71 if (transportModel !=
"DustyGas" &&
canonicalize(transportModel) ==
"none") {
72 return create(transportModel);
76 "Valid phase definition required for initialization of "
77 "new '{}' object", transportModel);
84 if (transportModel ==
"DustyGas") {
87 gastr->
init(phase, 0);
91 tr =
92 int mode =
m_CK_mode[transportModel] ? CK_Mode : 0;
93 tr->
init(phase, mode);
101 string transportModel =
103 if (input.
"transport")) {
104 transportModel = input[
newTransport(shared_ptr<ThermoPhase> thermo,
const string& model)
112 if (model ==
"default") {
117 return shared_ptr<Transport>(tr);
Headers for the DustyGasTransport object, which models transport properties in porous media using the...
Interface for class HighPressureGasTransport.
Headers for the MixTransport object, which models transport properties in ideal gas solutions using a...
Interface for class MultiTransport.
Header file defining class TransportFactory (see TransportFactory)
Headers for the UnityLewisTransport object, which models transport properties in ideal gas solutions ...
Header file defining class WaterTransport.
A map of string keys to values whose type can vary at runtime.
bool hasKey(const string &key) const
Returns true if the map contains an item named key.
Base class for exceptions thrown by Cantera classes.
Class DustyGasTransport implements the Dusty Gas model for transport in porous media.
void initialize(ThermoPhase *phase, Transport *gastr)
Initialization routine called by TransportFactory.
Transport * create(const string &name, Args... args)
Create an object using the object construction function corresponding to "name" and the provided cons...
void reg(const string &name, function< Transport *(Args...)> f)
Register a new object construction function.
string canonicalize(const string &name)
Get the canonical name registered for a type.
void addDeprecatedAlias(const string &original, const string &alias)
Add a deprecated alias for an existing registered type.
Class MultiTransport implements transport properties for high pressure gas mixtures.
Class IonGasTransport implements Stockmayer-(n,6,4) model for transport of ions.
Class MixTransport implements mixture-averaged transport properties for ideal gas mixtures.
Class MultiTransport implements multicomponent transport properties for ideal gas mixtures.
void restoreState(const vector< double > &state)
Restore a state saved on a previous call to saveState.
void saveState(vector< double > &state) const
Save the current internal state of the phase.
Base class for a phase with thermodynamic properties.
const AnyMap & input() const
Access input data associated with the phase description.
Factory class for creating new instances of classes derived from Transport.
static TransportFactory * s_factory
Static instance of the factor -> This is the only instance of this object allowed.
void deleteFactory() override
Deletes the statically allocated factory instance.
Transport * newTransport(const string &model, ThermoPhase *thermo)
Build a new transport manager using a transport manager that may not be the same as in the phase desc...
static TransportFactory * factory()
Return a pointer to a TransportFactory instance.
static std::mutex transport_mutex
Static instance of the mutex used to ensure the proper reading of the transport database.
map< string, bool > m_CK_mode
Models included in this map are initialized in CK compatibility mode.
The constructor is private; use static method factory() to get a pointer to a factory instance.
Base class for transport property managers.
virtual void init(ThermoPhase *thermo, int mode=0)
Initialize a transport manager.
Class UnityLewisTransport implements the unity Lewis number approximation for the mixture-averaged sp...
Transport Parameters for pure water.
shared_ptr< Transport > newTransport(shared_ptr< ThermoPhase > thermo, const string &model)
Create a new Transport instance.
Namespace for the Cantera kernel.
Contains declarations for string manipulation functions within Cantera.
Various templated functions that carry out common vector and polynomial operations (see Templated Arr...