Ideal Gas Constant Pressure Mole Reactor#
An ideal gas constant pressure mole reactor, as implemented by the C++ class
IdealGasConstPressureMoleReactor and available in Python as the
class. It is defined by the state
, the temperature (in K) , the number of moles for each species (in kmol)
Equations 1 and 2 below are the governing equations for an ideal gas constant pressure mole reactor.
Species Equations#
The moles of each species in the reactor changes as a result of flow through the
reactor’s inlets and outlets, and production of homogeneous gas phase
species and reactions on the reactor surfaces. The rate at which
Where the subscripts in and out refer to the sum of the corresponding property over all inlets and outlets respectively. A dot above a variable signifies a time derivative.
Energy Equation#
Writing the first law for an open system gives:
where positive
Differentiating the definition of the total enthalpy,
Noting that
As for the ideal gas mole reactor, we replace the total enthalpy as a state variable with the temperature by writing the total enthalpy in terms of the species moles and temperature:
and differentiating with respect to time:
Making this substitution and rearranging yields an equation for the temperature: