▼ doc | |
▼ doxygen | |
cantera.bib | |
▼ include | |
▼ cantera | |
▼ base | |
AnyMap.h | |
AnyMap.inl.h | |
Array.h | Header file for class Cantera::Array2D |
clockWC.h | Declarations for a simple class that implements an Ansi C wall clock timer (see Cantera::clockWC) |
config.h | |
ct_defs.h | This file contains definitions of constants, types and terms that are used in internal routines and are unlikely to need modifying |
ctexceptions.h | Definitions for the classes that are thrown when Cantera experiences an error condition (also contains errorhandling module text - see Errors) |
Delegator.h | |
ExtensionManager.h | |
ExtensionManagerFactory.h | |
ExternalLogger.h | |
FactoryBase.h | File contains the FactoryBase class declarations |
fmt.h | Wrapper for either system-installed or local headers for fmt |
global.h | This file contains definitions for utility functions and text for modules, inputfiles and logging, (see Input File Handling, and Logging) |
Interface.h | |
logger.h | Header for Base class for 'loggers' that write text messages to log files (see Logging and class Logger) |
NoExitLogger.h | |
Solution.h | |
SolutionArray.h | |
Storage.h | |
stringUtils.h | Contains declarations for string manipulation functions within Cantera |
Units.h | Header for unit conversion utilities, which are used to translate user input from input files (See Input File Handling and class Units) |
utilities.h | Various templated functions that carry out common vector and polynomial operations (see Templated Array and Polynomial Operations) |
ValueCache.h | |
yaml.h | |
YamlWriter.h | Declaration for class Cantera::YamlWriter |
▼ clib | |
clib_defs.h | |
ct.h | |
ctfunc.h | |
ctmatlab.h | |
ctmultiphase.h | |
ctonedim.h | |
ctreactor.h | |
ctrpath.h | |
ctsurf.h | |
▼ cython | |
funcWrapper.h | |
kinetics_utils.h | |
thermo_utils.h | |
transport_utils.h | |
utils_utils.h | |
wrappers.h | |
▼ equil | |
ChemEquil.h | Chemical equilibrium |
MultiPhase.h | Headers for the MultiPhase object that is used to set up multiphase equilibrium problems (see Chemical Equilibrium) |
MultiPhaseEquil.h | |
vcs_defs.h | Defines and definitions within the vcs package |
vcs_internal.h | Internal declarations for the VCSnonideal package |
vcs_MultiPhaseEquil.h | Interface class for the vcsnonlinear solver |
vcs_solve.h | Header file for the internal object that holds the vcs equilibrium problem (see Class VCS_SOLVE and Chemical Equilibrium ) |
vcs_species_thermo.h | |
vcs_SpeciesProperties.h | |
vcs_VolPhase.h | Header for the object representing each phase within vcs |
▼ extensions | |
PythonExtensionManager.h | |
PythonHandle.h | |
▼ kinetics | |
Arrhenius.h | Header for reaction rates that involve Arrhenius-type kinetics |
BlowersMaselRate.h | Header for Blowers-Masel reaction rates |
BulkKinetics.h | |
ChebyshevRate.h | |
Custom.h | |
EdgeKinetics.h | |
ElectronCollisionPlasmaRate.h | Header for plasma reaction rates parameterized by electron collision cross section and electron energy distribution |
Falloff.h | |
Group.h | |
ImplicitSurfChem.h | Declarations for the implicit integration of surface site density equations (see Kinetics Managers and class ImplicitSurfChem) |
InterfaceKinetics.h | |
InterfaceRate.h | Header for reaction rates that occur at interfaces |
Kinetics.h | Base class for kinetics managers and also contains the kineticsmgr module documentation (see Kinetics Managers and class Kinetics) |
KineticsFactory.h | |
LinearBurkeRate.h | |
MultiRate.h | |
MultiRateBase.h | |
PlogRate.h | |
Reaction.h | |
ReactionData.h | |
ReactionPath.h | Classes for reaction path analysis |
ReactionRate.h | |
ReactionRateDelegator.h | |
ReactionRateFactory.h | Factory class for reaction rate objects |
solveSP.h | Header file for implicit surface problem solver (see Chemical Kinetics and class solveSP) |
StoichManager.h | |
ThirdBodyCalc.h | |
TwoTempPlasmaRate.h | Header for plasma reaction rates parameterized by two temperatures (gas and electron) |
▼ numerics | |
AdaptivePreconditioner.h | Declarations for the class AdaptivePreconditioner which is a child class of SystemJacobian for preconditioners used by sundials |
BandMatrix.h | Declarations for the class BandMatrix which is a child class of GeneralMatrix for banded matrices handled by solvers (see class Numerical Utilities and BandMatrix) |
ctlapack.h | |
CVodesIntegrator.h | |
DenseMatrix.h | Headers for the DenseMatrix object, which deals with dense rectangular matrices and description of the numerics groupings of objects (see Numerical Utilities and DenseMatrix ) |
eigen_dense.h | |
eigen_sparse.h | |
EigenSparseDirectJacobian.h | |
EigenSparseJacobian.h | |
Func1.h | |
Func1Factory.h | |
FuncEval.h | |
funcs.h | Header for a file containing miscellaneous numerical functions |
GeneralMatrix.h | Declarations for the class GeneralMatrix which is a virtual base class for matrices handled by solvers (see class Matrix Handling and GeneralMatrix) |
IdasIntegrator.h | Header file for class IdasIntegrator |
Integrator.h | |
polyfit.h | |
PreconditionerBase.h | |
PreconditionerFactory.h | |
sundials_headers.h | |
SundialsContext.h | |
SystemJacobian.h | Declarations for class SystemJacobian |
SystemJacobianFactory.h | |
▼ oneD | |
Boundary1D.h | Boundary objects for one-dimensional simulations |
Domain1D.h | |
DomainFactory.h | |
Flow1D.h | |
IonFlow.h | |
MultiJac.h | |
MultiNewton.h | |
OneDim.h | |
refine.h | |
Sim1D.h | |
▼ test | |
gtest_utils.h | |
▼ thermo | |
BinarySolutionTabulatedThermo.h | Header file for an binary solution model with tabulated standard state thermodynamic data (see Thermodynamic Properties and class BinarySolutionTabulatedThermo) |
ConstCpPoly.h | Headers for the SpeciesThermoInterpType object that employs a constant heat capacity assumption (see Species Reference-State Thermodynamic Properties and ConstCpPoly) |
CoverageDependentSurfPhase.h | Header for a thermodynamics model of a coverage-dependent surface phase derived from SurfPhase, applying adsorbate lateral interaction correction factors to the SurfPhase thermodynamic properties |
DebyeHuckel.h | Headers for the DebyeHuckel ThermoPhase object, which models dilute electrolyte solutions (see Thermodynamic Properties and DebyeHuckel ) |
EdgePhase.h | Declarations for the EdgePhase ThermoPhase object, which models the interface between two surfaces (see Thermodynamic Properties and EdgePhase) |
electrolytes.h | Header file for a common definitions used in electrolytes thermodynamics |
Elements.h | Contains the getElementWeight function and the definitions of element constraint types |
GibbsExcessVPSSTP.h | Header for intermediate ThermoPhase object for phases which employ Gibbs excess free energy based formulations (see Thermodynamic Properties and class GibbsExcessVPSSTP) |
HMWSoln.h | Headers for the HMWSoln ThermoPhase object, which models concentrated electrolyte solutions (see Thermodynamic Properties and HMWSoln ) |
IdealGasPhase.h | ThermoPhase object for the ideal gas equation of state - workhorse for Cantera (see Thermodynamic Properties and class IdealGasPhase) |
IdealMolalSoln.h | ThermoPhase object for the ideal molal equation of state (see Thermodynamic Properties and class IdealMolalSoln) |
IdealSolidSolnPhase.h | Header file for an ideal solid solution model with incompressible thermodynamics (see Thermodynamic Properties and IdealSolidSolnPhase) |
IdealSolnGasVPSS.h | Definition file for a derived class of ThermoPhase that assumes an ideal solution approximation and handles variable pressure standard state methods for calculating thermodynamic properties (see Thermodynamic Properties and class IdealSolnGasVPSS) |
LatticePhase.h | Header for a simple thermodynamics model of a bulk phase derived from ThermoPhase, assuming a lattice of solid atoms (see Thermodynamic Properties and class LatticePhase) |
LatticeSolidPhase.h | Header for a simple thermodynamics model of a bulk solid phase derived from ThermoPhase, assuming an ideal solution model based on a lattice of solid atoms (see Thermodynamic Properties and class LatticeSolidPhase) |
MargulesVPSSTP.h | (see Thermodynamic Properties and class MargulesVPSSTP) |
MetalPhase.h | |
MixtureFugacityTP.h | Header file for a derived class of ThermoPhase that handles non-ideal mixtures based on the fugacity models (see Thermodynamic Properties and class MixtureFugacityTP) |
MolalityVPSSTP.h | Header for intermediate ThermoPhase object for phases which employ molality based activity coefficient formulations (see Thermodynamic Properties and class MolalityVPSSTP) |
Mu0Poly.h | Header for a single-species standard state object derived from SpeciesThermoInterpType based on a piecewise constant mu0 interpolation (see Species Reference-State Thermodynamic Properties and class Mu0Poly) |
MultiSpeciesThermo.h | Header for a general species thermodynamic property manager for a phase (see MultiSpeciesThermo) |
Nasa9Poly1.h | Header for a single-species standard state object derived from SpeciesThermoInterpType based on the NASA 9 coefficient temperature polynomial form applied to one temperature region (see Species Reference-State Thermodynamic Properties and class Nasa9Poly1) |
Nasa9PolyMultiTempRegion.h | Header for a single-species standard state object derived from SpeciesThermoInterpType based on the NASA 9 coefficient temperature polynomial form applied to multiple temperature regions (see Species Reference-State Thermodynamic Properties and class Nasa9PolyMultiTempRegion) |
NasaPoly1.h | Header for a single-species standard state object derived from SpeciesThermoInterpType based on the NASA temperature polynomial form applied to one temperature region (see Species Reference-State Thermodynamic Properties and class NasaPoly1) |
NasaPoly2.h | Header for a single-species standard state object derived from SpeciesThermoInterpType based on the NASA temperature polynomial form applied to two temperature regions (see Species Reference-State Thermodynamic Properties and class NasaPoly2) |
PDSS.h | Declarations for the virtual base class PDSS (pressure dependent standard state) which handles calculations for a single species in a phase (see Species Standard-State Thermodynamic Properties and class PDSS) |
PDSS_ConstVol.h | Declarations for the class PDSS_ConstVol (pressure dependent standard state) which handles calculations for a single species with a constant molar volume in a phase (see class Species Standard-State Thermodynamic Properties and PDSS_ConstVol) |
PDSS_HKFT.h | Declarations for the class PDSS_HKFT (pressure dependent standard state) which handles calculations for a single species in a phase using the HKFT standard state (see Species Standard-State Thermodynamic Properties and class PDSS_HKFT) |
PDSS_SSVol.h | Declarations for the class PDSS_SSVol (pressure dependent standard state) which handles calculations for a single species with an expression for the standard state molar volume in a phase given by an enumerated data type (see class Species Standard-State Thermodynamic Properties and PDSS_SSVol) |
PDSS_Water.h | Implementation of a pressure dependent standard state virtual function for a Pure Water Phase (see Species Standard-State Thermodynamic Properties and class PDSS_Water) |
PDSSFactory.h | |
PengRobinson.h | |
Phase.h | Header file for class Phase |
PlasmaPhase.h | Header file for class PlasmaPhase |
PureFluidPhase.h | Header for a ThermoPhase class for a pure fluid phase consisting of gas, liquid, mixed-gas-liquid and supercritical fluid (see Thermodynamic Properties and class PureFluidPhase) |
RedlichKisterVPSSTP.h | (see Thermodynamic Properties and class RedlichKisterVPSSTP) |
RedlichKwongMFTP.h | |
ShomatePoly.h | Header for a single-species standard state object derived from SpeciesThermoInterpType based on the Shomate temperature polynomial form applied to one temperature region (see Species Reference-State Thermodynamic Properties and class ShomatePoly and ShomatePoly2) |
SingleSpeciesTP.h | Header for the SingleSpeciesTP class, which is a filter class for ThermoPhase, that eases the construction of single species phases ( see Thermodynamic Properties and class SingleSpeciesTP) |
Species.h | Declaration for class Cantera::Species |
SpeciesThermoFactory.h | Header for factory functions to build instances of classes that manage the standard-state thermodynamic properties of a set of species (see Species Reference-State Thermodynamic Properties); |
SpeciesThermoInterpType.h | Pure Virtual Base class for individual species reference state thermodynamic managers and text for the spthermo module (see Species Reference-State Thermodynamic Properties and class SpeciesThermoInterpType ) |
speciesThermoTypes.h | Contains const definitions for types of species reference-state thermodynamics managers (see Species Reference-State Thermodynamic Properties) |
StoichSubstance.h | Header file for the StoichSubstance class, which represents a fixed-composition incompressible substance (see Thermodynamic Properties and class StoichSubstance) |
SurfPhase.h | Header for a simple thermodynamics model of a surface phase derived from ThermoPhase, assuming an ideal solution model (see Thermodynamic Properties and class SurfPhase) |
ThermoFactory.h | Headers for the factory class that can create known ThermoPhase objects (see Thermodynamic Properties and class ThermoFactory) |
ThermoPhase.h | Header file for class ThermoPhase, the base class for phases with thermodynamic properties, and the text for the Module thermoprops (see Thermodynamic Properties and class ThermoPhase) |
VPStandardStateTP.h | Header file for a derived class of ThermoPhase that handles variable pressure standard state methods for calculating thermodynamic properties (see Thermodynamic Properties and class VPStandardStateTP) |
WaterProps.h | Header for a class used to house several approximation routines for properties of water |
WaterPropsIAPWS.h | Headers for a class for calculating the equation of state of water from the IAPWS 1995 Formulation based on the steam tables thermodynamic basis (See class WaterPropsIAPWS) |
WaterPropsIAPWSphi.h | Header for Lowest level of the classes which support a real water model (see class WaterPropsIAPWS and class WaterPropsIAPWSphi) |
WaterSSTP.h | Declares a ThermoPhase class consisting of pure water (see Thermodynamic Properties and class WaterSSTP) |
▼ tpx | |
Sub.h | |
utils.h | |
▼ transport | |
DustyGasTransport.h | Headers for the DustyGasTransport object, which models transport properties in porous media using the dusty gas approximation (see Transport Properties and DustyGasTransport ) |
GasTransport.h | |
HighPressureGasTransport.h | Interface for class HighPressureGasTransport |
IonGasTransport.h | |
MixTransport.h | Headers for the MixTransport object, which models transport properties in ideal gas solutions using a mixture averaged approximation (see Transport Properties and MixTransport ) |
MultiTransport.h | Interface for class MultiTransport |
Transport.h | Headers for the Transport object, which is the virtual base class for all transport property evaluators and also includes the tranprops group definition (see Transport Properties and Transport ) |
TransportData.h | |
TransportFactory.h | Header file defining class TransportFactory (see TransportFactory) |
UnityLewisTransport.h | Headers for the UnityLewisTransport object, which models transport properties in ideal gas solutions using the unity Lewis number approximation (see Transport Properties and UnityLewisTransport ) |
WaterTransport.h | Header file defining class WaterTransport |
▼ zeroD | |
ConstPressureMoleReactor.h | |
ConstPressureReactor.h | |
flowControllers.h | Some flow devices derived from class FlowDevice |
FlowDevice.h | |
FlowDeviceFactory.h | |
FlowReactor.h | |
IdealGasConstPressureMoleReactor.h | |
IdealGasConstPressureReactor.h | |
IdealGasMoleReactor.h | |
IdealGasReactor.h | |
MoleReactor.h | |
Reactor.h | |
ReactorBase.h | |
ReactorDelegator.h | |
ReactorFactory.h | |
ReactorNet.h | |
ReactorSurface.h | Header file for class ReactorSurface |
Reservoir.h | |
Wall.h | Header file for base class WallBase |
WallFactory.h | |
core.h | Support for Cantera core calculations from C++ application programs |
kinetics.h | Support for chemical kinetics calculation from C++ application programs |
onedim.h | |
reactionpaths.h | |
thermo.h | Support for thermo property calculation from C++ application programs |
transport.h | Support for transport property calculation from C++ application programs |
zerodim.h | |
▼ src | |
▼ base | |
AnyMap.cpp | |
application.cpp | |
application.h | |
Array.cpp | Implementation file for class Cantera::Array2D |
checkFinite.cpp | Declarations for routines that check for the presence of NaNs in the code |
clockWC.cpp | Definitions for a simple class that implements an Ansi C wall clock timer (see Cantera::clockWC) |
ctexceptions.cpp | |
ExtensionManager.cpp | |
ExtensionManagerFactory.cpp | |
global.cpp | |
Interface.cpp | |
Solution.cpp | Definition file for class Solution |
SolutionArray.cpp | Definition file for class SolutionArray |
Storage.cpp | Definition file for class Storage |
stringUtils.cpp | Contains definitions for string manipulation functions within Cantera |
Units.cpp | |
ValueCache.cpp | |
YamlWriter.cpp | |
▼ equil | |
BasisOptimize.cpp | Functions which calculation optimized basis of the stoichiometric coefficient matrix (see /ref equil functions) |
ChemEquil.cpp | Chemical equilibrium |
MultiPhase.cpp | Definitions for the MultiPhase object that is used to set up multiphase equilibrium problems (see Chemical Equilibrium) |
MultiPhaseEquil.cpp | |
vcs_MultiPhaseEquil.cpp | Driver routine for the VCSnonideal equilibrium solver package |
vcs_solve.cpp | |
vcs_solve_TP.cpp | Implementation file that contains the main algorithm for finding an equilibrium |
vcs_util.cpp | Internal definitions for utility functions for the VCSnonideal package |
vcs_VolPhase.cpp | |
▼ kinetics | |
Arrhenius.cpp | |
BlowersMaselRate.cpp | |
BulkKinetics.cpp | |
ChebyshevRate.cpp | |
Custom.cpp | |
ElectronCollisionPlasmaRate.cpp | |
Falloff.cpp | Definitions for member functions of classes derived from Falloff |
Group.cpp | Implementation file for the Group class used in reaction path analysis |
ImplicitSurfChem.cpp | Definitions for the implicit integration of surface site density equations (see Kinetics Managers and class ImplicitSurfChem) |
InterfaceKinetics.cpp | |
InterfaceRate.cpp | |
Kinetics.cpp | Declarations for the base class for kinetics managers (see Kinetics Managers and class Kinetics ) |
KineticsFactory.cpp | |
LinearBurkeRate.cpp | |
PlogRate.cpp | |
Reaction.cpp | |
ReactionPath.cpp | Implementation file for classes used in reaction path analysis |
ReactionRateDelegator.cpp | |
ReactionRateFactory.cpp | |
solveSP.cpp | Implicit surface site concentration solver |
TwoTempPlasmaRate.cpp | |
▼ numerics | |
AdaptivePreconditioner.cpp | |
BandMatrix.cpp | Banded matrices |
CVodesIntegrator.cpp | |
DenseMatrix.cpp | |
EigenSparseDirectJacobian.cpp | |
EigenSparseJacobian.cpp | |
Func1.cpp | |
Func1Factory.cpp | |
FuncEval.cpp | |
funcs.cpp | File containing miscellaneous numerical functions |
IdasIntegrator.cpp | |
Integrators.cpp | |
polyfit.cpp | |
SystemJacobianFactory.cpp | |
▼ oneD | |
Boundary1D.cpp | |
Domain1D.cpp | |
DomainFactory.cpp | |
Flow1D.cpp | |
IonFlow.cpp | |
MultiJac.cpp | Implementation file for class MultiJac |
MultiNewton.cpp | Damped Newton solver for 1D multi-domain problems |
OneDim.cpp | |
refine.cpp | |
Sim1D.cpp | |
▼ thermo | |
BinarySolutionTabulatedThermo.cpp | Implementation file for an binary solution model with tabulated standard state thermodynamic data (see Thermodynamic Properties and class BinarySolutionTabulatedThermo) |
ConstCpPoly.cpp | Declarations for the SpeciesThermoInterpType object that employs a constant heat capacity assumption (see Species Reference-State Thermodynamic Properties and ConstCpPoly ) |
CoverageDependentSurfPhase.cpp | Definitions for a thermodynamics model of a coverage-dependent surface phase derived from SurfPhase, applying adsorbate lateral interaction correction factors to the SurfPhase thermodynamic properties |
DebyeHuckel.cpp | Declarations for the DebyeHuckel ThermoPhase object, which models dilute electrolyte solutions (see Thermodynamic Properties and DebyeHuckel ) |
Elements.cpp | This file contains a database of atomic weights |
GibbsExcessVPSSTP.cpp | Definitions for intermediate ThermoPhase object for phases which employ excess Gibbs free energy formulations (see Thermodynamic Properties and class GibbsExcessVPSSTP) |
HMWSoln.cpp | Definitions for the HMWSoln ThermoPhase object, which models concentrated electrolyte solutions (see Thermodynamic Properties and HMWSoln ) |
IdealGasPhase.cpp | ThermoPhase object for the ideal gas equation of state - workhorse for Cantera (see Thermodynamic Properties and class IdealGasPhase) |
IdealMolalSoln.cpp | ThermoPhase object for the ideal molal equation of state (see Thermodynamic Properties and class IdealMolalSoln) |
IdealSolidSolnPhase.cpp | Implementation file for an ideal solid solution model with incompressible thermodynamics (see Thermodynamic Properties and IdealSolidSolnPhase) |
IdealSolnGasVPSS.cpp | Definition file for a derived class of ThermoPhase that assumes an ideal solution approximation and handles variable pressure standard state methods for calculating thermodynamic properties (see Thermodynamic Properties and class IdealSolnGasVPSS) |
LatticePhase.cpp | Definitions for a simple thermodynamics model of a bulk phase derived from ThermoPhase, assuming a lattice of solid atoms (see Thermodynamic Properties and class LatticePhase) |
LatticeSolidPhase.cpp | Definitions for a simple thermodynamics model of a bulk solid phase derived from ThermoPhase, assuming an ideal solution model based on a lattice of solid atoms (see Thermodynamic Properties and class LatticeSolidPhase) |
MargulesVPSSTP.cpp | Definitions for ThermoPhase object for phases which employ excess Gibbs free energy formulations related to Margules expansions (see Thermodynamic Properties and class MargulesVPSSTP) |
MixtureFugacityTP.cpp | Methods file for a derived class of ThermoPhase that handles non-ideal mixtures based on the fugacity models (see Thermodynamic Properties and class MixtureFugacityTP) |
MolalityVPSSTP.cpp | Definitions for intermediate ThermoPhase object for phases which employ molality based activity coefficient formulations (see Thermodynamic Properties and class MolalityVPSSTP) |
Mu0Poly.cpp | Definitions for a single-species standard state object derived from SpeciesThermoInterpType based on a piecewise constant mu0 interpolation (see Species Reference-State Thermodynamic Properties and class Mu0Poly) |
MultiSpeciesThermo.cpp | Declarations for a thermodynamic property manager for multiple species in a phase (see Species Reference-State Thermodynamic Properties and MultiSpeciesThermo) |
Nasa9Poly1.cpp | Definitions for a single-species standard state object derived from SpeciesThermoInterpType based on the NASA 9 coefficient temperature polynomial form applied to one temperature region (see Species Reference-State Thermodynamic Properties and class Nasa9Poly1) |
Nasa9PolyMultiTempRegion.cpp | Definitions for a single-species standard state object derived from SpeciesThermoInterpType based on the NASA 9 coefficient temperature polynomial form applied to one temperature region (see Species Reference-State Thermodynamic Properties and class Nasa9Poly1) |
NasaPoly2.cpp | |
PDSS.cpp | Implementation of a pressure dependent standard state virtual function (see class PDSS) |
PDSS_ConstVol.cpp | Implementation of a pressure dependent standard state virtual function |
PDSS_HKFT.cpp | Definitions for the class PDSS_HKFT (pressure dependent standard state) which handles calculations for a single species in a phase using the HKFT standard state (see Species Standard-State Thermodynamic Properties and class PDSS_HKFT) |
PDSS_SSVol.cpp | Implementation of a pressure dependent standard state virtual function |
PDSS_Water.cpp | |
PDSSFactory.cpp | |
PengRobinson.cpp | |
Phase.cpp | Definition file for class Phase |
PlasmaPhase.cpp | |
PureFluidPhase.cpp | Definitions for a ThermoPhase object for a pure fluid phase consisting of gas, liquid, mixed-gas-liquid and supercritical fluid (see Thermodynamic Properties and class PureFluidPhase) |
RedlichKisterVPSSTP.cpp | Definitions for ThermoPhase object for phases which employ excess Gibbs free energy formulations related to RedlichKister expansions (see Thermodynamic Properties and class RedlichKisterVPSSTP) |
RedlichKwongMFTP.cpp | |
SingleSpeciesTP.cpp | Definitions for the SingleSpeciesTP class, which is a filter class for ThermoPhase, that eases the construction of single species phases ( see Thermodynamic Properties and class SingleSpeciesTP) |
Species.cpp | |
SpeciesThermoFactory.cpp | Definitions for factory functions to build instances of classes that manage the standard-state thermodynamic properties of a set of species (see Species Reference-State Thermodynamic Properties); |
SpeciesThermoInterpType.cpp | |
StoichSubstance.cpp | Definition file for the StoichSubstance class, which represents a fixed-composition incompressible substance (see Thermodynamic Properties and class StoichSubstance) |
SurfPhase.cpp | Definitions for a simple thermodynamic model of a surface phase derived from ThermoPhase, assuming an ideal solution model (see Thermodynamic Properties and class SurfPhase) |
ThermoFactory.cpp | Definitions for the factory class that can create known ThermoPhase objects (see Thermodynamic Properties and class ThermoFactory) |
ThermoPhase.cpp | Definition file for class ThermoPhase, the base class for phases with thermodynamic properties (see class ThermoPhase) |
VPStandardStateTP.cpp | Definition file for a derived class of ThermoPhase that handles variable pressure standard state methods for calculating thermodynamic properties (see Thermodynamic Properties and class VPStandardStateTP) |
WaterProps.cpp | |
WaterPropsIAPWS.cpp | Definitions for a class for calculating the equation of state of water from the IAPWS 1995 Formulation based on the steam tables thermodynamic basis (See class WaterPropsIAPWS) |
WaterPropsIAPWSphi.cpp | Definitions for Lowest level of the classes which support a real water model (see class WaterPropsIAPWS and class WaterPropsIAPWSphi ) |
WaterSSTP.cpp | Definitions for a ThermoPhase class consisting of pure water (see Thermodynamic Properties and class WaterSSTP) |
▼ tpx | |
CarbonDioxide.cpp | Representation of substance Carbon Dioxide |
CarbonDioxide.h | |
Heptane.cpp | Representation of substance Heptane |
Heptane.h | |
HFC134a.cpp | |
HFC134a.h | |
Hydrogen.cpp | |
Hydrogen.h | |
Methane.cpp | |
Methane.h | |
Nitrogen.cpp | |
Nitrogen.h | |
Oxygen.cpp | |
Oxygen.h | |
Sub.cpp | The Substance class D |
utils.cpp | |
Water.cpp | |
Water.h | |
▼ transport | |
DustyGasTransport.cpp | Implementation file for class DustyGasTransport |
GasTransport.cpp | |
HighPressureGasTransport.cpp | Implementation file for class HighPressureGasTransport |
IonGasTransport.cpp | |
MixTransport.cpp | Mixture-averaged transport properties for ideal gas mixtures |
MMCollisionInt.cpp | |
MMCollisionInt.h | Monchick and Mason collision integrals |
MultiTransport.cpp | Implementation file for class MultiTransport |
Transport.cpp | Mixture-averaged transport properties for ideal gas mixtures |
TransportData.cpp | |
TransportFactory.cpp | Implementation file for class TransportFactory |
WaterTransport.cpp | |
▼ zeroD | |
ConstPressureMoleReactor.cpp | A constant pressure zero-dimensional reactor with moles as the state |
ConstPressureReactor.cpp | A constant pressure zero-dimensional reactor |
flowControllers.cpp | |
FlowDevice.cpp | |
FlowDeviceFactory.cpp | |
FlowReactor.cpp | A steady-state, ideal-gas, adiabatic, constant-area (cylindrical), frictionless plug flow reactor |
IdealGasConstPressureMoleReactor.cpp | A constant pressure zero-dimensional reactor with moles as the state |
IdealGasConstPressureReactor.cpp | |
IdealGasMoleReactor.cpp | A constant volume zero-dimensional reactor with moles as the state |
IdealGasReactor.cpp | A zero-dimensional reactor |
MoleReactor.cpp | A zero-dimensional reactor with a moles as the state |
Reactor.cpp | A zero-dimensional reactor |
ReactorBase.cpp | |
ReactorFactory.cpp | |
ReactorNet.cpp | |
ReactorSurface.cpp | |
Wall.cpp | |
WallFactory.cpp | |