73 std::vector<double>
80 std::vector<double>
87 std::vector<double>
size_t nsp,
size_t nel,
size_t nph);
307 size_t addElement(
const char* elNameNew,
int elType,
int elactive);
324 void reportCSV(
const std::string& reportFile);
std::vector< VCS_SPECIES_THERMO * > SpeciesThermo
Vector of pointers to thermo structures which identify the model and parameters for evaluating the th...
size_t NPHASE0
Number of phases used to malloc data structures.
std::vector< double > WtSpecies
Molecular weight of species.
int iest
Specification of the initial estimate method.
void resizePhase(size_t nPhase, int force)
Resizes all of the phase lists within the structure.
std::vector< double > w
Total number of moles of the kth species.
Header file for class IntStarStar.
void prob_report(int print_lvl)
Print out the problem specification in all generality as it currently exists in the VCS_PROB object...
void setDebugPrintLvl(int vcs_debug_print_lvl)
Set the debug level.
int m_NumBasisOptimizations
Number of basis optimizations used. This is an output variable.
size_t NE0
Number of element constraints used to malloc data structures involving elements.
double tolmaj
Tolerance requirement for major species.
std::vector< int > SpeciesUnknownType
Specifies the species unknown type.
void set_gai()
Calculate the element abundance vector from the mole numbers.
std::vector< double > m_gibbsSpecies
Vector of chemical potentials of the species.
std::vector< int > ElActive
Specifies whether an element constraint is active.
int vcs_debug_print_lvl
Debug print lvl.
std::vector< double > Charge
Charge of each species.
size_t NPhase
Number of phases in the problem.
Phase information and Phase calculations for vcs.
Defines and definitions within the vcs package.
Header file for class DoubleStarStar.
void addPhaseElements(vcs_VolPhase *volPhase)
Add elements to the local element list.
std::vector< std::string > ElName
vector of strings containing the element names
double tolmin
Tolerance requirement for minor species.
int prob_type
Problem type. I.e., the identity of what is held constant.
std::vector< size_t > PhaseID
Mapping between the species and the phases.
size_t nspecies
Total number of species in the problems.
DoubleStarStar FormulaMatrix
Formula Matrix for the problem.
int m_VCS_UnitsFormat
Units for the chemical potential data, pressure data, volume, and species amounts.
void resizeElements(size_t nel, int force)
Resizes all of the element lists within the structure.
int m_printLvl
Print level for print routines.
double Vol
Volume of the entire system.
std::vector< vcs_VolPhase * > VPhaseList
Array of phase structures.
size_t addOnePhaseSpecies(vcs_VolPhase *volPhase, size_t k, size_t kT)
This routines adds entries for the formula matrix for one species.
void resizeSpecies(size_t nsp, int force)
Resizes all of the species lists within the structure.
size_t NSPECIES0
Species number used to malloc data structures.
Interface class for the vcs thermo equilibrium solver package, which generally describes the problem ...
std::vector< std::string > SpName
Vector of strings containing the species names.
std::vector< int > m_elType
vector of Element types
int m_Iterations
Number of iterations. This is an output variable.
std::vector< double > gai
Element abundances for jth element.
VCS_PROB(size_t nsp, size_t nel, size_t nph)
size_t ne
Number of element constraints in the equilibrium problem.
double T
Temperature (Kelvin)
std::vector< double > VolPM
Partial Molar Volumes of species.
A class for 2D double arrays stored in column-major (Fortran-compatible) form.
std::vector< double > mf
Mole fraction vector.
size_t addElement(const char *elNameNew, int elType, int elactive)
This routine resizes the number of elements in the VCS_PROB object by adding a new element to the end...