13#include "cantera/numerics/eigen_sparse.h"
19class ElectronCollisionPlasmaRate;
97 explicit PlasmaPhase(
const string& inputFile=
const string&
113 bool updateEnergyDist=
128 const double* distrb,
146 return m_isotropicShapeFactor;
193 bool addSpecies(shared_ptr<Species> spec)
301 virtual void setSolution(std::weak_ptr<Solution> soln)
367 double m_isotropicShapeFactor = 2.0;
ThermoPhase object for the ideal gas equation of state - workhorse for Cantera (see Thermodynamic Pro...
A map of string keys to values whose type can vary at runtime.
Class IdealGasPhase represents low-density gases that obey the ideal gas equation of state.
An error indicating that an unimplemented function has been called.
virtual double concentration(const size_t k) const
Concentration of species k.
string speciesName(size_t k) const
Name of the species with index k.
Base class for handling plasma properties, specifically focusing on the electron energy distribution.
void addCollision(std::shared_ptr< Reaction > collision)
Add a collision and record the target species.
void checkElectronEnergyDistribution() const
Check the electron energy distribution.
void setCollisions()
Set collisions.
double meanElectronEnergy() const
Mean electron energy [eV].
int distributionNumber() const
Return the distribution Number m_distNum.
double enthalpy_mole() const override
Return the Molar enthalpy. Units: J/kmol.
void setQuadratureMethod(const string &method)
Set numerical quadrature method for integrating electron energy distribution function.
size_t m_nPoints
Number of points of electron energy levels.
int levelNumber() const
Return the electron energy level Number m_levelNum.
virtual void setSolution(std::weak_ptr< Solution > soln) override
Set the link to the Solution object that owns this ThermoPhase.
void getPartialMolarEnthalpies(double *hbar) const override
Returns an array of partial molar enthalpies for the species in the mixture.
void getChemPotentials(double *mu) const override
Get the species chemical potentials. Units: J/kmol.
void normalizeElectronEnergyDistribution()
Electron energy distribution norm.
void getStandardChemPotentials(double *muStar) const override
Get the array of chemical potentials at unit activity for the species at their standard states at the...
void updateThermo() const override
Update the species reference state thermodynamic functions.
vector< size_t > m_targetSpeciesIndices
The collision-target species indices of m_collisions.
void setElectronTemperature(double Te) override
Set the internally stored electron temperature of the phase (K).
void electronEnergyLevelChanged()
When electron energy level changed, plasma properties such as electron-collision reaction rates need ...
void setElectronEnergyLevels(const double *levels, size_t length, bool updateEnergyDist=true)
Set electron energy levels.
string electronEnergyDistributionType() const
Get electron energy distribution type.
double elasticPowerLoss()
The elastic power loss (J/s/m³)
int m_levelNum
Electron energy level change variable.
bool updateInterpolatedCrossSection(size_t k)
Update interpolated cross section of a collision.
void electronEnergyDistributionChanged()
When electron energy distribution changed, plasma properties such as electron-collision reaction rate...
void getEntropy_R(double *sr) const override
Get the array of nondimensional Entropy functions for the standard state species at the current T and...
string quadratureMethod() const
Numerical quadrature method. Method: m_quadratureMethod.
size_t nElectronEnergyLevels() const
Number of electron levels.
void getGibbs_ref(double *g) const override
Returns the vector of the Gibbs function of the reference state at the current temperature of the sol...
size_t nCollisions() const
Number of collisions.
Eigen::ArrayXd m_electronEnergyDist
Normalized electron energy distribution vector [-] Length: m_nPoints.
Eigen::ArrayXd m_electronEnergyLevels
electron energy levels [ev]. Length: m_nPoints
void setDiscretizedElectronEnergyDist(const double *levels, const double *distrb, size_t length)
Set discretized electron energy distribution.
void getParameters(AnyMap &phaseNode) const override
Store the parameters of a ThermoPhase object such that an identical one could be reconstructed using ...
string type() const override
String indicating the thermodynamic model implemented.
void checkElectronEnergyLevels() const
Check the electron energy levels.
void initThermo() override
Initialize the ThermoPhase object after all species have been set up.
void updateElasticElectronEnergyLossCoefficients()
Update elastic electron energy loss coefficients.
void updateElectronTemperatureFromEnergyDist()
Update electron temperature (K) From energy distribution.
vector< double > m_interp_cs
Interpolated cross sections.
string m_distributionType
Electron energy distribution type.
void getStandardVolumes_ref(double *vol) const override
Get the molar volumes of the species reference states at the current T and P_ref of the solution.
void updateElectronEnergyDistribution()
Update electron energy distribution.
vector< double > m_elasticElectronEnergyLossCoefficients
Elastic electron energy loss coefficients (eV m3/s)
string m_quadratureMethod
Numerical quadrature method for electron energy distribution.
size_t electronSpeciesIndex() const
Electron Species Index.
double m_electronTemp
Electron temperature [K].
void getElectronEnergyDistribution(double *distrb) const
Get electron energy distribution.
double RTe() const
Return the Gas Constant multiplied by the current electron temperature.
void getGibbs_RT(double *grt) const override
Get the nondimensional Gibbs functions for the species in their standard states at the current T and ...
double intEnergy_mole() const override
Molar internal energy. Units: J/kmol.
double entropy_mole() const override
Molar entropy.
bool m_do_normalizeElectronEnergyDist
Flag of normalizing electron energy distribution.
AnyMap m_root
Data for initiate reaction.
void updateElectronEnergyDistDifference()
Update electron energy distribution difference.
bool normalizeElectronEnergyDistEnabled() const
Flag of automatically normalize electron energy distribution.
void updateElasticElectronEnergyLossCoefficient(size_t i)
Updates the elastic electron energy loss coefficient for collision index i.
void getPartialMolarIntEnergies(double *ubar) const override
Return an array of partial molar internal energies for the species in the mixture.
double cp_mole() const override
Molar heat capacity at constant pressure.
string electronSpeciesName() const
Electron species name.
void setIsotropicElectronEnergyDistribution()
Set isotropic electron energy distribution.
Eigen::ArrayXd m_electronEnergyDistDiff
Electron energy distribution Difference dF/dε (V^-5/2)
double isotropicShapeFactor() const
The shape factor of isotropic electron energy distribution.
double gibbs_mole() const override
Molar Gibbs function. Units: J/kmol.
void getElectronEnergyLevels(double *levels) const
Get electron energy levels.
bool addSpecies(shared_ptr< Species > spec) override
Add a Species to this Phase.
vector< bool > m_interp_cs_ready
The list of whether the interpolated cross sections is ready.
vector< shared_ptr< ElectronCollisionPlasmaRate > > m_collisionRates
The list of shared pointers of collision rates.
vector< shared_ptr< Reaction > > m_collisions
The list of shared pointers of plasma collision reactions.
void setParameters(const AnyMap &phaseNode, const AnyMap &rootNode=AnyMap()) override
Set equation of state parameters from an AnyMap phase description.
void setMeanElectronEnergy(double energy)
Set mean electron energy [eV].
size_t m_electronSpeciesIndex
Index of electron species.
void setElectronEnergyDistributionType(const string &type)
Set electron energy distribution type.
void getPartialMolarEntropies(double *sbar) const override
Returns an array of partial molar entropies of the species in the solution.
virtual double electronPressure() const
Electron pressure.
double electronTemperature() const override
Electron Temperature (K)
void setIsotropicShapeFactor(double x)
Set the shape factor of isotropic electron energy distribution.
void enableNormalizeElectronEnergyDist(bool enable)
Set flag of automatically normalize electron energy distribution Flag: m_do_normalizeElectronEnergyDi...
int m_distNum
Electron energy distribution change variable.
const double Boltzmann
Boltzmann constant [J/K].
const double GasConstant
Universal Gas Constant [J/kmol/K].
const double ElectronCharge
Elementary charge [C].
Namespace for the Cantera kernel.
const size_t npos
index returned by functions to indicate "no position"