AdsorbateThermo.h | Header for a single-species standard state object derived from SpeciesThermoInterpType based on the expressions for the thermo properties of a species with several vibrational models |
application.cpp | |
application.h | |
AqueousKinetics.cpp | Homogeneous kinetics in an aqueous phase, either condensed or dilute in salts |
AqueousKinetics.h | |
AqueousTransport.cpp | Transport properties for aqueous systems |
AqueousTransport.h | Header file defining class AqueousTransport |
Array.h | Header file for class Cantera::Array2D |
BandMatrix.cpp | Banded matrices |
BandMatrix.h | Declarations for the class BandMatrix which is a child class of GeneralMatrix for banded matrices handled by solvers (see class Numerical Utilities within Cantera and BandMatrix) |
BasisOptimize.cpp | Functions which calculation optimized basis of the stoichiometric coefficient matrix (see /ref equil functions) |
BEulerInt.cpp | |
BEulerInt.h | |
boundaries1D.cpp | |
Cantera.h | Basic include file to be used in all Cantera application environments |
CarbonDioxide.cpp | Representation of substance Carbon Dioxide |
CarbonDioxide.h | |
checkFinite.cpp | Declarations for routines that check for the presence of NaNs in the code |
ChemEquil.cpp | Chemical equilibrium |
ChemEquil.h | Chemical equilibrium |
clockWC.cpp | Definitions for a simple class that implements an Ansi C wall clock timer (see Cantera::clockWC) |
clockWC.h | Declarations for a simple class that implements an Ansi C wall clock timer (see Cantera::clockWC) |
config.h | |
ConstCpPoly.cpp | Declarations for the SpeciesThermoInterpType object that employs a constant heat capacity assumption (see Species Reference-State Thermodynamic Properties and ConstCpPoly ) |
ConstCpPoly.h | Headers for the SpeciesThermoInterpType object that employs a constant heat capacity assumption (see Species Reference-State Thermodynamic Properties and ConstCpPoly) |
ConstDensityThermo.cpp | Declarations for a Thermo manager for incompressible ThermoPhases (see Thermodynamic Properties and ConstDensityThermo ) |
ConstDensityThermo.h | Header for a Thermo manager for incompressible ThermoPhases (see Thermodynamic Properties and ConstDensityThermo) |
ConstPressureReactor.cpp | A constant pressure zero-dimensional reactor |
ConstPressureReactor.h | |
csvdiff.cpp | |
ct2ctml.cpp | Driver for the system call to the python executable that converts cti files to ctml files (see Input File Handling) |
ct_defs.h | This file contains definitions of terms that are used in internal routines and are unlikely to need modifying (text for module physConstants (see Physical Constants) is found here) |
ct_thread.h | |
ctexceptions.cpp | |
ctexceptions.h | Definitions for the classes that are thrown when Cantera experiences an error condition (also contains errorhandling module text - see Error Handling) |
cti2ctml.cpp | |
ctlapack.h | |
ctml.cpp | Definitions for functions to read and write CTML |
ctml.h | CTML ("Cantera Markup Language") is the variant of XML that Cantera uses to store data |
CVodeInt.cpp | |
CVodeInt.h | |
CVodesIntegrator.cpp | |
CVodesIntegrator.h | |
DAE_Solver.h | Header file for class DAE_Solver |
DAE_solvers.cpp | Factory routine for picking the DAE solver package |
DebyeHuckel.cpp | Declarations for the DebyeHuckel ThermoPhase object, which models dilute electrolyte solutions (see Thermodynamic Properties and DebyeHuckel ) |
DebyeHuckel.h | Headers for the DebyeHuckel ThermoPhase object, which models dilute electrolyte solutions (see Thermodynamic Properties and DebyeHuckel ) |
DenseMatrix.cpp | |
DenseMatrix.h | Headers for the DenseMatrix object, which deals with dense rectangular matrices and description of the numerics groupings of objects (see Numerical Utilities within Cantera and DenseMatrix ) |
DiatomicMolecule.h | |
Domain1D.cpp | |
Domain1D.h | |
DustyGasTransport.cpp | Implementation file for class DustyGasTransport |
DustyGasTransport.h | Headers for the DustyGasTransport object, which models transport properties in porous media using the dusty gas approximation (see Transport Properties for Species in Phases and DustyGasTransport ) |
Edge.h | |
EdgeKinetics.h | |
EdgePhase.h | Declarations for the EdgePhase ThermoPhase object, which models the interface between two surfaces (see Thermodynamic Properties and EdgePhase) |
electrolytes.h | Header file for a common definitions used in electrolytes thermodynamics |
electrolyteThermo.h | Support for thermo property calculation from C++ application programs |
Elements.cpp | This file contains a database of atomic weights |
Elements.h | Contains the LookupWtElements function and the definitions of element constraint types |
Enhanced3BConc.h | |
equil.h | This file contains the definition of some high level general equilibration routines |
equilibrate.cpp | Driver routines for the chemical equilibrium solvers |
equilibrium.h | Cxx layer - Header file providing support for chemical equilibrium calculations (see Equilibrium Solver Capability) |
FactoryBase.h | File contains the FactoryBase class declarations |
FalloffFactory.cpp | |
FalloffFactory.h | Parameterizations for reaction falloff functions |
FalloffMgr.h | |
FixedChemPotSSTP.cpp | Definition file for the FixedChemPotSSTP class, which represents a fixed-composition incompressible substance with a constant chemical potential (see Thermodynamic Properties and class FixedChemPotSSTP) |
FixedChemPotSSTP.h | Header file for the FixedChemPotSSTP class, which represents a fixed-composition incompressible substance with a constant chemical potential (see Thermodynamic Properties and class FixedChemPotSSTP) |
flowControllers.h | Some flow devices derived from class FlowDevice |
FlowDevice.cpp | |
FlowDevice.h | |
FlowReactor.cpp | A steady-state plug flow reactor |
FlowReactor.h | |
FtnTransport.h | Customizable Fortran transport manager |
Func1.cpp | |
Func1.h | |
FuncEval.h | |
funcs.cpp | File containing miscellaneous numerical functions |
funcs.h | Header for a file containing miscellaneous numerical functions |
funcWrapper.h | |
GasKinetics.cpp | Homogeneous kinetics in ideal gases |
GasKinetics.h | |
GasTransport.cpp | |
GasTransport.h | |
GeneralMatrix.cpp | |
GeneralMatrix.h | Declarations for the class GeneralMatrix which is a virtual base class for matrices handled by solvers (see class Numerical Utilities within Cantera and GeneralMatrix) |
GeneralSpeciesThermo.cpp | Declarations for a completely general species thermodynamic property manager for a phase (see Species Reference-State Thermodynamic Properties and GeneralSpeciesThermo) |
GeneralSpeciesThermo.h | Headers for a completely general species thermodynamic property manager for a phase (see Managers for Calculating Reference-State Thermodynamics and GeneralSpeciesThermo) |
GibbsExcessVPSSTP.cpp | Definitions for intermediate ThermoPhase object for phases which employ excess gibbs free energy formulations (see Thermodynamic Properties and class GibbsExcessVPSSTP) |
GibbsExcessVPSSTP.h | Header for intermediate ThermoPhase object for phases which employ gibbs excess free energy based formulations (see Thermodynamic Properties and class GibbsExcessVPSSTP) |
global.cpp | |
global.h | This file contains definitions for utility functions and text for modules, inputfiles, logs, textlogs, HTML_logs (see Input File Handling, Diagnostic Output, Writing messages to the screen and Writing HTML Logfiles) |
GRI30.h | |
GRI_30_Kinetics.cpp | |
GRI_30_Kinetics.h | |
Group.cpp | Implementation file for the Group class used in reaction path analysis |
Group.h | |
Heptane.cpp | Representation of substance Heptane |
Heptane.h | |
HFC134a.cpp | |
HFC134a.h | |
HMWSoln.cpp | Definitions for the HMWSoln ThermoPhase object, which models concentrated electrolyte solutions (see Thermodynamic Properties and HMWSoln ) |
HMWSoln.h | Headers for the HMWSoln ThermoPhase object, which models concentrated electrolyte solutions (see Thermodynamic Properties and HMWSoln ) |
HMWSoln_input.cpp | Definitions for the HMWSoln ThermoPhase object, which models concentrated electrolyte solutions (see Thermodynamic Properties and HMWSoln ) |
Hydrogen.cpp | |
Hydrogen.h | |
IDA_Solver.cpp | |
IDA_Solver.h | Header file for class IDA_Solver |
IdealGasConstPressureReactor.cpp | |
IdealGasConstPressureReactor.h | |
IdealGasMix.h | |
IdealGasPhase.cpp | ThermoPhase object for the ideal gas equation of state - workhorse for Cantera (see Thermodynamic Properties and class IdealGasPhase) |
IdealGasPhase.h | ThermoPhase object for the ideal gas equation of state - workhorse for Cantera (see Thermodynamic Properties and class IdealGasPhase) |
IdealGasReactor.cpp | A zero-dimensional reactor |
IdealGasReactor.h | |
IdealMolalSoln.cpp | ThermoPhase object for the ideal molal equation of state (see Thermodynamic Properties and class IdealMolalSoln) |
IdealMolalSoln.h | ThermoPhase object for the ideal molal equation of state (see Thermodynamic Properties and class IdealMolalSoln) |
IdealSolidSolnPhase.cpp | Implementation file for an ideal solid solution model with incompressible thermodynamics (see Thermodynamic Properties and IdealSolidSolnPhase) |
IdealSolidSolnPhase.h | Header file for an ideal solid solution model with incompressible thermodynamics (see Thermodynamic Properties and IdealSolidSolnPhase) |
IdealSolnGasVPSS.cpp | Definition file for a derived class of ThermoPhase that assumes either an ideal gas or ideal solution approximation and handles variable pressure standard state methods for calculating thermodynamic properties (see Thermodynamic Properties and class IdealSolnGasVPSS) |
IdealSolnGasVPSS.h | Definition file for a derived class of ThermoPhase that assumes either an ideal gas or ideal solution approximation and handles variable pressure standard state methods for calculating thermodynamic properties (see Thermodynamic Properties and class IdealSolnGasVPSS) |
ImplicitSurfChem.cpp | Definitions for the implicit integration of surface site density equations (see Kinetics Managers and class ImplicitSurfChem) |
ImplicitSurfChem.h | Declarations for the implicit integration of surface site density equations (see Kinetics Managers and class ImplicitSurfChem) |
importKinetics.cpp | Declarations of global routines for the importing of kinetics data from XML files (see Input File Handling) |
importKinetics.h | Definitions of global routines for the importing of data from XML files (see Input File Handling) |
IncompressibleSolid.h | |
Inlet1D.h | Boundary objects for one-dimensional simulations |
Integrator.h | |
integrators.h | ODE integrators |
Interface.h | Declaration and Definition for the class Interface |
InterfaceKinetics.cpp | |
InterfaceKinetics.h | |
IonsFromNeutralVPSSTP.cpp | Definitions for the object which treats ionic liquids as made of ions as species even though the thermodynamics is obtained from the neutral molecule representation |
IonsFromNeutralVPSSTP.h | Header for intermediate ThermoPhase object for phases which consist of ions whose thermodynamics is calculated from neutral molecule thermodynamics |
Kinetics.cpp | Declarations for the base class for kinetics managers (see Kinetics Managers and class Kinetics) |
kinetics.h | |
Kinetics.h | Base class for kinetics managers and also contains the kineticsmgr module documentation (see Kinetics Managers and class Kinetics) |
KineticsFactory.cpp | |
KineticsFactory.h | |
L_matrix.h | Functions to evaluate portions of the L matrix needed for multicomponent transport properties |
lapack.h | |
LatticePhase.cpp | Definitions for a simple thermodynamics model of a bulk phase derived from ThermoPhase, assuming a lattice of solid atoms (see Thermodynamic Properties and class LatticePhase) |
LatticePhase.h | Header for a simple thermodynamics model of a bulk phase derived from ThermoPhase, assuming a lattice of solid atoms (see Thermodynamic Properties and class LatticePhase) |
LatticeSolidPhase.cpp | Definitions for a simple thermodynamics model of a bulk solid phase derived from ThermoPhase, assuming an ideal solution model based on a lattice of solid atoms (see Thermodynamic Properties and class LatticeSolidPhase) |
LatticeSolidPhase.h | Header for a simple thermodynamics model of a bulk solid phase derived from ThermoPhase, assuming an ideal solution model based on a lattice of solid atoms (see Thermodynamic Properties and class LatticeSolidPhase) |
LineBroadener.cpp | |
LineBroadener.h | Header file for class LineBroadener |
LiquidTranInteraction.cpp | Source code for liquid mixture transport property evaluations |
LiquidTranInteraction.h | Header file defining the class LiquidTranInteraction and classes which derive from LiquidTranInteraction |
LiquidTransport.cpp | Mixture-averaged transport properties for ideal gas mixtures |
LiquidTransport.h | Header file defining class LiquidTransport |
LiquidTransportData.cpp | Source code for liquid transport property evaluations |
LiquidTransportData.h | Header file defining class LiquidTransportData |
LiquidTransportParams.cpp | Source code for liquid mixture transport property evaluations |
LiquidTransportParams.h | Header file defining class LiquidTransportParams |
lk.cpp | Lee-Kesler equation of state |
lk.h | Lee-Kesler equation of state |
logger.h | Header for Base class for 'loggers' that write text messages to log files (see Writing messages to the screen and class Logger) |
LogPrintCtrl.cpp | Declarations for a simple class that augments the logfile printing capabilities (see Cantera::LogPrintCtrl) |
LogPrintCtrl.h | Declarations for a simple class that augments the logfile printing capabilities (see Cantera::LogPrintCtrl) |
LTPspecies.cpp | \ definitions for the LTPspecies objects and its children, which is the virtual base class for describing temperature dependence of submodels for transport parameters (see Transport Properties for Species in Phases and LTPspecies ) |
LTPspecies.h | Header file defining class LTPspecies and its child classes |
MargulesVPSSTP.cpp | Definitions for ThermoPhase object for phases which employ excess gibbs free energy formulations related to Margules expansions (see Thermodynamic Properties and class MargulesVPSSTP) |
MargulesVPSSTP.h | Header for intermediate ThermoPhase object for phases which employ gibbs excess free energy based formulations (see Thermodynamic Properties and class MargulesVPSSTP) |
mdp_allo.cpp | |
mdp_allo.h | |
Metal.h | |
MetalPhase.h | |
MetalSHEelectrons.cpp | Definition file for the MetalSHEElectrons class, which represents the electrons in a metal that are consistent with the SHE electrode (see Thermodynamic Properties and class MetalSHEelectrons) |
MetalSHEelectrons.h | Header file for the MetalSHEElectrons class, which represents the electrons in a metal that are consistent with the SHE electrode (see Thermodynamic Properties and class MetalSHEelectrons) |
Methane.cpp | |
Methane.h | |
MineralEQ3.cpp | Definition file for the MineralEQ3 class, which represents a fixed-composition incompressible substance (see Thermodynamic Properties and class MineralEQ3) |
MineralEQ3.h | Header file for the MineralEQ3 class, which represents a fixed-composition incompressible substance based on EQ3's parameterization (see Thermodynamic Properties and class MineralEQ3) |
mix_defs.h | |
MixedSolventElectrolyte.cpp | Definitions for ThermoPhase object for phases which employ excess gibbs free energy formulations related to Margules expansions (see Thermodynamic Properties and class MargulesVPSSTP) |
MixedSolventElectrolyte.h | Header for intermediate ThermoPhase object for phases which employ gibbs excess free energy based formulations (see Thermodynamic Properties and class MargulesVPSSTP) |
MixTransport.cpp | Mixture-averaged transport properties for ideal gas mixtures |
MixTransport.h | Headers for the MixTransport object, which models transport properties in ideal gas solutions using a mixture averaged approximation (see Transport Properties for Species in Phases and MixTransport ) |
MixtureFugacityTP.cpp | Methods file for a derived class of ThermoPhase that handles non-ideal mixtures based on the fugacity models (see Thermodynamic Properties and class MixtureFugacityTP) |
MixtureFugacityTP.h | Header file for a derived class of ThermoPhase that handles non-ideal mixtures based on the fugacity models (see Thermodynamic Properties and class MixtureFugacityTP) |
MMCollisionInt.cpp | |
MMCollisionInt.h | Monk and Monchick collision integrals |
MolalityVPSSTP.cpp | Definitions for intermediate ThermoPhase object for phases which employ molality based activity coefficient formulations (see Thermodynamic Properties and class MolalityVPSSTP) |
MolalityVPSSTP.h | Header for intermediate ThermoPhase object for phases which employ molality based activity coefficient formulations (see Thermodynamic Properties and class MolalityVPSSTP) |
MolarityIonicVPSSTP.cpp | Definitions for intermediate ThermoPhase object for phases which employ excess gibbs free energy formulations (see Thermodynamic Properties and class MolarityIonicVPSSTP) |
MolarityIonicVPSSTP.h | Header for intermediate ThermoPhase object for phases which employ gibbs excess free energy based formulations (see Thermodynamic Properties and class MolarityIonicVPSSTP) |
Mu0Poly.cpp | Definitions for a single-species standard state object derived from SpeciesThermoInterpType based on a piecewise constant mu0 interpolation (see Species Reference-State Thermodynamic Properties and class Mu0Poly) |
Mu0Poly.h | Header for a single-species standard state object derived from SpeciesThermoInterpType based on a piecewise constant mu0 interpolation (see Species Reference-State Thermodynamic Properties and class Mu0Poly) |
MultiJac.cpp | Implementation file for class MultiJac |
MultiJac.h | |
MultiNewton.cpp | Damped Newton solver for 1D multi-domain problems |
MultiNewton.h | |
MultiPhase.cpp | Definitions for the MultiPhase object that is used to set up multiphase equilibrium problems (see Equilibrium Solver Capability) |
MultiPhase.h | Headers for the MultiPhase object that is used to set up multiphase equilibrium problems (see Equilibrium Solver Capability) |
MultiPhaseEquil.cpp | |
MultiPhaseEquil.h | |
MultiTransport.cpp | Implementation file for class MultiTransport |
MultiTransport.h | Interface for class MultiTransport |
Nasa9Poly1.cpp | Definitions for a single-species standard state object derived from SpeciesThermoInterpType based on the NASA 9 coefficient temperature polynomial form applied to one temperature region (see Species Reference-State Thermodynamic Properties and class Nasa9Poly1) |
Nasa9Poly1.h | Header for a single-species standard state object derived from SpeciesThermoInterpType based on the NASA 9 coefficient temperature polynomial form applied to one temperature region (see Species Reference-State Thermodynamic Properties and class Nasa9Poly1) |
Nasa9PolyMultiTempRegion.cpp | Definitions for a single-species standard state object derived from SpeciesThermoInterpType based on the NASA 9 coefficient temperature polynomial form applied to one temperature region (see Species Reference-State Thermodynamic Properties and class Nasa9Poly1) |
Nasa9PolyMultiTempRegion.h | Header for a single-species standard state object derived from SpeciesThermoInterpType based on the NASA 9 coefficient temperature polynomial form applied to multiple temperature regions (see Species Reference-State Thermodynamic Properties and class Nasa9PolyMultiTempRegion) |
NasaPoly1.h | Header for a single-species standard state object derived from SpeciesThermoInterpType based on the NASA temperature polynomial form applied to one temperature region (see Species Reference-State Thermodynamic Properties and class NasaPoly1) |
NasaPoly2.h | Header for a single-species standard state object derived from SpeciesThermoInterpType based on the NASA temperature polynomial form applied to two temperature regions (see Species Reference-State Thermodynamic Properties and class NasaPoly2) |
NasaThermo.cpp | |
NasaThermo.h | Header for the 2 regime 7 coefficient Nasa thermodynamic polynomials for multiple species in a phase, derived from the SpeciesThermo base class (see Managers for Calculating Reference-State Thermodynamics and NasaThermo) |
newEquilibrate.cpp | |
Nitrogen.cpp | |
Nitrogen.h | |
NonlinearSolver.cpp | Damped Newton solver for 0D and 1D problems |
NonlinearSolver.h | Class that calculates the solution to a nonlinear, dense, set of equations (see Numerical Utilities within Cantera and class NonlinearSolver) |
Nuclei.h | Provides class Nucleus |
numerics.h | |
ODE_integrators.cpp | |
OneDim.cpp | |
onedim.h | |
OneDim.h | |
Oxygen.cpp | |
Oxygen.h | |
PDSS.cpp | Implementation of a pressure dependent standard state virtual function (see class PDSS) |
PDSS.h | Declarations for the virtual base class PDSS (pressure dependent standard state) which handles calculations for a single species in a phase (see Species Standard-State Thermodynamic Properties and class PDSS) |
PDSS_ConstVol.cpp | Implementation of a pressure dependent standard state virtual function |
PDSS_ConstVol.h | Declarations for the class PDSS_ConstVol (pressure dependent standard state) which handles calculations for a single species with a constant molar volume in a phase (see class Species Standard-State Thermodynamic Properties and PDSS_ConstVol) |
PDSS_HKFT.cpp | Definitions for the class PDSS_HKFT (pressure dependent standard state) which handles calculations for a single species in a phase using the HKFT standard state (see Species Standard-State Thermodynamic Properties and class PDSS_HKFT) |
PDSS_HKFT.h | Declarations for the class PDSS_HKFT (pressure dependent standard state) which handles calculations for a single species in a phase using the HKFT standard state (see Species Standard-State Thermodynamic Properties and class PDSS_HKFT) |
PDSS_IdealGas.cpp | Implementation of a pressure dependent standard state virtual function |
PDSS_IdealGas.h | Declarations for the class PDSS_IdealGas (pressure dependent standard state) which handles calculations for a single ideal gas species in a phase (see Species Standard-State Thermodynamic Properties and class PDSS_IdealGas) |
PDSS_IonsFromNeutral.cpp | Implementation of a pressure dependent standard state virtual function |
PDSS_IonsFromNeutral.h | Declarations for the class PDSS_IonsFromNeutral ( which handles calculations for a single ion in a fluid, whose properties are calculated from another neutral molecule |
PDSS_SSVol.cpp | Implementation of a pressure dependent standard state virtual function |
PDSS_SSVol.h | Declarations for the class PDSS_SSVol (pressure dependent standard state) which handles calculations for a single species with an expression for the standard state molar volume in a phase given by an enumerated data type (see class Species Standard-State Thermodynamic Properties and PDSS_SSVol) |
PDSS_Water.cpp | |
PDSS_Water.h | Implementation of a pressure dependent standard state virtual function for a Pure Water Phase (see Species Standard-State Thermodynamic Properties and class PDSS_Water) |
PecosTransport.cpp | Mixture-averaged transport properties |
PecosTransport.h | Header file defining class PecosTransport |
Phase.cpp | Definition file for class Phase |
Phase.h | Header file for class Phase |
PhaseCombo_Interaction.cpp | |
PhaseCombo_Interaction.h | Header for intermediate ThermoPhase object for phases which employ the Margules gibbs free energy formulation and eliminates the ideal mixing term |
plots.cpp | |
plots.h | Contains declarations for utility functions for outputing to plotting programs |
polyfit.h | C interface for Fortran DPOLFT subroutine |
PrintCtrl.cpp | Definitions for a simple class that augments the streams printing capabilities (see Cantera::PrintCtrl) |
PrintCtrl.h | Declarations for a simple class that augments the streams printing capabilities (see Cantera::PrintCtrl) |
PropertyCalculator.h | |
PseudoBinaryVPSSTP.cpp | Definitions for intermediate ThermoPhase object for phases which employ excess gibbs free energy formulations (see Thermodynamic Properties and class PseudoBinaryVPSSTP) |
PseudoBinaryVPSSTP.h | Header for intermediate ThermoPhase object for phases which employ gibbs excess free energy based formulations (see Thermodynamic Properties and class PseudoBinaryVPSSTP) |
PureFluid.h | |
PureFluidPhase.cpp | Definitions for a ThermoPhase object for a pure fluid phase consisting of gas, liquid, mixed-gas-liquid and supercritical fluid (see Thermodynamic Properties and class PureFluidPhase) |
PureFluidPhase.h | Header for a ThermoPhase class for a pure fluid phase consisting of gas, liquid, mixed-gas-liquid and supercrit fluid (see Thermodynamic Properties and class PureFluidPhase) |
radiation.h | |
RateCoeffMgr.h | |
reaction_defs.h | This file defines some constants used to specify reaction types |
ReactionData.h | |
ReactionPath.cpp | Implementation file for classes used in reaction path analysis |
ReactionPath.h | Classes for reaction path analysis |
reactionpaths.h | |
ReactionStoichMgr.cpp | |
ReactionStoichMgr.h | Header file declaring class ReactionStoichMgr |
Reactor.cpp | A zero-dimensional reactor |
Reactor.h | |
ReactorBase.cpp | |
ReactorBase.h | |
ReactorFactory.cpp | |
ReactorFactory.h | |
ReactorNet.cpp | |
ReactorNet.h | |
RedlichKisterVPSSTP.cpp | Definitions for ThermoPhase object for phases which employ excess gibbs free energy formulations related to RedlichKister expansions (see Thermodynamic Properties and class RedlichKisterVPSSTP) |
RedlichKisterVPSSTP.h | Header for intermediate ThermoPhase object for phases which employ gibbs excess free energy based formulations (see Thermodynamic Properties and class RedlichKisterVPSSTP) |
RedlichKwong.cpp | |
RedlichKwong.h | |
RedlichKwongMFTP.cpp | Definition file for a derived class of ThermoPhase that assumes either an ideal gas or ideal solution approximation and handles variable pressure standard state methods for calculating thermodynamic properties (see Thermodynamic Properties and class RedlichKwongMFTP) |
RedlichKwongMFTP.h | Definition file for a derived class of ThermoPhase that assumes either an ideal gas or ideal solution approximation and handles variable pressure standard state methods for calculating thermodynamic properties (see Thermodynamic Properties and class RedlichKwongMFTP) |
refine.cpp | |
refine.h | |
Reservoir.h | |
ResidEval.h | |
ResidJacEval.cpp | |
ResidJacEval.h | Dense, Square (not sparse) matrices |
RootFind.cpp | Root finder for 1D problems |
RootFind.h | Header file for implicit nonlinear solver of a one dimensional function (see Numerical Utilities within Cantera and class RootFind) |
rotor.cpp | |
rotor.h | Header file for class Rotor |
RxnRates.h | |
SemiconductorPhase.cpp | |
SemiconductorPhase.h | |
ShomatePoly.h | Header for a single-species standard state object derived from SpeciesThermoInterpType based on the Shomate temperature polynomial form applied to one temperature region (see Species Reference-State Thermodynamic Properties and class ShomatePoly and ShomatePoly2) |
ShomateThermo.h | Header for the 2 regions Shomate polynomial for multiple species in a phase, derived from the SpeciesThermo base class (see Managers for Calculating Reference-State Thermodynamics and ShomateThermo) |
Sim1D.cpp | |
Sim1D.h | |
SimpleThermo.h | Header for the SimpleThermo (constant heat capacity) species reference-state model for multiple species in a phase, derived from the SpeciesThermo base class (see Species Reference-State Thermodynamic Properties and SimpleThermo) |
SimpleTransport.cpp | Simple mostly constant transport properties |
SimpleTransport.h | Header file for the class SimpleTransport which provides simple transport properties for liquids and solids (see Transport Properties for Species in Phases and SimpleTransport ) |
SingleSpeciesTP.cpp | Definitions for the SingleSpeciesTP class, which is a filter class for ThermoPhase, that eases the construction of single species phases ( see Thermodynamic Properties and class SingleSpeciesTP) |
SingleSpeciesTP.h | Header for the SingleSpeciesTP class, which is a filter class for ThermoPhase, that eases the construction of single species phases ( see Thermodynamic Properties and class SingleSpeciesTP) |
SolidTransport.cpp | Definition file for the class SolidTransport, which handles transport of ions within solid phases (see Transport Properties for Species in Phases and SolidTransport ) |
SolidTransport.h | Header file for defining the class SolidTransport, which handles transport of ions within solid phases (see Transport Properties for Species in Phases and SolidTransport ) |
SolidTransportData.cpp | Source code for solid transport property evaluations |
SolidTransportData.h | Header file defining class SolidTransportData |
solveProb.cpp | Implicit solver for nonlinear problems |
solveProb.h | Header file for implicit nonlinear solver with the option of a pseudotransient (see Numerical Utilities within Cantera and class solveProb) |
solvers.h | Solvers of small embedded problems |
solveSP.cpp | |
solveSP.h | Header file for implicit surface problem solver (see Chemical Kinetics and class solveSP) |
SpeciesThermo.h | Virtual base class for the calculation of multiple-species thermodynamic reference-state property managers and text for the mgrsrefcalc module (see Managers for Calculating Reference-State Thermodynamics and class SpeciesThermo) |
SpeciesThermoFactory.cpp | Definitions for factory to build instances of classes that manage the standard-state thermodynamic properties of a set of species (see Species Reference-State Thermodynamic Properties and class SpeciesThermoFactory); |
SpeciesThermoFactory.h | Header for factory to build instances of classes that manage the standard-state thermodynamic properties of a set of species (see Species Reference-State Thermodynamic Properties and class SpeciesThermoFactory); |
SpeciesThermoInterpType.cpp | Definitions for a |
SpeciesThermoInterpType.h | Pure Virtual Base class for individual species reference state thermodynamic managers and text for the spthermo module (see Species Reference-State Thermodynamic Properties and class SpeciesThermoInterpType ) |
SpeciesThermoMgr.h | This file contains descriptions of templated subclasses of the virtual base class, SpeciesThermo, which includes SpeciesThermoDuo (see Managers for Calculating Reference-State Thermodynamics and class SpeciesThermoDuo) |
speciesThermoTypes.h | Contains const definitions for types of species reference-state thermodynamics managers (see Species Reference-State Thermodynamic Properties) |
spectra.h | |
spectralUtilities.cpp | |
spectralUtilities.h | |
SquareMatrix.cpp | |
SquareMatrix.h | Dense, Square (not sparse) matrices |
StatMech.cpp | SpeciesThermoInterpType |
StatMech.h | Header for a single-species standard state object derived from |
StFlow.cpp | |
StFlow.h | |
StoichManager.h | |
StoichSubstance.cpp | This file contains the class definitions for the StoichSubstance ThermoPhase class |
StoichSubstance.h | This file contains the class declarations for the StoichSubstance ThermoPhase class |
StoichSubstanceSSTP.cpp | Definition file for the StoichSubstanceSSTP class, which represents a fixed-composition incompressible substance (see Thermodynamic Properties and class StoichSubstanceSSTP) |
StoichSubstanceSSTP.h | Header file for the StoichSubstanceSSTP class, which represents a fixed-composition incompressible substance (see Thermodynamic Properties and class StoichSubstanceSSTP) |
stringUtils.cpp | Contains definitions for string manipulation functions within Cantera |
stringUtils.h | Contains declarations for string manipulation functions within Cantera |
Sub.cpp | |
Sub.h | |
surface.h | |
SurfPhase.cpp | Definitions for a simple thermodynamic model of a surface phase derived from ThermoPhase, assuming an ideal solution model (see Thermodynamic Properties and class SurfPhase) |
SurfPhase.h | Header for a simple thermodynamics model of a surface phase derived from ThermoPhase, assuming an ideal solution model (see Thermodynamic Properties and class SurfPhase) |
thermo.h | Support for thermo property calculation from C++ application programs |
ThermoFactory.cpp | Definitions for the factory class that can create known ThermoPhase objects (see Thermodynamic Properties and class ThermoFactory) |
ThermoFactory.h | Headers for the factory class that can create known ThermoPhase objects (see Thermodynamic Properties and class ThermoFactory) |
ThermoPhase.cpp | Definition file for class ThermoPhase, the base class for phases with thermodynamic properties (see class ThermoPhase) |
ThermoPhase.h | Header file for class ThermoPhase, the base class for phases with thermodynamic properties, and the text for the Module thermoprops (see Thermodynamic Properties and class ThermoPhase) |
ThirdBodyMgr.h | |
tok_input_util.cpp | |
tok_input_util.h | |
Tortuosity.h | |
TortuosityBase.cpp | Base class to compute the increase in diffusive path length associated with tortuous path diffusion through, for example, porous media |
TortuosityBase.h | Virtual base class to compute the increase in diffusive path length associated with tortuous path diffusion through, for example, porous media |
TortuosityBruggeman.cpp | |
TortuosityBruggeman.h | Class to compute the increase in diffusive path length in porous media assuming the Bruggeman exponent relation |
TortuosityMaxwell.cpp | |
TortuosityMaxwell.h | |
TortuosityPercolation.cpp | Base class to compute the increase in diffusive path length associated with tortuous path diffusion through, for example, porous media |
TortuosityPercolation.h | |
transport.h | Support for transport property calculation from C++ application programs |
TransportBase.cpp | Mixture-averaged transport properties for ideal gas mixtures |
TransportBase.h | Headers for the Transport object, which is the virtual base class for all transport property evaluators and also includes the tranprops group definition (see Transport Properties for Species in Phases and Transport ) |
TransportFactory.cpp | Implementation file for class TransportFactory |
TransportFactory.h | Header file defining class TransportFactory (see TransportFactory) |
TransportParams.cpp | Class that holds the data that is read in from the xml file, and which is used for processing of the transport object (see Transport Properties for Species in Phases and TransportParams ) |
TransportParams.h | Class that holds the data that is read in from the xml file, and which is used for processing of the transport object (see Transport Properties for Species in Phases and TransportParams ) |
units.h | Header for units conversion utilities, which are used to translate user input from input files (See Input File Handling and class Unit) |
utilities.h | Various templated functions that carry out common vector operations (see Templated Utility Functions) |
utils.cpp | |
utils.h | |
vcs_defs.h | Defines and definitions within the vcs package |
vcs_DoubleStarStar.cpp | Implementation file for class DoubleStarStar |
vcs_DoubleStarStar.h | Header file for class DoubleStarStar |
vcs_elem.cpp | This file contains the algorithm for checking the satisfaction of the element abundances constraints and the algorithm for fixing violations of the element abundances constraints |
vcs_elem_rearrange.cpp | Contains implementations for rearranging the element columns, and it contains the algorithm for choosing the rearrangement |
vcs_equilibrate.cpp | Driver routines for equilibrium solvers |
vcs_Gibbs.cpp | Functions which calculate the extrinsic Gibbs Free energies |
vcs_inest.cpp | Implementation methods for obtaining a good initial guess |
vcs_internal.h | Internal declarations for the VCSnonideal package |
vcs_IntStarStar.cpp | Implementation of class IntStarStar |
vcs_IntStarStar.h | Header file for class IntStarStar |
vcs_MultiPhaseEquil.cpp | Driver routine for the VCSnonideal equilibrium solver package |
vcs_MultiPhaseEquil.h | Interface class for the vcsnonlinear solver |
vcs_nondim.cpp | Nondimensionalization routines within VCSnonideal |
vcs_phaseStability.cpp | Implementation class for functions associated with determining the stability of a phase (see Class VCS_SOLVE and Equilibrium Solver Capability ) |
vcs_prep.cpp | This file contains some prepatory functions |
vcs_prob.cpp | Implementation for the Interface class for the vcs thermo equilibrium solver package, |
vcs_prob.h | Header for the Interface class for the vcs thermo equilibrium solver package, |
vcs_rank.cpp | |
vcs_rearrange.cpp | Implementation file for rearranging species |
vcs_report.cpp | |
vcs_root1d.cpp | Code for a one dimensional root finder program |
vcs_rxnadj.cpp | Routines for carrying out various adjustments to the reaction steps |
vcs_setMolesLinProg.cpp | |
vcs_solve.cpp | |
vcs_solve.h | Header file for the internal object that holds the vcs equilibrium problem (see Class VCS_SOLVE and Equilibrium Solver Capability ) |
vcs_solve_phaseStability.cpp | |
vcs_solve_TP.cpp | Implementation file that contains the main algorithm for finding an equilibrium |
vcs_species_thermo.cpp | Implementation for the VCS_SPECIES_THERMO object |
vcs_species_thermo.h | |
vcs_SpeciesProperties.cpp | |
vcs_SpeciesProperties.h | |
vcs_TP.cpp | |
vcs_util.cpp | Internal definitions for utility functions for the VCSnonideal package |
vcs_VolPhase.cpp | |
vcs_VolPhase.h | Header for the object representing each phase within vcs |
vec_functions.h | Templates for operations on vector-like objects |
VPSSMgr.cpp | Definition file for a virtual base class that manages the calculation of standard state properties for all of the species in a single phase, assuming a variable P and T standard state (see Managers for Calculating Standard-State Thermodynamics and class VPSSMgr) |
VPSSMgr.h | Declaration file for a virtual base class that manages the calculation of standard state properties for all of the species in a single phase, assuming a variable P and T standard state (see Managers for Calculating Standard-State Thermodynamics and class VPSSMgr) |
VPSSMgr_ConstVol.cpp | Definition file for a derived class that handles the calculation of standard state thermo properties for a set of species which have a constant molar volume pressure dependence (see Thermodynamic Properties and class VPSSMgr_ConstVol) |
VPSSMgr_ConstVol.h | Declarations for a derived class for the calculation of multiple-species thermodynamic property managers for variable temperature and pressure standard states assuming constant volume (see class VPSSMgr_ConstVol ) |
VPSSMgr_General.cpp | Definition file for a derived class that handles the calculation of standard state thermo properties for a set of species belonging to a single phase in a completely general but slow way (see Thermodynamic Properties and class VPSSMgr_General) |
VPSSMgr_General.h | Declaration file for a derived class that handles the calculation of standard state thermo properties for a set of species belonging to a single phase in a completely general but slow way (see Managers for Calculating Standard-State Thermodynamics and class VPSSMgr_General) |
VPSSMgr_IdealGas.cpp | Definition file for a derived class that handles the calculation of standard state thermo properties for a set of species which have an Ideal Gas dependence (see Thermodynamic Properties and class VPSSMgr_IdealGas) |
VPSSMgr_IdealGas.h | Declaration file for a derived class that handles the calculation of standard state thermo properties for a set of species which have an Ideal Gas dependence (see Managers for Calculating Standard-State Thermodynamics and class VPSSMgr_IdealGas) |
VPSSMgr_Water_ConstVol.cpp | Definition file for a derived class that handles the calculation of standard state thermo properties for pure water and a set of species which have a constant molar volume pressure dependence |
VPSSMgr_Water_ConstVol.h | Declaration file for a derived class that handles the calculation of standard state thermo properties for real water and a set of species which have a constant molar volume pressure dependence (see Managers for Calculating Standard-State Thermodynamics and class VPSSMgr_ConstVol) |
VPSSMgr_Water_HKFT.cpp | Definition file for a derived class that handles the calculation of standard state thermo properties for pure water and a set of species which obey the HKFT standard state dependence (see Thermodynamic Properties and class VPSSMgr_Water_HKFT) |
VPSSMgr_Water_HKFT.h | Declaration file for a derived class that handles the calculation of standard state thermo properties for real water and a set of species which have the HKFT equation of state (see Managers for Calculating Standard-State Thermodynamics and class VPSSMgr_Water_HKFT) |
VPSSMgrFactory.cpp | Definitions for factory to build instances of classes that manage the calculation of standard state properties for all the species in a phase (see Species Reference-State Thermodynamic Properties and class VPSSMgrFactory); |
VPSSMgrFactory.h | Header for factory to build instances of classes that manage the standard-state thermodynamic properties of a set of species (see Managers for Calculating Standard-State Thermodynamics and class VPSSMgrFactory); |
VPStandardStateTP.cpp | Definition file for a derived class of ThermoPhase that handles variable pressure standard state methods for calculating thermodynamic properties (see Thermodynamic Properties and class VPStandardStateTP) |
VPStandardStateTP.h | Header file for a derived class of ThermoPhase that handles variable pressure standard state methods for calculating thermodynamic properties (see Thermodynamic Properties and class VPStandardStateTP) |
Wall.cpp | |
Wall.h | Header file for class Wall |
Water.cpp | |
Water.h | |
WaterProps.cpp | |
WaterProps.h | Header for a class used to house several approximation routines for properties of water |
WaterPropsIAPWS.cpp | Definitions for a class for calculating the equation of state of water from the IAPWS 1995 Formulation based on the steam tables thermodynamic basis (See class WaterPropsIAPWS) |
WaterPropsIAPWS.h | Headers for a class for calculating the equation of state of water from the IAPWS 1995 Formulation based on the steam tables thermodynamic basis (See class WaterPropsIAPWS) |
WaterPropsIAPWSphi.cpp | Definitions for Lowest level of the classes which support a real water model (see class WaterPropsIAPWS and class WaterPropsIAPWSphi ) |
WaterPropsIAPWSphi.h | Header for Lowest level of the classes which support a real water model (see class WaterPropsIAPWS and class WaterPropsIAPWSphi) |
WaterSSTP.cpp | Definitions for a ThermoPhase class consisting of pure water (see Thermodynamic Properties and class WaterSSTP) |
WaterSSTP.h | Declares a ThermoPhase class consisting of pure water (see Thermodynamic Properties and class WaterSSTP) |
WaterTransport.cpp | |
WaterTransport.h | Header file defining class WaterTransport |
wrappers.h | |
xml.cpp | Classes providing support for XML data files |
xml.h | Classes providing support for XML data files |
XML_Writer.h | |
zerodim.h | |