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Cantera  3.2.0a1
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Class Hierarchy
This inheritance list is sorted roughly, but not completely, alphabetically:
[detail level 12345]
 CAnyBaseBase class defining common data possessed by both AnyMap and AnyValue objects
 CAnyMapA map of string keys to values whose type can vary at runtime
 CAnyValueA wrapper for a variable whose type is determined at runtime
 CAnyMap::IteratorDefined to allow use with range-based for loops
 CAnyMap::OrderedIteratorDefined to allow the OrderedProxy class to be used with range-based for loops
 CAnyMap::OrderedProxyProxy for iterating over an AnyMap in the defined output ordering
 CApplicationClass to hold global data
 CApplication::MessagesClass to carry out messages
 CApplication::ThreadMessagesClass that stores thread messages for each thread, and retrieves them based on the thread id
 CArray2DA class for 2D arrays stored in column-major (Fortran-compatible) form
 CDenseMatrixA class for full (non-sparse) matrices with Fortran-compatible data storage, which adds matrix operations to class Array2D
 CatomicWeightDataDatabase for atomic weights
 CC1Handles one species in a reaction
 CC2Handles two species in a single reaction
 CC3Handles three species in a reaction
 CC_AnyNHandles any number of species in a reaction, including fractional stoichiometric coefficients, and arbitrary reaction orders
 CCachedValue< T >A cached property value and the state at which it was evaluated
 CChemEquilClass ChemEquil implements a chemical equilibrium solver for single-phase solutions
 CclockWCThe class provides the wall clock timer in seconds
 CCoverageDependentSurfPhase::HeatCapacityDependencyA struct to store sets of parameters used in coverage-dependent heat capacity calculations by a log-quadratic equation in CoverageDependentSurfPhase
 CCoverageDependentSurfPhase::InterpolativeDependencyA struct to store sets of parameters used in coverage-dependent enthalpy and entropy calculations by a interpolative equation or a piecewise-linear equation in CoverageDependentSurfPhase
 CCoverageDependentSurfPhase::PolynomialDependencyA struct to store sets of parameters used in coverage-dependent enthalpy and entropy calculations by a polynomial equation or a linear equation in CoverageDependentSurfPhase
 CDelegatorDelegate member functions of a C++ class to externally-specified functions
 CReactionDataDelegatorDelegate methods of the ReactionData class to external functions
 CReactionRateDelegatorDelegate methods of the ReactionRate class to external functions
 CReactorDelegator< R >Delegate methods of the Reactor class to external functions
 CDomain1DBase class for one-dimensional domains
 CBoundary1DThe base class for boundaries between one-dimensional spatial domains
 CEmpty1DA terminator that does nothing
 CInlet1DAn inlet
 COutlet1DAn outlet
 COutletRes1DAn outlet with specified composition
 CReactingSurf1DA reacting surface
 CSurf1DA non-reacting surface
 CSymm1DA symmetry plane
 CFlow1DThis class represents 1D flow domains that satisfy the one-dimensional similarity solution for chemically-reacting, axisymmetric flows
 CIonFlowThis class models the ion transportation in a flame
 CEquilOptChemical equilibrium options
 CExtensionManagerBase class for managing user-defined Cantera extensions written in other languages
 CPythonExtensionManagerClass for managing user-defined Cantera extensions written in Python
 CExternalHandleA base class for managing the lifetime of an external object, such as a Python object used by a Delegator
 CPythonHandleClass that holds an owned or weak (borrowed) reference to a Python object
 CFactoryBaseBase class for factories
 CFactory< Domain1D, shared_ptr< Solution >, const string & >
 CDomainFactoryFactory class to create domain objects
 CFactory< ExtensionManager >
 CExtensionManagerFactoryA factory class for creating ExtensionManager objects
 CFactory< FlowDevice, const string & >
 CFlowDeviceFactoryFactory class to create FlowDevice objects
 CFactory< Func1, const vector< double > & >
 CFunc1FactoryFactory class to create Func1 objects
 CFactory< Kinetics >
 CKineticsFactoryFactory for kinetics managers
 CFactory< Func1, const shared_ptr< Func1 >, const shared_ptr< Func1 > >
 CMath1FactoryAFactory class to create Func1 compound objects - version A
 CFactory< Func1, const shared_ptr< Func1 >, double >
 CMath1FactoryBFactory class to create Func1 compound objects - version B
 CFactory< PDSS >
 CFactory< ReactionRate, const AnyMap &, const UnitStack & >
 CReactionRateFactoryFactory class to construct reaction rate calculators
 CFactory< ReactorBase, shared_ptr< Solution >, const string & >
 CReactorFactoryFactory class to create reactor objects
 CFactory< SystemJacobian >
 CSystemJacobianFactoryFactory class to create Jacobian objects for use by linear solvers
 CFactory< ThermoPhase >
 CThermoFactoryFactory class for thermodynamic property managers
 CFactory< Transport >
 CTransportFactoryFactory class for creating new instances of classes derived from Transport
 CFactory< WallBase, const string & >
 CWallFactoryFactory class to create WallBase objects
 CFactory< T, Args >Factory class that supports registering functions to create objects
 CFlowDeviceBase class for 'flow devices' (valves, pressure regulators, etc.) connecting reactors
 CMassFlowControllerA class for mass flow controllers
 CPressureControllerA class for flow controllers where the flow rate is equal to the flow rate of a primary mass flow controller plus a correction proportional to the pressure difference between the inlet and outlet
 CValveSupply a mass flow rate that is a function of the pressure drop across the valve
 CFunc1Base class for 'functor' classes that evaluate a function of one variable
 CArrhenius1Implements a sum of Arrhenius terms
 CComposite1Implements a composite function
 CConst1Implements a constant
 CCos1Implements the cos() function
 CDiff1Implements the difference of two functions
 CExp1Implements the exp() (exponential) function
 CFourier1Implements a Fourier cosine/sine series
 CGaussian1Implements a Gaussian function
 CLog1Implements the log() (natural logarithm) function
 CPeriodic1Implements a periodic function
 CPlusConstant1Implements the sum of a function and a constant
 CPoly1Implements a polynomial of degree n
 CPow1Implements the pow() (power) function
 CProduct1Implements the product of two functions
 CRatio1Implements the ratio of two functions
 CSin1Implements the sin() function
 CSum1Implements the sum of two functions
 CTabulated1Implements a tabulated function
 CTimesConstant1Implements the product of a function and a constant
 CFuncEvalVirtual base class for ODE/DAE right-hand-side function evaluators
 CImplicitSurfChemAdvances the surface coverages of the associated set of SurfacePhase objects in time
 CReactorNetA class representing a network of connected reactors
 CGeneralMatrixGeneric matrix
 CBandMatrixA class for banded matrices, involving matrix inversion processes
 CGroupClass Group is an internal class used by class ReactionPath
 CIntegratorAbstract base class for ODE system integrators
 CCVodesIntegratorWrapper class for 'cvodes' integrator from LLNL
 CIdasIntegratorWrapper for Sundials IDAS solver
 CInterfaceRateBaseBase class for rate parameterizations that involve interfaces
 CInterfaceRate< RateType, DataType >A class template for interface reaction rate specifications
 CStickingCoverageBase class for rate parameterizations that implement sticking coefficients
 CStickingRate< RateType, DataType >A class template for interface sticking rate specifications
 CisotopeWeightDataDatabase for named isotopic weights
 CKineticsPublic interface for kinetics managers
 CBulkKineticsSpecialization of Kinetics for chemistry in a single bulk phase
 CInterfaceKineticsA kinetics manager for heterogeneous reaction mechanisms
 CEdgeKineticsHeterogeneous reactions at one-dimensional interfaces between multiple adjacent two-dimensional surfaces
 CLoggerBase class for 'loggers' that write text messages to log files
 CExternalLoggerLogger that delegates to an external source via a callback to produce log output
 CNoExitLoggerLogger that doesn't exit when an error is thrown
 CMMCollisionIntCalculation of Collision integrals
 CMultiNewtonNewton iterator for multi-domain, one-dimensional problems
 CMultiPhaseA class for multiphase mixtures
 CMultiPhaseEquilMultiphase chemical equilibrium solver
 CMultiRateBaseAn abstract base class for evaluating all reactions of a particular type
 CMultiRate< RateType, DataType >A class template handling ReactionRate specializations
 CMultiSpeciesThermoA species thermodynamic property manager for a phase
 COneDimContainer class for multiple-domain 1D problems
 CSim1DOne-dimensional simulations
 CPDSSVirtual base class for a species with a pressure dependent standard state
 CPDSS_MolarBase class for PDSS classes which compute molar properties directly
 CPDSS_HKFTClass for pressure dependent standard states corresponding to ionic solutes in electrolyte water
 CPDSS_WaterClass for the liquid water pressure dependent standard state
 CPDSS_NondimensionalBase class for PDSS classes which compute nondimensional properties directly
 CPDSS_ConstVolClass for pressure dependent standard states that use a constant volume model
 CPDSS_SSVolClass for pressure dependent standard states that uses a standard state volume model of some sort
 CPhaseClass Phase is the base class for phases of matter, managing the species and elements in a phase, as well as the independent variables of temperature, mass density (compressible substances) or pressure (incompressible substances), species mass/mole fraction, and other generalized forces and intrinsic properties (such as electric potential) that define the thermodynamic state
 CThermoPhaseBase class for a phase with thermodynamic properties
 CIdealGasPhaseClass IdealGasPhase represents low-density gases that obey the ideal gas equation of state
 CPlasmaPhaseBase class for handling plasma properties, specifically focusing on the electron energy distribution
 CIdealSolidSolnPhaseClass IdealSolidSolnPhase represents a condensed phase ideal solution compound
 CBinarySolutionTabulatedThermoOverloads the virtual methods of class IdealSolidSolnPhase to implement tabulated standard state thermodynamics for one species in a binary solution
 CLatticePhaseA simple thermodynamic model for a bulk phase, assuming a lattice of solid atoms
 CLatticeSolidPhaseA phase that is comprised of a fixed additive combination of other lattice phases
 CMetalPhaseClass MetalPhase represents electrons in a metal
 CMixtureFugacityTPThis is a filter class for ThermoPhase that implements some preparatory steps for efficiently handling mixture of gases that whose standard states are defined as ideal gases, but which describe also non-ideal solutions
 CPengRobinsonImplementation of a multi-species Peng-Robinson equation of state
 CRedlichKwongMFTPImplementation of a multi-species Redlich-Kwong equation of state
 CPureFluidPhaseThis phase object consists of a single component that can be a gas, a liquid, a mixed gas-liquid fluid, or a fluid beyond its critical point
 CSingleSpeciesTPFilter class for ThermoPhase
 CStoichSubstanceClass StoichSubstance represents a stoichiometric (fixed composition) incompressible substance
 CWaterSSTPClass for single-component water
 CSurfPhaseA simple thermodynamic model for a surface phase, assuming an ideal solution model
 CCoverageDependentSurfPhaseA thermodynamic model for a coverage-dependent surface phase, applying surface species lateral interaction correction factors to the ideal surface phase properties
 CEdgePhaseA thermodynamic phase representing a one dimensional edge between two surfaces
 CVPStandardStateTPThis is a filter class for ThermoPhase that implements some preparatory steps for efficiently handling a variable pressure standard state for species
 CGibbsExcessVPSSTPGibbsExcessVPSSTP is a derived class of ThermoPhase that handles variable pressure standard state methods for calculating thermodynamic properties that are further based on expressing the Excess Gibbs free energy as a function of the mole fractions (or pseudo mole fractions) of constituents
 CMargulesVPSSTPMargulesVPSSTP is a derived class of GibbsExcessVPSSTP that employs the Margules approximation for the excess Gibbs free energy
 CRedlichKisterVPSSTPRedlichKisterVPSSTP is a derived class of GibbsExcessVPSSTP that employs the Redlich-Kister approximation for the excess Gibbs free energy
 CIdealSolnGasVPSSAn ideal solution approximation of a phase
 CMolalityVPSSTPMolalityVPSSTP is a derived class of ThermoPhase that handles variable pressure standard state methods for calculating thermodynamic properties that are further based on molality-scaled activities
 CDebyeHuckelClass DebyeHuckel represents a dilute liquid electrolyte phase which obeys the Debye Huckel formulation for nonideality
 CHMWSolnClass HMWSoln represents a dilute or concentrated liquid electrolyte phase which obeys the Pitzer formulation for nonideality
 CIdealMolalSolnThis phase is based upon the mixing-rule assumption that all molality-based activity coefficients are equal to one
 CReactionAbstract base class which stores data about a reaction and its rate parameterization so that it can be added to a Kinetics object
 CReactionDataData container holding shared data used for ReactionRate calculation
 CArrheniusDataData container holding shared data specific to ArrheniusRate
 CBlowersMaselDataData container holding shared data specific to BlowersMaselRate
 CInterfaceDataData container holding shared data for reaction rate specification with interfaces
 CChebyshevDataData container holding shared data specific to ChebyshevRate
 CElectronCollisionPlasmaDataData container holding shared data specific to ElectronCollisionPlasmaRate
 CFalloffDataData container holding shared data specific to Falloff rates
 CLinearBurkeDataData container holding shared data specific to LinearBurkeRate
 CPlogDataData container holding shared data specific to PlogRate
 CReactionDataDelegatorDelegate methods of the ReactionData class to external functions
 CTwoTempPlasmaDataData container holding shared data specific to TwoTempPlasmaRate
 CReactionPathDiagramReaction path diagrams (graphs)
 CReactionRateAbstract base class for reaction rate definitions; this base class is used by user-facing APIs to access reaction rate objects
 CArrheniusBaseBase class for Arrhenius-type Parameterizations
 CArrheniusRateArrhenius reaction rate type depends only on temperature
 CBlowersMaselRateBlowers Masel reaction rate type depends on the enthalpy of reaction
 CTwoTempPlasmaRateTwo temperature plasma reaction rate type depends on both gas temperature and electron temperature
 CChebyshevRatePressure-dependent rate expression where the rate coefficient is expressed as a bivariate Chebyshev polynomial in temperature and pressure
 CCustomFunc1RateCustom reaction rate depending only on temperature
 CElectronCollisionPlasmaRateElectron collision plasma reaction rate type
 CFalloffRateBase class for falloff rate calculators
 CLindemannRateThe Lindemann falloff parameterization
 CSriRateThe SRI falloff function
 CTroeRateThe 3- or 4-parameter Troe falloff parameterization
 CTsangRateThe 1- or 2-parameter Tsang falloff parameterization
 CLinearBurkeRatePressure-dependent and composition-dependent reaction rate calculated according to the reduced-pressure linear mixture rule (LMR-R)
 CPlogRatePressure-dependent reaction rate expressed by logarithmically interpolating between Arrhenius rate expressions at various pressures
 CReactionRateDelegatorDelegate methods of the ReactionRate class to external functions
 CReactorAccessorAn abstract base class for providing access to protected capabilities Reactor objects from delegate methods, which would normally only be able to access public Reactor members
 CReactorDelegator< R >Delegate methods of the Reactor class to external functions
 CReactorBaseBase class for stirred reactors
 CReactorClass Reactor is a general-purpose class for stirred reactors
 CConstPressureReactorClass ConstPressureReactor is a class for constant-pressure reactors
 CIdealGasConstPressureReactorClass ConstPressureReactor is a class for constant-pressure reactors
 CIdealGasReactorClass IdealGasReactor is a class for stirred reactors that is specifically optimized for ideal gases
 CFlowReactorAdiabatic flow in a constant-area duct with homogeneous and heterogeneous reactions
 CMoleReactorMoleReactor is meant to serve the same purpose as the reactor class but with a state vector composed of moles
 CConstPressureMoleReactorConstPressureMoleReactor is a class for constant-pressure reactors which use a state of moles
 CIdealGasConstPressureMoleReactorIdealGasConstPressureMoleReactor is a class for ideal gas constant-pressure reactors which use a state of moles
 CIdealGasMoleReactorIdealGasMoleReactor is a class for ideal gas constant-volume reactors which use a state of moles
 CReservoirA source or sink whose state remains constant regardless of any flows or other interactions with other Reactor objects
 CReactorSurfaceA surface where reactions can occur that is in contact with the bulk fluid of a Reactor
 CRefinerRefine Domain1D grids so that profiles satisfy adaptation tolerances
 CSolutionArrayA container class holding arrays of state information
 CsolveSPMethod to solve a pseudo steady state surface problem
 CSpeciesContains data about a single chemical species
 CSpeciesNodeNodes in reaction path graphs
 CSpeciesThermoInterpTypeAbstract Base class for the thermodynamic manager for an individual species' reference state
 CConstCpPolyA constant-heat capacity species thermodynamic property manager class
 CMu0PolyImplements an interpolation of the Gibbs free energy based on a piecewise constant heat capacity approximation
 CNasa9Poly1The NASA 9 polynomial parameterization for one temperature range
 CNasa9PolyMultiTempRegionThe NASA 9 polynomial parameterization for a single species encompassing multiple temperature regions
 CNasaPoly1The NASA polynomial parameterization for one temperature range
 CNasaPoly2The NASA polynomial parameterization for two temperature ranges
 CShomatePolyThe Shomate polynomial parameterization for one temperature range for one species
 CShomatePoly2The Shomate polynomial parameterization for two temperature ranges for one species
 CStoichManagerNThis class handles operations involving the stoichiometric coefficients on one side of a reaction (reactant or product) for a set of reactions comprising a reaction mechanism
 CStorageA wrapper class handling storage to HDF
 CSundialsContextA wrapper for managing a SUNContext object, need for Sundials >= 6.0
 CSystemJacobianAbstract base class representing Jacobian matrices and preconditioners used in nonlinear solvers
 CEigenSparseJacobianSystem Jacobians that use Eigen sparse matrices for storage
 CAdaptivePreconditionerAdaptivePreconditioner a preconditioner designed for use with large mechanisms that leverages sparse solvers
 CEigenSparseDirectJacobianA system matrix solver that uses Eigen's sparse direct (LU) algorithm
 CMultiJacClass MultiJac evaluates the Jacobian of a system of equations defined by a residual function supplied by an instance of class OneDim
 CThirdBodyA class for managing third-body efficiencies, including default values
 CThirdBodyCalcCalculate and apply third-body effects on reaction rates, including non- unity third-body efficiencies
 CTransportBase class for transport property managers
 CDustyGasTransportClass DustyGasTransport implements the Dusty Gas model for transport in porous media
 CGasTransportClass GasTransport implements some functions and properties that are shared by the MixTransport and MultiTransport classes
 CMixTransportClass MixTransport implements mixture-averaged transport properties for ideal gas mixtures
 CIonGasTransportClass IonGasTransport implements Stockmayer-(n,6,4) model for transport of ions
 CUnityLewisTransportClass UnityLewisTransport implements the unity Lewis number approximation for the mixture-averaged species diffusion coefficients
 CMultiTransportClass MultiTransport implements multicomponent transport properties for ideal gas mixtures
 CHighPressureGasTransportClass MultiTransport implements transport properties for high pressure gas mixtures
 CWaterTransportTransport Parameters for pure water
 CTransportDataBase class for transport data for a single species
 CGasTransportDataTransport data for a single gas-phase species which can be used in mixture-averaged or multicomponent transport models
 CUnitsA representation of the units associated with a dimensional quantity
 CUnitStackUnit aggregation utility
 CUnitSystemUnit conversion utility
 CValueCacheStorage for cached values
 CVCS_COUNTERSClass to keep track of time and iterations
 Cvcs_MultiPhaseEquilCantera's Interface to the Multiphase chemical equilibrium solver
 CVCS_SOLVEThis is the main structure used to hold the internal data used in vcs_solve_TP(), and to solve TP systems
 CVCS_SPECIES_THERMOIdentifies the thermo model for the species
 Cvcs_SpeciesPropertiesProperties of a single species
 Cvcs_VolPhasePhase information and Phase calculations for vcs
 CWallBaseBase class for 'walls' (walls, pistons, etc.) connecting reactors
 CWallRepresents a wall between between two ReactorBase objects
 CWaterPropsUsed to house several approximation routines for properties of water
 CWaterPropsIAPWSClass for calculating the equation of state of water
 CWaterPropsIAPWSphiLow level class for the real description of water
 CYamlWriterA class for generating full YAML input files from multiple data sources
 CPyFuncInfoA class to hold information needed to call Python functions from delegated methods (see class Delegator)
 CReactorDelegator< R >Delegate methods of the Reactor class to external functions
 CInterfaceRate< RateType, DataType >A class template for interface reaction rate specifications
 CStickingRate< RateType, DataType >A class template for interface sticking rate specifications
 CSolutionA container class for chemically-reacting solutions
 CInterfaceA container class for chemically-reacting interfaces
 CexceptionSTL class
 CCanteraErrorBase class for exceptions thrown by Cantera classes
 CArraySizeErrorArray size error
 CIndexErrorAn array index is out of range
 CInputFileErrorError thrown for problems processing information contained in an AnyMap or AnyValue
 CNotImplementedErrorAn error indicating that an unimplemented function has been called
 CSubstanceBase class from which all pure substances are derived
 CCarbonDioxidePure species representation of carbon dioxide
 CHFC134aEquation of state for HFC-134a
 CHeptanePure species representation of heptane
 ChydrogenPure species representation of hydrogen
 CmethanePure species representation of methane
 CnitrogenPure species representation of nitrogen
 CoxygenPure species representation of oxygen
 CwaterPure species representation of water
 Cconvert< Cantera::AnyMap >
 Cconvert< Cantera::AnyValue >