17 #include "cantera/base/config.h"
44 doublereal
phi(doublereal tau, doublereal delta);
51 doublereal
phi_d(doublereal tau, doublereal delta);
58 doublereal
phi_dd(doublereal tau, doublereal delta);
65 doublereal
phi_t(doublereal tau, doublereal delta);
72 doublereal
phi_tt(doublereal tau, doublereal delta);
99 doublereal
dimdpdrho(doublereal tau, doublereal delta);
109 doublereal
dimdpdT(doublereal tau, doublereal delta);
124 doublereal
dfind(doublereal p_red, doublereal tau, doublereal deltaGuess);
139 doublereal
142 doublereal
152 void tdpolycalc(doublereal tau, doublereal delta);
158 doublereal
163 doublereal
165 doublereal
167 doublereal
173 doublereal
176 doublereal
194 void intCheck(doublereal tau, doublereal delta);
doublereal phi0_dd() const
Calculate d2_phi0_dd(delta), the second derivative of phi0 wrt delta.
doublereal phiR_dt() const
Calculate the mixed derivative d2_phiR/(dtau ddelta)
doublereal phi0_d() const
Calculate d_phi0_d(delta), the first derivative of phi0 wrt delta.
doublereal phi_dd(doublereal tau, doublereal delta)
2nd derivative of phi wrt delta
doublereal gibbs_RT() const
Calculate the dimensionless gibbs free energy.
doublereal phi0_dt() const
Calculate the mixed derivative d2_phi0/(dtau ddelta)
doublereal entropy_R() const
Calculate the dimensionless entropy, s/R.
void check1()
Internal check # 1.
void intCheck(doublereal tau, doublereal delta)
Calculates all of the functions at a one point and prints out the result.
doublereal dfind(doublereal p_red, doublereal tau, doublereal deltaGuess)
This function computes the reduced density, given the reduced pressure and the reduced temperature...
doublereal TAUsave
Last tau that was used to calculate polynomials.
doublereal DELTAp[16]
Value of internally calculated polynomials of powers of delta.
doublereal phiR_dd() const
Calculate d2_phiR_dd(delta), the second derivative of phiR wrt delta.
doublereal DELTAsave
Last delta that was used to calculate polynomials.
doublereal pressureM_rhoRT(doublereal tau, doublereal delta)
Calculate the dimensionless pressure at tau and delta;.
doublereal phiR_tt() const
Calculate Equation 6.6 for dphiRdtau, the second derivative residual part of the dimensionless Helmho...
doublereal phi0_t() const
Calculate d_phi0/d(tau)
doublereal dimdpdrho(doublereal tau, doublereal delta)
Dimensionless derivative of p wrt rho at constant T.
doublereal phiR_t() const
Calculate Equation 6.6 for dphiRdtau, the derivative residual part of the dimensionless Helmholtz fre...
doublereal phi_tt(doublereal tau, doublereal delta)
Second derivative of phi wrt tau.
doublereal phiR_d() const
Calculate d_phiR_d(delta), the first derivative of phiR wrt delta.
doublereal dimdpdT(doublereal tau, doublereal delta)
Dimensionless derivative of p wrt T at constant rho.
void check2()
Internal check # 2.
Base constructor.
void tdpolycalc(doublereal tau, doublereal delta)
Calculates internal polynomials in tau and delta.
doublereal phi0() const
Calculate Equation 6.5 for phi0, the ideal gas part of the dimensionless Helmholtz free energy...
doublereal phi_t(doublereal tau, doublereal delta)
First derivative of phi wrt tau.
doublereal enthalpy_RT() const
Calculate the dimensionless enthalpy, h/RT.
Low level class for the real description of water.
doublereal TAUsqrt
sqrt of TAU
doublereal cp_R() const
Calculate the dimensionless constant pressure heat capacity, Cv/R.
doublereal cv_R() const
Calculate the dimensionless constant volume heat capacity, Cv/R.
doublereal phi_d(doublereal tau, doublereal delta)
Calculate derivative of phi wrt delta.
doublereal phi0_tt() const
Calculate d2_phi0/dtau2.
doublereal intEnergy_RT() const
Calculate the dimensionless internal energy, u/RT.
doublereal phi(doublereal tau, doublereal delta)
Calculate the Phi function, which is the base function.
doublereal TAUp[52]
Value of internally calculated polynomials of powers of TAU.