Catalytic combustion of methane on platinum#

This script solves a catalytic combustion problem. A stagnation flow is set up, with a gas inlet 10 cm from a platinum surface at 900 K. The lean, premixed methane/air mixture enters at ~6 cm/s (0.06 kg/m2/s), and burns catalytically on the platinum surface. Gas-phase chemistry is included too, and has some effect very near the surface.

The catalytic combustion mechanism is from Deutschmann et al., 26th Symp. (Intl.) on Combustion,1996 pp. 1747-1754

Requires: cantera >= 3.0, matplotlib >= 2.0

Tags: Python catalysis combustion 1D flow surface chemistry

import numpy as np
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import cantera as ct

Problem Definition#

Parameter values are collected here to make it easier to modify them

p = ct.one_atm  # pressure
tinlet = 300.0  # inlet temperature
tsurf = 900.0  # surface temperature
mdot = 0.06  # kg/m^2/s
transport = 'mixture-averaged'  # transport model

We will solve first for a hydrogen/air case to use as the initial estimate for the methane/air case

# composition of the inlet premixed gas for the hydrogen/air case
comp1 = 'H2:0.05, O2:0.21, N2:0.78, AR:0.01'

# composition of the inlet premixed gas for the methane/air case
comp2 = 'CH4:0.095, O2:0.21, N2:0.78, AR:0.01'

# The inlet/surface separation is 10 cm.
width = 0.1  # m

loglevel = 1  # amount of diagnostic output (0 to 5)

Create the phase objects#

The surf_phase object will be used to evaluate all surface chemical production rates. It will be created from the interface definition Pt_surf in input file ptcombust.yaml, which implements the reaction mechanism of Deutschmann et al., 1995 for catalytic combustion on platinum.

This phase definition also references the phase gas in the same input file, which will be created and used to evaluate all thermodynamic, kinetic, and transport properties. It is a stripped-down version of GRI-Mech 3.0.

surf_phase = ct.Interface("ptcombust.yaml", "Pt_surf")
surf_phase.TP = tsurf, p
gas = surf_phase.adjacent["gas"]
gas.TPX = tinlet, p, comp1

# integrate the coverage equations in time for 1 s, holding the gas
# composition fixed to generate a good starting estimate for the coverages.

# create the object that simulates the stagnation flow, and specify an initial
# grid
sim = ct.ImpingingJet(gas=gas, width=width, surface=surf_phase)

# Objects of class ImpingingJet have members that represent the gas inlet
# ('inlet') and the surface ('surface'). Set some parameters of these objects.
sim.inlet.mdot = mdot
sim.inlet.T = tinlet
sim.inlet.X = comp1
sim.surface.T = tsurf

Show the initial solution estimate
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> inlet <<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<

    Mass Flux:         0.06 kg/m^2/s
    Temperature:        300 K
    Mass Fractions:
                      H2    0.003467
                      O2      0.2311
                      AR     0.01374
                      N2      0.7516

>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> flame <<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<

    Pressure:   1.013e+05 Pa

          z    velocity  spread_rate           T      lambda      eField
          0     0.05335           0         300           0           0
       0.02     0.04268           0         420           0           0
       0.04     0.03201           0         540           0           0
       0.06     0.02134           0         660           0           0
       0.08     0.01067           0         780           0           0
        0.1           0           0         900           0           0

          z          Uo          H2           H           O          O2
          0           0    0.003467           0           0      0.2311
       0.02           0    0.003467           0           0      0.2311
       0.04           0    0.003467           0           0      0.2311
       0.06           0    0.003467           0           0      0.2311
       0.08           0    0.003467           0           0      0.2311
        0.1           0    0.003467           0           0      0.2311

          z          OH         H2O         HO2        H2O2           C
          0           0           0           0           0           0
       0.02           0           0           0           0           0
       0.04           0           0           0           0           0
       0.06           0           0           0           0           0
       0.08           0           0           0           0           0
        0.1           0           0           0           0           0

          z          CH         CH2      CH2(S)         CH3         CH4
          0           0           0           0           0           0
       0.02           0           0           0           0           0
       0.04           0           0           0           0           0
       0.06           0           0           0           0           0
       0.08           0           0           0           0           0
        0.1           0           0           0           0           0

          z          CO         CO2         HCO        CH2O       CH2OH
          0           0           0           0           0           0
       0.02           0           0           0           0           0
       0.04           0           0           0           0           0
       0.06           0           0           0           0           0
       0.08           0           0           0           0           0
        0.1           0           0           0           0           0

          z        CH3O       CH3OH         C2H        C2H2        C2H3
          0           0           0           0           0           0
       0.02           0           0           0           0           0
       0.04           0           0           0           0           0
       0.06           0           0           0           0           0
       0.08           0           0           0           0           0
        0.1           0           0           0           0           0

          z        C2H4        C2H5        C2H6        HCCO       CH2CO
          0           0           0           0           0           0
       0.02           0           0           0           0           0
       0.04           0           0           0           0           0
       0.06           0           0           0           0           0
       0.08           0           0           0           0           0
        0.1           0           0           0           0           0

          z       HCCOH          AR          N2
          0           0     0.01374      0.7516
       0.02           0     0.01374      0.7516
       0.04           0     0.01374      0.7516
       0.06           0     0.01374      0.7516
       0.08           0     0.01374      0.7516
        0.1           0     0.01374      0.7516

>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> surface <<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<

    Temperature:        900 K
                   PT(S)     0.4879
                    H(S)  4.738e-06
                  H2O(S)  2.755e-05
                   OH(S)    0.01028
                   CO(S)          0
                  CO2(S)          0
                  CH3(S)          0
                 CH2(S)s          0
                   CH(S)          0
                    C(S)          0
                    O(S)     0.5018

Solving problems with stiff chemistry coupled to flow can require a sequential approach where solutions are first obtained for simpler problems and used as the initial guess for more difficult problems.

# disable the surface coverage equations, and turn off all gas and surface
# chemistry.
sim.surface.coverage_enabled = False

solve the problem, refining the grid if needed, to determine the non- reacting velocity and temperature distributions

sim.solve(loglevel, auto=True)
************ Solving on 6 point grid with energy equation enabled ************


Attempt Newton solution of steady-state problem.
Newton steady-state solve succeeded.

Problem solved on [6] point grid(s).

grid refinement disabled.

******************** Solving with grid refinement enabled ********************


Attempt Newton solution of steady-state problem.
Newton steady-state solve succeeded.

Problem solved on [6] point grid(s).

Refining grid in flame.
    New points inserted after grid points 3 4
    to resolve T spread_rate


Attempt Newton solution of steady-state problem.
Newton steady-state solve succeeded.

Problem solved on [8] point grid(s).

Refining grid in flame.
    New points inserted after grid points 5 6
    to resolve spread_rate


Attempt Newton solution of steady-state problem.
Newton steady-state solve succeeded.

Problem solved on [10] point grid(s).

no new points needed in flame

now turn on the surface coverage equations, and turn the chemistry on slowly

sim.surface.coverage_enabled = True
for mult in np.logspace(-5, 0, 6):
    print('Multiplier =', mult)
Multiplier = 1e-05


Attempt Newton solution of steady-state problem.
Newton steady-state solve succeeded.

Problem solved on [10] point grid(s).

no new points needed in flame
Multiplier = 0.0001


Attempt Newton solution of steady-state problem.
Newton steady-state solve succeeded.

Problem solved on [10] point grid(s).

no new points needed in flame
Multiplier = 0.001


Attempt Newton solution of steady-state problem.
Newton steady-state solve succeeded.

Problem solved on [10] point grid(s).

no new points needed in flame
Multiplier = 0.01


Attempt Newton solution of steady-state problem.
Newton steady-state solve succeeded.

Problem solved on [10] point grid(s).

no new points needed in flame
Multiplier = 0.1


Attempt Newton solution of steady-state problem.
Newton steady-state solve succeeded.

Problem solved on [10] point grid(s).

no new points needed in flame
Multiplier = 1.0


Attempt Newton solution of steady-state problem.
Newton steady-state solve succeeded.

Problem solved on [10] point grid(s).

no new points needed in flame

At this point, we should have the solution for the hydrogen/air problem.
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> inlet <<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<

    Mass Flux:         0.06 kg/m^2/s
    Temperature:        300 K
    Mass Fractions:
                      H2    0.003467
                      O2      0.2311
                      AR     0.01374
                      N2      0.7516

>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> flame <<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<

    Pressure:   1.013e+05 Pa

          z    velocity  spread_rate           T      lambda      eField
          0     0.05335   4.314e-21         300        -0.4           0
       0.02     0.05068      0.1333         300        -0.4           0
       0.04     0.04268      0.2666         300        -0.4           0
       0.06     0.02939      0.4001       300.6        -0.4           0
       0.07     0.02105      0.4687       305.4        -0.4           0
       0.08       0.013      0.5514       347.5        -0.4           0
      0.085    0.009565      0.5931       426.2        -0.4           0
       0.09    0.005933       0.577         569        -0.4           0
      0.095    0.001988      0.3977       740.3        -0.4           0
        0.1  -5.601e-93           0         900        -0.4           0

          z          Uo          H2           H           O          O2
          0           0    0.003467   1.141e-20   6.297e-20      0.2311
       0.02           0    0.003467   6.206e-27   8.124e-21      0.2311
       0.04           0    0.003462   1.328e-27   1.588e-21      0.2311
       0.06           0    0.003399   4.023e-27   2.432e-20      0.2311
       0.07           0    0.003197   1.331e-25   9.862e-19      0.2308
       0.08           0    0.002515   7.173e-24   1.598e-17      0.2273
      0.085           0    0.001917   8.256e-22   5.753e-17      0.2199
       0.09           0    0.001239   2.849e-18   1.575e-15      0.2059
      0.095           0    0.000594   1.554e-14   4.716e-13      0.1886
        0.1           0   1.728e-05   2.758e-17   8.599e-16      0.1721

          z          OH         H2O         HO2        H2O2           C
          0    6.64e-25   6.854e-10   7.063e-16   2.653e-16  -6.631e-20
       0.02   1.191e-23    3.18e-08   3.583e-14   1.355e-14  -9.665e-28
       0.04   2.319e-24   1.404e-06   1.614e-12   7.189e-13  -1.027e-35
       0.06   2.745e-23   5.255e-05   5.913e-11   3.317e-11   1.797e-37
       0.07   4.887e-22   0.0005515   5.581e-10   4.408e-10   1.505e-28
       0.08   7.348e-21    0.005051   4.931e-09   4.843e-09  -3.125e-29
      0.085   3.052e-19     0.01333   1.502e-08   1.349e-08  -1.483e-36
       0.09   2.408e-16      0.0275   3.905e-08   2.793e-08  -3.917e-29
      0.095   2.227e-12     0.04362   7.947e-08   4.071e-08    4.53e-27
        0.1   1.912e-08     0.05837   7.971e-08   4.084e-08   6.801e-20

          z          CH         CH2      CH2(S)         CH3         CH4
          0    5.56e-20  -5.541e-23   1.598e-38  -2.752e-22     1.1e-20
       0.02   2.529e-28   1.905e-29   7.953e-37   3.524e-20   1.158e-20
       0.04   1.791e-36   5.081e-36  -8.566e-41   4.205e-20   1.158e-20
       0.06   5.526e-44   6.701e-38  -2.159e-41   4.148e-20  -1.899e-20
       0.07   2.466e-43   -1.64e-35   -4.55e-42   3.543e-20  -3.333e-19
       0.08   1.537e-34  -2.498e-33  -6.602e-39   1.237e-20  -3.253e-18
      0.085  -7.023e-40  -6.077e-32   -4.52e-37   3.099e-21  -8.914e-18
       0.09  -7.299e-35  -1.888e-30  -1.349e-34   2.335e-22  -1.932e-17
      0.095  -4.182e-27   4.141e-27   2.096e-30  -3.687e-24  -3.198e-17
        0.1  -8.195e-20   4.623e-27    2.11e-30  -2.073e-24  -4.397e-17

          z          CO         CO2         HCO        CH2O       CH2OH
          0   4.197e-22   2.121e-25   9.851e-29   4.416e-25  -9.537e-43
       0.02   2.652e-21   1.409e-23   6.546e-27   2.959e-23   7.764e-45
       0.04   1.027e-20   -4.66e-21   3.095e-34   2.198e-22   1.909e-41
       0.06   3.117e-19  -2.463e-19  -3.238e-38   6.211e-21   8.885e-40
       0.07   3.173e-18  -3.218e-18  -5.405e-36   3.321e-20   1.198e-38
       0.08   2.235e-17  -2.822e-17   1.038e-33   1.043e-19   2.789e-37
      0.085   2.628e-17  -2.897e-17  -1.714e-32   8.964e-20   1.175e-35
       0.09  -2.714e-17   9.597e-17   6.289e-31    1.23e-20   1.077e-32
      0.095  -1.317e-16   3.526e-16  -6.008e-26  -9.249e-20  -1.051e-29
        0.1  -2.329e-16   6.081e-16   2.486e-26  -1.116e-19   2.122e-25

          z        CH3O       CH3OH         C2H        C2H2        C2H3
          0   5.499e-30  -2.358e-21    1.96e-20  -1.299e-21   -1.07e-26
       0.02   3.712e-28  -2.358e-21   1.749e-28  -1.253e-21   3.681e-33
       0.04   2.035e-26  -2.354e-21    1.32e-36  -1.253e-21   1.964e-38
       0.06   7.341e-25  -2.222e-21   8.637e-45  -1.252e-21   1.794e-42
       0.07   5.701e-24  -1.441e-21   6.021e-49  -1.239e-21  -2.517e-40
       0.08    1.23e-23   2.977e-21   3.486e-46  -1.079e-21  -1.945e-37
      0.085    4.38e-24   5.551e-21   1.853e-42  -6.866e-22  -3.362e-35
       0.09   1.336e-25    6.25e-21   4.068e-36   1.648e-22  -6.082e-32
      0.095  -6.755e-28   6.855e-21  -4.684e-30   1.301e-21  -3.349e-28
        0.1   -1.01e-26   7.107e-21   2.037e-25   1.897e-21  -3.348e-28

          z        C2H4        C2H5        C2H6        HCCO       CH2CO
          0  -5.175e-21  -9.728e-34  -4.703e-22  -3.807e-41   1.736e-21
       0.02  -5.175e-21  -6.829e-32  -3.328e-20  -1.956e-39   1.736e-21
       0.04  -5.179e-21   -1.36e-32  -4.106e-20   8.164e-39   1.743e-21
       0.06  -5.416e-21  -4.135e-33  -4.547e-20   3.725e-37   2.197e-21
       0.07  -8.608e-21  -1.906e-32  -6.242e-20   4.633e-36   9.599e-21
       0.08  -4.759e-20  -1.327e-31  -1.814e-19  -8.192e-36   1.214e-19
      0.085  -1.406e-19   1.365e-30  -4.511e-19    -7.3e-33   4.592e-19
       0.09  -3.357e-19   3.883e-28  -1.093e-18  -5.221e-30   1.312e-18
      0.095  -5.914e-19  -4.388e-24  -2.007e-18  -1.318e-26   2.547e-18
        0.1  -5.919e-19  -3.015e-19  -2.888e-18  -1.323e-26   3.732e-18

          z       HCCOH          AR          N2
          0    9.65e-21     0.01374      0.7516
       0.02    9.65e-21     0.01374      0.7516
       0.04    9.65e-21     0.01374      0.7516
       0.06   9.668e-21     0.01374      0.7517
       0.07   9.914e-21     0.01374      0.7517
       0.08   1.165e-20     0.01374      0.7514
      0.085   6.099e-21     0.01373      0.7511
       0.09  -3.049e-20     0.01374      0.7516
      0.095  -9.934e-20     0.01378      0.7534
        0.1  -1.594e-19     0.01382      0.7557

>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> surface <<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<

    Temperature:        900 K
                   PT(S)    0.08832
                    H(S)  1.352e-07
                  H2O(S)  1.677e-05
                   OH(S)    0.00567
                   CO(S) -1.091e-18
                  CO2(S)  1.324e-24
                  CH3(S)  4.281e-24
                 CH2(S)s  4.281e-24
                   CH(S)  4.281e-24
                    C(S)  1.416e-22
                    O(S)      0.906

Now switch the inlet to the methane/air composition.

sim.inlet.X = comp2

# set more stringent grid refinement criteria
sim.set_refine_criteria(100.0, 0.15, 0.2, 0.0)

# solve the problem for the final time

Attempt Newton solution of steady-state problem.
Newton steady-state solve failed.

Attempt 10 timesteps.
Final timestep info: dt= 0.0003844  log(ss)= -0.8978

Attempt Newton solution of steady-state problem.
Newton steady-state solve failed.

Attempt 10 timesteps.
Final timestep info: dt= 0.01478    log(ss)= -0.9305

Attempt Newton solution of steady-state problem.
Newton steady-state solve failed.

Attempt 10 timesteps.
Final timestep info: dt= 0.5682     log(ss)= 0.9062

Attempt Newton solution of steady-state problem.
Newton steady-state solve succeeded.

Problem solved on [10] point grid(s).

Refining grid in flame.
    New points inserted after grid points 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8
    to resolve AR C2H6 CH2O CH4 CO CO2 H2O N2 O2 OH T spread_rate velocity


Attempt Newton solution of steady-state problem.
Newton steady-state solve succeeded.

Problem solved on [19] point grid(s).

Refining grid in flame.
    New points inserted after grid points 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17
    to resolve AR CH2O CH4 CO CO2 H2O N2 O2 OH T spread_rate velocity


Attempt Newton solution of steady-state problem.
Newton steady-state solve succeeded.

Problem solved on [28] point grid(s).

Refining grid in flame.
    New points inserted after grid points 24 25 26
    to resolve OH spread_rate velocity


Attempt Newton solution of steady-state problem.
Newton steady-state solve succeeded.

Problem solved on [31] point grid(s).

Refining grid in flame.
    New points inserted after grid points 29
    to resolve OH


Attempt Newton solution of steady-state problem.
Newton steady-state solve succeeded.

Problem solved on [32] point grid(s).

no new points needed in flame

show the solution
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> inlet <<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<

    Mass Flux:         0.06 kg/m^2/s
    Temperature:        300 K
    Mass Fractions:
                      O2      0.2204
                     CH4     0.04998
                      AR      0.0131
                      N2      0.7166

>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> flame <<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<

    Pressure:   1.013e+05 Pa

          z    velocity  spread_rate           T      lambda      eField
          0     0.05304  -4.814e-24         300     -0.3867           0
       0.01     0.05239     0.06444         300     -0.3867           0
       0.02     0.05046      0.1289         300     -0.3867           0
       0.03     0.04724      0.1933         300     -0.3867           0
       0.04     0.04273      0.2578         300     -0.3867           0
       0.05     0.03693      0.3222         300     -0.3867           0
       0.06     0.02984      0.3867         300     -0.3867           0
      0.065     0.02582      0.4189       300.1     -0.3867           0
       0.07     0.02149      0.4513       300.4     -0.3867           0
      0.075     0.01693      0.4842       302.2     -0.3867           0
     0.0775     0.01465      0.5017       305.6     -0.3867           0
       0.08     0.01247       0.521       314.3     -0.3867           0
    0.08125     0.01147      0.5318       322.7     -0.3867           0
     0.0825     0.01056      0.5434       335.5     -0.3867           0
    0.08375    0.009736      0.5556         354     -0.3867           0
      0.085    0.008971      0.5673       378.9     -0.3867           0
    0.08625    0.008228      0.5766       410.4     -0.3867           0
     0.0875    0.007466      0.5813       447.9     -0.3867           0
    0.08875    0.006649      0.5789       490.3     -0.3867           0
       0.09    0.005765      0.5668         536     -0.3867           0
    0.09125    0.004822      0.5433       583.7     -0.3867           0
     0.0925    0.003848      0.5069       632.1     -0.3867           0
    0.09375    0.002883      0.4567       680.2     -0.3867           0
      0.095    0.001979      0.3925       727.3     -0.3867           0
    0.09625    0.001186      0.3144         773     -0.3867           0
    0.09688   0.0008485      0.2702       795.2     -0.3867           0
     0.0975   0.0005586      0.2226         817     -0.3867           0
    0.09813   0.0003229      0.1717       838.4     -0.3867           0
    0.09875   0.0001473      0.1176       859.4     -0.3867           0
    0.09938   3.774e-05     0.06034       879.9     -0.3867           0
    0.09969   9.548e-06     0.03055         890     -0.3867           0
        0.1  -7.152e-100           0         900     -0.3867           0

          z          Uo          H2           H           O          O2
          0           0   1.575e-18   3.561e-23    -5.4e-23      0.2204
       0.01           0   1.227e-17   7.109e-29   -9.04e-22      0.2204
       0.02           0   9.474e-17  -1.273e-34  -3.061e-22      0.2204
       0.03           0   7.101e-16   -4.19e-31   -9.94e-23      0.2204
       0.04           0   5.048e-15   4.121e-31   -3.03e-23      0.2204
       0.05           0   3.312e-14   6.856e-32  -1.049e-23      0.2204
       0.06           0    1.94e-13  -3.828e-30  -9.525e-23      0.2204
      0.065           0   5.049e-13   1.374e-29  -1.547e-21      0.2203
       0.07           0   1.329e-12   1.197e-28  -2.083e-20      0.2203
      0.075           0   3.281e-12   1.041e-26  -2.538e-19        0.22
     0.0775           0   5.032e-12   1.822e-25  -7.584e-19      0.2194
       0.08           0   7.548e-12   2.967e-24  -8.271e-19      0.2177
    0.08125           0   9.127e-12   1.178e-23   1.414e-18       0.216
     0.0825           0   1.092e-11   4.443e-23   6.181e-18      0.2132
    0.08375           0   1.291e-11   1.533e-22   1.167e-17       0.209
      0.085           0   1.504e-11   4.963e-22   1.386e-17      0.2032
    0.08625           0   1.726e-11   1.944e-21   1.192e-17      0.1957
     0.0875           0   1.951e-11   1.719e-20    9.03e-18      0.1864
    0.08875           0   2.176e-11   2.541e-19   9.524e-18      0.1757
       0.09           0   2.397e-11   3.257e-18   3.247e-17      0.1638
    0.09125           0   2.611e-11   3.059e-17   2.029e-16      0.1512
     0.0925           0   2.818e-11   2.062e-16   1.188e-15      0.1382
    0.09375           0   3.016e-11   1.007e-15   5.832e-15      0.1251
      0.095           0     3.2e-11   3.716e-15   2.391e-14      0.1122
    0.09625           0   3.339e-11   1.117e-14   8.436e-14     0.09946
    0.09688           0   3.352e-11   1.867e-14   1.537e-13     0.09326
     0.0975           0   3.296e-11   3.065e-14   2.748e-13     0.08715
    0.09813           0   3.121e-11       5e-14   4.859e-13     0.08115
    0.09875           0   2.735e-11   8.181e-14   8.569e-13     0.07525
    0.09938           0   1.985e-11   1.351e-13   1.517e-12     0.06945
    0.09969           0   1.373e-11   1.693e-13   1.956e-12     0.06659
        0.1           0   5.607e-12   3.203e-15   3.804e-14     0.06376

          z          OH         H2O         HO2        H2O2           C
          0   6.205e-21   1.356e-14   6.466e-22   1.955e-22  -1.998e-21
       0.01   1.502e-24   3.307e-13    1.71e-20    5.64e-21  -6.448e-29
       0.02  -1.902e-25   7.976e-12   3.375e-19   1.489e-19  -2.008e-36
       0.03  -6.197e-26   1.858e-10   8.296e-18   3.848e-18  -5.869e-44
       0.04  -1.818e-26   4.068e-09   1.939e-16    9.34e-17   8.891e-43
       0.05   3.218e-25   8.112e-08   4.178e-15   2.036e-15   4.959e-34
       0.06   1.232e-22   1.413e-06   7.904e-14   3.849e-14  -1.075e-34
      0.065   8.367e-21   8.652e-06   5.183e-13   2.539e-13   4.985e-35
       0.07   5.087e-19   5.707e-05   3.639e-12   1.831e-12   5.634e-35
      0.075   2.186e-17   0.0003335    2.22e-11   1.185e-11  -5.206e-31
     0.0775   1.372e-16   0.0008499    5.72e-11   3.298e-11  -3.385e-38
       0.08   7.645e-16    0.002149    1.47e-10   9.145e-11  -2.312e-45
    0.08125   1.703e-15    0.003384    2.35e-10   1.512e-10   -4.38e-40
     0.0825   3.498e-15    0.005243   3.734e-10   2.453e-10  -3.229e-33
    0.08375   6.422e-15    0.007865    5.81e-10   3.828e-10   2.834e-33
      0.085   1.054e-14     0.01132   8.769e-10   5.683e-10   2.886e-31
    0.08625   1.584e-14     0.01558   1.276e-09   8.004e-10   2.734e-31
     0.0875   2.249e-14     0.02052   1.784e-09   1.072e-09   2.643e-32
    0.08875   3.127e-14     0.02596   2.398e-09   1.372e-09  -1.387e-30
       0.09   4.427e-14     0.03173   3.105e-09   1.689e-09  -3.278e-36
    0.09125   6.775e-14     0.03764   3.891e-09   2.012e-09   8.934e-31
     0.0925   1.213e-13     0.04356    4.74e-09   2.333e-09  -1.369e-36
    0.09375   2.655e-13     0.04939   5.642e-09   2.642e-09   2.293e-31
      0.095   6.787e-13     0.05507    6.59e-09   2.929e-09  -1.657e-30
    0.09625   1.878e-12     0.06056   7.563e-09   3.187e-09  -4.758e-30
    0.09688   3.204e-12     0.06322   8.057e-09   3.292e-09  -1.766e-35
     0.0975   5.501e-12     0.06584    8.55e-09   3.376e-09   1.682e-30
    0.09813   9.535e-12      0.0684    9.03e-09   3.434e-09  -6.598e-30
    0.09875   1.676e-11     0.07091   9.468e-09   3.463e-09  -4.625e-29
    0.09938   3.056e-11     0.07337    9.81e-09   3.467e-09    6.11e-32
    0.09969   1.601e-10     0.07458   9.902e-09   3.465e-09    1.63e-27
        0.1   1.749e-08     0.07579     9.9e-09   3.464e-09    2.72e-23

          z          CH         CH2      CH2(S)         CH3         CH4
          0    1.17e-37   4.882e-22   5.356e-37   2.853e-20     0.04998
       0.01   8.884e-46   3.215e-28   1.284e-35   6.992e-19     0.04998
       0.02  -3.422e-47   2.037e-34  -2.594e-38   1.762e-18     0.04998
       0.03  -1.363e-46  -6.665e-37  -3.077e-38   4.514e-18     0.04998
       0.04  -1.754e-43   4.992e-36   2.304e-37   3.866e-17     0.04998
       0.05  -7.853e-43   5.552e-35   2.563e-36   9.157e-16     0.04998
       0.06  -1.854e-41   5.307e-33   2.457e-34   1.833e-14     0.04998
      0.065   1.136e-41   1.201e-31   6.052e-33   1.897e-13     0.04998
       0.07  -1.757e-40   4.687e-29   2.436e-30   1.655e-12     0.04995
      0.075  -1.078e-37    1.47e-26   7.678e-28   1.216e-11     0.04984
     0.0775  -1.196e-36    2.41e-25   1.268e-26   3.182e-11     0.04962
       0.08   2.263e-37   3.457e-24   1.853e-25   8.231e-11     0.04909
    0.08125   -4.29e-36   1.255e-23   6.832e-25   1.349e-10     0.04858
     0.0825  -2.032e-37   4.161e-23   2.316e-24   2.201e-10     0.04781
    0.08375  -3.384e-36   1.205e-22   6.882e-24   3.532e-10     0.04672
      0.085   5.672e-35   3.038e-22   1.783e-23   5.563e-10     0.04524
    0.08625   1.788e-34   6.862e-22   4.118e-23   8.628e-10     0.04339
     0.0875  -8.562e-35   1.447e-21   8.787e-23   1.322e-09     0.04118
    0.08875   7.678e-35   2.983e-21   1.804e-22   2.002e-09     0.03868
       0.09  -6.892e-35   6.336e-21   3.746e-22   3.006e-09     0.03596
    0.09125  -2.198e-35   1.493e-20   8.444e-22   4.482e-09     0.03309
     0.0925   2.789e-33   4.247e-20   2.252e-21   6.668e-09     0.03016
    0.09375    6.02e-32   1.501e-19   7.349e-21   9.961e-09     0.02722
      0.095   1.125e-30   6.237e-19   2.795e-20   1.507e-08     0.02431
    0.09625   1.824e-29    2.86e-18   1.165e-19   2.332e-08     0.02146
    0.09688   7.389e-29   6.426e-18    2.49e-19   2.967e-08     0.02006
     0.0975   2.996e-28   1.472e-17   5.412e-19   3.813e-08     0.01869
    0.09813   1.242e-27   3.462e-17   1.205e-18   4.971e-08     0.01734
    0.09875   5.363e-27   8.444e-17   2.778e-18   6.606e-08       0.016
    0.09938   2.507e-26   2.198e-16   6.814e-18       9e-08     0.01469
    0.09969   2.446e-25   1.291e-15    3.98e-17   1.067e-07     0.01405
        0.1  -3.434e-23    1.29e-15   3.979e-17   1.066e-07      0.0134

          z          CO         CO2         HCO        CH2O       CH2OH
          0   3.725e-19    2.25e-16   3.491e-30   2.201e-21  -1.574e-46
       0.01   9.875e-18   7.764e-15   1.208e-28   7.679e-20  -5.529e-45
       0.02   2.589e-16   2.648e-13    5.58e-35   2.569e-18   -1.67e-44
       0.03   6.553e-15   8.717e-12  -4.429e-41   8.543e-17  -8.742e-44
       0.04   1.559e-13   2.694e-10   2.201e-37    2.67e-15   6.447e-42
       0.05   3.373e-12   7.566e-09   1.541e-34   7.582e-14    5.24e-39
       0.06   6.374e-11   1.851e-07   7.771e-32   1.875e-12   3.497e-36
      0.065   4.188e-10   1.529e-06   7.535e-30   1.564e-11   7.603e-34
       0.07   2.976e-09   1.382e-05   1.063e-27   1.429e-10   3.212e-31
      0.075   1.869e-08   0.0001091   2.165e-25   1.139e-09   1.071e-28
     0.0775   5.007e-08    0.000344   3.969e-24   3.614e-09   2.131e-27
       0.08   1.339e-07    0.001094   6.872e-23   1.156e-08   3.759e-26
    0.08125    2.18e-07    0.001963   2.752e-22   2.079e-08   1.487e-25
     0.0825   3.502e-07    0.003486   1.019e-21   3.696e-08   5.347e-25
    0.08375   5.455e-07    0.005963   3.347e-21   6.319e-08   1.662e-24
      0.085   8.154e-07    0.009689   9.949e-21   1.024e-07   4.507e-24
    0.08625   1.165e-06     0.01487   2.903e-20   1.565e-07   1.139e-23
     0.0875   1.589e-06     0.02156   9.201e-20   2.255e-07   3.083e-23
    0.08875   2.079e-06     0.02965   3.271e-19    3.08e-07   1.061e-22
       0.09   2.619e-06     0.03891   1.225e-18    4.01e-07   4.733e-22
    0.09125   3.191e-06     0.04904   4.489e-18   5.011e-07    2.34e-21
     0.0925   3.781e-06     0.05971   1.553e-17   6.049e-07   1.109e-20
    0.09375   4.377e-06     0.07065   5.073e-17   7.092e-07   4.712e-20
      0.095   4.967e-06     0.08163   1.589e-16   8.111e-07   1.763e-19
    0.09625   5.545e-06     0.09247   4.858e-16   9.074e-07   5.896e-19
    0.09688   5.828e-06      0.0978   8.507e-16   9.516e-07   1.051e-18
     0.0975   6.107e-06      0.1031   1.483e-15   9.923e-07   1.853e-18
    0.09813   6.381e-06      0.1082   2.581e-15   1.028e-06   3.275e-18
    0.09875   6.651e-06      0.1133   4.492e-15   1.057e-06     5.9e-18
    0.09938   6.916e-06      0.1184   7.866e-15   1.076e-06   1.119e-17
    0.09969   7.047e-06      0.1208   1.463e-14    1.08e-06   3.425e-17
        0.1   7.177e-06      0.1233   1.463e-14    1.08e-06   3.425e-17

          z        CH3O       CH3OH         C2H        C2H2        C2H3
          0   1.307e-34   1.171e-22  -7.371e-22  -5.601e-23   1.929e-21
       0.01   4.595e-33    3.55e-22  -1.442e-29  -4.083e-23   4.413e-28
       0.02   1.907e-31   8.702e-21  -2.721e-37  -4.021e-23   9.735e-35
       0.03   1.205e-29   2.911e-19  -4.809e-45  -2.107e-23   2.017e-41
       0.04   2.429e-27   9.256e-18  -7.706e-53   5.385e-22    7.63e-42
       0.05   1.236e-24   2.675e-16   3.771e-55   1.539e-20   4.982e-39
       0.06   4.663e-22   6.731e-15  -7.262e-52   3.579e-19   2.438e-36
      0.065    3.17e-20   5.702e-14   9.409e-49    2.82e-18   2.129e-34
       0.07   1.937e-18   5.293e-13   1.131e-45   2.426e-17   2.116e-32
      0.075   8.578e-17   4.286e-12   8.535e-43   1.826e-16   2.746e-30
     0.0775   5.688e-16   1.376e-11   2.398e-41   5.563e-16   4.622e-29
       0.08   3.615e-15   4.457e-11   6.532e-40   1.705e-15   8.905e-28
    0.08125   9.052e-15   8.076e-11   2.204e-39   2.996e-15   4.194e-27
     0.0825   2.181e-14   1.447e-10  -1.881e-38   5.205e-15   2.012e-26
    0.08375   4.867e-14   2.493e-10  -7.603e-37   8.722e-15   9.511e-26
      0.085   9.853e-14    4.07e-10  -1.659e-35   1.391e-14   4.485e-25
    0.08625   1.797e-13   6.259e-10  -2.921e-34     2.1e-14   2.204e-24
     0.0875   2.973e-13   9.075e-10  -4.212e-33   3.004e-14   1.161e-23
    0.08875   4.529e-13   1.246e-09  -4.855e-32   4.083e-14   6.327e-23
       0.09   6.466e-13    1.63e-09  -4.408e-31   5.305e-14   3.327e-22
    0.09125   8.734e-13   2.045e-09  -3.162e-30    6.63e-14   1.602e-21
     0.0925   1.109e-12   2.475e-09  -1.818e-29   8.015e-14   6.942e-21
    0.09375   1.306e-12   2.903e-09  -8.506e-29   9.425e-14   2.724e-20
      0.095   1.438e-12   3.311e-09  -3.252e-28   1.082e-13   9.875e-20
    0.09625   1.546e-12   3.683e-09  -9.815e-28   1.218e-13   3.391e-19
    0.09688   1.636e-12   3.848e-09  -1.475e-27   1.282e-13    6.27e-19
     0.0975    1.76e-12   3.997e-09  -1.777e-27   1.343e-13   1.155e-18
    0.09813   1.938e-12   4.126e-09  -7.182e-28   1.399e-13   2.132e-18
    0.09875   2.196e-12    4.23e-09   5.757e-27   1.446e-13   3.964e-18
    0.09938    2.57e-12   4.302e-09     3.3e-26   1.482e-13   7.489e-18
    0.09969   2.822e-12   4.322e-09   4.411e-25   1.491e-13   1.608e-17
        0.1   2.822e-12   4.321e-09   9.621e-25   1.491e-13   1.608e-17

          z        C2H4        C2H5        C2H6        HCCO       CH2CO
          0   -9.06e-23  -7.916e-32  -1.653e-20   1.229e-44  -1.044e-27
       0.01   3.739e-22  -2.887e-30  -6.308e-19   2.692e-43  -9.664e-28
       0.02   1.594e-20  -4.223e-30   5.333e-20   1.082e-43   2.116e-27
       0.03   5.191e-19  -5.007e-30   5.764e-17   2.039e-43   1.205e-25
       0.04   1.577e-17   3.749e-29   1.989e-15   1.569e-42   4.383e-24
       0.05   4.355e-16   4.174e-28   5.927e-14   8.672e-42   1.436e-22
       0.06   1.047e-14   3.892e-26   1.539e-12   1.469e-42   4.094e-21
      0.065    8.52e-14   2.415e-25   1.333e-11   9.313e-40   3.882e-20
       0.07   7.581e-13   1.703e-24   1.272e-10    5.86e-37   4.055e-19
      0.075   5.894e-12   2.196e-23   1.058e-09   2.272e-34   3.676e-18
     0.0775   1.838e-11   4.426e-22   3.477e-09   5.089e-33   1.285e-17
       0.08   5.772e-11   7.637e-21   1.156e-08   1.078e-31   4.556e-17
    0.08125   1.028e-10   2.941e-20   2.127e-08   4.935e-31   8.715e-17
     0.0825   1.811e-10   1.016e-19    3.88e-08   2.135e-30   1.653e-16
    0.08375   3.074e-10   2.983e-19   6.805e-08   8.186e-30   3.006e-16
      0.085   4.956e-10   7.504e-19    1.13e-07   2.719e-29   5.152e-16
    0.08625    7.55e-10   1.721e-18   1.768e-07   7.874e-29   8.273e-16
     0.0875   1.087e-09   4.009e-18   2.603e-07   2.034e-28   1.245e-15
    0.08875   1.486e-09    1.06e-17   3.624e-07   4.835e-28   1.764e-15
       0.09   1.939e-09   3.258e-17     4.8e-07   9.294e-28    2.37e-15
    0.09125    2.43e-09   1.084e-16   6.088e-07   2.064e-27   3.041e-15
     0.0925   2.945e-09   3.626e-16   7.442e-07    1.63e-27   3.755e-15
    0.09375   3.468e-09   1.184e-15   8.815e-07  -2.863e-26    4.49e-15
      0.095   3.989e-09   3.777e-15   1.017e-06  -2.543e-25   5.228e-15
    0.09625   4.494e-09     1.2e-14   1.145e-06  -1.253e-24   5.956e-15
    0.09688   4.735e-09   2.184e-14   1.205e-06  -2.401e-24   6.311e-15
     0.0975   4.963e-09   4.015e-14    1.26e-06  -4.196e-24   6.657e-15
    0.09813   5.174e-09    7.52e-14    1.31e-06  -6.491e-24    6.99e-15
    0.09875   5.358e-09   1.448e-13   1.351e-06   -7.79e-24     7.3e-15
    0.09938   5.496e-09   2.924e-13    1.38e-06   5.168e-25   7.563e-15
    0.09969   5.534e-09    5.99e-13   1.387e-06   9.064e-23   7.657e-15
        0.1   5.532e-09   5.989e-13   1.386e-06   9.062e-23   7.656e-15

          z       HCCOH          AR          N2
          0   1.031e-29      0.0131      0.7166
       0.01   1.031e-29      0.0131      0.7166
       0.02   1.036e-29      0.0131      0.7166
       0.03   1.209e-29      0.0131      0.7166
       0.04   7.436e-29      0.0131      0.7166
       0.05   2.109e-27      0.0131      0.7166
       0.06   5.982e-26      0.0131      0.7166
      0.065   5.672e-25      0.0131      0.7166
       0.07   5.925e-24      0.0131      0.7166
      0.075   5.371e-23      0.0131      0.7166
     0.0775   1.877e-22      0.0131      0.7167
       0.08    6.66e-22     0.01311      0.7169
    0.08125   1.274e-21     0.01311       0.717
     0.0825   2.416e-21     0.01311      0.7172
    0.08375   4.394e-21     0.01311      0.7173
      0.085   7.533e-21     0.01312      0.7174
    0.08625    1.21e-20     0.01312      0.7174
     0.0875    1.82e-20     0.01311      0.7172
    0.08875    2.58e-20     0.01311      0.7169
       0.09   3.465e-20      0.0131      0.7165
    0.09125   4.447e-20     0.01309      0.7159
     0.0925   5.491e-20     0.01308      0.7153
    0.09375   6.566e-20     0.01306      0.7145
      0.095   7.646e-20     0.01305      0.7138
    0.09625   8.713e-20     0.01304       0.713
    0.09688   9.237e-20     0.01303      0.7126
     0.0975   9.752e-20     0.01302      0.7122
    0.09813   1.026e-19     0.01302      0.7119
    0.09875   1.074e-19     0.01301      0.7115
    0.09938    1.12e-19       0.013      0.7111
    0.09969    1.14e-19       0.013      0.7109
        0.1    1.14e-19       0.013      0.7108

>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> surface <<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<

    Temperature:        900 K
                   PT(S)     0.1251
                    H(S)  2.668e-07
                  H2O(S)   3.12e-05
                   OH(S)   0.007566
                   CO(S)  3.863e-05
                  CO2(S)  4.183e-10
                  CH3(S)  3.124e-09
                 CH2(S)s  3.124e-09
                   CH(S)  3.124e-09
                    C(S)  1.373e-07
                    O(S)     0.8673

Save the full solution to HDF or YAML container files. The restore method can be used to restore or restart a simulation from a solution stored in this form.

if "native" in ct.hdf_support():
    filename = "catalytic_combustion.h5"
    filename = "catalytic_combustion.yaml", "soln1", description="catalytic combustion example",

# save selected solution components in a CSV file for plotting in Excel or MATLAB.'catalytic_combustion.csv', basis="mole", overwrite=True)


 Grid   Timesteps  Functions      Time  Jacobians      Time
    8           0         84        NA          1        NA
   10           0          6        NA          1        NA
   12           0          6        NA          1        NA
   12           0         12        NA          1        NA
   12           0          6        NA          1        NA
   12           0         10        NA          1        NA
   12           0         18        NA          1        NA
   12           0         14        NA          1        NA
   12           0          6        NA          1        NA
   12          30        255        NA         11        NA
   21           0         36        NA          2        NA
   30           0         27        NA          2        NA
   33           0         14        NA          2        NA
   34           0         14        NA          2        NA

Temperature Profile#

fig, ax = plt.subplots()
ax.plot(sim.grid, sim.T, color='C3')
ax.set_ylabel('heat release rate [MW/m³]')
ax.set(xlabel='distance from inlet [m]')
catalytic combustion

Major Species Profiles#

fig, ax = plt.subplots()
major = ('O2', 'CH4', 'H2O', 'CO2')
states = sim.to_array()
ax.plot(states.grid, states(*major).X, label=major)
ax.set(xlabel='distance from inlet [m]', ylabel='mole fractions')
catalytic combustion

Total running time of the script: (0 minutes 1.339 seconds)

Gallery generated by Sphinx-Gallery