Ideal Gas Control Volume Reactor#
An ideal gas control volume reactor, as implemented by the C++ class
IdealGasReactor and available in Python as the IdealGasReactor
It is defined by the state variables:
, the mass of the reactor’s contents (in kg) , the reactor volume (in m3) , the temperature (in K) , the mass fractions for each species (dimensionless)
Equations 1-4 below are the governing equations for an ideal gas reactor.
Mass Conservation#
The total mass of the reactor’s contents changes as a result of flow through the reactor’s inlets and outlets, and production of gas phase species on surfaces:
where the subscripts in and out refer to the sum of the corresponding property over all inlets and outlets respectively. A dot above a variable signifies a time derivative.
Volume Equation#
The reactor volume can change as a function of time due to the motion of one or more walls:
Species Equations#
The rate at which species
The rate of change in the mass of each species is:
Expanding the derivative on the left hand side and substituting the equation
Energy Equation#
In the case of the ideal gas control volume reactor model, the reactor temperature
and differentiate it with respect to time to obtain:
Substituting this into the energy equation for the control volume reactor (4) yields an equation for the temperature:
While this form of the energy equation is somewhat more complicated, it significantly reduces the cost of evaluating the system Jacobian, since the derivatives of the species equations are taken at constant temperature instead of constant internal energy.