100 void addPhase(shared_ptr<ThermoPhase> p,
double moles);
165 double nAtoms(
const size_t kGlob,
const size_t mGlob)
189 string phaseName(
const size_t iph)
341 bool standard =
377 void equilibrate(
const string& XY,
const string& solver=
378 double rtol=1e-9,
int max_steps=50000,
int max_iter=100,
379 int estimate_equil=0,
int log_level=0);
392 void setState_TP(
const double T,
const double Pres);
401 void setState_TPMoles(
const double T,
const double Pres,
const double* Moles);
434 double gibbs()
498 void getMoles(
double* molNum)
530 bool tempOK(
size_t p)
578 int maxiter,
int loglevel);
722 MultiPhase* mphase, vector<size_t>& orderVectorSpecies,
723 vector<size_t>& orderVectorElements,
724 vector<double>& formRxnMatrix);
764void ElemRearrange(
size_t nComponents,
const vector<double>& elementAbundances,
766 vector<size_t>& orderVectorSpecies,
767 vector<size_t>& orderVectorElements);
Headers for the DenseMatrix object, which deals with dense rectangular matrices and description of th...
A class for full (non-sparse) matrices with Fortran-compatible data storage, which adds matrix operat...
A class for multiphase mixtures.
void init()
Process phases and build atomic composition array.
void checkPhaseIndex(size_t m) const
Check that the specified phase index is in range Throws an exception if m is greater than nPhases()
size_t speciesIndex(size_t k, size_t p) const
Return the global index of the species belonging to phase number p with local index k within the phas...
bool solutionSpecies(size_t kGlob) const
Return true is species kGlob is a species in a multicomponent solution phase.
vector< ThermoPhase * > m_phase
Vector of the ThermoPhase pointers.
double nAtoms(const size_t kGlob, const size_t mGlob) const
Returns the Number of atoms of global element mGlob in global species kGlob.
void setMolesByName(const Composition &xMap)
Set the number of moles of species in the mixture.
void setMoles(const double *n)
Sets all of the global species mole numbers.
DenseMatrix m_atoms
Global Stoichiometric Coefficient array.
double gibbs() const
The Gibbs function of the mixture [J].
void checkSpeciesIndex(size_t k) const
Check that the specified species index is in range.
size_t m_nel
Number of distinct elements in all of the phases.
double speciesMoles(size_t kGlob) const
Returns the moles of global species k. units = kmol.
void getValidChemPotentials(double not_mu, double *mu, bool standard=false) const
Returns a vector of Valid chemical potentials.
double m_temp
Current value of the temperature (kelvin)
void calcElemAbundances() const
Calculate the element abundance vector.
size_t nSpecies() const
Number of species, summed over all phases.
double enthalpy() const
The enthalpy of the mixture [J].
double pressure() const
Pressure [Pa].
vector< size_t > m_spstart
Vector of ints containing of first species index in the global list of species for each phase.
vector< size_t > m_spphase
Mapping between the global species number and the phase ID.
void getMoles(double *molNum) const
Get the mole numbers of all species in the multiphase object.
double minTemp() const
Minimum temperature for which all solution phases have valid thermo data.
vector< double > m_moleFractions
Locally stored vector of mole fractions of all species comprising the MultiPhase object.
vector< double > m_elemAbundances
Vector of element abundances.
double equilibrate_MultiPhaseEquil(int XY, double err, int maxsteps, int maxiter, int loglevel)
Set the mixture to a state of chemical equilibrium using the MultiPhaseEquil solver.
void checkPhaseArraySize(size_t mm) const
Check that an array size is at least nPhases() Throws an exception if mm is less than nPhases().
vector< bool > m_temp_OK
Vector of bools indicating whether temperatures are ok for phases.
double phaseCharge(size_t p) const
Charge (Coulombs) of phase with index p.
int phaseIndex(const string &pName) const
Returns the index, given the phase name.
size_t nPhases() const
Number of phases.
size_t m_eloc
Global ID of the element corresponding to the electronic charge.
double entropy() const
The entropy of the mixture [J/K].
double temperature() const
Temperature [K].
void getChemPotentials(double *mu) const
Returns a vector of Chemical potentials.
double moleFraction(const size_t kGlob) const
Returns the mole fraction of global species k.
double m_press
Current value of the pressure (Pa)
bool tempOK(size_t p) const
Return true if the phase p has valid thermo data for the current temperature.
void addPhases(vector< ThermoPhase * > &phases, const vector< double > &phaseMoles)
Add a vector of phases to the mixture.
map< string, size_t > m_enamemap
Returns the global element index, given the element string name.
vector< shared_ptr< ThermoPhase > > m_sharedPhase
Vector of shared ThermoPhase pointers.
void addSpeciesMoles(const int indexS, const double addedMoles)
Adds moles of a certain species to the mixture.
size_t elementIndex(const string &name) const
Returns the index of the element with name name.
void checkElementArraySize(size_t mm) const
Check that an array size is at least nElements().
size_t speciesPhaseIndex(const size_t kGlob) const
Returns the phase index of the Kth "global" species.
void setPressure(double P)
Set the pressure [Pa].
void setState_TPMoles(const double T, const double Pres, const double *Moles)
Set the state of the underlying ThermoPhase objects in one call.
vector< string > m_enames
String names of the global elements.
string speciesName(const size_t kGlob) const
Name of species with global index kGlob.
void addPhase(shared_ptr< ThermoPhase > p, double moles)
Add a phase to the mixture.
double phaseMoles(const size_t n) const
Return the number of moles in phase n.
void getMoleFractions(double *const x) const
Returns the global Species mole fractions.
size_t m_nsp
Number of distinct species in all of the phases.
void setPhaseMoleFractions(const size_t n, const double *const x)
Set the Mole fractions of the nth phase.
vector< int > m_atomicNumber
Atomic number of each global element.
double volume() const
The total mixture volume [m^3].
void uploadMoleFractionsFromPhases()
Update the locally-stored composition within this object to match the current compositions of the pha...
bool m_init
True if the init() routine has been called, and the MultiPhase frozen.
vector< string > m_snames
Vector of species names in the problem.
double m_Tmin
Minimum temperature for which thermo parameterizations are valid.
void updatePhases() const
Set the states of the phase objects to the locally-stored state within this MultiPhase object.
void getElemAbundances(double *elemAbundances) const
Retrieves a vector of element abundances.
void checkSpeciesArraySize(size_t kk) const
Check that an array size is at least nSpecies().
size_t nElements() const
Number of elements.
double charge() const
Total charge summed over all phases (Coulombs).
string phaseName(const size_t iph) const
Returns the name of the n'th phase.
double cp() const
Heat capacity at constant pressure [J/K].
void setTemperature(const double T)
Set the temperature [K].
void setState_TP(const double T, const double Pres)
Set the state of the underlying ThermoPhase objects in one call.
void checkElementIndex(size_t m) const
Check that the specified element index is in range.
ThermoPhase & phase(size_t n)
Return a reference to phase n.
double maxTemp() const
Maximum temperature for which all solution phases have valid thermo data.
double IntEnergy() const
The internal energy of the mixture [J].
string elementName(size_t m) const
Returns the name of the global element m.
vector< double > m_moles
Vector of the number of moles in each phase.
void setPhaseMoles(const size_t n, const double moles)
Set the number of moles of phase with index n.
double elementMoles(size_t m) const
Total moles of global element m, summed over all phases.
double m_Tmax
Minimum temperature for which thermo parameterizations are valid.
virtual ~MultiPhase()
Base class for a phase with thermodynamic properties.
void equilibrate(const string &XY, const string &solver="auto", double rtol=1e-9, int max_steps=50000, int max_iter=100, int estimate_equil=0, int log_level=0)
Equilibrate a MultiPhase object.
void ElemRearrange(size_t nComponents, const vector< double > &elementAbundances, MultiPhase *mphase, vector< size_t > &orderVectorSpecies, vector< size_t > &orderVectorElements)
Handles the potential rearrangement of the constraint equations represented by the Formula Matrix.
size_t BasisOptimize(int *usedZeroedSpecies, bool doFormRxn, MultiPhase *mphase, vector< size_t > &orderVectorSpecies, vector< size_t > &orderVectorElements, vector< double > &formRxnMatrix)
Choose the optimum basis of species for the equilibrium calculations.
const double OneBar
One bar [Pa].
Namespace for the Cantera kernel.
const size_t npos
index returned by functions to indicate "no position"
int BasisOptimize_print_lvl
External int that is used to turn on debug printing for the BasisOptimize program.
std::ostream & operator<<(std::ostream &s, const Array2D &m)
Output the current contents of the Array2D object.
map< string, double > Composition
Map from string names to doubles.