH T cHNNH point 23 tHNNH velocity


Attempt Newton solution of steady-state problem.
Newton steady-state solve failed.

Attempt 10 timesteps.
Final timestep info: dt= 0.0002563  log(ss)= 5.061

Attempt Newton solution of steady-state problem.
Newton steady-state solve failed.

Attempt 10 timesteps.
Final timestep info: dt= 0.004379   log(ss)= 3.874

Attempt Newton solution of steady-state problem.
Newton steady-state solve failed.

Attempt 10 timesteps.
Final timestep info: dt= 0.1122     log(ss)= 1.477

Attempt Newton solution of steady-state problem.
Newton steady-state solve succeeded.

Problem solved on [41] point grid(s).

Refining grid in flame.
    New points inserted after grid points 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26
    to resolve H H2 H2NN H2NO H2O H2O2 HNO HNOH HO2 HONO N N2 N2H3 N2H4 N2O NH NH2 NH2OH NH3 NNH NO NO2 O O2 OH T cHNNH tHNNH velocity


Attempt Newton solution of steady-state problem.
Newton steady-state solve succeeded.

Problem solved on [57] point grid(s).

Refining grid in flame.
    New points inserted after grid points 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38
    to resolve H H2 H2NN H2NO H2O H2O2 HNO HNOH HO2 HONO N N2 N2H3 N2H4 N2O NH NH2 NH2OH NH3 NNH NO NO2 O O2 OH T cHNNH tHNNH velocity


Attempt Newton solution of steady-state problem.
Newton steady-state solve succeeded.

Problem solved on [80] point grid(s).

Refining grid in flame.
    New points inserted after grid points 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49
    to resolve H H2 H2NN H2NO H2O H2O2 HNO HNOH HO2 HONO N N2 N2H3 N2H4 N2O NH NH2 NH2OH NH3 NO NO2 O O2 OH T cHNNH tHNNH velocity


Attempt Newton solution of steady-state problem.
Newton steady-state solve succeeded.

Problem solved on [109] point grid(s).

Refining grid in flame.
    New points inserted after grid points 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 59 60 61 62 63 64 65 66 67 68 69


Attempt Newton solution of steady-state problem.
Newton steady-state solve succeeded.

Problem solved on [140] point grid(s).

Refining grid in flame.
    New points inserted after grid points 52 53 54 72 73 74 75 76 77 78 79 80 81 82 83 84 85 86 87 88 89 90 91 92 93 94
    to resolve HNO N N2H3 NH NH2 cHNNH tHNNH


Attempt Newton solution of steady-state problem.
Newton steady-state solve succeeded.

Problem solved on [166] point grid(s).

no new points needed in flame

************ Solving on 8 point grid with energy equation enabled ************


Attempt Newton solution of steady-state problem.
Newton steady-state solve failed.

Attempt 10 timesteps.
Final timestep info: dt= 1.602e-05  log(ss)= 5.016

Attempt Newton solution of steady-state problem.
Newton steady-state solve failed.

Attempt 10 timesteps.
Final timestep info: dt= 0.0004105  log(ss)= 4.007

Attempt Newton solution of steady-state problem.
Newton steady-state solve failed.

Attempt 10 timesteps.
Final timestep info: dt= 0.01052    log(ss)= 3.479

Attempt Newton solution of steady-state problem.
Newton steady-state solve succeeded.

Problem solved on [9] point grid(s).
Expanding domain to accommodate flame thickness. New width: 0.06 m
Refining grid in flame.
    New points inserted after grid points 0 1 2 3 4 5 6
    to resolve H H2 H2NN H2NO H2O H2O2 HNO HNOH HO2 HONO N N2 N2H3 N2H4 N2O NH NH2 NH2OH NH3 NO NO2 O O2 OH T cHNNH tHNNH velocity

*********** Solving on 16 point grid with energy equation enabled ************


Attempt Newton solution of steady-state problem.
Newton steady-state solve failed.

Attempt 10 timesteps.
Final timestep info: dt= 1.602e-05  log(ss)= 4.886

Attempt Newton solution of steady-state problem.
Newton steady-state solve failed.

Attempt 10 timesteps.
Final timestep info: dt= 6.842e-05  log(ss)= 5.641

Attempt Newton solution of steady-state problem.
Newton steady-state solve failed.

Attempt 10 timesteps.
Final timestep info: dt= 0.0001948  log(ss)= 4.472

Attempt Newton solution of steady-state problem.
Newton steady-state solve failed.

Attempt 10 timesteps.
Final timestep info: dt= 0.004994   log(ss)= 3.733

Attempt Newton solution of steady-state problem.
Newton steady-state solve succeeded.

Problem solved on [16] point grid(s).

grid refinement disabled.

******************** Solving with grid refinement enabled ********************


Attempt Newton solution of steady-state problem.
Newton steady-state solve succeeded.

Problem solved on [16] point grid(s).

Refining grid in flame.
    New points inserted after grid points 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11
    to resolve H H2 H2NN H2NO H2O H2O2 HNO HNOH HO2 HONO N N2 N2H3 N2H4 N2O NH NH2 NH2OH NH3 NO NO2 O O2 OH T cHNNH tHNNH velocity


Attempt Newton solution of steady-state problem.
Newton steady-state solve failed.

Attempt 10 timesteps.
Final timestep info: dt= 8.543e-05  log(ss)= 6.031

Attempt Newton solution of steady-state problem.
Newton steady-state solve failed.

Attempt 10 timesteps.
Final timestep info: dt= 0.00146    log(ss)= 4.667

Attempt Newton solution of steady-state problem.
Newton steady-state solve failed.

Attempt 10 timesteps.
Final timestep info: dt= 9.742e-05  log(ss)= 5.344

Attempt Newton solution of steady-state problem.
Newton steady-state solve failed.

Attempt 10 timesteps.
Final timestep info: dt= 0.000104   log(ss)= 5.83

Attempt Newton solution of steady-state problem.
Newton steady-state solve failed.

Attempt 10 timesteps.
Final timestep info: dt= 0.001185   log(ss)= 4.108

Attempt Newton solution of steady-state problem.
Newton steady-state solve failed.

Attempt 10 timesteps.
Final timestep info: dt= 0.0006327  log(ss)= 4.561

Attempt Newton solution of steady-state problem.
Newton steady-state solve failed.

Attempt 10 timesteps.
Final timestep info: dt= 0.001351   log(ss)= 3.556

Attempt Newton solution of steady-state problem.
Newton steady-state solve succeeded.

Problem solved on [27] point grid(s).

Refining grid in flame.
    New points inserted after grid points 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 23
    to resolve H H2 H2NN H2NO H2O H2O2 HNO HNOH HO2 HONO N N2 N2H3 N2H4 N2O NH NH2 NH2OH NH3 NNH NO NO2 O O2 OH T cHNNH point 23 tHNNH velocity


Attempt Newton solution of steady-state problem.
Newton steady-state solve succeeded.

Problem solved on [38] point grid(s).

Refining grid in flame.
    New points inserted after grid points 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24
    to resolve H H2 H2NN H2NO H2O H2O2 HNO HNOH HO2 HONO N N2 N2H3 N2H4 N2O NH NH2 NH2OH NH3 NNH NO NO2 O O2 OH T cHNNH tHNNH velocity


Attempt Newton solution of steady-state problem.
Newton steady-state solve succeeded.

Problem solved on [53] point grid(s).

Refining grid in flame.
    New points inserted after grid points 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 34 35
    to resolve H H2 H2NN H2NO H2O H2O2 HNO HNOH HO2 HONO N N2 N2H3 N2H4 N2O NH NH2 NH2OH NH3 NNH NO NO2 O O2 OH T cHNNH tHNNH velocity


Attempt Newton solution of steady-state problem.
Newton steady-state solve succeeded.

Problem solved on [74] point grid(s).

Refining grid in flame.
    New points inserted after grid points 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43
    to resolve H H2 H2NN H2NO H2O H2O2 HNO HNOH HO2 HONO N N2 N2H3 N2H4 N2O NH NH2 NH2OH NH3 NNH NO NO2 O O2 OH T cHNNH tHNNH velocity


Attempt Newton solution of steady-state problem.
Newton steady-state solve succeeded.

Problem solved on [101] point grid(s).

Refining grid in flame.
    New points inserted after grid points 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 59 60 61 62 63
    to resolve H H2 H2NN H2NO H2O2 HNO HNOH HO2 HONO N N2 N2H3 N2H4 N2O NH NH2 NH2OH NH3 NO NO2 O OH cHNNH tHNNH


Attempt Newton solution of steady-state problem.
Newton steady-state solve succeeded.

Problem solved on [138] point grid(s).

Refining grid in flame.
    New points inserted after grid points 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 70 71 72 73 74 75 76 77 78 79 80 81 82 83 84 85 86 87 88 89 90 91 92
    to resolve H2NN H2O2 HNO N N2H3 NH NH2 cHNNH tHNNH


Attempt Newton solution of steady-state problem.
Newton steady-state solve succeeded.

Problem solved on [168] point grid(s).

no new points needed in flame

************ Solving on 8 point grid with energy equation enabled ************


Attempt Newton solution of steady-state problem.
Newton steady-state solve failed.

Attempt 10 timesteps.
Final timestep info: dt= 1.602e-05  log(ss)= 5.055

Attempt Newton solution of steady-state problem.
Newton steady-state solve failed.

Attempt 10 timesteps.
Final timestep info: dt= 0.0004105  log(ss)= 4.219

Attempt Newton solution of steady-state problem.
Newton steady-state solve failed.

Attempt 10 timesteps.
Final timestep info: dt= 0.01052    log(ss)= 3.505

Attempt Newton solution of steady-state problem.
Newton steady-state solve succeeded.

Problem solved on [9] point grid(s).
Expanding domain to accommodate flame thickness. New width: 0.06 m
Refining grid in flame.
    New points inserted after grid points 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7
    to resolve H H2 H2NN H2NO H2O H2O2 HNO HNOH HO2 HONO N N2 N2H3 N2H4 N2O NH NH2 NH2OH NH3 NO NO2 O O2 OH T cHNNH tHNNH velocity

*********** Solving on 17 point grid with energy equation enabled ************


Attempt Newton solution of steady-state problem.
Newton steady-state solve failed.

Attempt 10 timesteps.
Final timestep info: dt= 1.068e-05  log(ss)= 4.957

Attempt Newton solution of steady-state problem.
Newton steady-state solve failed.

Attempt 10 timesteps.
Final timestep info: dt= 0.0001368  log(ss)= 5.863

Attempt Newton solution of steady-state problem.
Newton steady-state solve failed.

Attempt 10 timesteps.
Final timestep info: dt= 0.0004384  log(ss)= 4.357

Attempt Newton solution of steady-state problem.
Newton steady-state solve failed.

Attempt 10 timesteps.
Final timestep info: dt= 0.0007022  log(ss)= 4.611

Attempt Newton solution of steady-state problem.
Newton steady-state solve failed.

Attempt 10 timesteps.
Final timestep info: dt= 0.0001875  log(ss)= 4.846

Attempt Newton solution of steady-state problem.
Newton steady-state solve failed.

Attempt 10 timesteps.
Final timestep info: dt= 0.003203   log(ss)= 3.567

Attempt Newton solution of steady-state problem.
Newton steady-state solve succeeded.

Problem solved on [17] point grid(s).

grid refinement disabled.

******************** Solving with grid refinement enabled ********************


Attempt Newton solution of steady-state problem.
Newton steady-state solve succeeded.

Problem solved on [17] point grid(s).

Refining grid in flame.
    New points inserted after grid points 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
    to resolve H H2 H2NN H2NO H2O H2O2 HNO HNOH HO2 HONO N N2 N2H3 N2H4 N2O NH NH2 NH2OH NH3 NO NO2 O O2 OH T cHNNH tHNNH velocity


Attempt Newton solution of steady-state problem.
Newton steady-state solve failed.

Attempt 10 timesteps.
Final timestep info: dt= 0.0001709  log(ss)= 5.779

Attempt Newton solution of steady-state problem.
Newton steady-state solve failed.

Attempt 10 timesteps.
Final timestep info: dt= 0.0004865  log(ss)= 5.028

Attempt Newton solution of steady-state problem.
Newton steady-state solve failed.

Attempt 10 timesteps.
Final timestep info: dt= 0.002078   log(ss)= 3.743

Attempt Newton solution of steady-state problem.
Newton steady-state solve succeeded.

Problem solved on [25] point grid(s).

Refining grid in flame.
    New points inserted after grid points 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15
    to resolve H H2 H2NN H2NO H2O H2O2 HNO HNOH HO2 HONO N N2 N2H3 N2H4 N2O NH NH2 NH2OH NH3 NNH NO NO2 O O2 OH T cHNNH tHNNH velocity


Attempt Newton solution of steady-state problem.
Newton steady-state solve succeeded.

Problem solved on [35] point grid(s).

Refining grid in flame.
    New points inserted after grid points 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22
    to resolve H H2 H2NN H2NO H2O H2O2 HNO HNOH HO2 HONO N N2 N2H3 N2H4 N2O NH NH2 NH2OH NH3 NNH NO NO2 O O2 OH T cHNNH tHNNH velocity


Attempt Newton solution of steady-state problem.
Newton steady-state solve succeeded.

Problem solved on [50] point grid(s).

Refining grid in flame.
    New points inserted after grid points 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 32
    to resolve H H2 H2NN H2NO H2O H2O2 HNO HNOH HO2 HONO N N2 N2H3 N2H4 N2O NH NH2 NH2OH NH3 NNH NO NO2 O O2 OH T cHNNH tHNNH velocity


Attempt Newton solution of steady-state problem.
Newton steady-state solve succeeded.

Problem solved on [70] point grid(s).

Refining grid in flame.
    New points inserted after grid points 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39
    to resolve H H2 H2NN H2NO H2O H2O2 HNO HNOH HO2 HONO N N2 N2H3 N2H4 N2O NH NH2 NH2OH NH3 NNH NO NO2 O O2 OH T cHNNH tHNNH velocity


Attempt Newton solution of steady-state problem.
Newton steady-state solve succeeded.

Problem solved on [95] point grid(s).

Refining grid in flame.
    New points inserted after grid points 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 59 60
    to resolve H H2 H2NN H2NO H2O2 HNO HNOH HO2 N N2H3 N2H4 N2O NH NH2 NH2OH NH3 NO NO2 O OH cHNNH tHNNH


Attempt Newton solution of steady-state problem.
Newton steady-state solve succeeded.

Problem solved on [134] point grid(s).

Refining grid in flame.
    New points inserted after grid points 41 42 43 44 48 49 50 51 52 53 54 55 66 67 68 69 70 71 72 73 74 75 76 77 78 79 80 81 82 83 84 85 86 87 88 89 90
    to resolve H2NN H2O2 N N2H3 NH NH2 cHNNH tHNNH


Attempt Newton solution of steady-state problem.
Newton steady-state solve succeeded.

Problem solved on [171] point grid(s).

no new points needed in flame

************ Solving on 8 point grid with energy equation enabled ************


Attempt Newton solution of steady-state problem.
Newton steady-state solve failed.

Attempt 10 timesteps.
Final timestep info: dt= 6.407e-05  log(ss)= 4.798

Attempt Newton solution of steady-state problem.
Newton steady-state solve failed.

Attempt 10 timesteps.
Final timestep info: dt= 0.002463   log(ss)= 3.757

Attempt Newton solution of steady-state problem.
Newton steady-state solve failed.

Attempt 10 timesteps.
Final timestep info: dt= 0.06313    log(ss)= 2.323

Attempt Newton solution of steady-state problem.
Newton steady-state solve succeeded.

Problem solved on [9] point grid(s).
Expanding domain to accommodate flame thickness. New width: 0.06 m
Refining grid in flame.
    New points inserted after grid points 0 1 2 3 4 5 6
    to resolve H H2 H2NN H2NO H2O H2O2 HNO HNOH HO2 HONO N N2 N2H3 N2H4 N2O NH NH2 NH2OH NH3 NO NO2 O O2 OH T cHNNH tHNNH velocity

*********** Solving on 16 point grid with energy equation enabled ************


Attempt Newton solution of steady-state problem.
Newton steady-state solve failed.

Attempt 10 timesteps.
Final timestep info: dt= 6.407e-05  log(ss)= 5.615

Attempt Newton solution of steady-state problem.
Newton steady-state solve failed.

Attempt 10 timesteps.
Final timestep info: dt= 0.0004865  log(ss)= 4.51

Attempt Newton solution of steady-state problem.
Newton steady-state solve failed.

Attempt 10 timesteps.
Final timestep info: dt= 0.0002309  log(ss)= 5.678

Attempt Newton solution of steady-state problem.
Newton steady-state solve failed.

Attempt 10 timesteps.
Final timestep info: dt= 0.001754   log(ss)= 4.15

Attempt Newton solution of steady-state problem.
Newton steady-state solve failed.

Attempt 10 timesteps.
Final timestep info: dt= 0.0008323  log(ss)= 3.932

Attempt Newton solution of steady-state problem.
Newton steady-state solve succeeded.

Problem solved on [16] point grid(s).

grid refinement disabled.

******************** Solving with grid refinement enabled ********************


Attempt Newton solution of steady-state problem.
Newton steady-state solve succeeded.

Problem solved on [16] point grid(s).

Refining grid in flame.
    New points inserted after grid points 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
    to resolve H H2 H2NN H2NO H2O H2O2 HNO HNO2 HNOH HO2 HONO HONO2 N N2 N2H3 N2H4 N2O NH NH2 NH2OH NH3 NNH NO NO2 O O2 OH T cHNNH tHNNH velocity


Attempt Newton solution of steady-state problem.
Newton steady-state solve failed.

Attempt 10 timesteps.
Final timestep info: dt= 0.0002563  log(ss)= 4.834

Attempt Newton solution of steady-state problem.
Newton steady-state solve succeeded.

Problem solved on [24] point grid(s).

Refining grid in flame.
    New points inserted after grid points 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16
    to resolve H H2 H2NN H2NO H2O H2O2 HNO HNOH HO2 HONO N N2 N2H3 N2H4 N2O NH NH2 NH2OH NH3 NNH NO NO2 O O2 OH T cHNNH tHNNH velocity


Attempt Newton solution of steady-state problem.
Newton steady-state solve succeeded.

Problem solved on [36] point grid(s).

Refining grid in flame.
    New points inserted after grid points 4 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23
    to resolve H H2 H2NN H2NO H2O H2O2 HNO HNOH HO2 HONO N N2 N2H3 N2H4 N2O NH NH2 NH2OH NH3 NNH NO NO2 O O2 OH T cHNNH point 4 tHNNH velocity


Attempt Newton solution of steady-state problem.
Newton steady-state solve succeeded.

Problem solved on [53] point grid(s).

Refining grid in flame.
    New points inserted after grid points 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 35 36
    to resolve H H2 H2NN H2NO H2O H2O2 HNO HNOH HO2 HONO N N2 N2H3 N2H4 N2O NH NH2 NH2OH NH3 NNH NO NO2 O O2 OH T cHNNH tHNNH velocity


Attempt Newton solution of steady-state problem.
Newton steady-state solve succeeded.

Problem solved on [74] point grid(s).

Refining grid in flame.
    New points inserted after grid points 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41
    to resolve H H2 H2NN H2NO H2O H2O2 HNO HNOH HO2 HONO N N2 N2H3 N2H4 N2O NH NH2 NH2OH NH3 NNH NO NO2 O O2 OH T cHNNH tHNNH velocity


Attempt Newton solution of steady-state problem.
Newton steady-state solve succeeded.

Problem solved on [99] point grid(s).

Refining grid in flame.
    New points inserted after grid points 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 59 60 61 62


Attempt Newton solution of steady-state problem.
Newton steady-state solve succeeded.

Problem solved on [139] point grid(s).

Refining grid in flame.
    New points inserted after grid points 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 72 73 74 75 76
    to resolve H2NN H2O2 N N2H3 N2H4 cHNNH tHNNH


Attempt Newton solution of steady-state problem.
Newton steady-state solve succeeded.

Problem solved on [161] point grid(s).

Refining grid in flame.
    New points inserted after grid points 88
    to resolve tHNNH


Attempt Newton solution of steady-state problem.
Newton steady-state solve succeeded.

Problem solved on [162] point grid(s).

no new points needed in flame

************ Solving on 8 point grid with energy equation enabled ************


Attempt Newton solution of steady-state problem.
Newton steady-state solve failed.

Attempt 10 timesteps.
Final timestep info: dt= 0.0001709  log(ss)= 4.252

Attempt Newton solution of steady-state problem.
Newton steady-state solve failed.

Attempt 10 timesteps.
Final timestep info: dt= 0.004379   log(ss)= 3.609

Attempt Newton solution of steady-state problem.
Newton steady-state solve failed.

Attempt 10 timesteps.
Final timestep info: dt= 0.07482    log(ss)= 2.033

Attempt Newton solution of steady-state problem.
Newton steady-state solve succeeded.

Problem solved on [9] point grid(s).
Expanding domain to accommodate flame thickness. New width: 0.06 m
Refining grid in flame.
    New points inserted after grid points 0 1 2 3 4 5 6
    to resolve H H2 H2NN H2NO H2O H2O2 HNO HNOH HO2 HONO N N2 N2H3 N2H4 N2O NH NH2 NH2OH NH3 NO NO2 O O2 OH T cHNNH tHNNH velocity

*********** Solving on 16 point grid with energy equation enabled ************


Attempt Newton solution of steady-state problem.
Newton steady-state solve failed.

Attempt 10 timesteps.
Final timestep info: dt= 7.594e-05  log(ss)= 5.951

Attempt Newton solution of steady-state problem.
Newton steady-state solve failed.

Attempt 10 timesteps.
Final timestep info: dt= 0.0006487  log(ss)= 4.915

Attempt Newton solution of steady-state problem.
Newton steady-state solve failed.

Attempt 10 timesteps.
Final timestep info: dt= 0.001232   log(ss)= 4.469

Attempt Newton solution of steady-state problem.
Newton steady-state solve failed.

Attempt 10 timesteps.
Final timestep info: dt= 0.0007794  log(ss)= 4.49

Attempt Newton solution of steady-state problem.
Newton steady-state solve succeeded.

Problem solved on [16] point grid(s).

grid refinement disabled.

******************** Solving with grid refinement enabled ********************


Attempt Newton solution of steady-state problem.
Newton steady-state solve succeeded.

Problem solved on [16] point grid(s).

Refining grid in flame.
    New points inserted after grid points 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
    to resolve H H2 H2NN H2NO H2O H2O2 HNO HNO2 HNOH HO2 HONO HONO2 N N2 N2H3 N2H4 N2O NH NH2 NH2OH NH3 NNH NO NO2 O O2 OH T cHNNH tHNNH velocity


Attempt Newton solution of steady-state problem.
Newton steady-state solve succeeded.

Problem solved on [24] point grid(s).

Refining grid in flame.
    New points inserted after grid points 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14
    to resolve H H2 H2NN H2NO H2O H2O2 HNO HNOH HO2 HONO N N2 N2H3 N2H4 N2O NH NH2 NH2OH NH3 NNH NO NO2 O O2 OH T cHNNH tHNNH velocity


Attempt Newton solution of steady-state problem.
Newton steady-state solve succeeded.

Problem solved on [34] point grid(s).

Refining grid in flame.
    New points inserted after grid points 4 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22
    to resolve H H2 H2NN H2NO H2O H2O2 HNO HNOH HO2 HONO N N2 N2H3 N2H4 N2O NH NH2 NH2OH NH3 NNH NO NO2 O O2 OH T cHNNH point 4 tHNNH velocity


Attempt Newton solution of steady-state problem.
Newton steady-state solve succeeded.

Problem solved on [51] point grid(s).

Refining grid in flame.
    New points inserted after grid points 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 36
    to resolve H H2 H2NN H2NO H2O H2O2 HNO HNOH HO2 HONO N N2 N2H3 N2H4 N2O NH NH2 NH2OH NH3 NNH NO NO2 O O2 OH T cHNNH tHNNH velocity


Attempt Newton solution of steady-state problem.
Newton steady-state solve succeeded.

Problem solved on [70] point grid(s).

Refining grid in flame.
    New points inserted after grid points 14 15 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46
    to resolve H H2 H2NN H2NO H2O H2O2 HNO HNOH HO2 HONO N N2 N2H3 N2H4 N2O NH NH2 NH2OH NH3 NO NO2 O O2 OH T cHNNH tHNNH velocity


Attempt Newton solution of steady-state problem.
Newton steady-state solve succeeded.

Problem solved on [101] point grid(s).

Refining grid in flame.
    New points inserted after grid points 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 59 60


Attempt Newton solution of steady-state problem.
Newton steady-state solve succeeded.

Problem solved on [136] point grid(s).

Refining grid in flame.
    New points inserted after grid points 41 42 43 47 48 49 50 51 53 54 55 56 57 58 59 60 61 62 63
    to resolve H2NN H2O2 HO2 N2H3 N2H4


Attempt Newton solution of steady-state problem.
Newton steady-state solve succeeded.

Problem solved on [155] point grid(s).

no new points needed in flame

************ Solving on 8 point grid with energy equation enabled ************


Attempt Newton solution of steady-state problem.
Newton steady-state solve failed.

Attempt 10 timesteps.
Final timestep info: dt= 0.0001139  log(ss)= 4.251

Attempt Newton solution of steady-state problem.
Newton steady-state solve failed.

Attempt 10 timesteps.
Final timestep info: dt= 0.002919   log(ss)= 3.609

Attempt Newton solution of steady-state problem.
Newton steady-state solve failed.

Attempt 10 timesteps.
Final timestep info: dt= 0.03325    log(ss)= 2.292

Attempt Newton solution of steady-state problem.
Newton steady-state solve succeeded.

Problem solved on [9] point grid(s).
Expanding domain to accommodate flame thickness. New width: 0.06 m
Refining grid in flame.
    New points inserted after grid points 0 1 2 3 4 5 6
    to resolve H H2 H2NN H2NO H2O H2O2 HNO HNO2 HNOH HO2 HONO N N2 N2H3 N2H4 N2O NH NH2 NH2OH NH3 NO NO2 O O2 OH T cHNNH tHNNH velocity

*********** Solving on 16 point grid with energy equation enabled ************


Attempt Newton solution of steady-state problem.
Newton steady-state solve failed.

Attempt 10 timesteps.
Final timestep info: dt= 7.594e-05  log(ss)= 5.875

Attempt Newton solution of steady-state problem.
Newton steady-state solve failed.

Attempt 10 timesteps.
Final timestep info: dt= 0.0004865  log(ss)= 5.085

Attempt Newton solution of steady-state problem.
Newton steady-state solve failed.

Attempt 10 timesteps.
Final timestep info: dt= 0.001642   log(ss)= 4.249

Attempt Newton solution of steady-state problem.
Newton steady-state solve failed.

Attempt 10 timesteps.
Final timestep info: dt= 0.006235   log(ss)= 3.181

Attempt Newton solution of steady-state problem.
Newton steady-state solve succeeded.

Problem solved on [16] point grid(s).

grid refinement disabled.

******************** Solving with grid refinement enabled ********************


Attempt Newton solution of steady-state problem.
Newton steady-state solve succeeded.

Problem solved on [16] point grid(s).

Refining grid in flame.
    New points inserted after grid points 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
    to resolve H H2 H2NN H2NO H2O H2O2 HNO HNO2 HNOH HO2 HONO HONO2 N N2 N2H3 N2H4 N2O NH NH2 NH2OH NH3 NNH NO NO2 O O2 OH T cHNNH tHNNH velocity


Attempt Newton solution of steady-state problem.
Newton steady-state solve succeeded.

Problem solved on [24] point grid(s).

Refining grid in flame.
    New points inserted after grid points 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14
    to resolve H H2 H2NN H2NO H2O H2O2 HNO HNOH HO2 HONO N N2 N2H3 N2H4 N2O NH NH2 NH2OH NH3 NNH NO NO2 O O2 OH T cHNNH tHNNH velocity


Attempt Newton solution of steady-state problem.
Newton steady-state solve succeeded.

Problem solved on [34] point grid(s).

Refining grid in flame.
    New points inserted after grid points 4 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22
    to resolve H H2 H2NN H2NO H2O H2O2 HNO HNOH HO2 HONO N N2 N2H3 N2H4 N2O NH NH2 NH2OH NH3 NNH NO NO2 O O2 OH T cHNNH point 4 tHNNH velocity


Attempt Newton solution of steady-state problem.
Newton steady-state solve succeeded.

Problem solved on [50] point grid(s).

Refining grid in flame.
    New points inserted after grid points 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 35
    to resolve H H2 H2NN H2NO H2O H2O2 HNO HNOH HO2 HONO N N2 N2H3 N2H4 N2O NH NH2 NH2OH NH3 NNH NO NO2 O O2 OH T cHNNH tHNNH velocity


Attempt Newton solution of steady-state problem.
Newton steady-state solve succeeded.

Problem solved on [71] point grid(s).

Refining grid in flame.
    New points inserted after grid points 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47
    to resolve H H2NN H2NO H2O H2O2 HNO HNOH HO2 HONO N N2 N2H3 N2H4 N2O NH NH2 NH2OH NH3 NO NO2 O O2 OH T cHNNH tHNNH velocity


Attempt Newton solution of steady-state problem.
Newton steady-state solve succeeded.

Problem solved on [101] point grid(s).

Refining grid in flame.
    New points inserted after grid points 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 59 60
    to resolve H H2NN H2NO H2O2 HNO HNOH HO2 N N2H3 N2H4 N2O NH NH2 NO NO2 O OH cHNNH tHNNH


Attempt Newton solution of steady-state problem.
Newton steady-state solve succeeded.

Problem solved on [138] point grid(s).

Refining grid in flame.
    New points inserted after grid points 48 49 50 51 52 57 58 59 60 61 62 63 64
    to resolve H2NN N2H3


Attempt Newton solution of steady-state problem.
Newton steady-state solve succeeded.

Problem solved on [151] point grid(s).

no new points needed in flame

************ Solving on 8 point grid with energy equation enabled ************


Attempt Newton solution of steady-state problem.
Newton steady-state solve failed.

Attempt 10 timesteps.
Final timestep info: dt= 0.0001139  log(ss)= 4.221

Attempt Newton solution of steady-state problem.
Newton steady-state solve failed.

Attempt 10 timesteps.
Final timestep info: dt= 0.002919   log(ss)= 3.591

Attempt Newton solution of steady-state problem.
Newton steady-state solve failed.

Attempt 10 timesteps.
Final timestep info: dt= 0.04988    log(ss)= 2.279

Attempt Newton solution of steady-state problem.
Newton steady-state solve succeeded.

Problem solved on [9] point grid(s).
Expanding domain to accommodate flame thickness. New width: 0.06 m
Refining grid in flame.
    New points inserted after grid points 0 1 2 3 4 5 6
    to resolve H H2 H2NN H2NO H2O H2O2 HNO HNO2 HNOH HO2 HONO N N2 N2H3 N2H4 N2O NH NH2 NH2OH NH3 NO NO2 O O2 OH T cHNNH tHNNH velocity

*********** Solving on 16 point grid with energy equation enabled ************


Attempt Newton solution of steady-state problem.
Newton steady-state solve failed.

Attempt 10 timesteps.
Final timestep info: dt= 0.0001139  log(ss)= 5.821

Attempt Newton solution of steady-state problem.
Newton steady-state solve failed.

Attempt 10 timesteps.
Final timestep info: dt= 0.0006487  log(ss)= 5.614

Attempt Newton solution of steady-state problem.
Newton steady-state solve failed.

Attempt 10 timesteps.
Final timestep info: dt= 0.004926   log(ss)= 3.673

Attempt Newton solution of steady-state problem.
Newton steady-state solve failed.

Attempt 10 timesteps.
Final timestep info: dt= 0.002338   log(ss)= 3.951

Attempt Newton solution of steady-state problem.
Newton steady-state solve failed.

Attempt 10 timesteps.
Final timestep info: dt= 0.02663    log(ss)= 2.313

Attempt Newton solution of steady-state problem.
Newton steady-state solve succeeded.

Problem solved on [16] point grid(s).

grid refinement disabled.

******************** Solving with grid refinement enabled ********************


Attempt Newton solution of steady-state problem.
Newton steady-state solve succeeded.

Problem solved on [16] point grid(s).

Refining grid in flame.
    New points inserted after grid points 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
    to resolve H H2 H2NN H2NO H2O H2O2 HNO HNOH HO2 HONO HONO2 N N2 N2H3 N2H4 N2O NH NH2 NH2OH NH3 NNH NO NO2 O O2 OH T cHNNH tHNNH velocity


Attempt Newton solution of steady-state problem.
Newton steady-state solve failed.

Attempt 10 timesteps.
Final timestep info: dt= 0.0002563  log(ss)= 4.793

Attempt Newton solution of steady-state problem.
Newton steady-state solve succeeded.

Problem solved on [24] point grid(s).

Refining grid in flame.
    New points inserted after grid points 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15
    to resolve H H2 H2NN H2NO H2O H2O2 HNO HNOH HO2 HONO N N2 N2H3 N2H4 N2O NH NH2 NH2OH NH3 NNH NO NO2 O O2 OH T cHNNH tHNNH velocity


Attempt Newton solution of steady-state problem.
Newton steady-state solve succeeded.

Problem solved on [36] point grid(s).

Refining grid in flame.
    New points inserted after grid points 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24
    to resolve H H2 H2NN H2NO H2O H2O2 HNO HNOH HO2 HONO N N2 N2H3 N2H4 N2O NH NH2 NH2OH NH3 NNH NO NO2 O O2 OH T cHNNH tHNNH velocity


Attempt Newton solution of steady-state problem.
Newton steady-state solve succeeded.

Problem solved on [53] point grid(s).

Refining grid in flame.
    New points inserted after grid points 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37
    to resolve H H2 H2NN H2NO H2O H2O2 HNO HNOH HO2 HONO N N2 N2H3 N2H4 N2O NH NH2 NH2OH NH3 NO NO2 O O2 OH T cHNNH tHNNH velocity


Attempt Newton solution of steady-state problem.
Newton steady-state solve succeeded.

Problem solved on [76] point grid(s).

Refining grid in flame.
    New points inserted after grid points 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49
    to resolve H H2NN H2NO H2O H2O2 HNO HNOH HO2 HONO N N2 N2H3 N2H4 N2O NH NH2 NH2OH NH3 NO NO2 O O2 OH T cHNNH tHNNH velocity


Attempt Newton solution of steady-state problem.
Newton steady-state solve succeeded.

Problem solved on [107] point grid(s).

Refining grid in flame.
    New points inserted after grid points 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 59 60 61 62
    to resolve H H2NN H2NO H2O2 HNO HO2 N N2H3 N2H4 NH NH2 NO NO2 O OH cHNNH tHNNH


Attempt Newton solution of steady-state problem.
Newton steady-state solve succeeded.

Problem solved on [144] point grid(s).

Refining grid in flame.
    New points inserted after grid points 53 54 63 64 65 66 67 68
    to resolve H2NN N2H3


Attempt Newton solution of steady-state problem.
Newton steady-state solve succeeded.

Problem solved on [152] point grid(s).

no new points needed in flame

************ Solving on 8 point grid with energy equation enabled ************


Attempt Newton solution of steady-state problem.
Newton steady-state solve failed.

Attempt 10 timesteps.
Final timestep info: dt= 0.0001139  log(ss)= 4.201

Attempt Newton solution of steady-state problem.
Newton steady-state solve failed.

Attempt 10 timesteps.
Final timestep info: dt= 0.002919   log(ss)= 3.574

Attempt Newton solution of steady-state problem.
Newton steady-state solve failed.

Attempt 10 timesteps.
Final timestep info: dt= 0.04988    log(ss)= 2.226

Attempt Newton solution of steady-state problem.
Newton steady-state solve succeeded.

Problem solved on [9] point grid(s).
Expanding domain to accommodate flame thickness. New width: 0.06 m
Refining grid in flame.
    New points inserted after grid points 0 1 2 3 4 5 6
    to resolve H H2 H2NO H2O H2O2 HNO HNO2 HNOH HO2 HONO N N2 N2H3 N2H4 N2O NH NH2 NH2OH NH3 NO NO2 O O2 OH T cHNNH tHNNH velocity

*********** Solving on 16 point grid with energy equation enabled ************


Attempt Newton solution of steady-state problem.
Newton steady-state solve failed.

Attempt 10 timesteps.
Final timestep info: dt= 0.0001139  log(ss)= 5.702

Attempt Newton solution of steady-state problem.
Newton steady-state solve failed.

Attempt 10 timesteps.
Final timestep info: dt= 0.0006487  log(ss)= 5.321

Attempt Newton solution of steady-state problem.
Newton steady-state solve failed.

Attempt 10 timesteps.
Final timestep info: dt= 0.004926   log(ss)= 3.462

Attempt Newton solution of steady-state problem.
Newton steady-state solve failed.

Attempt 10 timesteps.
Final timestep info: dt= 0.1263     log(ss)= 1.516

Attempt Newton solution of steady-state problem.
Newton steady-state solve succeeded.

Problem solved on [16] point grid(s).

grid refinement disabled.

******************** Solving with grid refinement enabled ********************


Attempt Newton solution of steady-state problem.
Newton steady-state solve succeeded.

Problem solved on [16] point grid(s).

Refining grid in flame.
    New points inserted after grid points 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
    to resolve H H2 H2NN H2NO H2O H2O2 HNO HNOH HO2 HONO N N2 N2H3 N2H4 N2O NH NH2 NH2OH NH3 NNH NO NO2 O O2 OH T cHNNH tHNNH velocity


Attempt Newton solution of steady-state problem.
Newton steady-state solve succeeded.

Problem solved on [24] point grid(s).

Refining grid in flame.
    New points inserted after grid points 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15
    to resolve H H2 H2NN H2NO H2O H2O2 HNO HNOH HO2 HONO N N2 N2H3 N2H4 N2O NH NH2 NH2OH NH3 NNH NO NO2 O O2 OH T cHNNH tHNNH velocity


Attempt Newton solution of steady-state problem.
Newton steady-state solve succeeded.

Problem solved on [36] point grid(s).

Refining grid in flame.
    New points inserted after grid points 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24
    to resolve H H2 H2NN H2NO H2O H2O2 HNO HNOH HO2 HONO N N2 N2H3 N2H4 N2O NH NH2 NH2OH NH3 NNH NO NO2 O O2 OH T cHNNH tHNNH velocity


Attempt Newton solution of steady-state problem.
Newton steady-state solve succeeded.

Problem solved on [52] point grid(s).

Refining grid in flame.
    New points inserted after grid points 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37
    to resolve H H2 H2NN H2NO H2O H2O2 HNO HNOH HO2 HONO N N2 N2H3 N2H4 N2O NH NH2 NH2OH NH3 NO NO2 O O2 OH T cHNNH tHNNH velocity


Attempt Newton solution of steady-state problem.
Newton steady-state solve succeeded.

Problem solved on [76] point grid(s).

Refining grid in flame.
    New points inserted after grid points 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 56


Attempt Newton solution of steady-state problem.
Newton steady-state solve succeeded.

Problem solved on [108] point grid(s).

Refining grid in flame.
    New points inserted after grid points 27 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 59 60
    to resolve H H2NN H2NO H2O2 HNO HO2 N N2H3 N2H4 NH NH2 NO NO2 O OH cHNNH tHNNH


Attempt Newton solution of steady-state problem.
Newton steady-state solve succeeded.

Problem solved on [138] point grid(s).

Refining grid in flame.
    New points inserted after grid points 29
    to resolve NO2


Attempt Newton solution of steady-state problem.
Newton steady-state solve succeeded.

Problem solved on [139] point grid(s).

no new points needed in flame

************ Solving on 8 point grid with energy equation enabled ************


Attempt Newton solution of steady-state problem.
Newton steady-state solve failed.

Attempt 10 timesteps.
Final timestep info: dt= 0.0001139  log(ss)= 4.195

Attempt Newton solution of steady-state problem.
Newton steady-state solve failed.

Attempt 10 timesteps.
Final timestep info: dt= 0.001946   log(ss)= 3.556

Attempt Newton solution of steady-state problem.
Newton steady-state solve failed.

Attempt 10 timesteps.
Final timestep info: dt= 0.03325    log(ss)= 2.544

Attempt Newton solution of steady-state problem.
Newton steady-state solve succeeded.

Problem solved on [9] point grid(s).
Expanding domain to accommodate flame thickness. New width: 0.06 m
Refining grid in flame.
    New points inserted after grid points 0 1 2 3 4 5 6
    to resolve H H2 H2NN H2NO H2O H2O2 HNO HNO2 HNOH HO2 HONO N N2 N2H3 N2H4 N2O NH NH2 NH2OH NH3 NO NO2 O O2 OH T cHNNH tHNNH velocity

*********** Solving on 16 point grid with energy equation enabled ************


Attempt Newton solution of steady-state problem.
Newton steady-state solve failed.

Attempt 10 timesteps.
Final timestep info: dt= 7.594e-05  log(ss)= 5.831

Attempt Newton solution of steady-state problem.
Newton steady-state solve failed.

Attempt 10 timesteps.
Final timestep info: dt= 0.000865   log(ss)= 4.562

Attempt Newton solution of steady-state problem.
Newton steady-state solve failed.

Attempt 10 timesteps.
Final timestep info: dt= 0.002919   log(ss)= 3.682

Attempt Newton solution of steady-state problem.
Newton steady-state solve failed.

Attempt 10 timesteps.
Final timestep info: dt= 0.04988    log(ss)= 2.284

Attempt Newton solution of steady-state problem.
Newton steady-state solve succeeded.

Problem solved on [16] point grid(s).

grid refinement disabled.

******************** Solving with grid refinement enabled ********************


Attempt Newton solution of steady-state problem.
Newton steady-state solve succeeded.

Problem solved on [16] point grid(s).

Refining grid in flame.
    New points inserted after grid points 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
    to resolve H H2 H2NN H2NO H2O H2O2 HNO HNOH HO2 HONO N N2 N2H3 N2H4 N2O NH NH2 NH2OH NH3 NNH NO NO2 O O2 OH T cHNNH tHNNH velocity


Attempt Newton solution of steady-state problem.
Newton steady-state solve succeeded.

Problem solved on [25] point grid(s).

Refining grid in flame.
    New points inserted after grid points 1 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16
    to resolve H H2 H2NN H2NO H2O H2O2 HNO HNOH HO2 HONO N N2 N2H3 N2H4 N2O NH NH2 NH2OH NH3 NNH NO NO2 O O2 OH T cHNNH point 1 tHNNH velocity


Attempt Newton solution of steady-state problem.
Newton steady-state solve succeeded.

Problem solved on [38] point grid(s).

Refining grid in flame.
    New points inserted after grid points 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27
    to resolve H H2 H2NN H2NO H2O H2O2 HNO HNOH HO2 HONO N N2 N2H3 N2H4 N2O NH NH2 NH2OH NH3 NO NO2 O O2 OH T cHNNH tHNNH velocity


Attempt Newton solution of steady-state problem.
Newton steady-state solve succeeded.

Problem solved on [54] point grid(s).

Refining grid in flame.
    New points inserted after grid points 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39
    to resolve H H2 H2NN H2NO H2O H2O2 HNO HNOH HO2 HONO N N2 N2H3 N2H4 N2O NH NH2 NH2OH NH3 NO NO2 O O2 OH T cHNNH tHNNH velocity


Attempt Newton solution of steady-state problem.
Newton steady-state solve succeeded.

Problem solved on [79] point grid(s).

Refining grid in flame.
    New points inserted after grid points 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 57 58 59


Attempt Newton solution of steady-state problem.
Newton steady-state solve succeeded.

Problem solved on [114] point grid(s).

Refining grid in flame.
    New points inserted after grid points 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 59 60 61
    to resolve H2NN H2NO H2O2 HNO HO2 N2H3 N2H4 NH NH2 NO2 O cHNNH tHNNH


Attempt Newton solution of steady-state problem.
Newton steady-state solve succeeded.

Problem solved on [141] point grid(s).

no new points needed in flame

************ Solving on 8 point grid with energy equation enabled ************


Attempt Newton solution of steady-state problem.
Newton steady-state solve failed.

Attempt 10 timesteps.
Final timestep info: dt= 0.0001139  log(ss)= 4.138

Attempt Newton solution of steady-state problem.
Newton steady-state solve failed.

Attempt 10 timesteps.
Final timestep info: dt= 0.001946   log(ss)= 3.539

Attempt Newton solution of steady-state problem.
Newton steady-state solve failed.

Attempt 10 timesteps.
Final timestep info: dt= 0.03325    log(ss)= 2.54

Attempt Newton solution of steady-state problem.
Newton steady-state solve succeeded.

Problem solved on [9] point grid(s).
Expanding domain to accommodate flame thickness. New width: 0.06 m
Refining grid in flame.
    New points inserted after grid points 0 1 2 3 4 5 6
    to resolve H H2 H2NN H2NO H2O H2O2 HNO HNO2 HNOH HO2 HONO N N2 N2H3 N2H4 N2O NH NH2 NH2OH NH3 NO NO2 O O2 OH T cHNNH tHNNH velocity

*********** Solving on 16 point grid with energy equation enabled ************


Attempt Newton solution of steady-state problem.
Newton steady-state solve failed.

Attempt 10 timesteps.
Final timestep info: dt= 7.594e-05  log(ss)= 5.82

Attempt Newton solution of steady-state problem.
Newton steady-state solve failed.

Attempt 10 timesteps.
Final timestep info: dt= 0.001297   log(ss)= 4.303

Attempt Newton solution of steady-state problem.
Newton steady-state solve failed.

Attempt 10 timesteps.
Final timestep info: dt= 0.003284   log(ss)= 3.629

Attempt Newton solution of steady-state problem.
Newton steady-state solve succeeded.

Problem solved on [16] point grid(s).

grid refinement disabled.

******************** Solving with grid refinement enabled ********************


Attempt Newton solution of steady-state problem.
Newton steady-state solve succeeded.

Problem solved on [16] point grid(s).

Refining grid in flame.
    New points inserted after grid points 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
    to resolve H H2 H2NN H2NO H2O H2O2 HNO HNOH HO2 HONO N N2 N2H3 N2H4 N2O NH NH2 NH2OH NH3 NNH NO NO2 O O2 OH T cHNNH tHNNH velocity


Attempt Newton solution of steady-state problem.
Newton steady-state solve succeeded.

Problem solved on [25] point grid(s).

Refining grid in flame.
    New points inserted after grid points 1 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17
    to resolve H H2 H2NN H2NO H2O H2O2 HNO HNO2 HNOH HO2 HONO N N2 N2H3 N2H4 N2O NH NH2 NH2OH NH3 NNH NO NO2 O O2 OH T cHNNH point 1 tHNNH velocity


Attempt Newton solution of steady-state problem.
Newton steady-state solve succeeded.

Problem solved on [39] point grid(s).

Refining grid in flame.
    New points inserted after grid points 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27
    to resolve H H2 H2NN H2NO H2O H2O2 HNO HNOH HO2 HONO N N2 N2H3 N2H4 N2O NH NH2 NH2OH NH3 NO NO2 O O2 OH T cHNNH tHNNH velocity


Attempt Newton solution of steady-state problem.
Newton steady-state solve succeeded.

Problem solved on [55] point grid(s).

Refining grid in flame.
    New points inserted after grid points 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40
    to resolve H H2 H2NN H2NO H2O H2O2 HNO HNOH HO2 HONO N N2 N2H3 N2H4 N2O NH NH2 NH2OH NH3 NO NO2 O O2 OH T cHNNH tHNNH velocity


Attempt Newton solution of steady-state problem.
Newton steady-state solve succeeded.

Problem solved on [81] point grid(s).

Refining grid in flame.
    New points inserted after grid points 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 57 58 59 60
    to resolve H H2NN H2NO H2O2 HNO HNOH HO2 HONO N N2H3 N2H4 N2O NH NH2 NO NO2 O OH cHNNH tHNNH


Attempt Newton solution of steady-state problem.
Newton steady-state solve succeeded.

Problem solved on [119] point grid(s).

Refining grid in flame.
    New points inserted after grid points 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 59 60 61 62
    to resolve H2NN H2O2 HO2 N2H3 N2H4 NO2 O cHNNH tHNNH


Attempt Newton solution of steady-state problem.
Newton steady-state solve succeeded.

Problem solved on [144] point grid(s).

no new points needed in flame

************ Solving on 8 point grid with energy equation enabled ************


Attempt Newton solution of steady-state problem.
Newton steady-state solve failed.

Attempt 10 timesteps.
Final timestep info: dt= 0.0001139  log(ss)= 4.177

Attempt Newton solution of steady-state problem.
Newton steady-state solve failed.

Attempt 10 timesteps.
Final timestep info: dt= 0.001946   log(ss)= 3.52

Attempt Newton solution of steady-state problem.
Newton steady-state solve failed.

Attempt 10 timesteps.
Final timestep info: dt= 0.02217    log(ss)= 2.903

Attempt Newton solution of steady-state problem.
Newton steady-state solve succeeded.

Problem solved on [9] point grid(s).
Expanding domain to accommodate flame thickness. New width: 0.06 m
Refining grid in flame.
    New points inserted after grid points 0 1 2 3 4 5 6
    to resolve H H2 H2NN H2NO H2O H2O2 HNO HNO2 HNOH HO2 HONO N N2 N2H3 N2H4 N2O NH NH2 NH2OH NH3 NO NO2 O O2 OH T cHNNH tHNNH velocity

*********** Solving on 16 point grid with energy equation enabled ************


Attempt Newton solution of steady-state problem.
Newton steady-state solve failed.

Attempt 10 timesteps.
Final timestep info: dt= 7.594e-05  log(ss)= 5.793

Attempt Newton solution of steady-state problem.
Newton steady-state solve failed.

Attempt 10 timesteps.
Final timestep info: dt= 0.001297   log(ss)= 4.118

Attempt Newton solution of steady-state problem.
Newton steady-state solve failed.

Attempt 10 timesteps.
Final timestep info: dt= 0.004926   log(ss)= 3.498

Attempt Newton solution of steady-state problem.
Newton steady-state solve failed.

Attempt 10 timesteps.
Final timestep info: dt= 0.08417    log(ss)= 2.078

Attempt Newton solution of steady-state problem.
Newton steady-state solve succeeded.

Problem solved on [16] point grid(s).

grid refinement disabled.

******************** Solving with grid refinement enabled ********************


Attempt Newton solution of steady-state problem.
Newton steady-state solve succeeded.

Problem solved on [16] point grid(s).

Refining grid in flame.
    New points inserted after grid points 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
    to resolve H H2 H2NN H2NO H2O H2O2 HNO HNOH HO2 HONO N N2 N2H3 N2H4 N2O NH NH2 NH2OH NH3 NNH NO NO2 O O2 OH T cHNNH tHNNH velocity


Attempt Newton solution of steady-state problem.
Newton steady-state solve succeeded.

Problem solved on [25] point grid(s).

Refining grid in flame.
    New points inserted after grid points 1 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17
    to resolve H H2 H2NN H2NO H2O H2O2 HNO HNO2 HNOH HO2 HONO N N2 N2H3 N2H4 N2O NH NH2 NH2OH NH3 NO NO2 O O2 OH T cHNNH point 1 tHNNH velocity


Attempt Newton solution of steady-state problem.
Newton steady-state solve succeeded.

Problem solved on [40] point grid(s).

Refining grid in flame.
    New points inserted after grid points 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29
    to resolve H H2 H2NN H2NO H2O H2O2 HNO HNOH HO2 HONO N N2 N2H3 N2H4 N2O NH NH2 NH2OH NH3 NO NO2 O O2 OH T cHNNH tHNNH velocity


Attempt Newton solution of steady-state problem.
Newton steady-state solve succeeded.

Problem solved on [57] point grid(s).

Refining grid in flame.
    New points inserted after grid points 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42
    to resolve H H2 H2NN H2NO H2O H2O2 HNO HNOH HO2 HONO N N2 N2H3 N2H4 N2O NH NH2 NH2OH NH3 NO NO2 O O2 OH T cHNNH tHNNH velocity


Attempt Newton solution of steady-state problem.
Newton steady-state solve succeeded.

Problem solved on [84] point grid(s).

Refining grid in flame.
    New points inserted after grid points 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 58 59 60 61 62
    to resolve H H2NN H2NO H2O2 HNO HO2 HONO N N2H3 N2H4 N2O NH NH2 NO NO2 O OH cHNNH tHNNH


Attempt Newton solution of steady-state problem.
Newton steady-state solve succeeded.

Problem solved on [125] point grid(s).

Refining grid in flame.
    New points inserted after grid points 42 43 44 45 47 48 49 50 54 55 56 57 58 59 60 62 63 64 65 66 67
    to resolve H2O2 HO2 N2H3 N2H4 NO2 O


Attempt Newton solution of steady-state problem.
Newton steady-state solve succeeded.

Problem solved on [146] point grid(s).

Refining grid in flame.
    New points inserted after grid points 76
    to resolve N2H3 O


Attempt Newton solution of steady-state problem.
Newton steady-state solve succeeded.

Problem solved on [147] point grid(s).

no new points needed in flame

************ Solving on 8 point grid with energy equation enabled ************


Attempt Newton solution of steady-state problem.
Newton steady-state solve failed.

Attempt 10 timesteps.
Final timestep info: dt= 0.0001139  log(ss)= 3.825

Attempt Newton solution of steady-state problem.
Newton steady-state solve failed.

Attempt 10 timesteps.
Final timestep info: dt= 0.001946   log(ss)= 3.501

Attempt Newton solution of steady-state problem.
Newton steady-state solve failed.

Attempt 10 timesteps.
Final timestep info: dt= 0.02217    log(ss)= 2.761

Attempt Newton solution of steady-state problem.
Newton steady-state solve succeeded.

Problem solved on [9] point grid(s).
Expanding domain to accommodate flame thickness. New width: 0.06 m
Refining grid in flame.
    New points inserted after grid points 0 1 2 3 4 5 6
    to resolve H H2 H2NN H2NO H2O H2O2 HNO HNO2 HNOH HO2 HONO N N2 N2H3 N2H4 N2O NH NH2 NH2OH NH3 NO NO2 O O2 OH T cHNNH tHNNH velocity

*********** Solving on 16 point grid with energy equation enabled ************


Attempt Newton solution of steady-state problem.
Newton steady-state solve failed.

Attempt 10 timesteps.
Final timestep info: dt= 0.0001139  log(ss)= 5.715

Attempt Newton solution of steady-state problem.
Newton steady-state solve failed.

Attempt 10 timesteps.
Final timestep info: dt= 0.001946   log(ss)= 3.981

Attempt Newton solution of steady-state problem.
Newton steady-state solve failed.

Attempt 10 timesteps.
Final timestep info: dt= 0.003695   log(ss)= 3.531

Attempt Newton solution of steady-state problem.
Newton steady-state solve succeeded.

Problem solved on [16] point grid(s).

grid refinement disabled.

******************** Solving with grid refinement enabled ********************


Attempt Newton solution of steady-state problem.
Newton steady-state solve succeeded.

Problem solved on [16] point grid(s).

Refining grid in flame.
    New points inserted after grid points 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11
    to resolve H H2 H2NN H2NO H2O H2O2 HNO HNO2 HNOH HO2 HONO N N2 N2H3 N2H4 N2O NH NH2 NH2OH NH3 NO NO2 O O2 OH T cHNNH tHNNH velocity


Attempt Newton solution of steady-state problem.
Newton steady-state solve succeeded.

Problem solved on [26] point grid(s).

Refining grid in flame.
    New points inserted after grid points 1 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 22
    to resolve H H2 H2NN H2NO H2O H2O2 HNO HNOH HO2 HONO N N2 N2H3 N2H4 N2O NH NH2 NH2OH NH3 NO NO2 O O2 OH T cHNNH point 1 point 22 tHNNH velocity


Attempt Newton solution of steady-state problem.
Newton steady-state solve succeeded.

Problem solved on [43] point grid(s).

Refining grid in flame.
    New points inserted after grid points 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30
    to resolve H H2 H2NN H2NO H2O H2O2 HNO HNOH HO2 HONO N N2 N2H3 N2H4 N2O NH NH2 NH2OH NH3 NO NO2 O O2 OH T cHNNH tHNNH velocity


Attempt Newton solution of steady-state problem.
Newton steady-state solve succeeded.

Problem solved on [61] point grid(s).

Refining grid in flame.
    New points inserted after grid points 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43
    to resolve H H2 H2NN H2NO H2O H2O2 HNO HNOH HO2 HONO N N2 N2H3 N2H4 N2O NH NH2 NH2OH NH3 NO NO2 O O2 OH T cHNNH tHNNH velocity


Attempt Newton solution of steady-state problem.
Newton steady-state solve succeeded.

Problem solved on [89] point grid(s).

Refining grid in flame.
    New points inserted after grid points 23 24 25 26 27 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 59 60 61 62 63 64
    to resolve H H2NN H2NO H2O2 HNO HO2 HONO N N2H3 N2H4 N2O NH NH2 NH2OH NO NO2 O OH cHNNH tHNNH


Attempt Newton solution of steady-state problem.
Newton steady-state solve succeeded.

Problem solved on [129] point grid(s).

Refining grid in flame.
    New points inserted after grid points 58 59 60 65 66 67 68 91
    to resolve HNO N2H3 O


Attempt Newton solution of steady-state problem.
Newton steady-state solve succeeded.

Problem solved on [137] point grid(s).

no new points needed in flame

************ Solving on 8 point grid with energy equation enabled ************


Attempt Newton solution of steady-state problem.
Newton steady-state solve failed.

Attempt 10 timesteps.
Final timestep info: dt= 0.0001139  log(ss)= 3.572

Attempt Newton solution of steady-state problem.
Newton steady-state solve failed.

Attempt 10 timesteps.
Final timestep info: dt= 0.001946   log(ss)= 3.482

Attempt Newton solution of steady-state problem.
Newton steady-state solve failed.

Attempt 10 timesteps.
Final timestep info: dt= 0.02217    log(ss)= 2.87

Attempt Newton solution of steady-state problem.
Newton steady-state solve succeeded.

Problem solved on [9] point grid(s).
Expanding domain to accommodate flame thickness. New width: 0.06 m
Refining grid in flame.
    New points inserted after grid points 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7
    to resolve H H2 H2NN H2NO H2O H2O2 HNO HNO2 HNOH HO2 HONO N N2 N2H3 N2H4 N2O NH NH2 NH2OH NH3 NO NO2 O O2 OH T cHNNH tHNNH velocity

*********** Solving on 17 point grid with energy equation enabled ************


Attempt Newton solution of steady-state problem.
Newton steady-state solve failed.

Attempt 10 timesteps.
Final timestep info: dt= 0.0001139  log(ss)= 5.656

Attempt Newton solution of steady-state problem.
Newton steady-state solve failed.

Attempt 10 timesteps.
Final timestep info: dt= 0.001946   log(ss)= 3.946

Attempt Newton solution of steady-state problem.
Newton steady-state solve failed.

Attempt 10 timesteps.
Final timestep info: dt= 0.003117   log(ss)= 4.57

Attempt Newton solution of steady-state problem.
Newton steady-state solve failed.

Attempt 10 timesteps.
Final timestep info: dt= 0.02367    log(ss)= 3.596

Attempt Newton solution of steady-state problem.
Newton steady-state solve succeeded.

Problem solved on [17] point grid(s).

grid refinement disabled.

******************** Solving with grid refinement enabled ********************


Attempt Newton solution of steady-state problem.
Newton steady-state solve succeeded.

Problem solved on [17] point grid(s).

Refining grid in flame.
    New points inserted after grid points 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11
    to resolve H H2 H2NN H2NO H2O H2O2 HNO HNO2 HNOH HO2 HONO N N2 N2H3 N2H4 N2O NH NH2 NH2OH NH3 NO NO2 O O2 OH T cHNNH tHNNH velocity


Attempt Newton solution of steady-state problem.
Newton steady-state solve failed.

Attempt 10 timesteps.
Final timestep info: dt= 0.0002563  log(ss)= 4.96

Attempt Newton solution of steady-state problem.
Newton steady-state solve failed.

Attempt 10 timesteps.
Final timestep info: dt= 0.002919   log(ss)= 4.195

Attempt Newton solution of steady-state problem.
Newton steady-state solve succeeded.

Problem solved on [28] point grid(s).

Refining grid in flame.
    New points inserted after grid points 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 23
    to resolve H H2 H2NN H2NO H2O H2O2 HNO HNO2 HNOH HO2 HONO N N2 N2H3 N2H4 N2O NH NH2 NH2OH NH3 NO NO2 O O2 OH T cHNNH point 23 tHNNH velocity


Attempt Newton solution of steady-state problem.
Newton steady-state solve succeeded.

Problem solved on [44] point grid(s).

Refining grid in flame.
    New points inserted after grid points 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31
    to resolve H H2 H2NN H2NO H2O H2O2 HNO HNOH HO2 HONO N N2 N2H3 N2H4 N2O NH NH2 NH2OH NH3 NO NO2 O O2 OH T cHNNH tHNNH velocity


Attempt Newton solution of steady-state problem.
Newton steady-state solve succeeded.

Problem solved on [63] point grid(s).

Refining grid in flame.
    New points inserted after grid points 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44
    to resolve H H2 H2NN H2NO H2O H2O2 HNO HNOH HO2 HONO N N2 N2H3 N2H4 N2O NH NH2 NH2OH NH3 NO NO2 O O2 OH T cHNNH tHNNH velocity


Attempt Newton solution of steady-state problem.
Newton steady-state solve succeeded.

Problem solved on [91] point grid(s).

Refining grid in flame.
    New points inserted after grid points 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 59 60 61 62 63 64 65
    to resolve H H2NN H2NO H2O2 HNO HO2 HONO N N2H3 N2H4 N2O NH NH2 NH2OH NO NO2 O OH cHNNH tHNNH


Attempt Newton solution of steady-state problem.
Newton steady-state solve succeeded.

Problem solved on [126] point grid(s).

Refining grid in flame.
    New points inserted after grid points 85
    to resolve HNO


Attempt Newton solution of steady-state problem.
Newton steady-state solve succeeded.

Problem solved on [127] point grid(s).

no new points needed in flame

************ Solving on 8 point grid with energy equation enabled ************


Attempt Newton solution of steady-state problem.
Newton steady-state solve failed.

Attempt 10 timesteps.
Final timestep info: dt= 0.0001281  log(ss)= 4.377

Attempt Newton solution of steady-state problem.
Newton steady-state solve failed.

Attempt 10 timesteps.
Final timestep info: dt= 0.00146    log(ss)= 3.468

Attempt Newton solution of steady-state problem.
Newton steady-state solve failed.

Attempt 10 timesteps.
Final timestep info: dt= 0.01663    log(ss)= 2.987

Attempt Newton solution of steady-state problem.
Newton steady-state solve succeeded.

Problem solved on [9] point grid(s).
Expanding domain to accommodate flame thickness. New width: 0.06 m
Refining grid in flame.
    New points inserted after grid points 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7
    to resolve H H2 H2NN H2NO H2O H2O2 HNO HNO2 HNOH HO2 HONO N N2 N2H3 N2H4 N2O NH NH2 NH2OH NH3 NO NO2 O O2 OH T cHNNH tHNNH velocity

*********** Solving on 17 point grid with energy equation enabled ************


Attempt Newton solution of steady-state problem.
Newton steady-state solve failed.

Attempt 10 timesteps.
Final timestep info: dt= 0.0001139  log(ss)= 5.554

Attempt Newton solution of steady-state problem.
Newton steady-state solve failed.

Attempt 10 timesteps.
Final timestep info: dt= 0.001946   log(ss)= 3.911

Attempt Newton solution of steady-state problem.
Newton steady-state solve failed.

Attempt 10 timesteps.
Final timestep info: dt= 0.03325    log(ss)= 2.714

Attempt Newton solution of steady-state problem.
Newton steady-state solve failed.

Attempt 10 timesteps.
Final timestep info: dt= 0.5682     log(ss)= 1.134

Attempt Newton solution of steady-state problem.
Newton steady-state solve succeeded.

Problem solved on [17] point grid(s).

grid refinement disabled.

******************** Solving with grid refinement enabled ********************


Attempt Newton solution of steady-state problem.
Newton steady-state solve succeeded.

Problem solved on [17] point grid(s).

Refining grid in flame.
    New points inserted after grid points 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11
    to resolve H H2 H2NN H2NO H2O H2O2 HNO HNO2 HNOH HO2 HONO N N2 N2H3 N2H4 N2O NH NH2 NH2OH NH3 NO NO2 O O2 OH T cHNNH tHNNH velocity


Attempt Newton solution of steady-state problem.
Newton steady-state solve failed.

Attempt 10 timesteps.
Final timestep info: dt= 0.0002563  log(ss)= 4.726

Attempt Newton solution of steady-state problem.
Newton steady-state solve failed.

Attempt 10 timesteps.
Final timestep info: dt= 0.004379   log(ss)= 3.839

Attempt Newton solution of steady-state problem.
Newton steady-state solve succeeded.

Problem solved on [28] point grid(s).

Refining grid in flame.
    New points inserted after grid points 5 6 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 23
    to resolve H H2 H2NN H2NO H2O H2O2 HNO HNO2 HNOH HO2 HONO N N2 N2H3 N2H4 N2O NH NH2 NH2OH NH3 NO NO2 O O2 OH T cHNNH point 23 tHNNH velocity


Attempt Newton solution of steady-state problem.
Newton steady-state solve succeeded.

Problem solved on [44] point grid(s).

Refining grid in flame.
    New points inserted after grid points 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31
    to resolve H H2 H2NN H2NO H2O H2O2 HNO HNOH HO2 HONO N N2 N2H3 N2H4 N2O NH NH2 NH2OH NH3 NO NO2 O O2 OH T cHNNH tHNNH velocity


Attempt Newton solution of steady-state problem.
Newton steady-state solve succeeded.

Problem solved on [64] point grid(s).

Refining grid in flame.
    New points inserted after grid points 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45
    to resolve H H2 H2NN H2NO H2O H2O2 HNO HNOH HO2 HONO N N2 N2H3 N2H4 N2O NH NH2 NH2OH NH3 NO NO2 O O2 OH T cHNNH tHNNH velocity


Attempt Newton solution of steady-state problem.
Newton steady-state solve succeeded.

Problem solved on [94] point grid(s).

Refining grid in flame.
    New points inserted after grid points 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 59 60 61 62 63 64 65 66
    to resolve H H2NO H2O2 HNO HO2 HONO N N2H3 N2H4 N2O NH NH2 NO NO2 O OH cHNNH tHNNH


Attempt Newton solution of steady-state problem.
Newton steady-state solve succeeded.

Problem solved on [128] point grid(s).

Refining grid in flame.
    New points inserted after grid points 79 80 81
    to resolve HNO N2H3 N2H4 NH OH cHNNH


Attempt Newton solution of steady-state problem.
Newton steady-state solve succeeded.

Problem solved on [131] point grid(s).

no new points needed in flame

************ Solving on 8 point grid with energy equation enabled ************


Attempt Newton solution of steady-state problem.
Newton steady-state solve failed.

Attempt 10 timesteps.
Final timestep info: dt= 0.0001709  log(ss)= 3.814

Attempt Newton solution of steady-state problem.
Newton steady-state solve failed.

Attempt 10 timesteps.
Final timestep info: dt= 0.004379   log(ss)= 3.448

Attempt Newton solution of steady-state problem.
Newton steady-state solve failed.

Attempt 10 timesteps.
Final timestep info: dt= 0.05611    log(ss)= 2.278

Attempt Newton solution of steady-state problem.
Newton steady-state solve failed.

Attempt 10 timesteps.
Final timestep info: dt= 0.7191     log(ss)= 0.2205

Attempt Newton solution of steady-state problem.
Newton steady-state solve succeeded.

Problem solved on [9] point grid(s).
Expanding domain to accommodate flame thickness. New width: 0.06 m
Refining grid in flame.
    New points inserted after grid points 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7
    to resolve H H2 H2NO H2O H2O2 HNO HNO2 HNOH HO2 HONO HONO2 N N2 N2H3 N2H4 N2O NH NH2 NH2OH NH3 NO NO2 O O2 OH T cHNNH tHNNH velocity

*********** Solving on 17 point grid with energy equation enabled ************


Attempt Newton solution of steady-state problem.
Newton steady-state solve failed.

Attempt 10 timesteps.
Final timestep info: dt= 0.0001709  log(ss)= 3.735

Attempt Newton solution of steady-state problem.
Newton steady-state solve failed.

Attempt 10 timesteps.
Final timestep info: dt= 0.004379   log(ss)= 3.071

Attempt Newton solution of steady-state problem.
Newton steady-state solve failed.

Attempt 10 timesteps.
Final timestep info: dt= 0.07482    log(ss)= 2.354

Attempt Newton solution of steady-state problem.
Newton steady-state solve succeeded.

Problem solved on [17] point grid(s).
Expanding domain to accommodate flame thickness. New width: 0.12 m
Refining grid in flame.
    New points inserted after grid points 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12
    to resolve H H2 H2NO H2O H2O2 HNO HNOH HO2 HONO N N2 N2H3 N2H4 N2O NH NH2 NH2OH NH3 NO NO2 O O2 OH T cHNNH tHNNH velocity

*********** Solving on 30 point grid with energy equation enabled ************


Attempt Newton solution of steady-state problem.
Newton steady-state solve failed.

Attempt 10 timesteps.
Final timestep info: dt= 0.0002563  log(ss)= 4.129

Attempt Newton solution of steady-state problem.
Newton steady-state solve failed.

Attempt 10 timesteps.
Final timestep info: dt= 0.0004865  log(ss)= 3.787

Attempt Newton solution of steady-state problem.
Newton steady-state solve failed.

Attempt 10 timesteps.
Final timestep info: dt= 0.003117   log(ss)= 3.887

Attempt Newton solution of steady-state problem.
Newton steady-state solve failed.

Attempt 10 timesteps.
Final timestep info: dt= 0.00148    log(ss)= 3.812

Attempt Newton solution of steady-state problem.
Newton steady-state solve failed.

Attempt 10 timesteps.
Final timestep info: dt= 0.01264    log(ss)= 3.276

Attempt Newton solution of steady-state problem.
Newton steady-state solve failed.

Attempt 10 timesteps.
Final timestep info: dt= 0.0004745  log(ss)= 4.61

Attempt Newton solution of steady-state problem.
Newton steady-state solve failed.

Attempt 10 timesteps.
Final timestep info: dt= 0.002703   log(ss)= 3.735

Attempt Newton solution of steady-state problem.
Newton steady-state solve failed.

Attempt 10 timesteps.
Final timestep info: dt= 0.06926    log(ss)= 1.661

Attempt Newton solution of steady-state problem.
Newton steady-state solve succeeded.

Problem solved on [30] point grid(s).

grid refinement disabled.

******************** Solving with grid refinement enabled ********************


Attempt Newton solution of steady-state problem.
Newton steady-state solve succeeded.

Problem solved on [30] point grid(s).

Refining grid in flame.
    New points inserted after grid points 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19
    to resolve H H2 H2NO H2O H2O2 HNO HNOH HO2 HONO N N2 N2H3 N2H4 N2O NH NH2 NH2OH NH3 NO NO2 O O2 OH T cHNNH tHNNH velocity


Attempt Newton solution of steady-state problem.
Newton steady-state solve failed.

Attempt 10 timesteps.
Final timestep info: dt= 0.0002563  log(ss)= 4.016

Attempt Newton solution of steady-state problem.
Newton steady-state solve failed.

Attempt 10 timesteps.
Final timestep info: dt= 0.001095   log(ss)= 4.153

Attempt Newton solution of steady-state problem.
Newton steady-state solve failed.

Attempt 10 timesteps.
Final timestep info: dt= 0.0187     log(ss)= 2.623

Attempt Newton solution of steady-state problem.
Newton steady-state solve failed.

Attempt 10 timesteps.
Final timestep info: dt= 0.4794     log(ss)= 1.329

Attempt Newton solution of steady-state problem.
Newton steady-state solve failed.

Attempt 10 timesteps.
Final timestep info: dt= 0.00225    log(ss)= 4.077

Attempt Newton solution of steady-state problem.
Newton steady-state solve failed.

Attempt 10 timesteps.
Final timestep info: dt= 0.004271   log(ss)= 3.95

Attempt Newton solution of steady-state problem.
Newton steady-state solve failed.

Attempt 10 timesteps.
Final timestep info: dt= 0.1095     log(ss)= 2.004

Attempt Newton solution of steady-state problem.
Newton steady-state solve failed.

Attempt 10 timesteps.
Final timestep info: dt= 0.01948    log(ss)= 2.17

Attempt Newton solution of steady-state problem.
Newton steady-state solve succeeded.

Problem solved on [45] point grid(s).

Refining grid in flame.
    New points inserted after grid points 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30
    to resolve H H2 H2NO H2O H2O2 HNO HNOH HO2 HONO N N2 N2H3 N2H4 N2O NH NH2 NH2OH NH3 NO NO2 O O2 OH T cHNNH tHNNH velocity


Attempt Newton solution of steady-state problem.
Newton steady-state solve succeeded.

Problem solved on [61] point grid(s).

Refining grid in flame.
    New points inserted after grid points 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41
    to resolve H H2 H2NO H2O H2O2 HNO HNOH HO2 HONO N N2 N2H3 N2H4 N2O NH NH2 NH2OH NH3 NO NO2 O O2 OH T cHNNH tHNNH velocity


Attempt Newton solution of steady-state problem.
Newton steady-state solve succeeded.

Problem solved on [83] point grid(s).

Refining grid in flame.
    New points inserted after grid points 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 58 59
    to resolve H H2 H2NO H2O H2O2 HNO HNOH HO2 HONO N N2 N2H3 N2H4 N2O NH NH2 NH2OH NH3 NO NO2 O O2 OH T cHNNH tHNNH velocity


Attempt Newton solution of steady-state problem.
Newton steady-state solve succeeded.

Problem solved on [113] point grid(s).

Refining grid in flame.
    New points inserted after grid points 28 45 46 47 48 49 50 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 59 60 61 62 63 64 65 66 67 68 69 70 71 72 73
    to resolve H H2 H2NO H2O H2O2 HNO HNOH HO2 HONO N N2 N2H3 N2H4 N2O NH NH2 NH2OH NH3 NO NO2 O O2 OH T cHNNH tHNNH velocity


Attempt Newton solution of steady-state problem.
Newton steady-state solve succeeded.

Problem solved on [142] point grid(s).

Refining grid in flame.
    New points inserted after grid points 78 79 80 81 82 83 84 85 86 87 88 89 90 91 92 93 94 95 96 97 98
    to resolve H2NO HNO HNOH HO2 NH NH2 NH2OH NO2 O OH cHNNH tHNNH


Attempt Newton solution of steady-state problem.
Newton steady-state solve succeeded.

Problem solved on [163] point grid(s).

no new points needed in flame

************ Solving on 8 point grid with energy equation enabled ************


Attempt Newton solution of steady-state problem.
Newton steady-state solve failed.

Attempt 10 timesteps.
Final timestep info: dt= 6.407e-05  log(ss)= 4.486

Attempt Newton solution of steady-state problem.
Newton steady-state solve failed.

Attempt 10 timesteps.
Final timestep info: dt= 0.001642   log(ss)= 3.527

Attempt Newton solution of steady-state problem.
Newton steady-state solve failed.

Attempt 10 timesteps.
Final timestep info: dt= 0.02806    log(ss)= 2.798

Attempt Newton solution of steady-state problem.
Newton steady-state solve failed.

Attempt 10 timesteps.
Final timestep info: dt= 0.7191     log(ss)= 0.1674

Attempt Newton solution of steady-state problem.
Newton steady-state solve succeeded.

Problem solved on [9] point grid(s).
Expanding domain to accommodate flame thickness. New width: 0.06 m
Refining grid in flame.
    New points inserted after grid points 0 1 2 3 4 5 6
    to resolve H H2 H2NN H2NO H2O H2O2 HNO HNO2 HNOH HO2 HONO N N2 N2H3 N2H4 N2O NH NH2 NH2OH NH3 NO NO2 O O2 OH T cHNNH tHNNH velocity

*********** Solving on 16 point grid with energy equation enabled ************


Attempt Newton solution of steady-state problem.
Newton steady-state solve failed.

Attempt 10 timesteps.
Final timestep info: dt= 6.407e-05  log(ss)= 4.356

Attempt Newton solution of steady-state problem.
Newton steady-state solve failed.

Attempt 10 timesteps.
Final timestep info: dt= 0.001642   log(ss)= 3.946

Attempt Newton solution of steady-state problem.
Newton steady-state solve failed.

Attempt 10 timesteps.
Final timestep info: dt= 0.0002598  log(ss)= 4.2

Attempt Newton solution of steady-state problem.
Newton steady-state solve failed.

Attempt 10 timesteps.
Final timestep info: dt= 0.004439   log(ss)= 3.525

Attempt Newton solution of steady-state problem.
Newton steady-state solve succeeded.

Problem solved on [16] point grid(s).

grid refinement disabled.

******************** Solving with grid refinement enabled ********************


Attempt Newton solution of steady-state problem.
Newton steady-state solve succeeded.

Problem solved on [16] point grid(s).

Refining grid in flame.
    New points inserted after grid points 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11
    to resolve H H2 H2NN H2NO H2O H2O2 HNO HNOH HO2 HONO N N2 N2H3 N2H4 N2O NH NH2 NH2OH NH3 NO NO2 O O2 OH T cHNNH tHNNH velocity


Attempt Newton solution of steady-state problem.
Newton steady-state solve failed.

Attempt 10 timesteps.
Final timestep info: dt= 0.0002563  log(ss)= 4.118

Attempt Newton solution of steady-state problem.
Newton steady-state solve failed.

Attempt 10 timesteps.
Final timestep info: dt= 0.0003079  log(ss)= 4.815

Attempt Newton solution of steady-state problem.
Newton steady-state solve failed.

Attempt 10 timesteps.
Final timestep info: dt= 0.002338   log(ss)= 3.84

Attempt Newton solution of steady-state problem.
Newton steady-state solve succeeded.

Problem solved on [27] point grid(s).

Refining grid in flame.
    New points inserted after grid points 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 23
    to resolve H H2 H2NN H2NO H2O H2O2 HNO HNOH HO2 HONO N N2 N2H3 N2H4 N2O NH NH2 NH2OH NH3 NO NO2 O O2 OH T cHNNH point 23 tHNNH velocity


Attempt Newton solution of steady-state problem.
Newton steady-state solve failed.

Attempt 10 timesteps.
Final timestep info: dt= 0.0002563  log(ss)= 4.841

Attempt Newton solution of steady-state problem.
Newton steady-state solve failed.

Attempt 10 timesteps.
Final timestep info: dt= 0.002919   log(ss)= 3.9

Attempt Newton solution of steady-state problem.
Newton steady-state solve failed.

Attempt 10 timesteps.
Final timestep info: dt= 0.001559   log(ss)= 4.25

Attempt Newton solution of steady-state problem.
Newton steady-state solve failed.

Attempt 10 timesteps.
Final timestep info: dt= 0.02663    log(ss)= 2.663

Attempt Newton solution of steady-state problem.
Newton steady-state solve succeeded.

Problem solved on [44] point grid(s).

Refining grid in flame.
    New points inserted after grid points 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29
    to resolve H H2 H2NN H2NO H2O H2O2 HNO HNOH HO2 HONO N N2 N2H3 N2H4 N2O NH NH2 NH2OH NH3 NNH NO NO2 O O2 OH T cHNNH tHNNH velocity


Attempt Newton solution of steady-state problem.
Newton steady-state solve succeeded.

Problem solved on [60] point grid(s).

Refining grid in flame.
    New points inserted after grid points 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41
    to resolve H H2 H2NN H2NO H2O H2O2 HNO HNOH HO2 HONO N N2 N2H3 N2H4 N2O NH NH2 NH2OH NH3 NO NO2 O O2 OH T cHNNH tHNNH velocity


Attempt Newton solution of steady-state problem.
Newton steady-state solve succeeded.

Problem solved on [84] point grid(s).

Refining grid in flame.
    New points inserted after grid points 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 59 60 61
    to resolve H H2 H2NO H2O H2O2 HNO HNOH HO2 HONO N N2 N2H3 N2H4 N2O NH NH2 NH2OH NH3 NO NO2 O O2 OH T cHNNH tHNNH velocity


Attempt Newton solution of steady-state problem.
Newton steady-state solve succeeded.

Problem solved on [118] point grid(s).

Refining grid in flame.
    New points inserted after grid points 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 53 57 58 59 60 61 62 63 64 65 66 67 68 69 70 71 72 73 74 75 76 77 78 79 80 81 88
    to resolve H H2 H2NO H2O2 HNO HNOH HO2 HONO N N2H3 N2H4 N2O NH NH2 NH2OH NO NO2 O OH cHNNH tHNNH


Attempt Newton solution of steady-state problem.
Newton steady-state solve succeeded.

Problem solved on [154] point grid(s).

Refining grid in flame.
    New points inserted after grid points 94 95 96 97 98 101 102 103 104 105 106 107
    to resolve HNO NH cHNNH tHNNH


Attempt Newton solution of steady-state problem.
Newton steady-state solve succeeded.

Problem solved on [166] point grid(s).

no new points needed in flame

************ Solving on 8 point grid with energy equation enabled ************


Attempt Newton solution of steady-state problem.
Newton steady-state solve failed.

Attempt 10 timesteps.
Final timestep info: dt= 3.204e-05  log(ss)= 4.682

Attempt Newton solution of steady-state problem.
Newton steady-state solve failed.

Attempt 10 timesteps.
Final timestep info: dt= 0.0008211  log(ss)= 3.581

Attempt Newton solution of steady-state problem.
Newton steady-state solve failed.

Attempt 10 timesteps.
Final timestep info: dt= 0.01403    log(ss)= 3.189

Attempt Newton solution of steady-state problem.
Newton steady-state solve failed.

Attempt 10 timesteps.
Final timestep info: dt= 0.3595     log(ss)= 1.149

Attempt Newton solution of steady-state problem.
Newton steady-state solve succeeded.

Problem solved on [9] point grid(s).
Expanding domain to accommodate flame thickness. New width: 0.06 m
Refining grid in flame.
    New points inserted after grid points 0 1 2 3 4 5 6
    to resolve H H2 H2NN H2NO H2O H2O2 HNO HNO2 HNOH HO2 HONO N N2 N2H3 N2H4 N2O NH NH2 NH2OH NH3 NO NO2 O O2 OH T cHNNH tHNNH velocity

*********** Solving on 16 point grid with energy equation enabled ************


Attempt Newton solution of steady-state problem.
Newton steady-state solve failed.

Attempt 10 timesteps.
Final timestep info: dt= 2.136e-05  log(ss)= 4.713

Attempt Newton solution of steady-state problem.
Newton steady-state solve failed.

Attempt 10 timesteps.
Final timestep info: dt= 0.0005474  log(ss)= 4.825

Attempt Newton solution of steady-state problem.
Newton steady-state solve failed.

Attempt 10 timesteps.
Final timestep info: dt= 0.0001299  log(ss)= 4.698

Attempt Newton solution of steady-state problem.
Newton steady-state solve failed.

Attempt 10 timesteps.
Final timestep info: dt= 0.003329   log(ss)= 3.827

Attempt Newton solution of steady-state problem.
Newton steady-state solve failed.

Attempt 10 timesteps.
Final timestep info: dt= 0.05688    log(ss)= 2.455

Attempt Newton solution of steady-state problem.
Newton steady-state solve succeeded.

Problem solved on [16] point grid(s).

grid refinement disabled.

******************** Solving with grid refinement enabled ********************


Attempt Newton solution of steady-state problem.
Newton steady-state solve succeeded.

Problem solved on [16] point grid(s).

Refining grid in flame.
    New points inserted after grid points 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
    to resolve H H2 H2NN H2NO H2O H2O2 HNO HNOH HO2 HONO N N2 N2H3 N2H4 N2O NH NH2 NH2OH NH3 NO NO2 O O2 OH T cHNNH tHNNH velocity


Attempt Newton solution of steady-state problem.
Newton steady-state solve failed.

Attempt 10 timesteps.
Final timestep info: dt= 0.0002563  log(ss)= 4.906

Attempt Newton solution of steady-state problem.
Newton steady-state solve failed.

Attempt 10 timesteps.
Final timestep info: dt= 0.0007298  log(ss)= 4.451

Attempt Newton solution of steady-state problem.
Newton steady-state solve failed.

Attempt 10 timesteps.
Final timestep info: dt= 0.01247    log(ss)= 3.076

Attempt Newton solution of steady-state problem.
Newton steady-state solve failed.

Attempt 10 timesteps.
Final timestep info: dt= 0.0007022  log(ss)= 4.592

Attempt Newton solution of steady-state problem.
Newton steady-state solve failed.

Attempt 10 timesteps.
Final timestep info: dt= 0.0004999  log(ss)= 4.701

Attempt Newton solution of steady-state problem.
Newton steady-state solve failed.

Attempt 10 timesteps.
Final timestep info: dt= 0.0004004  log(ss)= 4.67

Attempt Newton solution of steady-state problem.
Newton steady-state solve failed.

Attempt 10 timesteps.
Final timestep info: dt= 0.00228    log(ss)= 3.5

Attempt Newton solution of steady-state problem.
Newton steady-state solve succeeded.

Problem solved on [26] point grid(s).

Refining grid in flame.
    New points inserted after grid points 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17
    to resolve H H2 H2NN H2NO H2O H2O2 HNO HNOH HO2 HONO N N2 N2H3 N2H4 N2O NH NH2 NH2OH NH3 NO NO2 O O2 OH T cHNNH tHNNH velocity


Attempt Newton solution of steady-state problem.
Newton steady-state solve failed.

Attempt 10 timesteps.
Final timestep info: dt= 0.0002563  log(ss)= 4.616

Attempt Newton solution of steady-state problem.
Newton steady-state solve failed.

Attempt 10 timesteps.
Final timestep info: dt= 0.006568   log(ss)= 3.213

Attempt Newton solution of steady-state problem.
Newton steady-state solve succeeded.

Problem solved on [38] point grid(s).

Refining grid in flame.
    New points inserted after grid points 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26
    to resolve H H2 H2NN H2NO H2O H2O2 HNO HNOH HO2 HONO N N2 N2H3 N2H4 N2O NH NH2 NH2OH NH3 NO NO2 O O2 OH T cHNNH tHNNH velocity


Attempt Newton solution of steady-state problem.
Newton steady-state solve succeeded.

Problem solved on [54] point grid(s).

Refining grid in flame.
    New points inserted after grid points 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39
    to resolve H H2 H2NN H2NO H2O H2O2 HNO HNOH HO2 HONO N N2 N2H3 N2H4 N2O NH NH2 NH2OH NH3 NO NO2 O O2 OH T cHNNH tHNNH velocity


Attempt Newton solution of steady-state problem.
Newton steady-state solve succeeded.

Problem solved on [78] point grid(s).

Refining grid in flame.
    New points inserted after grid points 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 58
    to resolve H H2 H2NN H2NO H2O H2O2 HNO HNOH HO2 HONO N N2 N2H3 N2H4 N2O NH NH2 NH2OH NH3 NO NO2 O O2 OH T cHNNH tHNNH velocity


Attempt Newton solution of steady-state problem.
Newton steady-state solve succeeded.

Problem solved on [109] point grid(s).

Refining grid in flame.
    New points inserted after grid points 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 59 60 61 62 63 64 65 66 67 68 69 70 71 72 73
    to resolve H H2 H2O2 HNO HNOH HO2 HONO N N2H3 N2H4 N2O NH NH2 NH2OH NH3 NO NO2 O OH cHNNH tHNNH


Attempt Newton solution of steady-state problem.
Newton steady-state solve succeeded.

Problem solved on [142] point grid(s).

Refining grid in flame.
    New points inserted after grid points 81 82 83 84 85 86 87 88 89 90 91 92 93 94 95 96 97 98 99 100
    to resolve HNO N NH NH2 cHNNH tHNNH


Attempt Newton solution of steady-state problem.
Newton steady-state solve succeeded.

Problem solved on [162] point grid(s).

no new points needed in flame

************ Solving on 8 point grid with energy equation enabled ************


Attempt Newton solution of steady-state problem.
Newton steady-state solve failed.

Attempt 10 timesteps.
Final timestep info: dt= 1.602e-05  log(ss)= 4.948

Attempt Newton solution of steady-state problem.
Newton steady-state solve failed.

Attempt 10 timesteps.
Final timestep info: dt= 0.0004105  log(ss)= 3.931

Attempt Newton solution of steady-state problem.
Newton steady-state solve failed.

Attempt 10 timesteps.
Final timestep info: dt= 0.01052    log(ss)= 3.485

Attempt Newton solution of steady-state problem.
Newton steady-state solve succeeded.

Problem solved on [9] point grid(s).
Expanding domain to accommodate flame thickness. New width: 0.06 m
Refining grid in flame.
    New points inserted after grid points 0 1 2 3 4 5 6
    to resolve H H2 H2NN H2NO H2O H2O2 HNO HNO2 HNOH HO2 HONO N N2 N2H3 N2H4 N2O NH NH2 NH2OH NH3 NO NO2 O O2 OH T cHNNH tHNNH velocity

*********** Solving on 16 point grid with energy equation enabled ************


Attempt Newton solution of steady-state problem.
Newton steady-state solve failed.

Attempt 10 timesteps.
Final timestep info: dt= 1.602e-05  log(ss)= 4.913

Attempt Newton solution of steady-state problem.
Newton steady-state solve failed.

Attempt 10 timesteps.
Final timestep info: dt= 0.0002053  log(ss)= 5.535

Attempt Newton solution of steady-state problem.
Newton steady-state solve failed.

Attempt 10 timesteps.
Final timestep info: dt= 0.0002192  log(ss)= 4.365

Attempt Newton solution of steady-state problem.
Newton steady-state solve failed.

Attempt 10 timesteps.
Final timestep info: dt= 0.005618   log(ss)= 3.58

Attempt Newton solution of steady-state problem.
Newton steady-state solve failed.

Attempt 10 timesteps.
Final timestep info: dt= 0.09598    log(ss)= 2.08

Attempt Newton solution of steady-state problem.
Newton steady-state solve succeeded.

Problem solved on [16] point grid(s).

grid refinement disabled.

******************** Solving with grid refinement enabled ********************


Attempt Newton solution of steady-state problem.
Newton steady-state solve succeeded.

Problem solved on [16] point grid(s).

Refining grid in flame.
    New points inserted after grid points 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11
    to resolve H H2 H2NN H2NO H2O H2O2 HNO HNOH HO2 HONO N N2 N2H3 N2H4 N2O NH NH2 NH2OH NH3 NO NO2 O O2 OH T cHNNH tHNNH velocity


Attempt Newton solution of steady-state problem.
Newton steady-state solve failed.

Attempt 10 timesteps.
Final timestep info: dt= 0.0001709  log(ss)= 5.59

Attempt Newton solution of steady-state problem.
Newton steady-state solve failed.

Attempt 10 timesteps.
Final timestep info: dt= 0.0005474  log(ss)= 4.657

Attempt Newton solution of steady-state problem.
Newton steady-state solve failed.

Attempt 10 timesteps.
Final timestep info: dt= 0.0002192  log(ss)= 5.098

Attempt Newton solution of steady-state problem.
Newton steady-state solve failed.

Attempt 10 timesteps.
Final timestep info: dt= 0.0004161  log(ss)= 4.909

Attempt Newton solution of steady-state problem.
Newton steady-state solve failed.

Attempt 10 timesteps.
Final timestep info: dt= 0.00079    log(ss)= 4.222

Attempt Newton solution of steady-state problem.
Newton steady-state solve succeeded.

Problem solved on [27] point grid(s).

Refining grid in flame.
    New points inserted after grid points 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 23
    to resolve H H2 H2NN H2NO H2O H2O2 HNO HNOH HO2 HONO N N2 N2H3 N2H4 N2O NH NH2 NH2OH NH3 NO NO2 O O2 OH T cHNNH point 23 tHNNH velocity


Attempt Newton solution of steady-state problem.
Newton steady-state solve failed.

Attempt 10 timesteps.
Final timestep info: dt= 0.0002563  log(ss)= 5.065

Attempt Newton solution of steady-state problem.
Newton steady-state solve failed.

Attempt 10 timesteps.
Final timestep info: dt= 0.004379   log(ss)= 3.52

Attempt Newton solution of steady-state problem.
Newton steady-state solve succeeded.

Problem solved on [40] point grid(s).

Refining grid in flame.
    New points inserted after grid points 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26
    to resolve H H2 H2NN H2NO H2O H2O2 HNO HNOH HO2 HONO N N2 N2H3 N2H4 N2O NH NH2 NH2OH NH3 NNH NO NO2 O O2 OH T cHNNH tHNNH velocity


Attempt Newton solution of steady-state problem.
Newton steady-state solve succeeded.

Problem solved on [56] point grid(s).

Refining grid in flame.
    New points inserted after grid points 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38
    to resolve H H2 H2NN H2NO H2O H2O2 HNO HNOH HO2 HONO N N2 N2H3 N2H4 N2O NH NH2 NH2OH NH3 NNH NO NO2 O O2 OH T cHNNH tHNNH velocity


Attempt Newton solution of steady-state problem.
Newton steady-state solve succeeded.

Problem solved on [79] point grid(s).

Refining grid in flame.
    New points inserted after grid points 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48
    to resolve H H2 H2NN H2NO H2O H2O2 HNO HNOH HO2 HONO N N2 N2H3 N2H4 N2O NH NH2 NH2OH NH3 NO NO2 O O2 OH T cHNNH tHNNH velocity


Attempt Newton solution of steady-state problem.
Newton steady-state solve succeeded.

Problem solved on [107] point grid(s).

Refining grid in flame.
    New points inserted after grid points 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 59 60 61 62 63 64 65 66 67 68 69 70


Attempt Newton solution of steady-state problem.
Newton steady-state solve succeeded.

Problem solved on [140] point grid(s).

Refining grid in flame.
    New points inserted after grid points 34 51 52 53 54 75 76 77 78 79 80 81 82 83 84 85 86 87 88 89 90 91 92 93 94 95
    to resolve HNO N N2H3 NH NH2 cHNNH tHNNH


Attempt Newton solution of steady-state problem.
Newton steady-state solve succeeded.

Problem solved on [166] point grid(s).

no new points needed in flame

************ Solving on 8 point grid with energy equation enabled ************


Attempt Newton solution of steady-state problem.
Newton steady-state solve failed.

Attempt 10 timesteps.
Final timestep info: dt= 1.602e-05  log(ss)= 5.002

Attempt Newton solution of steady-state problem.
Newton steady-state solve failed.

Attempt 10 timesteps.
Final timestep info: dt= 0.0004105  log(ss)= 4.16

Attempt Newton solution of steady-state problem.
Newton steady-state solve failed.

Attempt 10 timesteps.
Final timestep info: dt= 0.01052    log(ss)= 3.487

Attempt Newton solution of steady-state problem.
Newton steady-state solve succeeded.

Problem solved on [9] point grid(s).
Expanding domain to accommodate flame thickness. New width: 0.06 m
Refining grid in flame.
    New points inserted after grid points 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7
    to resolve H H2 H2NN H2NO H2O H2O2 HNO HNOH HO2 HONO N N2 N2H3 N2H4 N2O NH NH2 NH2OH NH3 NO NO2 O O2 OH T cHNNH tHNNH velocity

*********** Solving on 17 point grid with energy equation enabled ************


Attempt Newton solution of steady-state problem.
Newton steady-state solve failed.

Attempt 10 timesteps.
Final timestep info: dt= 1.068e-05  log(ss)= 4.95

Attempt Newton solution of steady-state problem.
Newton steady-state solve failed.

Attempt 10 timesteps.
Final timestep info: dt= 0.0001825  log(ss)= 5.735

Attempt Newton solution of steady-state problem.
Newton steady-state solve failed.

Attempt 10 timesteps.
Final timestep info: dt= 0.0005845  log(ss)= 4.309

Attempt Newton solution of steady-state problem.
Newton steady-state solve failed.

Attempt 10 timesteps.
Final timestep info: dt= 0.002497   log(ss)= 4.093

Attempt Newton solution of steady-state problem.
Newton steady-state solve failed.

Attempt 10 timesteps.
Final timestep info: dt= 0.000395   log(ss)= 4.731

Attempt Newton solution of steady-state problem.
Newton steady-state solve succeeded.

Problem solved on [17] point grid(s).

grid refinement disabled.

******************** Solving with grid refinement enabled ********************


Attempt Newton solution of steady-state problem.
Newton steady-state solve succeeded.

Problem solved on [17] point grid(s).

Refining grid in flame.
    New points inserted after grid points 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
    to resolve H H2 H2NN H2NO H2O H2O2 HNO HNOH HO2 HONO N N2 N2H3 N2H4 N2O NH NH2 NH2OH NH3 NO NO2 O O2 OH T cHNNH tHNNH velocity


Attempt Newton solution of steady-state problem.
Newton steady-state solve failed.

Attempt 10 timesteps.
Final timestep info: dt= 0.0002563  log(ss)= 5.328

Attempt Newton solution of steady-state problem.
Newton steady-state solve failed.

Attempt 10 timesteps.
Final timestep info: dt= 0.001946   log(ss)= 4.115

Attempt Newton solution of steady-state problem.
Newton steady-state solve failed.

Attempt 10 timesteps.
Final timestep info: dt= 0.001039   log(ss)= 4.02

Attempt Newton solution of steady-state problem.
Newton steady-state solve succeeded.

Problem solved on [25] point grid(s).

Refining grid in flame.
    New points inserted after grid points 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15
    to resolve H H2 H2NN H2NO H2O H2O2 HNO HNOH HO2 HONO N N2 N2H3 N2H4 N2O NH NH2 NH2OH NH3 NNH NO NO2 O O2 OH T cHNNH tHNNH velocity


Attempt Newton solution of steady-state problem.
Newton steady-state solve succeeded.

Problem solved on [35] point grid(s).

Refining grid in flame.
    New points inserted after grid points 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22
    to resolve H H2 H2NN H2NO H2O H2O2 HNO HNOH HO2 HONO N N2 N2H3 N2H4 N2O NH NH2 NH2OH NH3 NNH NO NO2 O O2 OH T cHNNH tHNNH velocity


Attempt Newton solution of steady-state problem.
Newton steady-state solve succeeded.

Problem solved on [50] point grid(s).

Refining grid in flame.
    New points inserted after grid points 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 32 33
    to resolve H H2 H2NN H2NO H2O H2O2 HNO HNOH HO2 HONO N N2 N2H3 N2H4 N2O NH NH2 NH2OH NH3 NNH NO NO2 O O2 OH T cHNNH tHNNH velocity


Attempt Newton solution of steady-state problem.
Newton steady-state solve succeeded.

Problem solved on [72] point grid(s).

Refining grid in flame.
    New points inserted after grid points 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42
    to resolve H H2 H2NN H2NO H2O H2O2 HNO HNOH HO2 HONO N N2 N2H3 N2H4 N2O NH NH2 NH2OH NH3 NO NO2 O O2 OH T cHNNH tHNNH velocity


Attempt Newton solution of steady-state problem.
Newton steady-state solve succeeded.

Problem solved on [100] point grid(s).

Refining grid in flame.
    New points inserted after grid points 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 59 60 61 62 63 64 65 66
    to resolve H H2 H2NN H2NO H2O2 HNO HNOH HO2 N N2H3 N2H4 N2O NH NH2 NH2OH NO NO2 O OH cHNNH tHNNH


Attempt Newton solution of steady-state problem.
Newton steady-state solve succeeded.

Problem solved on [140] point grid(s).

Refining grid in flame.
    New points inserted after grid points 25 48 49 50 51 52 53 54 75 76 77 78 79 80 81 84 85 86 87 88 89 90 91 92 93 94 95 96
    to resolve H2O2 N N2H3 NH NO2 cHNNH tHNNH


Attempt Newton solution of steady-state problem.
Newton steady-state solve succeeded.

Problem solved on [168] point grid(s).

no new points needed in flame

************ Solving on 8 point grid with energy equation enabled ************


Attempt Newton solution of steady-state problem.
Newton steady-state solve failed.

Attempt 10 timesteps.
Final timestep info: dt= 6.407e-05  log(ss)= 4.784

Attempt Newton solution of steady-state problem.
Newton steady-state solve failed.

Attempt 10 timesteps.
Final timestep info: dt= 0.001642   log(ss)= 3.75

Attempt Newton solution of steady-state problem.
Newton steady-state solve failed.

Attempt 10 timesteps.
Final timestep info: dt= 0.02806    log(ss)= 2.672

Attempt Newton solution of steady-state problem.
Newton steady-state solve succeeded.

Problem solved on [9] point grid(s).
Expanding domain to accommodate flame thickness. New width: 0.06 m
Refining grid in flame.
    New points inserted after grid points 0 1 2 3 4 5 6
    to resolve H H2 H2NN H2NO H2O H2O2 HNO HNO2 HNOH HO2 HONO N N2 N2H3 N2H4 N2O NH NH2 NH2OH NH3 NO NO2 O O2 OH T cHNNH tHNNH velocity

*********** Solving on 16 point grid with energy equation enabled ************


Attempt Newton solution of steady-state problem.
Newton steady-state solve failed.

Attempt 10 timesteps.
Final timestep info: dt= 6.407e-05  log(ss)= 5.514

Attempt Newton solution of steady-state problem.
Newton steady-state solve failed.

Attempt 10 timesteps.
Final timestep info: dt= 0.0004865  log(ss)= 4.386

Attempt Newton solution of steady-state problem.
Newton steady-state solve failed.

Attempt 10 timesteps.
Final timestep info: dt= 0.0004618  log(ss)= 5.475

Attempt Newton solution of steady-state problem.
Newton steady-state solve succeeded.

Problem solved on [16] point grid(s).

grid refinement disabled.

******************** Solving with grid refinement enabled ********************


Attempt Newton solution of steady-state problem.
Newton steady-state solve succeeded.

Problem solved on [16] point grid(s).

Refining grid in flame.
    New points inserted after grid points 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
    to resolve H H2 H2NN H2NO H2O H2O2 HNO HNOH HO2 HONO N N2 N2H3 N2H4 N2O NH NH2 NH2OH NH3 NO NO2 O O2 OH T cHNNH tHNNH velocity


Attempt Newton solution of steady-state problem.
Newton steady-state solve failed.

Attempt 10 timesteps.
Final timestep info: dt= 0.0001709  log(ss)= 5.489

Attempt Newton solution of steady-state problem.
Newton steady-state solve failed.

Attempt 10 timesteps.
Final timestep info: dt= 0.001946   log(ss)= 3.889

Attempt Newton solution of steady-state problem.
Newton steady-state solve succeeded.

Problem solved on [24] point grid(s).

Refining grid in flame.
    New points inserted after grid points 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15
    to resolve H H2 H2NN H2NO H2O H2O2 HNO HNOH HO2 HONO N N2 N2H3 N2H4 N2O NH NH2 NH2OH NH3 NNH NO NO2 O O2 OH T cHNNH tHNNH velocity


Attempt Newton solution of steady-state problem.
Newton steady-state solve succeeded.

Problem solved on [35] point grid(s).

Refining grid in flame.
    New points inserted after grid points 4 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23
    to resolve H H2 H2NN H2NO H2O H2O2 HNO HNOH HO2 HONO N N2 N2H3 N2H4 N2O NH NH2 NH2OH NH3 NNH NO NO2 O O2 OH T cHNNH point 4 tHNNH velocity


Attempt Newton solution of steady-state problem.
Newton steady-state solve succeeded.

Problem solved on [52] point grid(s).

Refining grid in flame.
    New points inserted after grid points 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 35 36
    to resolve H H2 H2NN H2NO H2O H2O2 HNO HNOH HO2 HONO N N2 N2H3 N2H4 N2O NH NH2 NH2OH NH3 NNH NO NO2 O O2 OH T cHNNH tHNNH velocity


Attempt Newton solution of steady-state problem.
Newton steady-state solve succeeded.

Problem solved on [73] point grid(s).

Refining grid in flame.
    New points inserted after grid points 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47
    to resolve H H2 H2NN H2NO H2O H2O2 HNO HNOH HO2 HONO N N2 N2H3 N2H4 N2O NH NH2 NH2OH NH3 NO NO2 O O2 OH T cHNNH tHNNH velocity


Attempt Newton solution of steady-state problem.
Newton steady-state solve succeeded.

Problem solved on [103] point grid(s).

Refining grid in flame.
    New points inserted after grid points 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 59 60 61 62 63 64 65 66 67 68 69 70 71


Attempt Newton solution of steady-state problem.
Newton steady-state solve succeeded.

Problem solved on [150] point grid(s).

Refining grid in flame.
    New points inserted after grid points 54 55 56 57 58 59 60 61 62 63 64 65
    to resolve H2NN H2O2 N2H3 N2H4


Attempt Newton solution of steady-state problem.
Newton steady-state solve succeeded.

Problem solved on [162] point grid(s).

no new points needed in flame

************ Solving on 8 point grid with energy equation enabled ************


Attempt Newton solution of steady-state problem.
Newton steady-state solve failed.

Attempt 10 timesteps.
Final timestep info: dt= 0.0001709  log(ss)= 4.233

Attempt Newton solution of steady-state problem.
Newton steady-state solve failed.

Attempt 10 timesteps.
Final timestep info: dt= 0.004379   log(ss)= 3.622

Attempt Newton solution of steady-state problem.
Newton steady-state solve failed.

Attempt 10 timesteps.
Final timestep info: dt= 0.1122     log(ss)= 2.052

Attempt Newton solution of steady-state problem.
Newton steady-state solve succeeded.

Problem solved on [9] point grid(s).
Expanding domain to accommodate flame thickness. New width: 0.06 m
Refining grid in flame.
    New points inserted after grid points 0 1 2 3 4 5 6
    to resolve H H2 H2NN H2NO H2O H2O2 HNO HNO2 HNOH HO2 HONO N N2 N2H3 N2H4 N2O NH NH2 NH2OH NH3 NO NO2 O O2 OH T cHNNH tHNNH velocity

*********** Solving on 16 point grid with energy equation enabled ************


Attempt Newton solution of steady-state problem.
Newton steady-state solve failed.

Attempt 10 timesteps.
Final timestep info: dt= 0.0001139  log(ss)= 5.762

Attempt Newton solution of steady-state problem.
Newton steady-state solve failed.

Attempt 10 timesteps.
Final timestep info: dt= 0.001297   log(ss)= 4.761

Attempt Newton solution of steady-state problem.
Newton steady-state solve failed.

Attempt 10 timesteps.
Final timestep info: dt= 0.004926   log(ss)= 3.55

Attempt Newton solution of steady-state problem.
Newton steady-state solve succeeded.

Problem solved on [16] point grid(s).

grid refinement disabled.

******************** Solving with grid refinement enabled ********************


Attempt Newton solution of steady-state problem.
Newton steady-state solve failed.

Attempt 10 timesteps.
Final timestep info: dt= 0.0005767  log(ss)= 0.08005

Attempt Newton solution of steady-state problem.
Newton steady-state solve succeeded.

Problem solved on [16] point grid(s).

Refining grid in flame.
    New points inserted after grid points 3 4 5 6 7 8 9
    to resolve H H2 H2NN H2NO H2O H2O2 HNO HNOH HO2 HONO N N2 N2H3 N2H4 N2O NH NH2 NH2OH NH3 NO NO2 O O2 OH T cHNNH tHNNH velocity


Attempt Newton solution of steady-state problem.
Newton steady-state solve failed.

Attempt 10 timesteps.
Final timestep info: dt= 0.0001709  log(ss)= 5.398

Attempt Newton solution of steady-state problem.
Newton steady-state solve failed.

Attempt 10 timesteps.
Final timestep info: dt= 0.002919   log(ss)= 4.094

Attempt Newton solution of steady-state problem.
Newton steady-state solve succeeded.

Problem solved on [23] point grid(s).

Refining grid in flame.
    New points inserted after grid points 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14
    to resolve H H2 H2NN H2NO H2O H2O2 HNO HNOH HO2 HONO N N2 N2H3 N2H4 N2O NH NH2 NH2OH NH3 NNH NO NO2 O O2 OH T cHNNH tHNNH velocity


Attempt Newton solution of steady-state problem.
Newton steady-state solve succeeded.

Problem solved on [34] point grid(s).

Refining grid in flame.
    New points inserted after grid points 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23
    to resolve H H2 H2NN H2NO H2O H2O2 HNO HNO2 HNOH HO2 HONO N N2 N2H3 N2H4 N2O NH NH2 NH2OH NH3 NNH NO NO2 O O2 OH T cHNNH tHNNH velocity


Attempt Newton solution of steady-state problem.
Newton steady-state solve succeeded.

Problem solved on [50] point grid(s).

Refining grid in flame.
    New points inserted after grid points 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36
    to resolve H H2 H2NN H2NO H2O H2O2 HNO HNOH HO2 HONO N N2 N2H3 N2H4 N2O NH NH2 NH2OH NH3 NO NO2 O O2 OH T cHNNH tHNNH velocity


Attempt Newton solution of steady-state problem.
Newton steady-state solve succeeded.

Problem solved on [72] point grid(s).

Refining grid in flame.
    New points inserted after grid points 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50
    to resolve H H2NN H2NO H2O H2O2 HNO HNOH HO2 HONO N N2 N2H3 N2H4 N2O NH NH2 NH2OH NH3 NO NO2 O O2 OH T cHNNH tHNNH velocity


Attempt Newton solution of steady-state problem.
Newton steady-state solve succeeded.

Problem solved on [104] point grid(s).

Refining grid in flame.
    New points inserted after grid points 26 27 28 29 30 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 59 60 61 62
    to resolve H H2NN H2NO H2O2 HNO HNOH HO2 HONO N N2H3 N2H4 N2O NH NH2 NO NO2 O OH cHNNH tHNNH


Attempt Newton solution of steady-state problem.
Newton steady-state solve succeeded.

Problem solved on [140] point grid(s).

Refining grid in flame.
    New points inserted after grid points 58 59 60 62 63 64 65
    to resolve H2O2 N2H3


Attempt Newton solution of steady-state problem.
Newton steady-state solve succeeded.

Problem solved on [147] point grid(s).

Refining grid in flame.
    New points inserted after grid points 64
    to resolve N2H3


Attempt Newton solution of steady-state problem.
Newton steady-state solve succeeded.

Problem solved on [148] point grid(s).

no new points needed in flame

************ Solving on 8 point grid with energy equation enabled ************


Attempt Newton solution of steady-state problem.
Newton steady-state solve failed.

Attempt 10 timesteps.
Final timestep info: dt= 0.0001139  log(ss)= 4.205

Attempt Newton solution of steady-state problem.
Newton steady-state solve failed.

Attempt 10 timesteps.
Final timestep info: dt= 0.001946   log(ss)= 3.616

Attempt Newton solution of steady-state problem.
Newton steady-state solve failed.

Attempt 10 timesteps.
Final timestep info: dt= 0.03325    log(ss)= 2.608

Attempt Newton solution of steady-state problem.
Newton steady-state solve failed.

Attempt 10 timesteps.
Final timestep info: dt= 0.8522     log(ss)= 0.5071

Attempt Newton solution of steady-state problem.
Newton steady-state solve succeeded.

Problem solved on [9] point grid(s).
Expanding domain to accommodate flame thickness. New width: 0.06 m
Refining grid in flame.
    New points inserted after grid points 0 1 2 3 4 5 6
    to resolve H H2 H2NN H2NO H2O H2O2 HNO HNO2 HNOH HO2 HONO N N2 N2H3 N2H4 N2O NH NH2 NH2OH NH3 NO NO2 O O2 OH T cHNNH tHNNH velocity

*********** Solving on 16 point grid with energy equation enabled ************


Attempt Newton solution of steady-state problem.
Newton steady-state solve failed.

Attempt 10 timesteps.
Final timestep info: dt= 0.0001139  log(ss)= 5.789

Attempt Newton solution of steady-state problem.
Newton steady-state solve failed.

Attempt 10 timesteps.
Final timestep info: dt= 0.001297   log(ss)= 4.701

Attempt Newton solution of steady-state problem.
Newton steady-state solve failed.

Attempt 10 timesteps.
Final timestep info: dt= 0.004926   log(ss)= 3.539

Attempt Newton solution of steady-state problem.
Newton steady-state solve failed.

Attempt 10 timesteps.
Final timestep info: dt= 0.1894     log(ss)= 1.011

Attempt Newton solution of steady-state problem.
Newton steady-state solve succeeded.

Problem solved on [16] point grid(s).

grid refinement disabled.

******************** Solving with grid refinement enabled ********************


Attempt Newton solution of steady-state problem.
Newton steady-state solve succeeded.

Problem solved on [16] point grid(s).

Refining grid in flame.
    New points inserted after grid points 3 4 5 6 7 8 9
    to resolve H H2 H2NN H2NO H2O H2O2 HNO HNOH HO2 HONO N N2 N2H3 N2H4 N2O NH NH2 NH2OH NH3 NO NO2 O O2 OH T cHNNH tHNNH velocity


Attempt Newton solution of steady-state problem.
Newton steady-state solve succeeded.

Problem solved on [23] point grid(s).

Refining grid in flame.
    New points inserted after grid points 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14
    to resolve H H2 H2NN H2NO H2O H2O2 HNO HNO2 HNOH HO2 HONO N N2 N2H3 N2H4 N2O NH NH2 NH2OH NH3 NNH NO NO2 O O2 OH T cHNNH tHNNH velocity


Attempt Newton solution of steady-state problem.
Newton steady-state solve succeeded.

Problem solved on [34] point grid(s).

Refining grid in flame.
    New points inserted after grid points 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23
    to resolve H H2 H2NN H2NO H2O H2O2 HNO HNOH HO2 HONO N N2 N2H3 N2H4 N2O NH NH2 NH2OH NH3 NNH NO NO2 O O2 OH T cHNNH tHNNH velocity


Attempt Newton solution of steady-state problem.
Newton steady-state solve succeeded.

Problem solved on [49] point grid(s).

Refining grid in flame.
    New points inserted after grid points 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36
    to resolve H H2 H2NN H2NO H2O H2O2 HNO HNOH HO2 HONO N N2 N2H3 N2H4 N2O NH NH2 NH2OH NH3 NO NO2 O O2 OH T cHNNH tHNNH velocity


Attempt Newton solution of steady-state problem.
Newton steady-state solve succeeded.

Problem solved on [72] point grid(s).

Refining grid in flame.
    New points inserted after grid points 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 56


Attempt Newton solution of steady-state problem.
Newton steady-state solve succeeded.

Problem solved on [104] point grid(s).

Refining grid in flame.
    New points inserted after grid points 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 59 60 61 62 63 64
    to resolve H H2NN H2NO H2O2 HNO HNOH HO2 HONO N N2H3 N2H4 NH NH2 NO NO2 O OH cHNNH tHNNH


Attempt Newton solution of steady-state problem.
Newton steady-state solve succeeded.

Problem solved on [137] point grid(s).

no new points needed in flame

************ Solving on 8 point grid with energy equation enabled ************


Attempt Newton solution of steady-state problem.
Newton steady-state solve failed.

Attempt 10 timesteps.
Final timestep info: dt= 0.0001139  log(ss)= 4.15

Attempt Newton solution of steady-state problem.
Newton steady-state solve failed.

Attempt 10 timesteps.
Final timestep info: dt= 0.001946   log(ss)= 3.597

Attempt Newton solution of steady-state problem.
Newton steady-state solve failed.

Attempt 10 timesteps.
Final timestep info: dt= 0.03325    log(ss)= 2.613

Attempt Newton solution of steady-state problem.
Newton steady-state solve succeeded.

Problem solved on [9] point grid(s).
Expanding domain to accommodate flame thickness. New width: 0.06 m
Refining grid in flame.
    New points inserted after grid points 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7
    to resolve H H2 H2NN H2NO H2O H2O2 HNO HNO2 HNOH HO2 HONO N N2 N2H3 N2H4 N2O NH NH2 NH2OH NH3 NO NO2 O O2 OH T cHNNH tHNNH velocity

*********** Solving on 17 point grid with energy equation enabled ************


Attempt Newton solution of steady-state problem.
Newton steady-state solve failed.

Attempt 10 timesteps.
Final timestep info: dt= 0.0001139  log(ss)= 5.759

Attempt Newton solution of steady-state problem.
Newton steady-state solve failed.

Attempt 10 timesteps.
Final timestep info: dt= 0.001297   log(ss)= 4.532

Attempt Newton solution of steady-state problem.
Newton steady-state solve failed.

Attempt 10 timesteps.
Final timestep info: dt= 0.006568   log(ss)= 3.162

Attempt Newton solution of steady-state problem.
Newton steady-state solve failed.

Attempt 10 timesteps.
Final timestep info: dt= 0.1683     log(ss)= 1.19

Attempt Newton solution of steady-state problem.
Newton steady-state solve succeeded.

Problem solved on [17] point grid(s).

grid refinement disabled.

******************** Solving with grid refinement enabled ********************


Attempt Newton solution of steady-state problem.
Newton steady-state solve succeeded.

Problem solved on [17] point grid(s).

Refining grid in flame.
    New points inserted after grid points 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9
    to resolve H H2 H2NN H2NO H2O H2O2 HNO HNOH HO2 HONO N N2 N2H3 N2H4 N2O NH NH2 NH2OH NH3 NNH NO NO2 O O2 OH T cHNNH tHNNH velocity


Attempt Newton solution of steady-state problem.
Newton steady-state solve succeeded.

Problem solved on [25] point grid(s).

Refining grid in flame.
    New points inserted after grid points 1 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16
    to resolve H H2 H2NN H2NO H2O H2O2 HNO HNO2 HNOH HO2 HONO N N2 N2H3 N2H4 N2O NH NH2 NH2OH NH3 NNH NO NO2 O O2 OH T cHNNH point 1 tHNNH velocity


Attempt Newton solution of steady-state problem.
Newton steady-state solve succeeded.

Problem solved on [38] point grid(s).

Refining grid in flame.
    New points inserted after grid points 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26
    to resolve H H2 H2NN H2NO H2O H2O2 HNO HNOH HO2 HONO N N2 N2H3 N2H4 N2O NH NH2 NH2OH NH3 NO NO2 O O2 OH T cHNNH tHNNH velocity


Attempt Newton solution of steady-state problem.
Newton steady-state solve succeeded.

Problem solved on [53] point grid(s).

Refining grid in flame.
    New points inserted after grid points 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38
    to resolve H H2 H2NN H2NO H2O H2O2 HNO HNOH HO2 HONO N N2 N2H3 N2H4 N2O NH NH2 NH2OH NH3 NO NO2 O O2 OH T cHNNH tHNNH velocity


Attempt Newton solution of steady-state problem.
Newton steady-state solve succeeded.

Problem solved on [77] point grid(s).

Refining grid in flame.
    New points inserted after grid points 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 57 58


Attempt Newton solution of steady-state problem.
Newton steady-state solve succeeded.

Problem solved on [111] point grid(s).

Refining grid in flame.
    New points inserted after grid points 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 59 60 61 62 63 64 65
    to resolve H2NN H2NO H2O2 HNO HO2 HONO N N2H3 N2H4 NH NH2 NO2 O OH cHNNH tHNNH


Attempt Newton solution of steady-state problem.
Newton steady-state solve succeeded.

Problem solved on [141] point grid(s).

no new points needed in flame

************ Solving on 8 point grid with energy equation enabled ************


Attempt Newton solution of steady-state problem.
Newton steady-state solve failed.

Attempt 10 timesteps.
Final timestep info: dt= 0.0001139  log(ss)= 4.11

Attempt Newton solution of steady-state problem.
Newton steady-state solve failed.

Attempt 10 timesteps.
Final timestep info: dt= 0.001946   log(ss)= 3.58

Attempt Newton solution of steady-state problem.
Newton steady-state solve failed.

Attempt 10 timesteps.
Final timestep info: dt= 0.03325    log(ss)= 2.716

Attempt Newton solution of steady-state problem.
Newton steady-state solve succeeded.

Problem solved on [9] point grid(s).
Expanding domain to accommodate flame thickness. New width: 0.06 m
Refining grid in flame.
    New points inserted after grid points 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7
    to resolve H H2 H2NN H2NO H2O H2O2 HNO HNO2 HNOH HO2 HONO N N2 N2H3 N2H4 N2O NH NH2 NH2OH NH3 NO NO2 O O2 OH T cHNNH tHNNH velocity

*********** Solving on 17 point grid with energy equation enabled ************


Attempt Newton solution of steady-state problem.
Newton steady-state solve failed.

Attempt 10 timesteps.
Final timestep info: dt= 0.0001139  log(ss)= 5.744

Attempt Newton solution of steady-state problem.
Newton steady-state solve failed.

Attempt 10 timesteps.
Final timestep info: dt= 0.001297   log(ss)= 4.316

Attempt Newton solution of steady-state problem.
Newton steady-state solve failed.

Attempt 10 timesteps.
Final timestep info: dt= 0.009853   log(ss)= 2.878

Attempt Newton solution of steady-state problem.
Newton steady-state solve failed.

Attempt 10 timesteps.
Final timestep info: dt= 0.1683     log(ss)= 0.9067

Attempt Newton solution of steady-state problem.
Newton steady-state solve succeeded.

Problem solved on [17] point grid(s).

grid refinement disabled.

******************** Solving with grid refinement enabled ********************


Attempt Newton solution of steady-state problem.
Newton steady-state solve succeeded.

Problem solved on [17] point grid(s).

Refining grid in flame.
    New points inserted after grid points 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9
    to resolve H H2 H2NN H2NO H2O H2O2 HNO HNOH HO2 HONO N N2 N2H3 N2H4 N2O NH NH2 NH2OH NH3 NNH NO NO2 O O2 OH T cHNNH tHNNH velocity


Attempt Newton solution of steady-state problem.
Newton steady-state solve succeeded.

Problem solved on [25] point grid(s).

Refining grid in flame.
    New points inserted after grid points 1 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 20
    to resolve H H2 H2NN H2NO H2O H2O2 HNO HNO2 HNOH HO2 HONO N N2 N2H3 N2H4 N2O NH NH2 NH2OH NH3 NNH NO NO2 O O2 OH T cHNNH point 1 tHNNH velocity


Attempt Newton solution of steady-state problem.
Newton steady-state solve succeeded.

Problem solved on [40] point grid(s).

Refining grid in flame.
    New points inserted after grid points 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28
    to resolve H H2 H2NN H2NO H2O H2O2 HNO HNO2 HNOH HO2 HONO N N2 N2H3 N2H4 N2O NH NH2 NH2OH NH3 NO NO2 O O2 OH T cHNNH tHNNH velocity


Attempt Newton solution of steady-state problem.
Newton steady-state solve succeeded.

Problem solved on [56] point grid(s).

Refining grid in flame.
    New points inserted after grid points 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40
    to resolve H H2NN H2NO H2O H2O2 HNO HNOH HO2 HONO N N2 N2H3 N2H4 N2O NH NH2 NH2OH NH3 NO NO2 O O2 OH T cHNNH tHNNH velocity


Attempt Newton solution of steady-state problem.
Newton steady-state solve succeeded.

Problem solved on [81] point grid(s).

Refining grid in flame.
    New points inserted after grid points 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 53 54 58 59 60
    to resolve H H2NN H2NO H2O2 HNO HNOH HO2 HONO N N2H3 N2H4 N2O NH NH2 NO NO2 O OH cHNNH tHNNH


Attempt Newton solution of steady-state problem.
Newton steady-state solve succeeded.

Problem solved on [118] point grid(s).

Refining grid in flame.
    New points inserted after grid points 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 59 60 61 62 63 64 65 66
    to resolve H2O2 HO2 HONO N2H3 N2H4 NH NH2 NO2 O cHNNH


Attempt Newton solution of steady-state problem.
Newton steady-state solve succeeded.

Problem solved on [146] point grid(s).

no new points needed in flame

************ Solving on 8 point grid with energy equation enabled ************


Attempt Newton solution of steady-state problem.
Newton steady-state solve failed.

Attempt 10 timesteps.
Final timestep info: dt= 0.0001139  log(ss)= 4.093

Attempt Newton solution of steady-state problem.
Newton steady-state solve failed.

Attempt 10 timesteps.
Final timestep info: dt= 0.001946   log(ss)= 3.561

Attempt Newton solution of steady-state problem.
Newton steady-state solve failed.

Attempt 10 timesteps.
Final timestep info: dt= 0.02217    log(ss)= 2.931

Attempt Newton solution of steady-state problem.
Newton steady-state solve succeeded.

Problem solved on [9] point grid(s).
Expanding domain to accommodate flame thickness. New width: 0.06 m
Refining grid in flame.
    New points inserted after grid points 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7
    to resolve H H2 H2NN H2NO H2O H2O2 HNO HNO2 HNOH HO2 HONO N N2 N2H3 N2H4 N2O NH NH2 NH2OH NH3 NO NO2 O O2 OH T cHNNH tHNNH velocity

*********** Solving on 17 point grid with energy equation enabled ************


Attempt Newton solution of steady-state problem.
Newton steady-state solve failed.

Attempt 10 timesteps.
Final timestep info: dt= 0.0001139  log(ss)= 5.693

Attempt Newton solution of steady-state problem.
Newton steady-state solve failed.

Attempt 10 timesteps.
Final timestep info: dt= 0.001946   log(ss)= 4.135

Attempt Newton solution of steady-state problem.
Newton steady-state solve failed.

Attempt 10 timesteps.
Final timestep info: dt= 0.009853   log(ss)= 2.711

Attempt Newton solution of steady-state problem.
Newton steady-state solve failed.

Attempt 10 timesteps.
Final timestep info: dt= 0.2525     log(ss)= 0.9567

Attempt Newton solution of steady-state problem.
Newton steady-state solve succeeded.

Problem solved on [17] point grid(s).

grid refinement disabled.

******************** Solving with grid refinement enabled ********************


Attempt Newton solution of steady-state problem.
Newton steady-state solve succeeded.

Problem solved on [17] point grid(s).

Refining grid in flame.
    New points inserted after grid points 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 12
    to resolve H H2 H2NN H2NO H2O H2O2 HNO HNO2 HNOH HO2 HONO N N2 N2H3 N2H4 N2O NH NH2 NH2OH NH3 NO NO2 O O2 OH T cHNNH tHNNH velocity


Attempt Newton solution of steady-state problem.
Newton steady-state solve succeeded.

Problem solved on [27] point grid(s).

Refining grid in flame.
    New points inserted after grid points 1 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16
    to resolve H H2 H2NN H2NO H2O H2O2 HNO HNO2 HNOH HO2 HONO N N2 N2H3 N2H4 N2O NH NH2 NH2OH NH3 NO NO2 O O2 OH T cHNNH point 1 tHNNH velocity


Attempt Newton solution of steady-state problem.
Newton steady-state solve succeeded.

Problem solved on [41] point grid(s).

Refining grid in flame.
    New points inserted after grid points 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28
    to resolve H H2 H2NN H2NO H2O H2O2 HNO HNO2 HNOH HO2 HONO N N2 N2H3 N2H4 N2O NH NH2 NH2OH NH3 NO NO2 O O2 OH T cHNNH tHNNH velocity


Attempt Newton solution of steady-state problem.
Newton steady-state solve succeeded.

Problem solved on [57] point grid(s).

Refining grid in flame.
    New points inserted after grid points 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41
    to resolve H H2 H2NN H2NO H2O H2O2 HNO HNOH HO2 HONO N N2 N2H3 N2H4 N2O NH NH2 NH2OH NH3 NO NO2 O O2 OH T cHNNH tHNNH velocity


Attempt Newton solution of steady-state problem.
Newton steady-state solve succeeded.

Problem solved on [83] point grid(s).

Refining grid in flame.
    New points inserted after grid points 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 59 60 61 62
    to resolve H H2NN H2NO H2O2 HNO HNOH HO2 HONO N N2H3 N2H4 N2O NH NH2 NO NO2 O OH cHNNH tHNNH


Attempt Newton solution of steady-state problem.
Newton steady-state solve succeeded.

Problem solved on [124] point grid(s).

Refining grid in flame.
    New points inserted after grid points 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 59 60 61 62 63 64 65 66 67 68
    to resolve H2O2 HO2 HONO N2H3 N2H4 NO2 O


Attempt Newton solution of steady-state problem.
Newton steady-state solve succeeded.

Problem solved on [150] point grid(s).

no new points needed in flame

************ Solving on 8 point grid with energy equation enabled ************


Attempt Newton solution of steady-state problem.
Newton steady-state solve failed.

Attempt 10 timesteps.
Final timestep info: dt= 0.0001139  log(ss)= 3.898

Attempt Newton solution of steady-state problem.
Newton steady-state solve failed.

Attempt 10 timesteps.
Final timestep info: dt= 0.001946   log(ss)= 3.542

Attempt Newton solution of steady-state problem.
Newton steady-state solve failed.

Attempt 10 timesteps.
Final timestep info: dt= 0.01478    log(ss)= 3.104

Attempt Newton solution of steady-state problem.
Newton steady-state solve succeeded.

Problem solved on [9] point grid(s).
Expanding domain to accommodate flame thickness. New width: 0.06 m
Refining grid in flame.
    New points inserted after grid points 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7
    to resolve H H2 H2NN H2NO H2O H2O2 HNO HNO2 HNOH HO2 HONO N N2 N2H3 N2H4 N2O NH NH2 NH2OH NH3 NO NO2 O O2 OH T cHNNH tHNNH velocity

*********** Solving on 17 point grid with energy equation enabled ************


Attempt Newton solution of steady-state problem.
Newton steady-state solve failed.

Attempt 10 timesteps.
Final timestep info: dt= 0.0001139  log(ss)= 5.711

Attempt Newton solution of steady-state problem.
Newton steady-state solve failed.

Attempt 10 timesteps.
Final timestep info: dt= 0.001946   log(ss)= 4.039

Attempt Newton solution of steady-state problem.
Newton steady-state solve failed.

Attempt 10 timesteps.
Final timestep info: dt= 0.006568   log(ss)= 3.323

Attempt Newton solution of steady-state problem.
Newton steady-state solve failed.

Attempt 10 timesteps.
Final timestep info: dt= 0.1122     log(ss)= 1.87

Attempt Newton solution of steady-state problem.
Newton steady-state solve succeeded.

Problem solved on [17] point grid(s).

grid refinement disabled.

******************** Solving with grid refinement enabled ********************


Attempt Newton solution of steady-state problem.
Newton steady-state solve succeeded.

Problem solved on [17] point grid(s).

Refining grid in flame.
    New points inserted after grid points 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 12
    to resolve H H2 H2NN H2NO H2O H2O2 HNO HNO2 HNOH HO2 HONO N N2 N2H3 N2H4 N2O NH NH2 NH2OH NH3 NO NO2 O O2 OH T cHNNH tHNNH velocity


Attempt Newton solution of steady-state problem.
Newton steady-state solve failed.

Attempt 10 timesteps.
Final timestep info: dt= 0.0002563  log(ss)= 5.048

Attempt Newton solution of steady-state problem.
Newton steady-state solve failed.

Attempt 10 timesteps.
Final timestep info: dt= 0.002919   log(ss)= 4.242

Attempt Newton solution of steady-state problem.
Newton steady-state solve succeeded.

Problem solved on [28] point grid(s).

Refining grid in flame.
    New points inserted after grid points 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18
    to resolve H H2 H2NN H2NO H2O H2O2 HNO HNO2 HNOH HO2 HONO N N2 N2H3 N2H4 N2O NH NH2 NH2OH NH3 NO NO2 O O2 OH T cHNNH tHNNH velocity


Attempt Newton solution of steady-state problem.
Newton steady-state solve succeeded.

Problem solved on [42] point grid(s).

Refining grid in flame.
    New points inserted after grid points 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29
    to resolve H H2 H2NN H2NO H2O H2O2 HNO HNO2 HNOH HO2 HONO N N2 N2H3 N2H4 N2O NH NH2 NH2OH NH3 NO NO2 O O2 OH T cHNNH tHNNH velocity


Attempt Newton solution of steady-state problem.
Newton steady-state solve succeeded.

Problem solved on [59] point grid(s).

Refining grid in flame.
    New points inserted after grid points 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42
    to resolve H H2 H2NN H2NO H2O H2O2 HNO HNOH HO2 HONO N N2 N2H3 N2H4 N2O NH NH2 NH2OH NH3 NO NO2 O O2 OH T cHNNH tHNNH velocity


Attempt Newton solution of steady-state problem.
Newton steady-state solve succeeded.

Problem solved on [85] point grid(s).

Refining grid in flame.
    New points inserted after grid points 24 25 26 27 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 59 60 61 62 63
    to resolve H H2NN H2NO H2O2 HNO HNOH HO2 HONO N N2H3 N2H4 N2O NH NH2 NO NO2 O OH cHNNH tHNNH


Attempt Newton solution of steady-state problem.
Newton steady-state solve succeeded.

Problem solved on [123] point grid(s).

Refining grid in flame.
    New points inserted after grid points 32 48 49 50 52 53 54 55 56 57 59 60 61 63 64 65 88 89
    to resolve H2O2 HNO N2H3 N2H4 NO2 O cHNNH tHNNH


Attempt Newton solution of steady-state problem.
Newton steady-state solve succeeded.

Problem solved on [141] point grid(s).

Refining grid in flame.
    New points inserted after grid points 48
    to resolve HONO


Attempt Newton solution of steady-state problem.
Newton steady-state solve succeeded.

Problem solved on [142] point grid(s).

no new points needed in flame

************ Solving on 8 point grid with energy equation enabled ************


Attempt Newton solution of steady-state problem.
Newton steady-state solve failed.

Attempt 10 timesteps.
Final timestep info: dt= 0.0001139  log(ss)= 4.091

Attempt Newton solution of steady-state problem.
Newton steady-state solve failed.

Attempt 10 timesteps.
Final timestep info: dt= 0.001946   log(ss)= 3.524

Attempt Newton solution of steady-state problem.
Newton steady-state solve failed.

Attempt 10 timesteps.
Final timestep info: dt= 0.02217    log(ss)= 2.945

Attempt Newton solution of steady-state problem.
Newton steady-state solve succeeded.

Problem solved on [9] point grid(s).
Expanding domain to accommodate flame thickness. New width: 0.06 m
Refining grid in flame.
    New points inserted after grid points 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7
    to resolve H H2 H2NN H2NO H2O H2O2 HNO HNO2 HNOH HO2 HONO N N2 N2H3 N2H4 N2O NH NH2 NH2OH NH3 NO NO2 O O2 OH T cHNNH tHNNH velocity

*********** Solving on 17 point grid with energy equation enabled ************


Attempt Newton solution of steady-state problem.
Newton steady-state solve failed.

Attempt 10 timesteps.
Final timestep info: dt= 0.0001139  log(ss)= 5.625

Attempt Newton solution of steady-state problem.
Newton steady-state solve failed.

Attempt 10 timesteps.
Final timestep info: dt= 0.001946   log(ss)= 3.985

Attempt Newton solution of steady-state problem.
Newton steady-state solve failed.

Attempt 10 timesteps.
Final timestep info: dt= 0.02217    log(ss)= 2.645

Attempt Newton solution of steady-state problem.
Newton steady-state solve failed.

Attempt 10 timesteps.
Final timestep info: dt= 0.3788     log(ss)= 1.074

Attempt Newton solution of steady-state problem.
Newton steady-state solve succeeded.

Problem solved on [17] point grid(s).

grid refinement disabled.

******************** Solving with grid refinement enabled ********************


Attempt Newton solution of steady-state problem.
Newton steady-state solve succeeded.

Problem solved on [17] point grid(s).

Refining grid in flame.
    New points inserted after grid points 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 12
    to resolve H H2 H2NN H2NO H2O H2O2 HNO HNO2 HNOH HO2 HONO N N2 N2H3 N2H4 N2O NH NH2 NH2OH NH3 NO NO2 O O2 OH T cHNNH tHNNH velocity


Attempt Newton solution of steady-state problem.
Newton steady-state solve succeeded.

Problem solved on [28] point grid(s).

Refining grid in flame.
    New points inserted after grid points 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19
    to resolve H H2 H2NN H2NO H2O H2O2 HNO HNO2 HNOH HO2 HONO N N2 N2H3 N2H4 N2O NH NH2 NH2OH NH3 NO NO2 O O2 OH T cHNNH tHNNH velocity


Attempt Newton solution of steady-state problem.
Newton steady-state solve succeeded.

Problem solved on [40] point grid(s).

Refining grid in flame.
    New points inserted after grid points 5 6 7 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27
    to resolve H H2 H2NN H2NO H2O H2O2 HNO HNO2 HNOH HO2 HONO N N2 N2H3 N2H4 N2O NH NH2 NH2OH NH3 NO NO2 O O2 OH T cHNNH tHNNH velocity


Attempt Newton solution of steady-state problem.
Newton steady-state solve succeeded.

Problem solved on [61] point grid(s).

Refining grid in flame.
    New points inserted after grid points 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44
    to resolve H H2 H2NN H2NO H2O H2O2 HNO HNOH HO2 HONO N N2 N2H3 N2H4 N2O NH NH2 NH2OH NH3 NO NO2 O O2 OH T cHNNH tHNNH velocity


Attempt Newton solution of steady-state problem.
Newton steady-state solve succeeded.

Problem solved on [89] point grid(s).

Refining grid in flame.
    New points inserted after grid points 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 59 60 61 62 63 64 65 66
    to resolve H H2NO H2O H2O2 HNO HNOH HO2 HONO N N2H3 N2H4 N2O NH NH2 NO NO2 O O2 OH cHNNH tHNNH


Attempt Newton solution of steady-state problem.
Newton steady-state solve succeeded.

Problem solved on [123] point grid(s).

Refining grid in flame.
    New points inserted after grid points 81 82 83 84 85 86
    to resolve HNO NH NO OH


Attempt Newton solution of steady-state problem.
Newton steady-state solve succeeded.

Problem solved on [129] point grid(s).

no new points needed in flame

************ Solving on 8 point grid with energy equation enabled ************


Attempt Newton solution of steady-state problem.
Newton steady-state solve failed.

Attempt 10 timesteps.
Final timestep info: dt= 0.0001709  log(ss)= 3.517

Attempt Newton solution of steady-state problem.
Newton steady-state solve failed.

Attempt 10 timesteps.
Final timestep info: dt= 0.002919   log(ss)= 3.497

Attempt Newton solution of steady-state problem.
Newton steady-state solve failed.

Attempt 10 timesteps.
Final timestep info: dt= 0.02217    log(ss)= 2.8

Attempt Newton solution of steady-state problem.
Newton steady-state solve succeeded.

Problem solved on [9] point grid(s).
Expanding domain to accommodate flame thickness. New width: 0.06 m
Refining grid in flame.
    New points inserted after grid points 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7
    to resolve H H2 H2NN H2NO H2O H2O2 HNO HNO2 HNOH HO2 HONO N N2 N2H3 N2H4 N2O NH NH2 NH2OH NH3 NO NO2 O O2 OH T cHNNH tHNNH velocity

*********** Solving on 17 point grid with energy equation enabled ************


Attempt Newton solution of steady-state problem.
Newton steady-state solve failed.

Attempt 10 timesteps.
Final timestep info: dt= 0.0001139  log(ss)= 5.524

Attempt Newton solution of steady-state problem.
Newton steady-state solve failed.

Attempt 10 timesteps.
Final timestep info: dt= 0.001297   log(ss)= 3.955

Attempt Newton solution of steady-state problem.
Newton steady-state solve failed.

Attempt 10 timesteps.
Final timestep info: dt= 0.02217    log(ss)= 2.758

Attempt Newton solution of steady-state problem.
Newton steady-state solve failed.

Attempt 10 timesteps.
Final timestep info: dt= 0.3788     log(ss)= 1.121

Attempt Newton solution of steady-state problem.
Newton steady-state solve succeeded.

Problem solved on [17] point grid(s).

grid refinement disabled.

******************** Solving with grid refinement enabled ********************


Attempt Newton solution of steady-state problem.
Newton steady-state solve succeeded.

Problem solved on [17] point grid(s).

Refining grid in flame.
    New points inserted after grid points 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12
    to resolve H H2 H2NN H2NO H2O H2O2 HNO HNO2 HNOH HO2 HONO N N2 N2H3 N2H4 N2O NH NH2 NH2OH NH3 NO NO2 O O2 OH T cHNNH tHNNH velocity


Attempt Newton solution of steady-state problem.
Newton steady-state solve succeeded.

Problem solved on [30] point grid(s).

Refining grid in flame.
    New points inserted after grid points 6 7 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20
    to resolve H H2 H2NN H2NO H2O H2O2 HNO HNO2 HNOH HO2 HONO N N2 N2H3 N2H4 N2O NH NH2 NH2OH NH3 NO NO2 O O2 OH T cHNNH tHNNH velocity


Attempt Newton solution of steady-state problem.
Newton steady-state solve succeeded.

Problem solved on [44] point grid(s).

Refining grid in flame.
    New points inserted after grid points 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31
    to resolve H H2 H2NN H2NO H2O H2O2 HNO HNO2 HNOH HO2 HONO N N2 N2H3 N2H4 N2O NH NH2 NH2OH NH3 NO NO2 O O2 OH T cHNNH tHNNH velocity


Attempt Newton solution of steady-state problem.
Newton steady-state solve succeeded.

Problem solved on [63] point grid(s).

Refining grid in flame.
    New points inserted after grid points 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46
    to resolve H H2NN H2NO H2O H2O2 HNO HNOH HO2 HONO N N2 N2H3 N2H4 N2O NH NH2 NH2OH NH3 NO NO2 O O2 OH T cHNNH tHNNH velocity


Attempt Newton solution of steady-state problem.
Newton steady-state solve succeeded.

Problem solved on [92] point grid(s).

Refining grid in flame.
    New points inserted after grid points 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 59 60 61 62 63 64 65 66 67 68
    to resolve H H2NO H2O2 HNO HO2 HONO N N2H3 N2H4 N2O NH NH2 NO NO2 O OH cHNNH tHNNH


Attempt Newton solution of steady-state problem.
Newton steady-state solve succeeded.

Problem solved on [125] point grid(s).

Refining grid in flame.
    New points inserted after grid points 76 77 78 79 80 81
    to resolve HNO N2H3 N2H4 NH NH2 O OH cHNNH


Attempt Newton solution of steady-state problem.
Newton steady-state solve succeeded.

Problem solved on [131] point grid(s).

no new points needed in flame

************ Solving on 8 point grid with energy equation enabled ************


Attempt Newton solution of steady-state problem.
Newton steady-state solve failed.

Attempt 10 timesteps.
Final timestep info: dt= 0.0001139  log(ss)= 4.067

Attempt Newton solution of steady-state problem.
Newton steady-state solve failed.

Attempt 10 timesteps.
Final timestep info: dt= 0.001946   log(ss)= 3.486

Attempt Newton solution of steady-state problem.
Newton steady-state solve failed.

Attempt 10 timesteps.
Final timestep info: dt= 0.01478    log(ss)= 3.058

Attempt Newton solution of steady-state problem.
Newton steady-state solve failed.

Attempt 10 timesteps.
Final timestep info: dt= 0.1122     log(ss)= 1.886

Attempt Newton solution of steady-state problem.
Newton steady-state solve succeeded.

Problem solved on [9] point grid(s).
Expanding domain to accommodate flame thickness. New width: 0.06 m
Refining grid in flame.
    New points inserted after grid points 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7
    to resolve H H2 H2NN H2NO H2O H2O2 HNO HNO2 HNOH HO2 HONO N N2 N2H3 N2H4 N2O NH NH2 NH2OH NH3 NO NO2 O O2 OH T cHNNH tHNNH velocity

*********** Solving on 17 point grid with energy equation enabled ************


Attempt Newton solution of steady-state problem.
Newton steady-state solve failed.

Attempt 10 timesteps.
Final timestep info: dt= 0.0001139  log(ss)= 5.4

Attempt Newton solution of steady-state problem.
Newton steady-state solve failed.

Attempt 10 timesteps.
Final timestep info: dt= 0.001297   log(ss)= 3.972

Attempt Newton solution of steady-state problem.
Newton steady-state solve failed.

Attempt 10 timesteps.
Final timestep info: dt= 0.01478    log(ss)= 2.854

Attempt Newton solution of steady-state problem.
Newton steady-state solve failed.

Attempt 10 timesteps.
Final timestep info: dt= 0.2525     log(ss)= 1.608

Attempt Newton solution of steady-state problem.
Newton steady-state solve failed.

Attempt 10 timesteps.
Final timestep info: dt= 9.707      log(ss)= -2.605

Attempt Newton solution of steady-state problem.
Newton steady-state solve succeeded.

Problem solved on [17] point grid(s).

grid refinement disabled.

******************** Solving with grid refinement enabled ********************


Attempt Newton solution of steady-state problem.
Newton steady-state solve succeeded.

Problem solved on [17] point grid(s).

Refining grid in flame.
    New points inserted after grid points 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 14 15
    to resolve H H2 H2NN H2NO H2O H2O2 HNO HNO2 HNOH HO2 HONO N N2 N2H3 N2H4 N2O NH NH2 NH2OH NH3 NO NO2 O O2 OH T cHNNH tHNNH velocity


Attempt Newton solution of steady-state problem.
Newton steady-state solve succeeded.

Problem solved on [32] point grid(s).

Refining grid in flame.
    New points inserted after grid points 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 26
    to resolve H H2 H2NN H2NO H2O H2O2 HNO HNO2 HNOH HO2 HONO N N2 N2H3 N2H4 N2O NH NH2 NH2OH NH3 NO NO2 O O2 OH T cHNNH tHNNH velocity


Attempt Newton solution of steady-state problem.
Newton steady-state solve succeeded.

Problem solved on [46] point grid(s).

Refining grid in flame.
    New points inserted after grid points 6 7 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30
    to resolve H H2 H2NN H2NO H2O H2O2 HNO HNO2 HNOH HO2 HONO N N2 N2H3 N2H4 N2O NH NH2 NH2OH NH3 NO NO2 O O2 OH T cHNNH tHNNH velocity


Attempt Newton solution of steady-state problem.
Newton steady-state solve succeeded.

Problem solved on [68] point grid(s).

Refining grid in flame.
    New points inserted after grid points 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48
    to resolve H H2NO H2O H2O2 HNO HNOH HO2 HONO N N2 N2H3 N2H4 N2O NH NH2 NH2OH NH3 NO NO2 O O2 OH T cHNNH tHNNH velocity


Attempt Newton solution of steady-state problem.
Newton steady-state solve succeeded.

Problem solved on [98] point grid(s).

Refining grid in flame.
    New points inserted after grid points 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 59 60 61 62 63 64 65 66 67 68 69 70
    to resolve H H2NO H2O2 HNO HO2 HONO N N2H3 N2H4 N2O NH NH2 NH2OH NO NO2 O OH cHNNH tHNNH


Attempt Newton solution of steady-state problem.
Newton steady-state solve succeeded.

Problem solved on [129] point grid(s).

Refining grid in flame.
    New points inserted after grid points 70 71 72 73 74 75 76 77 78 79 80
    to resolve N2H3 N2H4 NH NH2 O cHNNH


Attempt Newton solution of steady-state problem.
Newton steady-state solve succeeded.

Problem solved on [140] point grid(s).

Refining grid in flame.
    New points inserted after grid points 39
    to resolve HO2


Attempt Newton solution of steady-state problem.
Newton steady-state solve succeeded.

Problem solved on [141] point grid(s).

no new points needed in flame

************ Solving on 8 point grid with energy equation enabled ************


Attempt Newton solution of steady-state problem.
Newton steady-state solve failed.

Attempt 10 timesteps.
Final timestep info: dt= 0.0001709  log(ss)= 3.513

Attempt Newton solution of steady-state problem.
Newton steady-state solve failed.

Attempt 10 timesteps.
Final timestep info: dt= 0.001946   log(ss)= 3.459

Attempt Newton solution of steady-state problem.
Newton steady-state solve failed.

Attempt 10 timesteps.
Final timestep info: dt= 0.03325    log(ss)= 3.444

Attempt Newton solution of steady-state problem.
Newton steady-state solve failed.

Attempt 10 timesteps.
Final timestep info: dt= 0.3788     log(ss)= 0.8907

Attempt Newton solution of steady-state problem.
Newton steady-state solve succeeded.

Problem solved on [9] point grid(s).
Expanding domain to accommodate flame thickness. New width: 0.06 m
Refining grid in flame.
    New points inserted after grid points 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7
    to resolve H H2 H2NN H2NO H2O H2O2 HNO HNOH HO2 HONO N N2 N2H3 N2H4 N2O NH NH2 NH2OH NH3 NO NO2 O O2 OH T cHNNH tHNNH velocity

*********** Solving on 17 point grid with energy equation enabled ************


Attempt Newton solution of steady-state problem.
Newton steady-state solve failed.

Attempt 10 timesteps.
Final timestep info: dt= 0.0001139  log(ss)= 5.271

Attempt Newton solution of steady-state problem.
Newton steady-state solve failed.

Attempt 10 timesteps.
Final timestep info: dt= 0.001297   log(ss)= 3.934

Attempt Newton solution of steady-state problem.
Newton steady-state solve failed.

Attempt 10 timesteps.
Final timestep info: dt= 0.01478    log(ss)= 2.907

Attempt Newton solution of steady-state problem.
Newton steady-state solve failed.

Attempt 10 timesteps.
Final timestep info: dt= 0.1683     log(ss)= 1.864

Attempt Newton solution of steady-state problem.
Newton steady-state solve succeeded.

Problem solved on [17] point grid(s).

grid refinement disabled.

******************** Solving with grid refinement enabled ********************


Attempt Newton solution of steady-state problem.
Newton steady-state solve succeeded.

Problem solved on [17] point grid(s).

Refining grid in flame.
    New points inserted after grid points 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15
    to resolve H H2 H2NO H2O H2O2 HNO HNO2 HNOH HO2 HONO N N2 N2H3 N2H4 N2O NH NH2 NH2OH NH3 NO NO2 O O2 OH T cHNNH tHNNH velocity


Attempt Newton solution of steady-state problem.
Newton steady-state solve succeeded.

Problem solved on [32] point grid(s).

Refining grid in flame.
    New points inserted after grid points 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21
    to resolve H H2 H2NN H2NO H2O H2O2 HNO HNO2 HNOH HO2 HONO N N2 N2H3 N2H4 N2O NH NH2 NH2OH NH3 NO NO2 O O2 OH T cHNNH tHNNH velocity


Attempt Newton solution of steady-state problem.
Newton steady-state solve succeeded.

Problem solved on [48] point grid(s).

Refining grid in flame.
    New points inserted after grid points 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33
    to resolve H H2 H2NN H2NO H2O H2O2 HNO HNO2 HNOH HO2 HONO N N2 N2H3 N2H4 N2O NH NH2 NH2OH NH3 NO NO2 O O2 OH T cHNNH tHNNH velocity


Attempt Newton solution of steady-state problem.
Newton steady-state solve succeeded.

Problem solved on [70] point grid(s).

Refining grid in flame.
    New points inserted after grid points 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50
    to resolve H H2NN H2NO H2O H2O2 HNO HNOH HO2 HONO N N2 N2H3 N2H4 N2O NH NH2 NH2OH NH3 NO NO2 O O2 OH T cHNNH tHNNH velocity


Attempt Newton solution of steady-state problem.
Newton steady-state solve succeeded.

Problem solved on [99] point grid(s).

Refining grid in flame.
    New points inserted after grid points 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 59 60 61 62 63 64 65 66 67 68 69
    to resolve H H2NO H2O2 HNO HO2 HONO N2H3 N2H4 N2O NH NH2 NH2OH NO NO2 O OH cHNNH tHNNH


Attempt Newton solution of steady-state problem.
Newton steady-state solve succeeded.

Problem solved on [129] point grid(s).

Refining grid in flame.
    New points inserted after grid points 39 60 61 62 63 64 65 66 67 68 69 70 71 72 73 74 75 76
    to resolve H2O2 HO2 HONO N2H3 N2H4 NO2 cHNNH


Attempt Newton solution of steady-state problem.
Newton steady-state solve succeeded.

Problem solved on [147] point grid(s).

no new points needed in flame

Experimental data from Ronney (1988)

expData = {
   'X_NH3': [16.3,16.4,17.0,18.0,19.0,20.0,21.9,24.0,26.0,28.5,29.0,30.0,31.0,31.5],
   'vel': [1.35,1.48,2.30,3.36,4.01,5.88,6.80,8.14,6.73,5.00,4.78,3.3,2.9,3.0]
X_NH3 = np.array(expData['X_NH3']) / 100
X_O2 = (1 - X_NH3) * 0.21
phi_data = (X_NH3/X_O2) / (4/3)

Plot Results#

fig, ax = plt.subplots()
for m, vel_list in results.items():
    ax.plot(phi_list, vel_list, color=colors[m], label=m)
ax.plot(phi_data, expData['vel'], 'o', fillstyle='none', color='k', label='Ronney')
ax.legend(frameon=False, loc='upper right')
ax.set_ylabel(r'Burning velocity [cm $\rm s^{-1}$]')
ax.set_xlabel(r'Equivalence Ratio')
flame speed

Total running time of the script: (5 minutes 7.544 seconds)

Gallery generated by Sphinx-Gallery