Prandtl number for an equilibrium H/O gas mixture#

This example does the same thing as prandtl1.m, but using the multicomponent expression for the thermal conductivity.

Tags: Matlab transport equilibrium multicomponent transport plotting

function prandtl2(g)
    clear all
    close all

    help prandtl2

    if nargin == 1
        gas = g;
        gas = Solution('gri30.yaml', 'gri30', 'multicomponent');

    pr = zeros(31, 31);
    xh2 = zeros(31, 31);
    visc = zeros(31, 31);
    lambda = zeros(31, 31);
    t = [];
    xo2 = [];
    io2 = gas.speciesIndex('O2');
    ih2 = gas.speciesIndex('H2');

    minT = gas.minTemp;
    maxT = gas.maxTemp;
    dT = (maxT - minT) / 30.0;

    t0 = cputime;

    for i = 1:31
        t(i) = minT + dT * (i - 1);

        for j = 1:31
            xo2(j) = 0.99 * (j - 1) / 30.0;
            x = zeros(gas.nSpecies, 1);
            x(io2) = xo2(j);
            x(ih2) = 1.0 - xo2(j);
            gas.TPX = {t(i), OneAtm, x};
            equilibrate(gas, 'TP');
            visc(i, j) = gas.viscosity;
            lambda(i, j) = gas.thermalConductivity;
            gas.basis = 'mass';
            pr(i, j) = visc(i, j) * gas.cp / lambda(i, j);
            x = gas.X;
            xh2(i, j) = x(ih2);


    disp(['CPU time = ' num2str(cputime - t0)]);

    % plot results

    subplot(2, 2, 1);
    surf(xo2, t, pr);
    xlabel('Elemental O/(O+H)');
    ylabel('Temperature (K)');
    zlabel('Prandtl Number');

    subplot(2, 2, 2);
    surf(xo2, t, xh2);
    xlabel('Elemental O/(O+H)');
    ylabel('Temperature (K)');
    zlabel('H_2 Mole Fraction');

    subplot(2, 2, 3);
    surf(xo2, t, visc);
    xlabel('Elemental O/(O+H)');
    ylabel('Temperature (K)');

    subplot(2, 2, 4);
    surf(xo2, t, lambda);
    xlabel('Elemental O/(O+H)');
    ylabel('Temperature (K)');
    zlabel('Thermal Conductivity');


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