Physical Constants#
These values are the same as those in the Cantera C++ header file ct_defs.h.
- cantera.avogadro#
Avogadro’s Number, kmol-1
- cantera.gas_constant#
The ideal gas constant, J kmol-1 K-1
- cantera.one_atm#
One atmosphere, Pa
- cantera.boltzmann#
Boltzmann constant, m2 kg s-2 K-1
- cantera.planck#
Planck constant, J s
- cantera.stefan_boltzmann#
The Stefan-Boltzmann constant, W m-2 K-4
- cantera.electron_charge#
The charge on an electron, C
- cantera.electron_mass#
The mass of an electron, kg
- cantera.faraday#
Faraday constant, C kmol-1
- cantera.light_speed#
Speed of Light, m s-1
- cantera.permeability_0#
Permeability of free space, m kg s-2 A-2
- cantera.epsilon_0#
Permittivity of free space, s4 A2 m-3 kg-1