66 void pr_de(
const double d,
int sigDigits = -1,
67 const int wMin = -1,
const int wMax = -1);
86 void pr_de_c10(
const double d,
int sigDigits = -1,
87 const int wMin = -1,
const int wMax = -1);
121 double cropAbs10(
const double d,
const int nDecades)
void pr_de(const double d, int sigDigits=-1, const int wMin=-1, const int wMax=-1)
Print a double using scientific notation.
int setWmin(int wMin)
Set the default minimum width.
Declarations for a simple class that augments the streams printing capabilities (see Cantera::PrintCt...
PrintCtrl * m_pc
Pointer to the PrintCtrl class.
int setSigDigits(int sigDigits)
Set the default significant digits to output.
This class provides some printing and cropping utilities for writing to the logfile.
double cropAbs10(const double d, const int nDecades) const
Crop a double at a certain decade level.
double cropSigDigits(const double d, int sigDigits) const
Crop a double at a certain number of significant digits.
This class provides some printing and cropping utilities.
void pr_de_c10(const double d, int sigDigits=-1, const int wMin=-1, const int wMax=-1)
Print a double using scientific notation cropping decade values.
int setNdec(int nDecades)
Set the default value of N decade.
std::ostream * m_ffss
Pointer to the ostream where this class actually prints its information.
std::ostringstream m_os
local stringstream class for temp output
int setWmax(int wMax)
Set the default maximum width.
LogPrintCtrl(int Ndec=-1000)