Cantera  3.2.0a1
No Matches
numerics Directory Reference
Directory dependency graph for numerics:


 Declarations for the class AdaptivePreconditioner which is a child class of PreconditionerBase for preconditioners used by sundials.
 Declarations for the class BandMatrix which is a child class of GeneralMatrix for banded matrices handled by solvers (see class Numerical Utilities and BandMatrix).
 Headers for the DenseMatrix object, which deals with dense rectangular matrices and description of the numerics groupings of objects (see Numerical Utilities and DenseMatrix ) .
 Header for a file containing miscellaneous numerical functions.
 Declarations for the class GeneralMatrix which is a virtual base class for matrices handled by solvers (see class Matrix Handling and GeneralMatrix).
 Header file for class IdasIntegrator.
 Declarations for the class PreconditionerBase which is a virtual base class for preconditioning systems.