9 #ifndef CT_AQUEOUSKINETICS_H 10 #define CT_AQUEOUSKINETICS_H Kinetics manager for elementary aqueous-phase chemistry.
thermo_t & thermo(size_t n=0)
This method returns a reference to the nth ThermoPhase object defined in this kinetics mechanism...
virtual void modifyReaction(size_t i, shared_ptr< Reaction > rNew)
Modify the rate expression associated with a reaction.
AqueousKinetics(thermo_t *thermo=0)
Constructor. Creates an empty reaction mechanism.
virtual void getEquilibriumConstants(doublereal *kc)
Return a vector of Equilibrium constants.
Base class for a phase with thermodynamic properties.
Partial specialization of Kinetics for chemistry in a single bulk phase.
void _update_rates_T()
Update temperature-dependent portions of reaction rates.
virtual bool addReaction(shared_ptr< Reaction > r)
Add a single reaction to the mechanism.
void updateKc()
Update the equilibrium constants in molar units.
void _update_rates_C()
Update properties that depend on concentrations.
virtual void getFwdRateConstants(doublereal *kfwd)
Return the forward rate constants.
Namespace for the Cantera kernel.
virtual std::string kineticsType() const
Identifies the Kinetics manager type.