Cantera | Provides class Nucleus |
Application | Class to hold global data |
Messages | Class to carry out messages |
ThreadMessages | Class that stores thread messages for each thread, and retrieves them based on the thread id |
LogPrintCtrl | This class provides some printing and cropping utilities for writing to the logfile |
Unit | Unit conversion utility |
XML_Error | Classs representing a generic XML error condition |
XML_TagMismatch | Class representing a specific type of XML file formatting error |
XML_NoChild | Class representing a specific type of XML file formatting error |
XML_IllegalUnits | Class representing a specific type of XML file formatting error |
PropertyCalculator | Classes used by ChemEquil |
Troe3 | The 3-parameter Troe falloff parameterization |
Troe4 | The 4-parameter Troe falloff parameterization |
SRI3 | The 3-parameter SRI falloff function for F |
SRI5 | The 5-parameter SRI falloff function |
WF93 | Wang-Frenklach falloff function |
ImplicitSurfChem | Advances the surface coverages of the associated set of SurfacePhase objects in time |
rxninfo | These are all used to check for duplicate reactions |
solveSP | Method to solve a pseudo steady state surface problem |
CVodeErr | Exception thrown when a CVODE error is encountered |
CVodeInt | Wrapper class for 'cvode' integrator from LLNL |
Nucleus | Represents atomic nuclei |
ConstCpPoly | A constant-heat capacity species thermodynamic property manager class |
awData | |
ElementsFrozen | Exception class to indicate a fixed set of elements |
Nasa9PolyMultiTempRegion | The NASA 9 polynomial parameterization for a single species encompassing multiple temperature regions |
NasaPoly2 | The NASA polynomial parameterization for two temperature ranges |
NasaThermo | A species thermodynamic property manager for the NASA polynomial parameterization with two temperature ranges |
ShomatePoly | The Shomate polynomial parameterization for one temperature range for one species |
ShomatePoly2 | The Shomate polynomial parameterization for two temperature ranges for one species |
ShomateThermo | A species thermodynamic property manager for the Shomate polynomial parameterization |
UnknownVPSSMgrModel | Throw a named error for an unknown or missing vpss species thermo model |
VPSSMgrFactory | Factory to build instances of classes that manage the standard-state thermodynamic properties of a set of species |
FtnTransport | A class that calls external Fortran functions to evaluate transport properties |
LTPError | Exception thrown if an error is encountered while reading the transport database |
LTPmodelError | Exception thrown if an error is encountered while reading the transport database |
MMCollisionIntError | Error handler class for collision integrals |
MMCollisionInt | Calculation of Collision integrals |
TortuosityBase | Base case to handle tortuosity corrections for diffusive transport in porous media |
TortuosityBruggeman | Base case to handle tortuosity corrections for diffusive transport in porous media using the Bruggeman exponential approximation |
TortuosityMaxwell | Maxwell model for tortuosity |
TortuosityPercolation | This class implements transport coefficient corrections appropriate for porous media where percolation theory applies |
TransportDBError | Exception thrown if an error is encountered while reading the transport database |
Array2D | A class for 2D arrays stored in column-major (Fortran-compatible) form |
clockWC | The class provides the wall clock timer in seconds |
CanteraError | Base class for exceptions thrown by Cantera classes |
ArraySizeError | Array size error |
IndexError | An array index is out of range |
FactoryBase | Base class for factories |
Logger | Base class for 'loggers' that write text messages to log files |
PrintCtrl | This class provides some printing and cropping utilities |
XML_Reader | Class XML_Reader reads an XML file into an XML_Node object |
XML_Node | Class XML_Node is a tree-based representation of the contents of an XML file |
EquilOpt | Chemical equilibrium options |
ChemEquil | Class ChemEquil implements a chemical equilibrium solver for single-phase solutions |
MultiPhase | A class for multiphase mixtures |
MultiPhaseEquil | Multiphase chemical equilibrium solver |
GRI30 | This class is a convenience class for use in C++ programs that hard-wires the GRI 3.0 reaction mechanism |
Interface | An interface between multiple bulk phases |
AqueousKinetics | Kinetics manager for elementary aqueous-phase chemistry |
EdgeKinetics | Heterogeneous reactions at one-dimensional interfaces between multiple adjacent two-dimensional surfaces |
Enhanced3BConc | Computes enhanced third-body concentrations |
Falloff | Base class for falloff function calculators |
FalloffFactory | Factory class to construct falloff function calculators |
FalloffMgr | A falloff manager that implements any set of falloff functions |
GasKinetics | Kinetics manager for elementary gas-phase chemistry |
GRI_30_Kinetics | Kinetics manager implementing reaction mechanism GRI-Mech 3.0 |
Group | Class Group is an internal class used by class ReactionPath |
ReactionRules | Rules for parsing and installing reactions |
InterfaceKineticsData | This class holds mechanism-specific data |
InterfaceKinetics | A kinetics manager for heterogeneous reaction mechanisms |
Kinetics | Public interface for kinetics managers |
KineticsFactory | Factory for kinetics managers |
Rate1 | This rate coefficient manager supports one parameterization of the rate constant of any type |
Rate2 | This rate coefficient manager supports two parameterizations of any type |
SpeciesNode | Nodes in reaction path graphs |
ReactionPathDiagram | Reaction path diagrams (graphs) |
ReactionStoichMgr | Reaction mechanism stoichiometry manager |
Arrhenius | Arrhenius reaction rate type depends only on temperature |
ArrheniusSum | |
SurfaceArrhenius | An Arrhenius rate with coverage-dependent terms |
ExchangeCurrent | Arrhenius reaction rate type depends only on temperature |
C1 | Handles one species in a reaction |
C2 | Handles two species in a single reaction |
C3 | Handles three species in a reaction |
C_AnyN | Handles any number of species in a reaction, including fractional stoichiometric coefficients, and arbitrary reaction orders |
BandMatrix | A class for banded matrices, involving matrix inversion processes |
BEulerErr | Exception class thrown when a BEuler error is encountered |
BEulerInt | Wrapper class for 'beuler' integrator We derive the class from the class Integrator |
DAE_Solver | Wrapper for DAE solvers |
CELapackError | Exception thrown when an LAPACK error is encountered associated with inverting or solving a matrix |
DenseMatrix | A class for full (non-sparse) matrices with Fortran-compatible data storage, which adds matrix operations to class Array2D |
Func1 | Base class for 'functor' classes that evaluate a function of one variable |
Sin1 | Implements the sin() function |
Cos1 | Cos |
Exp1 | Exp |
Pow1 | Pow |
Const1 | Constant |
Sum1 | Sum of two functions |
Diff1 | Difference of two functions |
Product1 | Product of two functions |
TimesConstant1 | Product of two functions |
PlusConstant1 | A function plus a constant |
Ratio1 | Ratio of two functions |
Composite1 | Composite function |
Gaussian | A Gaussian |
Poly1 | Polynomial of degree n |
Fourier1 | Fourier cosine/sine series |
Arrhenius1 | Sum of Arrhenius terms |
Periodic1 | Periodic function |
FuncEval | Virtual base class for ODE right-hand-side function evaluators |
GeneralMatrix | Generic matrix |
Integrator | Abstract base class for ODE system integrators |
NonlinearSolver | Class that calculates the solution to a nonlinear system |
ResidEval | Virtual base class for DAE residual function evaluators |
ResidJacEval | Wrappers for the function evaluators for Nonlinear solvers and Time steppers |
RootFind | Root finder for 1D problems |
rfTable | Structure containing the iteration history |
solveProb | Method to solve a pseudo steady state of a nonlinear problem |
SquareMatrix | A class for full (non-sparse) matrices with Fortran-compatible data storage |
Domain1D | Base class for one-dimensional domains |
Bdry1D | The base class for boundaries between one-dimensional spatial domains |
Inlet1D | An inlet |
Empty1D | A terminator that does nothing |
Symm1D | A symmetry plane |
OutletRes1D | An outlet with specified composition |
Surf1D | A non-reacting surface |
ReactingSurf1D | A reacting surface |
MultiJac | Class MultiJac evaluates the Jacobian of a system of equations defined by a residual function supplied by an instance of class 'OneDim |
MultiNewton | Newton iterator for multi-domain, one-dimensional problems |
OneDim | Container class for multiple-domain 1D problems |
Sim1D | One-dimensional simulations |
StFlow | This class represents 1D flow domains that satisfy the one-dimensional similarity solution for chemically-reacting, axisymmetric, flows |
AxiStagnFlow | A class for axisymmetric stagnation flows |
FreeFlame | A class for freely-propagating premixed flames |
LineBroadener | Base class for classes implementing line shapes of various types |
LorentzianProfile | The line shape for pure collisional broadening |
GaussianProfile | A Gaussian line profile |
Voigt | A Voigt profile is the convolution of a Lorentzian and a Gaussian profile |
Rotor | Class Rotor represents a non-rigid quantum-mechanical rotor |
Adsorbate | An adsorbed surface species |
ConstDensityThermo | Overloads the virtual methods of class ThermoPhase to implement the incompressible equation of state |
Crystal | A class for crystals |
DebyeHuckel | Class DebyeHuckel represents a dilute liquid electrolyte phase which obeys the Debye Huckel formulation for nonideality |
EdgePhase | A thermodynamic Phase representing a one dimensional edge between two surfaces |
Elements | Object containing the elements that make up species in a phase |
FixedChemPotSSTP | Class FixedChemPotSSTP represents a stoichiometric (fixed composition) incompressible substance |
GeneralSpeciesThermo | A species thermodynamic property manager for a phase |
GibbsExcessVPSSTP | |
HMWSoln | Class HMWSoln represents a dilute or concentrated liquid electrolyte phase which obeys the Pitzer formulation for nonideality |
IdealGasPhase | Class IdealGasPhase represents low-density gases that obey the ideal gas equation of state |
IdealMolalSoln | This phase is based upon the mixing-rule assumption that all molality-based activity coefficients are equal to one |
IdealSolidSolnPhase | Class IdealSolidSolnPhase represents a condensed phase ideal solution compound |
IdealSolnGasVPSS | This class can handle either an ideal solution or an ideal gas approximation of a phase |
IonsFromNeutralVPSSTP | |
LatticePhase | A simple thermodynamic model for a bulk phase, assuming a lattice of solid atoms |
LatticeSolidPhase | A phase that is comprised of a fixed additive combination of other lattice phases |
MargulesVPSSTP | MargulesVPSSTP is a derived class of GibbsExcessVPSSTP that employs the Margules approximation for the excess gibbs free energy |
MetalPhase | Class MetalPhase represents electrons in a metal |
MetalSHEelectrons | Class MetalSHEelectrons represents electrons within a metal, adjacent to an aqueous electrolyte, that are consistent with the SHE reference electrode |
MineralEQ3 | Class MineralEQ3 represents a stoichiometric (fixed composition) incompressible substance based on EQ3's parameterization |
MixedSolventElectrolyte | MixedSolventElectrolyte is a derived class of GibbsExcessVPSSTP that employs the DH and local Marguless approximations for the excess gibbs free energy |
MixtureFugacityTP | This is a filter class for ThermoPhase that implements some preparatory steps for efficiently handling mixture of gases that whose standard states are defined as ideal gases, but which describe also non-ideal solutions |
MolalityVPSSTP | |
MolarityIonicVPSSTP | |
Mu0Poly | The Mu0Poly class implements an interpolation of the Gibbs free energy based on a piecewise constant heat capacity approximation |
Nasa9Poly1 | The NASA 9 polynomial parameterization for one temperature range |
NasaPoly1 | The NASA polynomial parameterization for one temperature range |
PDSS | Virtual base class for a species with a pressure dependent standard state |
PDSS_ConstVol | |
PDSS_HKFT | Class for pressure dependent standard states corresponding to ionic solutes in electrolyte water |
PDSS_IdealGas | Derived class for pressure dependent standard states of an ideal gas species |
PDSS_IonsFromNeutral | Derived class for pressure dependent standard states of an ideal gas species |
PDSS_SSVol | Class for pressure dependent standard states that uses a standard state volume model of some sort |
PDSS_Water | Class for the liquid water pressure dependent standard state |
Phase | Base class for phases of matter |
PhaseCombo_Interaction | PhaseCombo_Interaction is a derived class of GibbsExcessVPSSTP that employs the Margules approximation for the excess gibbs free energy while eliminating the entropy of mixing term |
PseudoBinaryVPSSTP | |
PureFluidPhase | This phase object consists of a single component that can be a gas, a liquid, a mixed gas-liquid fluid, or a fluid beyond its critical point |
RedlichKisterVPSSTP | RedlichKisterVPSSTP is a derived class of GibbsExcessVPSSTP that employs the Redlich-Kister approximation for the excess gibbs free energy |
RedlichKwongMFTP | This class can handle either an ideal solution or an ideal gas approximation of a phase |
SemiconductorPhase | Class SemiconductorPhase represents electrons and holes in a semiconductor |
SimpleThermo | |
SingleSpeciesTP | The SingleSpeciesTP class is a filter class for ThermoPhase |
SpeciesThermo | Pure Virtual base class for the species thermo manager classes |
UnknownSpeciesThermoModel | Throw a named error for an unknown or missing species thermo model |
SpeciesThermoFactory | Factory to build instances of classes that manage the standard-state thermodynamic properties of a set of species |
SpeciesThermoInterpType | Pure Virtual Base class for the thermodynamic manager for an individual species' reference state |
STITbyPDSS | Class for the thermodynamic manager for an individual species' reference state which uses the PDSS base class to satisfy the requests |
RefPressureMismatch | Exception thrown if species reference pressures don't match |
UnknownSpeciesThermo | Unknown species thermo manager string error |
SpeciesThermoDuo | This species thermo manager requires that all species have one of two parameterizations |
UnknownThermoParam | Error for unknown thermo parameterization |
ThermoIndexData | Holds parameterization-dependent index information |
StoichSubstance | Class StoichSubstance represents a stoichiometric (fixed composition) incompressible substance |
StoichSubstanceSSTP | Class StoichSubstanceSSTP represents a stoichiometric (fixed composition) incompressible substance |
electrodeElectron | Class electrodeElectron represents an electron in a metal using the Standard hydrogen reference electrode |
SurfPhase | A simple thermodynamic model for a surface phase, assuming an ideal solution model |
UnknownThermoPhaseModel | Specific error to be thrown if the type of Thermo manager is unrecognized |
ThermoFactory | Factory class for thermodynamic property managers |
ThermoPhase | Base class for a phase with thermodynamic properties |
VPSSMgr | Virtual base class for the classes that manage the calculation of standard state properties for all the species in a phase |
VPSSMgr_ConstVol | Constant Molar Volume e VPSS species thermo manager class |
VPSSMgr_General | Class that handles the calculation of standard state thermo properties for a set of species belonging to a single phase in a completely general but slow way |
VPSSMgr_IdealGas | Virtual base class for the species thermo manager classes |
UnknownVPSSMgr | Error for unknown thermo parameterization |
VPSSMgr_Water_ConstVol | Virtual base class for the species thermo manager classes |
VPSSMgr_Water_HKFT | Virtual base class for the species thermo manager classes |
VPStandardStateTP | This is a filter class for ThermoPhase that implements some prepatory steps for efficiently handling a variable pressure standard state for species |
WaterProps | Used to house several approximation routines for properties of water |
WaterPropsIAPWS | Class for calculating the equation of state of water |
WaterSSTP | Class for single-component water |
AqueousTransport | Class AqueousTransport implements mixture-averaged transport properties for brine phases |
DustyGasTransport | Class DustyGasTransport implements the Dusty Gas model for transport in porous media |
GasTransport | Class GasTransport implements some functions and properties that are shared by the MixTransport and MultiTransport classes |
LiquidTranInteraction | Base class to handle transport property evaluation in a mixture |
LTI_MoleFracs | Simple mole fraction weighting of transport properties |
LTI_MassFracs | Simple mass fraction weighting of transport properties |
LTI_Log_MoleFracs | Mixing rule using logarithms of the mole fractions |
LTI_Pairwise_Interaction | Transport properties that act like pairwise interactions as in binary diffusion coefficients |
LTI_StefanMaxwell_PPN | Stefan Maxwell Diffusion Coefficients can be solved for given ion conductivity, mobility ratios, and self diffusion coeffs |
LTI_MoleFracs_ExpT | Simple mole fraction weighting of transport properties |
LiquidTransport | Class LiquidTransport implements models for transport properties for liquid phases |
LiquidTransportData | Class LiquidTransportData holds transport parameters for a specific liquid-phase species |
LiquidTransportParams | Composition dependence type for liquid mixture transport properties |
LTPspecies | Class LTPspecies holds transport parameters for a specific liquid-phase species |
LTPspecies_Const | Class LTPspecies_Const holds transport parameters for a specific liquid-phase species (LTPspecies) when the transport property is just a constant value |
LTPspecies_Arrhenius | Class LTPspecies_Arrhenius holds transport parameters for a specific liquid-phase species (LTPspecies) when the transport property is expressed in Arrhenius form |
LTPspecies_Poly | Class LTPspecies_Poly holds transport parameters for a specific liquid-phase species (LTPspecies) when the transport property is expressed as a polynomial in temperature |
LTPspecies_ExpT | Class LTPspecies_ExpT holds transport parameters for a specific liquid-phase species (LTPspecies) when the transport property is expressed as an exponential in temperature |
MixTransport | Class MixTransport implements mixture-averaged transport properties for ideal gas mixtures |
L_Matrix | Class L_Matrix is used to represent the "L" matrix |
MultiTransport | Class MultiTransport implements multicomponent transport properties for ideal gas mixtures |
SimpleTransport | Class SimpleTransport implements mixture-averaged transport properties for liquid phases |
SolidTransport | Class SolidTransport implements transport properties for solids |
Transport | Base class for transport property managers |
GasTransportData | Struct to hold data read from a transport property database file for gas-phase species |
TransportFactory | The purpose of the TransportFactory class is to create new instances of 'transport managers', which are classes that provide transport properties and which are derived from the base class, Transport |
NotImplemented | Error class to indicate an unimplemented method |
TransportParams | Base structure to hold transport model parameters |
GasTransportParams | This structure holds transport model parameters relevant to transport in ideal gases with a kinetic theory of gases derived transport model |
WaterTransport | Transport Parameters for pure water |
ConstPressureReactor | Class ConstPressureReactor is a class for constant-pressure reactors |
MassFlowController | A class for mass flow controllers |
PressureController | A class for mass flow controllers |
Valve | Valve objects supply a mass flow rate that is a function of the pressure drop across the valve |
FlowDevice | Base class for 'flow devices' (valves, pressure regulators, etc.) connecting reactors |
FlowReactor | Adiabatic, reversible flow in a constant-area duct |
Reactor | Class Reactor is a general-purpose class for stirred reactors |
ReactorBase | Base class for stirred reactors |
ckr | Namespace for the CKReader packaage |
CK_SyntaxError | Exception class for syntax errors |
CKParser | Chemkin mechanism file parser |
CKReader | Chemkin file reader class |
Constituent | A class for components of a composite object |
Element | A class for elements |
RateCoeff | Reaction rate coefficient class |
ReactionUnits | Specifies the Units for all reactions |
Reaction | A class for reactions |
RxnSpecies | A class for species in a reaction |
Species | Holds species data read in from entries in the THERMO section of a chemkin or nasa9 fortran formatted input file |
ctml | The ctml namespace adds functionality to the XML object, by providing standard functions that read, write, and interpret XML files and object trees |
mdp | The mdp routines are extremely lightweight and fast fortran compatibile malloc routines for allocating multiple dimensioned arrays of doubles ints, char, and pointers using a single call |
tpx | |
HFC134a | Equation of state for HFC-134a |
VCSnonideal | |
DoubleStarStar | A class for 2D double arrays stored in column-major (Fortran-compatible) form |
VCS_COUNTERS | Amount of extra printing that is done while in debug mode |
IntStarStar | A class for 2D int arrays stored in column-major (Fortran-compatible) form |
vcs_MultiPhaseEquil | Cantera's Interface to the Multiphase chemical equilibrium solver |
VCS_PROB | Interface class for the vcs thermo equilibrium solver package, which generally describes the problem to be solved |
VCS_SOLVE | This is the main structure used to hold the internal data used in vcs_solve_TP(), and to solve TP systems |
vcs_VolPhase | Phase information and Phase calculations for vcs |
timesConstant | Unary operator to multiply the argument by a constant |
WaterPropsIAPWSphi | |