Go to the end to download the full example code.
Non-ideal equations of state#
This example demonstrates a comparison between ideal and non-ideal equations of state (EoS) using Cantera and CoolProp.
The following equations of state are used to evaluate thermodynamic properties in this example:
Ideal-gas EoS from Cantera
Non-ideal Redlich-Kwong EoS (R-K EoS) from Cantera
Helmholtz energy EoS (HEOS) from CoolProp
Requires: cantera >= 3.0.0, matplotlib >= 2.0, coolprop >= 6.0
Import required packages (Cantera and CoolProp)#
CoolProp [1] is an open-source package that contains a highly-accurate database for thermophysical properties. The thermodynamic properties are obtained using pure and pseudo-pure fluid equations of state implemented for 122 components.
If you are using conda
to manage your software environment, activate your cantera
environment and install CoolProp by running conda install -c conda-forge coolprop
import cantera as ct
import numpy as np
from CoolProp.CoolProp import PropsSI
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
plt.rcParams['figure.constrained_layout.use'] = True
print(f"Running Cantera version: {ct.__version__}")
Running Cantera version: 3.2.0a1
Helper functions#
This example uses COget_thermo_Cantera
calculates thermodynamic properties based on the thermodynamic
state (Ideal-gas
and Redlich-Kwong
. The ideal-gas equation can be stated as
In this expression,
The function get_thermo_CoolProp
utilizes the CoolProp package to evaluate
thermodynamic properties based on the thermodynamic state (
Since the standard-reference thermodynamic states are different for Cantera and
CoolProp, it is necessary to convert these values to an appropriate scale before
comparison. Therefore, both functions get_thermo_Cantera
return the thermodynamic values relative to a reference state
at 1 bar, 300 K.
To plot the comparison of thermodynamic properties among the three EoS, the plot
function is used.
def get_thermo_Cantera(phase, T, p):
states = ct.SolutionArray(phase, len(p))
X = "CO2:1.0"
states.TPX = T, p, X
u = states.u / 1000
h = states.h / 1000
s = states.s / 1000
cp = states.cp / 1000
cv = / 1000
# Get the relative enthalpy, entropy and int. energy with reference to the first
# point
u = u - u[0]
s = s - s[0]
h = h - h[0]
return h, u, s, cp, cv
def get_thermo_CoolProp(T, p):
u = np.zeros_like(p)
h = np.zeros_like(p)
s = np.zeros_like(p)
cp = np.zeros_like(p)
cv = np.zeros_like(p)
for i in range(p.shape[0]):
u[i] = PropsSI("U", "P", p[i], "T", T, "CO2")
h[i] = PropsSI("H", "P", p[i], "T", T, "CO2")
s[i] = PropsSI("S", "P", p[i], "T", T, "CO2")
cp[i] = PropsSI("C", "P", p[i], "T", T, "CO2")
cv[i] = PropsSI("O", "P", p[i], "T", T, "CO2")
# Get the relative enthalpy, entropy and int. energy with reference to the first
# point
u = (u - u[0]) / 1000
s = (s - s[0]) / 1000
h = (h - h[0]) / 1000
cp = cp / 1000
cv = cv / 1000
return h, u, s, cp, cv
def plot(p, thermo_Ideal, thermo_RK, thermo_CoolProp, name):
line_width = 3
fig, ax = plt.subplots()
p / 1e5, thermo_Ideal, "-", color="b", linewidth=line_width, label="Ideal EoS"
ax.plot(p / 1e5, thermo_RK, "-", color="r", linewidth=line_width, label="R-K EoS")
p / 1e5, thermo_CoolProp, "-", color="k", linewidth=line_width, label="CoolProp"
ax.set_xlabel("Pressure [bar]")
ax.legend(prop={"size": 14}, frameon=False)
EoS Comparison based on thermodynamic properties#
This is the main subroutine that compares and plots the thermodynamic values obtained using three equations of state.
# Input parameters
T = 300 # Temperature is constant [unit: K]
p = 1e5 * np.linspace(1, 100, 1000) # Pressure is varied from 1 to 100 bar [unit: Pa]
# Read the ideal-gas phase
ideal_gas_phase = ct.Solution("example_data/co2-thermo.yaml", "CO2-Ideal")
h_ideal, u_ideal, s_ideal, cp_ideal, cv_ideal = get_thermo_Cantera(
ideal_gas_phase, T, p
# Read the Redlich-Kwong phase
redlich_kwong_phase = ct.Solution("example_data/co2-thermo.yaml", "CO2-RK")
h_RK, u_RK, s_RK, cp_RK, cv_RK = get_thermo_Cantera(redlich_kwong_phase, T, p)
# Read the thermo data using CoolProp
h_CoolProp, u_CoolProp, s_CoolProp, cp_CoolProp, cv_CoolProp = get_thermo_CoolProp(T, p)
# Plot the results
plot(p, u_ideal, u_RK, u_CoolProp, "Relative Internal Energy [kJ/kg]")

plot(p, h_ideal, h_RK, h_CoolProp, "Relative Enthalpy [kJ/kg]")

plot(p, s_ideal, s_RK, s_CoolProp, "Relative Entropy [kJ/kg-K]")

The thermodynamic properties such as internal energy, enthalpy, and entropy are
plotted against the operating pressure at a constant temperature
The ideal gas EoS does not consider inter-molecular interactions and the volume occupied by individual gas particles. At low temperatures and high pressures, inter-molecular forces become particularly significant due to a reduction in inter-molecular distances. Additionally, at high density, the volume of individual molecules becomes significant. Both of these factors contribute to the deviation from ideal behavior at high pressures. The cubic Redlich-Kwong EoS, on the other hand, predicts thermodynamic properties accurately near the critical regime.
# Specific heat at constant pressure
plot(p, cp_ideal, cp_RK, cp_CoolProp, "$C_p$ [kJ/kg-K]")

# Specific heat at constant volume
plot(p, cv_ideal, cv_RK, cv_CoolProp, "$C_v$ [kJ/kg-K]")

In the case of Ideal gas EoS, the specific heats at constant pressure (
Temperature-Density plots#
The following function plots the
# Input parameters
# Set up arrays for pressure and temperature
p_array = np.logspace(1, np.log10(600), 10, endpoint=True)
T_array = np.linspace(250, 401, 20) # Temperature is varied from 250K to 400K
p_array = 1e5 * np.array(p_array)[:, np.newaxis]
# Calculate densities for Ideal gas and R-K EoS phases
states = ct.SolutionArray(ideal_gas_phase, shape=(p_array.size, T_array.size))
states.TP = T_array, p_array
density_ideal = states.density_mass
states = ct.SolutionArray(redlich_kwong_phase, shape=(p_array.size, T_array.size))
states.TP = T_array, p_array
density_RK = states.density_mass
p, T = np.meshgrid(p_array, T_array)
density_coolprop = PropsSI("D", "P", np.ravel(p), "T", np.ravel(T), "CO2")
density_coolprop = density_coolprop.reshape(p.shape)
# Plot
import cycler
color =, 1, p_array.size))
plt.rcParams['axes.prop_cycle'] = cycler.cycler('color', color)
fig, ax = plt.subplots()
ideal_line = ax.plot(density_ideal.T, T_array, "--", label="Ideal EoS")
RK_line = ax.plot(density_RK.T, T_array, "o", label="R-K EoS")
CP_line = ax.plot(density_coolprop, T_array, "-", label="CoolProp")
ax.text(-27.5, 320, "p = 1 bar", color=color[0], rotation="vertical")
ax.text(430, 318, "p = 97 bar", color=color[5], rotation=-12)
ax.text(960, 320, "p = 600 bar", color=color[9], rotation=-68)
ax.set_xlabel("Density [kg/m$^3$]")
ax.set_ylabel("Temperature [K]")
ax.legend(handles=[ideal_line[0], RK_line[0], CP_line[0]])

The figure compares
Total running time of the script: (0 minutes 1.807 seconds)