60 Flow1D(shared_ptr<ThermoPhase> th,
size_t nsp = 1,
size_t points = 1);
67 Flow1D(shared_ptr<Solution> sol,
const string&
size_t points=1);
76 void setupGrid(
size_t n,
const double*
93 void setKinetics(shared_ptr<Kinetics> kin)
150 void _finalize(
const double* x)
183 void show(
const double* x)
185 shared_ptr<SolutionArray>
const double* soln)
const override;
340 void resize(
size_t components,
size_t points)
343 void setGas(
const double* x,
size_t j);
400 void eval(
size_t jGlobal,
double* xGlobal,
double* rsdGlobal,
401 integer* diagGlobal,
double rdt)
437 for (
size_t j = j0; j <= j1; j++) {
462 virtual void updateProperties(
size_t jg,
double* x,
size_t jmin,
size_t jmax);
522 double rdt,
size_t jmin,
size_t jmax);
539 virtual void evalMomentum(
double* x,
double* rsd,
int* diag,
540 double rdt,
size_t jmin,
size_t jmax);
558 virtual void evalLambda(
double* x,
double* rsd,
int* diag,
559 double rdt,
size_t jmin,
size_t jmax);
578 virtual void evalEnergy(
double* x,
double* rsd,
int* diag,
579 double rdt,
size_t jmin,
size_t jmax);
594 virtual void evalSpecies(
double* x,
double* rsd,
int* diag,
595 double rdt,
size_t jmin,
size_t jmax);
607 double rdt,
size_t jmin,
size_t jmax);
626 virtual void evalUo(
double* x,
double* rsd,
int* diag,
627 double rdt,
size_t jmin,
size_t jmax);
633 double T(
const double* x,
size_t j)
const {
637 double&
double* x,
size_t j) {
647 double rho_u(
const double* x,
size_t j)
const {
652 double u(
const double* x,
size_t j)
const {
658 double V(
const double* x,
size_t j)
const {
669 double lambda(
const double* x,
size_t j)
const {
677 double Uo(
const double* x,
size_t j)
const {
683 double Y(
const double* x,
size_t k,
size_t j)
const {
689 double&
double* x,
size_t k,
size_t j) {
694 double Y_prev(
size_t k,
size_t j)
const {
700 double X(
const double* x,
size_t k,
size_t j)
const {
705 double flux(
size_t k,
size_t j)
const {
738 double dVdz(
const double* x,
size_t j)
const {
739 size_t jloc = (
u(x, j) > 0.0 ? j : j + 1);
740 return (
V(x, jloc) -
V(x, jloc-1))/
753 double dYdz(
const double* x,
size_t k,
size_t j)
const {
754 size_t jloc = (
u(x, j) > 0.0 ? j : j + 1);
755 return (
Y(x, k, jloc) -
Y(x, k, jloc-1))/
767 double dTdz(
const double* x,
size_t j)
const {
768 size_t jloc = (
u(x, j) > 0.0 ? j : j + 1);
769 return (
T(x, jloc) -
T(x, jloc-1))/
795 double shear(
const double* x,
size_t j)
const {
796 double A_left =
V(x, j) -
V(x, j-1)) / (
z(j) -
797 double A_right =
V(x, j+1) -
V(x, j)) / (
z(j+1) -
798 return 2.0*(A_right - A_left) / (
z(j+1) -
811 double A_left =
T(x, j) -
T(x, j-1)) / (
z(j) -
812 double A_right =
T(x, j+1) -
T(x, j)) / (
z(j+1) -
813 return -2.0*(A_right - A_left) / (
z(j+1) -
824 size_t mindex(
size_t k,
size_t j,
size_t m) {
838 virtual void grad_hk(
const double* x,
size_t j);
Header file for class Cantera::Array2D.
Base class for kinetics managers and also contains the kineticsmgr module documentation (see Kinetics...
Header file for class ThermoPhase, the base class for phases with thermodynamic properties,...
A map of string keys to values whose type can vary at runtime.
A class for 2D arrays stored in column-major (Fortran-compatible) form.
Base class for one-dimensional domains.
double z(size_t jlocal) const
Get the coordinate [m] of the point with local index jlocal
double prevSoln(size_t n, size_t j) const
Value of component n at point j in the previous solution.
size_t index(size_t n, size_t j) const
Returns the index of the solution vector, which corresponds to component n at grid point j.
This class represents 1D flow domains that satisfy the one-dimensional similarity solution for chemic...
double dYdz(const double *x, size_t k, size_t j) const
Calculates the spatial derivative of the species mass fraction with respect to z for species k at po...
void setLeftControlPointTemperature(double temperature)
Sets the temperature of the left control point.
ThermoPhase * m_thermo
Phase object used for calculating thermodynamic properties.
void eval(size_t jGlobal, double *xGlobal, double *rsdGlobal, integer *diagGlobal, double rdt) override
Evaluate the residual functions for axisymmetric stagnation flow.
void setTemperature(size_t j, double t)
Set the temperature fixed point at grid point j, and disable the energy equation so that the solution...
void setLeftControlPointCoordinate(double z_left)
Sets the coordinate of the left control point.
double dTdz(const double *x, size_t j) const
Calculates the spatial derivative of temperature T with respect to z at point j using upwind differen...
vector< double > m_zfix
Relative coordinates used to specify a fixed temperature profile.
double density(size_t j) const
Get the density [kg/m³] at point j
size_t m_kExcessLeft
Index of species with a large mass fraction at the left boundary, for which the mass fraction may be ...
void setMeta(const AnyMap &state) override
Retrieve meta data.
double m_zLeft
Location of the left control point when two-point control is enabled.
void fixTemperature(size_t j=npos)
Specify that the the temperature should be held fixed at point j.
vector< double > m_tfix
Fixed temperature values at the relative coordinates specified in m_zfix.
void setRightControlPointCoordinate(double z_right)
Sets the coordinate of the right control point.
double leftEmissivity() const
Return emissivity at left boundary.
double X(const double *x, size_t k, size_t j) const
Get the mole fraction of species k at point j from the local state vector x.
void setTransport(shared_ptr< Transport > trans) override
Set the transport manager used for transport property calculations.
void setUnstrainedFlow()
Set flow configuration for burner-stabilized flames, using specified inlet mass fluxes.
bool doEnergy(size_t j)
true if the energy equation is solved at point j or false if a fixed temperature condition is imposed...
ThermoPhase & phase()
Access the phase object used to compute thermodynamic properties for points in this domain.
void setKinetics(shared_ptr< Kinetics > kin) override
Set the Kinetics object used for reaction rate calculations.
double T_prev(size_t j) const
Get the temperature at point j from the previous time step.
void resetBadValues(double *xg) override
When called, this function should reset "bad" values in the state vector such as negative species con...
bool twoPointControlEnabled() const
Returns the status of the two-point control.
size_t rightExcessSpecies() const
Index of the species on the right boundary with the largest mass fraction.
bool m_do_soret
true if the Soret diffusion term should be calculated.
Kinetics * m_kin
Kinetics object used for calculating species production rates.
vector< double > m_qdotRadiation
radiative heat loss vector
virtual void evalMomentum(double *x, double *rsd, int *diag, double rdt, size_t jmin, size_t jmax)
Evaluate the momentum equation residual.
double pressure() const
The current pressure [Pa].
void updateThermo(const double *x, size_t j0, size_t j1)
Update the thermodynamic properties from point j0 to point j1 (inclusive), based on solution x.
double m_tLeft
Temperature of the left control point when two-point control is enabled.
void setRightControlPointTemperature(double temperature)
Sets the temperature of the right control point.
void resize(size_t components, size_t points) override
Change the grid size. Called after grid refinement.
double dVdz(const double *x, size_t j) const
Calculates the spatial derivative of velocity V with respect to z at point j using upwind differencin...
bool m_usesLambda
Flag that is true for counterflow configurations that use the pressure eigenvalue in the radial mome...
vector< double > m_fixedtemp
Fixed values of the temperature at each grid point that are used when solving with the energy equatio...
void enableSoret(bool withSoret)
Enable thermal diffusion, also known as Soret diffusion.
void setFixedTempProfile(vector< double > &zfixed, vector< double > &tfixed)
Sometimes it is desired to carry out the simulation using a specified temperature profile,...
virtual void evalContinuity(double *x, double *rsd, int *diag, double rdt, size_t jmin, size_t jmax)
Evaluate the continuity equation residual.
vector< double > m_cp
Specific heat capacity at each grid point.
void enableTwoPointControl(bool twoPointControl)
Sets the status of the two-point control.
double m_tRight
Temperature of the right control point when two-point control is enabled.
void setBoundaryEmissivities(double e_left, double e_right)
Set the emissivities for the boundary values.
double shear(const double *x, size_t j) const
Compute the shear term from the momentum equation using a central three-point differencing scheme.
ThermoBasis m_fluxGradientBasis
Determines whether diffusive fluxes are computed using gradients of mass fraction or mole fraction.
void setFluxGradientBasis(ThermoBasis fluxGradientBasis)
Compute species diffusive fluxes with respect to their mass fraction gradients (fluxGradientBasis = T...
virtual void evalEnergy(double *x, double *rsd, int *diag, double rdt, size_t jmin, size_t jmax)
Evaluate the energy equation residual.
void enableRadiation(bool doRadiation)
Turn radiation on / off.
void solveEnergyEqn(size_t j=npos)
Specify that the energy equation should be solved at point j.
double & T(double *x, size_t j)
Get the temperature at point j from the local state vector x.
vector< double > m_rho
Density at each grid point.
vector< bool > m_do_energy
For each point in the domain, true if energy equation is solved or false if temperature is held const...
double m_epsilon_right
Emissivity of the surface to the right of the domain.
vector< double > m_tcon
Thermal conductivity at each grid point [W/m/K].
vector< double > m_diff
Coefficient used in diffusion calculations for each species at each grid point.
double Y_prev(size_t k, size_t j) const
Get the mass fraction of species k at point j from the previous time step.
shared_ptr< SolutionArray > asArray(const double *soln) const override
Save the state of this domain as a SolutionArray.
Kinetics & kinetics()
Access the Kinetics object used to compute reaction rates for points in this domain.
size_t componentIndex(const string &name) const override
index of component with name name.
vector< double > m_dz
Grid spacing. Element j holds the value of z(j+1) - z(j).
double rightEmissivity() const
Return emissivity at right boundary.
Array2D m_flux
Array of size m_nsp by m_points for saving diffusive mass fluxes.
bool withSoret() const
Indicates if thermal diffusion (Soret effect) term is being calculated.
void setGas(const double *x, size_t j)
Set the gas object state to be consistent with the solution at point j.
ThermoBasis fluxGradientBasis() const
Compute species diffusive fluxes with respect to their mass fraction gradients (fluxGradientBasis = T...
vector< double > m_visc
Dynamic viscosity at each grid point [Pa∙s].
double Uo(const double *x, size_t j) const
Get the oxidizer inlet velocity [m/s] linked to point j from the local state vector x.
double m_epsilon_left
Emissivity of the surface to the left of the domain.
Transport * m_trans
Transport object used for calculating transport properties.
double m_tfixed
Temperature at the point used to fix the flame location.
bool radiationEnabled() const
Returns true if the radiation term in the energy equation is enabled.
virtual bool componentActive(size_t n) const
Returns true if the specified component is an active part of the solver state.
Array2D m_wdot
Array of size m_nsp by m_points for saving species production rates.
double & Y(double *x, size_t k, size_t j)
Get the mass fraction of species k at point j from the local state vector x.
Array2D m_hk
Array of size m_nsp by m_points for saving molar enthalpies.
double m_press
pressure [Pa]
void setFreeFlow()
Set flow configuration for freely-propagating flames, using an internal point with a fixed temperatur...
double lambda(const double *x, size_t j) const
Get the radial pressure gradient [N/m⁴] at point j from the local state vector x
virtual bool doElectricField(size_t j) const
Retrieve flag indicating whether electric field is solved or not (used by IonFlow specialization)
virtual void evalSpecies(double *x, double *rsd, int *diag, double rdt, size_t jmin, size_t jmax)
Evaluate the species equations' residuals.
double flux(size_t k, size_t j) const
Get the diffusive mass flux [kg/m²/s] of species k at point j
size_t mindex(size_t k, size_t j, size_t m)
Array access mapping for a 3D array stored in a 1D vector.
bool m_do_multicomponent
true if transport fluxes are computed using the multicomponent diffusion coefficients,...
void setViscosityFlag(bool dovisc)
Specify if the viscosity term should be included in the momentum equation.
double V_prev(size_t j) const
Get the spread rate [1/s] at point j from the previous time step.
double conduction(const double *x, size_t j) const
Compute the conduction term from the energy equation using a central three-point differencing scheme.
vector< double > m_wt
Molecular weight of each species.
double Y(const double *x, size_t k, size_t j) const
Get the mass fraction of species k at point j from the local state vector x.
void setupGrid(size_t n, const double *z) override
called to set up initial grid, and after grid refinement
double T(const double *x, size_t j) const
Get the temperature at point j from the local state vector x.
size_t leftExcessSpecies() const
Index of the species on the left boundary with the largest mass fraction.
bool m_isFree
Flag that is true for freely propagating flames anchored by a temperature fixed point.
Array2D m_dhk_dz
Array of size m_nsp by m_points-1 for saving enthalpy fluxes.
virtual void evalElectricField(double *x, double *rsd, int *diag, double rdt, size_t jmin, size_t jmax)
Evaluate the electric field equation residual to be zero everywhere.
vector< double > m_wtm
Mean molecular weight at each grid point.
vector< double > m_multidiff
Vector of size m_nsp × m_nsp × m_points for saving multicomponent diffusion coefficients.
double radiativeHeatLoss(size_t j) const
Return radiative heat loss at grid point j.
bool m_twoPointControl
Flag for activating two-point flame control.
double m_zfixed
Location of the point where temperature is fixed.
void _finalize(const double *x) override
In some cases, a domain may need to set parameters that depend on the initial solution estimate.
virtual size_t getSolvingStage() const
Get the solving stage (used by IonFlow specialization)
size_t m_nsp
Number of species in the mechanism.
virtual void evalLambda(double *x, double *rsd, int *diag, double rdt, size_t jmin, size_t jmax)
Evaluate the lambda equation residual.
double rho_u(const double *x, size_t j) const
Get the axial mass flux [kg/m²/s] at point j from the local state vector x.
void fromArray(SolutionArray &arr, double *soln) override
Restore the solution for this domain from a SolutionArray.
double leftControlPointCoordinate() const
Returns the z-coordinate of the left control point.
AnyMap getMeta() const override
Retrieve meta data.
virtual void updateDiffFluxes(const double *x, size_t j0, size_t j1)
Update the diffusive mass fluxes.
double leftControlPointTemperature() const
Returns the temperature at the left control point.
string componentName(size_t n) const override
Name of component n. May be overloaded.
bool isFree() const
Retrieve flag indicating whether flow is freely propagating.
void setGasAtMidpoint(const double *x, size_t j)
Set the gas state to be consistent with the solution at the midpoint between j and j + 1.
virtual void grad_hk(const double *x, size_t j)
Compute the spatial derivative of species specific molar enthalpies using upwind differencing.
bool isStrained() const
Retrieve flag indicating whether flow uses radial momentum.
string transportModel() const
Retrieve transport model.
double rightControlPointCoordinate() const
Returns the z-coordinate of the right control point.
double V(const double *x, size_t j) const
Get the spread rate (tangential velocity gradient) [1/s] at point j from the local state vector x.
Array2D m_dthermal
Array of size m_nsp by m_points for saving thermal diffusion coefficients.
void computeRadiation(double *x, size_t jmin, size_t jmax)
Computes the radiative heat loss vector over points jmin to jmax and stores the data in the qdotRadia...
virtual void updateProperties(size_t jg, double *x, size_t jmin, size_t jmax)
Update the properties (thermo, transport, and diffusion flux).
virtual void evalUo(double *x, double *rsd, int *diag, double rdt, size_t jmin, size_t jmax)
Evaluate the oxidizer axial velocity equation residual.
string domainType() const override
Domain type flag.
void show(const double *x) override
Print the solution.
bool m_dovisc
Determines whether the viscosity term in the momentum equation is calculated.
virtual void setSolvingStage(const size_t stage)
Solving stage mode for handling ionized species (used by IonFlow specialization)
void setPressure(double p)
Set the pressure.
virtual void fixElectricField(size_t j=npos)
Set to fix voltage in a point (used by IonFlow specialization)
void setAxisymmetricFlow()
Set flow configuration for axisymmetric counterflow flames, using specified inlet mass fluxes.
virtual void updateTransport(double *x, size_t j0, size_t j1)
Update the transport properties at grid points in the range from j0 to j1, based on solution x.
double m_zRight
Location of the right control point when two-point control is enabled.
virtual void solveElectricField(size_t j=npos)
Set to solve electric field in a point (used by IonFlow specialization)
double u(const double *x, size_t j) const
Get the axial velocity [m/s] at point j from the local state vector x.
size_t m_kExcessRight
Index of species with a large mass fraction at the right boundary, for which the mass fraction may be...
void _getInitialSoln(double *x) override
Write the initial solution estimate into array x.
vector< size_t > m_kRadiating
Indices within the ThermoPhase of the radiating species.
void setTransportModel(const string &model) override
Set the transport model.
double rightControlPointTemperature() const
Returns the temperature at the right control point.
double T_fixed(size_t j) const
The fixed temperature value at point j.
vector< double > m_ybar
Holds the average of the species mass fractions between grid points j and j+1.
bool m_do_radiation
Determines whether radiative heat loss is calculated.
Public interface for kinetics managers.
virtual void getNetProductionRates(double *wdot)
Species net production rates [kmol/m^3/s or kmol/m^2/s].
double meanMolecularWeight() const
The mean molecular weight. Units: (kg/kmol)
virtual double density() const
Density (kg/m^3).
A container class holding arrays of state information.
Base class for a phase with thermodynamic properties.
virtual void getPartialMolarEnthalpies(double *hbar) const
Returns an array of partial molar enthalpies for the species in the mixture.
double cp_mass() const
Specific heat at constant pressure. Units: J/kg/K.
Base class for transport property managers.
Namespace for the Cantera kernel.
const size_t npos
index returned by functions to indicate "no position"
const double Undef
Fairly random number to be used to initialize variables against to see if they are subsequently defin...
Offsets of solution components in the 1D solution array.
@ c_offset_U
axial velocity [m/s]
@ c_offset_E
electric field
@ c_offset_Y
mass fractions
@ c_offset_Uo
oxidizer axial velocity [m/s]
@ c_offset_T
temperature [kelvin]
Differentiate between mole fractions and mass fractions for input mixture composition.