58 string type()
const override {
59 return "ideal-condensed";
116 double cp_mole()
const override;
436 void getCp_R(
double* cpr)
const override;
493 bool addSpecies(shared_ptr<Species> spec)
Header file for class ThermoPhase, the base class for phases with thermodynamic properties,...
A map of string keys to values whose type can vary at runtime.
Class IdealSolidSolnPhase represents a condensed phase ideal solution compound.
const vector< double > & entropy_R_ref() const
Returns a reference to the vector of nondimensional enthalpies of the reference state at the current ...
void getStandardChemPotentials(double *mu0) const override
Get the standard state chemical potentials of the species.
bool isIdeal() const override
Boolean indicating whether phase is ideal.
void getPartialMolarEnthalpies(double *hbar) const override
Returns an array of partial molar enthalpies for the species in the mixture.
void getChemPotentials(double *mu) const override
Get the species chemical potentials.
double pressure() const override
vector< double > m_g0_RT
Vector containing the species reference Gibbs functions at T = m_tlast.
bool isCompressible() const override
Return whether phase represents a compressible substance.
void getSpeciesParameters(const string &name, AnyMap &speciesNode) const override
Get phase-specific parameters of a Species object such that an identical one could be reconstructed a...
void getEntropy_R(double *sr) const override
Get the nondimensional Entropies for the species standard states at the current T and P of the soluti...
vector< double > m_h0_RT
Vector containing the species reference enthalpies at T = m_tlast.
void getGibbs_ref(double *g) const override
Returns the vector of the Gibbs function of the reference state at the current temperature of the sol...
double speciesMolarVolume(int k) const
Report the molar volume of species k.
vector< double > m_pp
Temporary array used in equilibrium calculations.
double m_Pref
Value of the reference pressure for all species in this phase.
void getCp_R(double *cpr) const override
Get the nondimensional heat capacity at constant pressure function for the species standard states at...
void getParameters(AnyMap &phaseNode) const override
Store the parameters of a ThermoPhase object such that an identical one could be reconstructed using ...
string type() const override
String indicating the thermodynamic model implemented.
void initThermo() override
Initialize the ThermoPhase object after all species have been set up.
void getActivityConcentrations(double *c) const override
This method returns the array of generalized concentrations.
void getSpeciesMolarVolumes(double *smv) const
Fill in a return vector containing the species molar volumes.
void setPressure(double p) override
Set the pressure at constant temperature.
const vector< double > & gibbs_RT_ref() const
Returns a reference to the vector of nondimensional enthalpies of the reference state at the current ...
void getPartialMolarVolumes(double *vbar) const override
returns an array of partial molar volumes of the species in the solution.
double cv_mole() const override
Molar heat capacity at constant volume of the solution.
void getPureGibbs(double *gpure) const override
Get the Gibbs functions for the pure species at the current T and P of the solution.
double standardConcentration(size_t k) const override
The standard concentration used to normalize the generalized concentration.
void setStandardConcentrationModel(const string &model)
Set the form for the standard and generalized concentrations.
void getIntEnergy_RT_ref(double *urt) const override
Returns the vector of nondimensional internal Energies of the reference state at the current temperat...
void getEnthalpy_RT(double *hrt) const override
Get the array of nondimensional Enthalpy functions for the standard state species at the current T an...
void getEntropy_R_ref(double *er) const override
Returns the vector of nondimensional entropies of the reference state at the current temperature of t...
vector< double > m_s0_R
Vector containing the species reference entropies at T = m_tlast.
void getGibbs_RT(double *grt) const override
Get the nondimensional Gibbs function for the species standard states at the current T and P of the s...
double entropy_mole() const override
Molar entropy of the solution.
int m_formGC
The standard concentrations can have one of three different forms: 0 = 'unity', 1 = 'species-molar-vo...
vector< double > m_speciesMolarVolume
Vector of molar volumes for each species in the solution.
void getCp_R_ref(double *cprt) const override
Returns the vector of nondimensional constant pressure heat capacities of the reference state at the ...
void getStandardVolumes(double *vol) const override
Get the molar volumes of the species standard states at the current T and P of the solution.
double cp_mole() const override
Molar heat capacity at constant pressure of the solution.
void getIntEnergy_RT(double *urt) const override
Returns the vector of nondimensional Internal Energies of the standard state species at the current T...
Units standardConcentrationUnits() const override
Returns the units of the "standard concentration" for this phase.
void getPartialMolarCp(double *cpbar) const override
Returns an array of partial molar Heat Capacities at constant pressure of the species in the solution...
void compositionChanged() override
Apply changes to the state which are needed after the composition changes.
double gibbs_mole() const override
Molar Gibbs free energy of the solution.
vector< double > m_cp0_R
Vector containing the species reference constant pressure heat capacities at T = m_tlast.
bool addSpecies(shared_ptr< Species > spec) override
Add a Species to this Phase.
virtual void _updateThermo() const
This function gets called for every call to functions in this class.
void setToEquilState(const double *mu_RT) override
This method is used by the ChemEquil equilibrium solver.
void getGibbs_RT_ref(double *grt) const override
Returns the vector of nondimensional Gibbs Free Energies of the reference state at the current temper...
void getActivityCoefficients(double *ac) const override
Get the array of species activity coefficients.
vector< double > m_expg0_RT
Vector containing the species reference exp(-G/RT) functions at T = m_tlast.
void getPartialMolarEntropies(double *sbar) const override
Returns an array of partial molar entropies of the species in the solution.
const vector< double > & cp_R_ref() const
Returns a reference to the vector of nondimensional enthalpies of the reference state at the current ...
double m_Pcurrent
m_Pcurrent = The current pressure Since the density isn't a function of pressure, but only of the mol...
void getEnthalpy_RT_ref(double *hrt) const override
Returns the vector of nondimensional enthalpies of the reference state at the current temperature of ...
virtual void calcDensity()
Calculate the density of the mixture using the partial molar volumes and mole fractions as input.
const vector< double > & enthalpy_RT_ref() const
Returns a reference to the vector of nondimensional enthalpies of the reference state at the current ...
string name() const
Return the name of the phase.
Base class for a phase with thermodynamic properties.
A representation of the units associated with a dimensional quantity.
const double OneAtm
One atmosphere [Pa].
Namespace for the Cantera kernel.