Here is a list of all documented functions with links to the class documentation for each member:
- m -
- make_deprecation_warnings_fatal() : Application
- make_warnings_fatal() : Application
- makeDelegate() : Delegator
- makePolarCorrections() : GasTransport
- MargulesVPSSTP() : MargulesVPSSTP
- markInstalled() : MultiSpeciesThermo
- mass() : ReactorBase
- massFlowRate() : FlowDevice
- massFraction() : Boundary1D, Inlet1D, OutletRes1D, Phase, ReactorBase
- massFractions() : Phase, ReactorBase
- massFractionsToMoleFractions() : Phase
- Math1FactoryA() : Math1FactoryA
- Math1FactoryB() : Math1FactoryB
- matrix() : EigenSparseJacobian
- matrixShape() : AnyValue
- maxDelta() : Refiner
- maxFlow() : ReactionPathDiagram
- maxGridPoints() : Sim1D
- maxPoints() : Refiner
- maxRatio() : Refiner
- maxSlope() : Refiner
- maxSteps() : CVodesIntegrator, IdasIntegrator, Integrator, ReactorNet
- maxTemp() : LatticeSolidPhase, MultiPhase, MultiSpeciesThermo, PDSS, PureFluidPhase, SpeciesThermoInterpType, ThermoPhase, VPStandardStateTP
- maxTimeStep() : ReactorNet
- maxTimeStepCount() : OneDim
- mdot() : Boundary1D
- mean_X() : Phase
- meanElectronEnergy() : PlasmaPhase
- meanMolecularWeight() : Phase
- meta() : SolutionArray
- mindex() : Flow1D
- minTemp() : LatticeSolidPhase, MultiPhase, MultiSpeciesThermo, PDSS, PureFluidPhase, SpeciesThermoInterpType, ThermoPhase, VPStandardStateTP
- MixTransport() : MixTransport
- mixtureFraction() : ThermoPhase
- MixtureFugacityTP() : MixtureFugacityTP
- modifyOneHf298() : ConstCpPoly, MultiSpeciesThermo, NasaPoly1, NasaPoly2, ShomatePoly2, ShomatePoly, SpeciesThermoInterpType
- modifyOneHf298SS() : LatticeSolidPhase, ThermoPhase
- modifyReaction() : BulkKinetics, InterfaceKinetics, Kinetics
- modifySpecies() : MultiSpeciesThermo, Phase, ThermoPhase
- MolalityVPSSTP() : MolalityVPSSTP
- molarDensity() : Phase
- molarVolume() : PDSS, PDSS_HKFT, PDSS_Nondimensional, PDSS_Water, Phase, SurfPhase
- molarVolume_ref() : PDSS, PDSS_HKFT, PDSS_Nondimensional, PDSS_Water
- molecularWeight() : PDSS, Phase, Species
- molecularWeights() : Phase
- moleFraction() : MultiPhase, Phase
- molefraction() : vcs_VolPhase
- moleFractions() : vcs_VolPhase
- moleFractionsToMassFractions() : Phase
- moleFSolventMin() : MolalityVPSSTP
- MolWt() : CarbonDioxide, Heptane, HFC134a, hydrogen, methane, nitrogen, oxygen, Substance, water
- motzWiseCorrection() : StickingCoverage
- Mu0Poly() : Mu0Poly
- mult() : BandMatrix, DenseMatrix, GeneralMatrix
- MultiJac() : MultiJac
- MultiNewton() : MultiNewton
- MultiPhase() : MultiPhase
- MultiPhaseEquil() : MultiPhaseEquil
- multiplier() : Kinetics
- multiply() : ThirdBodyCalc
- MultiSpeciesThermo() : MultiSpeciesThermo
- MultiTransport() : MultiTransport