342 virtual doublereal
345 virtual doublereal
544 virtual void getdlnActCoeffds(
const doublereal dTds,
const doublereal*
const dXds, doublereal* dlnActCoeffds)
659 void Vint(
double& VintOut,
double& voltsOut) ;
669 doublereal
const std::string& msg)
virtual void getdlnActCoeffds(const doublereal dTds, const doublereal *const dXds, doublereal *dlnActCoeffds) const
Get the change in activity coefficients w.r.t.
virtual doublereal cv_mole() const
Molar heat capacity at constant volume. Units: J/kmol/K.
virtual void getdlnActCoeffdT(doublereal *dlnActCoeffdT) const
Get the array of temperature derivatives of the log activity coefficients.
virtual void initThermo()
RedlichKisterVPSSTP is a derived class of GibbsExcessVPSSTP that employs the Redlich-Kister approxima...
RedlichKisterVPSSTP & operator=(const RedlichKisterVPSSTP &b)
Assignment operator.
size_t numBinaryInteractions_
number of binary interaction expressions
virtual int eosType() const
Equation of state type flag.
std::vector< vector_fp > m_HE_m_ij
Enthalpy term for the binary mole fraction interaction of the excess gibbs free energy expression...
int formRedlichKister_
form of the RedlichKister interaction expression
virtual void getPartialMolarEntropies(doublereal *sbar) const
Returns an array of partial molar entropies for the species in the mixture.
Class XML_Node is a tree-based representation of the contents of an XML file.
int formTempModel_
form of the temperature dependence of the Redlich-Kister interaction expression
Array2D dlnActCoeff_dX_
Two dimensional array of derivatives of activity coefficients wrt mole fractions. ...
A class for 2D arrays stored in column-major (Fortran-compatible) form.
std::vector< size_t > m_pSpecies_A_ij
vector of species indices representing species A in the interaction
Base class for a phase with thermodynamic properties.
Header file for class Cantera::Array2D.
virtual doublereal cp_mole() const
Molar heat capacity at constant pressure. Units: J/kmol/K.
void s_update_lnActCoeff() const
Update the activity coefficients.
virtual void getPartialMolarCp(doublereal *cpbar) const
Returns an array of partial molar entropies for the species in the mixture.
virtual void getdlnActCoeffdlnX_diag(doublereal *dlnActCoeffdlnX_diag) const
Get the array of log concentration-like derivatives of the log activity coefficients - diagonal compo...
virtual ThermoPhase * duplMyselfAsThermoPhase() const
Duplication routine for objects which inherit from ThermoPhase.
std::vector< size_t > m_pSpecies_B_ij
vector of species indices representing species B in the interaction
Header for intermediate ThermoPhase object for phases which employ gibbs excess free energy based for...
doublereal err(const std::string &msg) const
Error function.
virtual void getdlnActCoeffdlnN_diag(doublereal *dlnActCoeffdlnN_diag) const
Get the array of derivatives of the log activity coefficients wrt mole numbers - diagonal only...
void readXMLBinarySpecies(XML_Node &xmlBinarySpecies)
Process an XML node called "binaryNeutralSpeciesParameters".
void s_update_dlnActCoeff_dT() const
Update the derivative of the log of the activity coefficients wrt T.
virtual doublereal enthalpy_mole() const
Molar enthalpy. Units: J/kmol.
void initLengths()
Initialize lengths of local variables after all species have been identified.
virtual void getLnActivityCoefficients(doublereal *lnac) const
Get the array of non-dimensional molar-based ln activity coefficients at the current solution tempera...
void s_update_dlnActCoeff_dX_() const
Internal routine that calculates the derivative of the activity coefficients wrt the mole fractions...
virtual void getChemPotentials(doublereal *mu) const
Get the species chemical potentials. Units: J/kmol.
void initThermoXML(XML_Node &phaseNode, const std::string &id)
Import and initialize a ThermoPhase object.
virtual void getPartialMolarEnthalpies(doublereal *hbar) const
Returns an array of partial molar enthalpies for the species in the mixture.
void getElectrochemPotentials(doublereal *mu) const
Get the species electrochemical potentials.
virtual void getdlnActCoeffdlnN(const size_t ld, doublereal *const dlnActCoeffdlnN)
Get the array of derivatives of the ln activity coefficients with respect to the ln species mole numb...
void Vint(double &VintOut, double &voltsOut)
Utility routine that calculates a literature expression.
virtual void getPartialMolarVolumes(doublereal *vbar) const
Return an array of partial molar volumes for the species in the mixture.
virtual void getd2lnActCoeffdT2(doublereal *d2lnActCoeffdT2) const
Get the array of temperature second derivatives of the log activity coefficients. ...
void resizeNumInteractions(const size_t num)
Resize internal arrays within the object that depend upon the number of binary Redlich-Kister interac...
virtual doublereal entropy_mole() const
Molar entropy. Units: J/kmol.
std::vector< size_t > m_N_ij
Vector of the length of the polynomial for the interaction.
std::vector< vector_fp > m_SE_m_ij
Entropy term for the binary mole fraction interaction of the excess gibbs free energy expression...