Here is a list of all documented class members with links to the class documentation for each member:
- c -
- c() : Func1
- C() : CarbonDioxide, Heptane, nitrogen, oxygen
- calc_lambdas() : HMWSoln
- calc_t() : solveSP
- calc_thetas() : HMWSoln
- calcDensity() : BinarySolutionTabulatedThermo, DebyeHuckel, GibbsExcessVPSSTP, HMWSoln, IdealSolidSolnPhase, IdealSolnGasVPSS, LatticePhase, LatticeSolidPhase, VPStandardStateTP
- calcDim() : WaterPropsIAPWS
- calcElemAbundances() : MultiPhase
- calcEmoles() : ChemEquil
- calcIMSCutoffParams_() : HMWSoln, IdealMolalSoln
- calcMCCutoffParams_() : HMWSoln
- calcMolalities() : MolalityVPSSTP
- calcMolalitiesCropped() : HMWSoln
- calcMolarVolume() : PDSS_SSVol
- calculateAB() : PengRobinson, RedlichKwongMFTP
- calculateCompositionDerivatives() : BulkKinetics, InterfaceKinetics
- calculatePressureDerivatives() : PengRobinson
- calculatePsat() : MixtureFugacityTP
- calculateRateCoeffUnits() : Reaction
- calcWeights() : solveSP
- CallbackError() : CallbackError
- canonicalize() : Factory< T, Args >
- CanteraError() : CanteraError
- caseSensitiveSpecies() : Phase
- changeElementType() : Phase
- charge() : MultiPhase, Phase, Species
- Charge : vcs_SpeciesProperties
- chargeDensity() : Phase
- ChargeNeutralityElement : vcs_VolPhase
- chargeNeutralityNecessary() : ThermoPhase
- ChebyshevRate() : ChebyshevRate
- check() : ArrheniusBase, FalloffRate, Reaction, ReactionRate
- checkBalance() : Reaction
- checkColumns() : BandMatrix, GeneralMatrix
- checkComponentArraySize() : Domain1D
- checkComponentIndex() : Domain1D
- checkDomainArraySize() : OneDim
- checkDomainIndex() : OneDim
- checkDuplicates() : Kinetics
- checkDuplicateStoich() : Kinetics
- checkElectronEnergyDistribution() : PlasmaPhase
- checkElectronEnergyLevels() : PlasmaPhase
- checkElementArraySize() : MultiPhase, Phase
- checkElementIndex() : MultiPhase, Phase
- checkError() : CVodesIntegrator, IdasIntegrator
- checkGroup() : Storage
- checkPhaseArraySize() : Kinetics, MultiPhase
- checkPhaseIndex() : Kinetics, MultiPhase
- checkPointArraySize() : Domain1D
- checkPointIndex() : Domain1D
- checkPreconditionerSupported() : ReactorNet
- checkReactionArraySize() : Kinetics
- checkReactionIndex() : Kinetics
- checkRows() : BandMatrix, GeneralMatrix
- checkSpecies() : Reaction, ThirdBody
- checkSpeciesArraySize() : Kinetics, MultiPhase, Phase, Transport
- checkSpeciesIndex() : Kinetics, MultiPhase, Phase, Transport
- ChemEquil() : ChemEquil
- chemicallyActivated() : FalloffRate
- chemistryEnabled() : Reactor
- CKMode() : GasTransport, Transport
- clear() : AnyMap, ValueCache
- clearCachedFile() : AnyMap
- clearDebugFile() : Sim1D
- clearErrors() : FuncEval
- clearFactorFlag() : GeneralMatrix
- clearStats() : OneDim, SystemJacobian
- clock_rollovers : clockWC
- clock_width : clockWC
- clockWC() : clockWC
- coeff_a : CoverageDependentSurfPhase::HeatCapacityDependency
- coeff_b : CoverageDependentSurfPhase::HeatCapacityDependency
- coeffPresExp() : WaterPropsIAPWS
- coeffThermalExp_IAPWS() : WaterProps
- coeffThermExp() : WaterPropsIAPWS
- collider() : ThirdBody
- colPts() : BandMatrix, GeneralMatrix
- compatibleWithMultiPhase() : PureFluidPhase, ThermoPhase, WaterSSTP
- component() : OneDim
- componentActive() : Flow1D, IonFlow
- componentIndex() : ConstPressureMoleReactor, ConstPressureReactor, Domain1D, Flow1D, FlowReactor, IdealGasConstPressureMoleReactor, IdealGasConstPressureReactor, IdealGasMoleReactor, IdealGasReactor, MoleReactor, Reactor
- componentName() : ConstPressureMoleReactor, ConstPressureReactor, Domain1D, Flow1D, FlowReactor, IdealGasConstPressureMoleReactor, IdealGasConstPressureReactor, IdealGasMoleReactor, IdealGasReactor, MoleReactor, ReactingSurf1D, Reactor, ReactorNet
- componentNames() : SolutionArray
- composition : Species
- compositionChanged() : BinarySolutionTabulatedThermo, GibbsExcessVPSSTP, IdealSolidSolnPhase, LatticePhase, MixtureFugacityTP, Phase, SurfPhase
- compositionDependent() : ReactionRate
- computeRadiation() : Flow1D
- computeReactionSteps() : MultiPhaseEquil
- conc_3b : FalloffData
- concentration() : LatticeSolidPhase, Phase
- conduction() : Flow1D
- Const1() : Const1
- const_colPts() : DenseMatrix
- ConstCpPoly() : ConstCpPoly
- container() : Domain1D
- contents() : ReactorBase, Storage
- contin : EquilOpt
- conversionUnits() : ReactionRate
- convert() : AnyMap, UnitSystem
- convertActivationEnergy() : UnitSystem
- convertActivationEnergyFrom() : UnitSystem
- convertActivationEnergyTo() : UnitSystem
- convertDGFormation() : PDSS_HKFT
- convertFrom() : UnitSystem
- convertible() : Units
- convertRateCoeff() : UnitSystem
- convertTo() : UnitSystem
- convertVector() : AnyMap
- copyMetadata() : AnyMap
- corr() : WaterPropsIAPWS
- corr0() : MixtureFugacityTP
- corr1() : WaterPropsIAPWS
- Cos1() : Cos1
- counterIJ_setup() : HMWSoln
- CoverageDependentSurfPhase() : CoverageDependentSurfPhase
- coverageEnabled() : ReactingSurf1D
- coverages : InterfaceData
- cp() : MultiPhase, Substance
- cp_mass() : ThermoPhase, WaterPropsIAPWS
- cp_mole() : CoverageDependentSurfPhase, IdealGasPhase, IdealSolidSolnPhase, IdealSolnGasVPSS, LatticePhase, LatticeSolidPhase, MetalPhase, PDSS, PDSS_HKFT, PDSS_Nondimensional, PDSS_Water, PengRobinson, PlasmaPhase, PureFluidPhase, RedlichKwongMFTP, SingleSpeciesTP, SurfPhase, ThermoPhase
- cp_R() : PDSS, PDSS_Molar, PDSS_Nondimensional, WaterPropsIAPWSphi
- cp_R_ref() : IdealGasPhase, IdealSolidSolnPhase, LatticePhase, PDSS, PDSS_HKFT, PDSS_Nondimensional, PDSS_Water
- Cprime() : CarbonDioxide, Heptane
- create() : Factory< T, Args >, Interface, Solution, SolutionArray
- createForYaml() : AnyMap
- creationGlobalRxnNumbers_ : vcs_VolPhase
- creationMoleNumbers() : vcs_VolPhase
- creationMoleNumbers_ : vcs_VolPhase
- creationRates_ddCi() : Kinetics
- creationRates_ddX() : Kinetics
- critCompressibility() : MixtureFugacityTP, ThermoPhase
- critDensity() : MixtureFugacityTP, PDSS, PDSS_Water, PureFluidPhase, ThermoPhase, WaterSSTP
- critPressure() : MixtureFugacityTP, PDSS, PDSS_Water, PureFluidPhase, ThermoPhase, WaterSSTP
- critTemperature() : MixtureFugacityTP, PDSS, PDSS_Water, PureFluidPhase, ThermoPhase, WaterSSTP
- critVolume() : MixtureFugacityTP, ThermoPhase
- CROP_speciesCropped_ : HMWSoln
- crossSectionInterpolated() : ElectronCollisionPlasmaRate
- crossSections() : ElectronCollisionPlasmaRate
- cstar_table : MMCollisionInt
- cv() : Substance
- cv_mass() : ThermoPhase, WaterPropsIAPWS
- cv_mole() : HMWSoln, IdealGasPhase, IdealSolidSolnPhase, IdealSolnGasVPSS, LatticePhase, LatticeSolidPhase, MargulesVPSSTP, MetalPhase, PDSS, PDSS_ConstVol, PDSS_SSVol, PDSS_Water, PengRobinson, PureFluidPhase, RedlichKisterVPSSTP, RedlichKwongMFTP, SingleSpeciesTP, SurfPhase, ThermoPhase, WaterSSTP
- cv_R() : WaterPropsIAPWSphi
- CVodesIntegrator() : CVodesIntegrator