39 #define PITZERFORM_BASE 0
77 #define A_DEBYE_CONST 0
78 #define A_DEBYE_WATER 1
1244 HMWSoln(
const std::string& inputFile,
const std::string&
id =
1387 virtual doublereal
1393 virtual doublereal
1411 virtual doublereal
1457 virtual doublereal
1513 virtual void setState_TP(doublereal t, doublereal p);
1676 int sizeUA = 6)
1899 double pressure = -1.0)
1916 double pressure = -1.0)
1934 double pressure = -1.0)
1953 double pressure = -1.0)
1973 double pressure = -1.0)
1992 double pressure = -1.0)
2009 double pressure = -1.0)
2947 doublereal IMS_dfCut_;
2948 doublereal IMS_efCut_;
2949 doublereal IMS_afCut_;
2950 doublereal IMS_bfCut_;
2951 doublereal IMS_dgCut_;
2952 doublereal IMS_egCut_;
2953 doublereal IMS_agCut_;
2954 doublereal IMS_bgCut_;
2973 doublereal MC_dpCut_;
2974 doublereal MC_epCut_;
2975 doublereal MC_apCut_;
2976 doublereal MC_bpCut_;
2977 doublereal MC_cpCut_;
2978 doublereal CROP_ln_gamma_o_min;
2979 doublereal CROP_ln_gamma_o_max;
2980 doublereal CROP_ln_gamma_k_min;
2981 doublereal CROP_ln_gamma_k_max;
3006 virtual void applyphScale(doublereal* acMolality)
3013 void s_update_lnMolalityActCoeff()
3109 mutable doublereal m_last_is;
3133 double* etheta,
double* etheta_prime)
3261 static int interp_est(
const std::string& estString);
vector_fp m_Theta_ij_P
Derivative of Theta_ij[i][j] wrt P.
vector_fp m_BMX_IJ_L
Derivative of BMX_IJ wrt T.
vector_fp m_PhiPhi_IJ_P
Derivative of m_PhiPhi_IJ wrt P.
void s_updateIMS_lnMolalityActCoeff() const
This function will be called to update the internally stored natural logarithm of the molality activi...
vector_fp m_CphiMX_ij_LL
Derivative of Cphi_ij[i][j] wrt TT.
void s_update_dlnMolalityActCoeff_dP() const
This function calculates the pressure derivative of the natural logarithm of the molality activity co...
virtual doublereal pressure() const
vector_fp m_Theta_ij_L
Derivative of Theta_ij[i][j] wrt T.
vector_fp m_speciesCharge_Stoich
Stoichiometric species charge -> This is for calculations of the ionic strength which ignore ion-ion ...
void readXMLBinarySalt(XML_Node &BinSalt)
Process an XML node called "binarySaltParameters".
WaterProps * m_waterProps
Pointer to the water property calculator.
vector_fp m_CMX_IJ_P
Derivative of m_CMX_IJ wrt P.
vector_fp m_gfunc_IJ
Various temporary arrays used in the calculation of the Pitzer activity coefficients.
vector_fp m_Beta2MX_ij_L
Derivative of Beta2_ij[i][j] wrt T.
vector_fp m_d2lnActCoeffMolaldT2_Unscaled
Derivative of the Logarithm of the activity coefficients on the molality scale wrt TT...
doublereal s_NBS_CLM_lnMolalityActCoeff() const
Calculate the Chlorine activity coefficient on the NBS scale.
doublereal MC_X_o_cutoff_
value of the solvent mole fraction that centers the cutoff polynomials for the cutoff =1 process; ...
vector_fp IMS_lnActCoeffMolal_
Logarithm of the molal activity coefficients.
Array2D m_Lambda_nj_coeff
Array of coefficients for Lambda_nj[i][j] in the Pitzer/HMW formulation.
An error indicating that an unimplemented function has been called.
double m_maxIionicStrength
Maximum value of the ionic strength allowed in the calculation of the activity coefficients.
void readXMLLambdaNeutral(XML_Node &BinSalt)
Process an XML node called "lambdaNeutral".
void readXMLThetaAnion(XML_Node &BinSalt)
Process an XML node called "thetaAnion".
vector_fp m_Beta1MX_ij_LL
Derivative of Beta1_ij[i][j] wrt TT.
vector_fp m_Mu_nnn_L
Mu coefficient temperature derivative for the self-ternary neutral coefficient.
virtual doublereal cv_mole() const
Molar heat capacity at constant volume. Units: J/kmol/K.
vector_fp m_dlnActCoeffMolaldP_Unscaled
Derivative of the Logarithm of the activity coefficients on the molality scale wrt P...
Array2D m_Beta0MX_ij_coeff
Array of coefficients for Beta0, a variable in Pitzer's papers.
double ADebye_J(double temperature=-1.0, double pressure=-1.0) const
Return Pitzer's definition of A_J.
vector_fp m_Beta2MX_ij_P
Derivative of Beta2_ij[i][j] wrt P.
virtual void getPartialMolarCp(doublereal *cpbar) const
Return an array of partial molar heat capacities for the species in the mixture.
vector_fp m_Beta2MX_ij
Array of 2D data used in the Pitzer/HMW formulation.
Array2D m_Lambda_nj_P
Derivative of Lambda_nj[i][j] wrt P.
void readXMLMunnnNeutral(XML_Node &BinSalt)
Process an XML node called "MunnnNeutral".
vector_fp m_PhiPhi_IJ
Intermediate variable called PhiPhi in Pitzer's paper.
vector_fp m_Phi_IJ_L
Derivative of m_Phi_IJ wrt T.
int IMS_typeCutoff_
IMS Cutoff type.
vector_fp m_dlnActCoeffMolaldT_Scaled
Derivative of the Logarithm of the activity coefficients on the molality scale wrt T...
void setMolarDensity(const doublereal conc)
Set the internally stored molar density (kmol/m^3) for the phase.
vector_fp m_BMX_IJ_P
Derivative of BMX_IJ wrt P.
vector_fp m_Beta0MX_ij_L
Derivative of Beta0_ij[i][j] wrt T.
double elambda[17]
This is elambda, MEC.
Class XML_Node is a tree-based representation of the contents of an XML file.
vector_fp m_dlnActCoeffMolaldP_Scaled
Derivative of the Logarithm of the activity coefficients on the molality scale wrt P...
int debugPrinting()
Return int specifying the amount of debug printing.
vector_fp m_Mu_nnn_P
Mu coefficient pressure derivative for the self-ternary neutral coefficient.
void readXMLPsiCommonAnion(XML_Node &BinSalt)
Process an XML node called "psiCommonAnion".
void s_updateScaling_pHScaling() const
Apply the current phScale to a set of activity Coefficients.
virtual void updateStandardStateThermo() const
Updates the standard state thermodynamic functions at the current T and P of the solution.
Array2D m_Lambda_nj_L
Derivative of Lambda_nj[i][j] wrt T. see m_Lambda_ij.
void setDensity(const doublereal rho)
Set the internally stored density (kg/m^3) of the phase.
vector_fp m_BprimeMX_IJ_P
Derivative of BprimeMX wrt P.
void calcMCCutoffParams_()
Calculate molality cut-off parameters.
double AionicRadius(int k=0) const
Reports the ionic radius of the kth species.
vector_fp m_CphiMX_ij_P
Derivative of Cphi_ij[i][j] wrt P.
doublereal s_NBS_CLM_d2lnMolalityActCoeff_dT2() const
Calculate the second temperature derivative of the Chlorine activity coefficient on the NBS scale...
virtual doublereal relative_enthalpy() const
Excess molar enthalpy of the solution from the mixing process.
void calcIMSCutoffParams_()
Precalculate the IMS Cutoff parameters for typeCutoff = 2.
vector_fp m_Psi_ijk_L
Derivative of Psi_ijk[n] wrt T.
void readXMLZetaCation(const XML_Node &BinSalt)
Process an XML node called "zetaCation".
void s_update_d2lnMolalityActCoeff_dT2() const
This function calculates the temperature second derivative of the natural logarithm of the molality a...
virtual void initThermoXML(XML_Node &phaseNode, const std::string &id)
Initialize the phase parameters from an XML file.
vector_fp m_lnActCoeffMolal_Unscaled
Logarithm of the activity coefficients on the molality scale.
vector_fp m_Theta_ij
Array of 2D data for Theta_ij[i][j] in the Pitzer/HMW formulation.
vector_fp m_hfunc_IJ
hfunc, was called gprime in Pitzer's paper.
double elambda1[17]
This is elambda1, MEC.
virtual doublereal relative_molal_enthalpy() const
Excess molar enthalpy of the solution from the mixing process on a molality basis.
vector_fp m_Beta1MX_ij_P
Derivative of Beta1_ij[i][j] wrt P.
vector_fp m_BprimeMX_IJ_LL
Derivative of BprimeMX wrt TT.
vector_fp m_PhiPhi_IJ_LL
Derivative of m_PhiPhi_IJ wrt TT.
ThermoPhase * duplMyselfAsThermoPhase() const
Duplicator from the ThermoPhase parent class.
void readXMLPsiCommonCation(XML_Node &BinSalt)
Process an XML node called "psiCommonCation".
doublereal IMS_cCut_
Parameter in the polyExp cutoff treatment having to do with rate of exp decay.
virtual void setTemperature(const doublereal temp)
Set the temperature (K)
vector_fp m_Psi_ijk_LL
Derivative of Psi_ijk[n] wrt TT.
double m_IionicMolality
Current value of the ionic strength on the molality scale Associated Salts, if present in the mechani...
vector_fp m_Phi_IJ
Intermediate variable called Phi in Pitzer's paper.
vector_fp m_BphiMX_IJ
Intermediate variable called BphiMX in Pitzer's paper.
Array2D m_CphiMX_ij_coeff
Array of coefficients for CphiMX, a parameter in the activity coefficient formulation.
void s_updateScaling_pHScaling_dP() const
Apply the current phScale to a set of derivatives of the activity Coefficients wrt pressure...
vector_fp m_tmpV
vector of size m_kk, used as a temporary holding area.
virtual doublereal standardConcentration(size_t k=0) const
Return the standard concentration for the kth species.
int formPitzer() const
A class for 2D arrays stored in column-major (Fortran-compatible) form.
Header for intermediate ThermoPhase object for phases which employ molality based activity coefficien...
Base class for a phase with thermodynamic properties.
void getUnscaledMolalityActivityCoefficients(doublereal *acMolality) const
Get the array of unscaled non-dimensional molality based activity coefficients at the current solutio...
Default Constructor.
vector_fp m_lnActCoeffMolal_Scaled
Logarithm of the activity coefficients on the molality scale.
Header file for class Cantera::Array2D.
virtual void getActivities(doublereal *ac) const
Get the array of non-dimensional activities at the current solution temperature, pressure, and solution concentration.
std::vector< int > vector_int
Vector of ints.
doublereal MC_X_o_min_
gamma_o value for the cutoff process at the zero solvent point
vector_fp m_Phi_IJ_P
Derivative of m_Phi_IJ wrt P.
PDSS * m_waterSS
Water standard state calculator.
vector_fp m_Alpha1MX_ij
Array of 2D data used in the Pitzer/HMW formulation.
virtual void setPressure(doublereal p)
Set the internally stored pressure (Pa) at constant temperature and composition.
vector_fp m_Phiprime_IJ
Intermediate variable called Phiprime in Pitzer's paper.
virtual void getPartialMolarEntropies(doublereal *sbar) const
Returns an array of partial molar entropies of the species in the solution.
vector_fp m_h2func_IJ
hfunc2, was called gprime in Pitzer's paper.
void readXMLCroppingCoefficients(const XML_Node &acNode)
Process an XML node called "croppingCoefficients" for the cropping coefficients values.
vector_fp m_Psi_ijk_P
Derivative of Psi_ijk[n] wrt P.
void counterIJ_setup() const
Set up a counter variable for keeping track of symmetric binary interactions amongst the solute speci...
vector_fp m_CMX_IJ_L
Derivative of m_CMX_IJ wrt T.
virtual void getPartialMolarVolumes(doublereal *vbar) const
Return an array of partial molar volumes for the species in the mixture.
bool m_molalitiesAreCropped
Boolean indicating whether the molalities are cropped or are modified.
vector_fp m_dlnActCoeffMolaldT_Unscaled
Derivative of the Logarithm of the activity coefficients on the molality scale wrt T...
Array2D m_Psi_ijk_coeff
Array of coefficients for Psi_ijk[n] in the Pitzer/HMW formulation.
void s_updateScaling_pHScaling_dT() const
Apply the current phScale to a set of derivatives of the activity Coefficients wrt temperature...
void s_updatePitzer_dlnMolalityActCoeff_dT() const
Calculates the temperature derivative of the natural logarithm of the molality activity coefficients...
virtual void initThermo()
Internal initialization required after all species have been added.
vector_fp m_Mu_nnn
Mu coefficient for the self-ternary neutral coefficient.
vector_fp m_molalitiesCropped
Cropped and modified values of the molalities used in activity coefficient calculations.
The WaterProps class is used to house several approximation routines for properties of water...
vector_fp m_Beta2MX_ij_LL
Derivative of Beta2_ij[i][j] wrt TT.
vector_fp m_CMX_IJ_LL
Derivative of m_CMX_IJ wrt TT.
virtual void getUnitsStandardConc(double *uA, int k=0, int sizeUA=6) const
Returns the units of the standard and generalized concentrations.
Array2D m_Beta2MX_ij_coeff
Array of coefficients for Beta2, a variable in Pitzer's papers.
Array2D m_Lambda_nj_LL
Derivative of Lambda_nj[i][j] wrt TT.
void s_updatePitzer_lnMolalityActCoeff() const
Calculate the Pitzer portion of the activity coefficients.
double ADebye_V(double temperature=-1.0, double pressure=-1.0) const
Return Pitzer's definition of A_V.
doublereal IMS_slopegCut_
Parameter in the polyExp cutoff treatment.
doublereal IMS_slopefCut_
Parameter in the polyExp cutoff treatment.
vector_fp m_Beta0MX_ij_LL
Derivative of Beta0_ij[i][j] wrt TT.
int m_form_A_Debye
Form of the constant outside the Debye-Huckel term called A.
virtual doublereal entropy_mole() const
Molar entropy. Units: J/kmol/K.
void s_update_dlnMolalityActCoeff_dT() const
This function calculates the temperature derivative of the natural logarithm of the molality activity...
void s_updatePitzer_dlnMolalityActCoeff_dP() const
Calculates the Pressure derivative of the natural logarithm of the molality activity coefficients...
vector_int m_CounterIJ
a counter variable for keeping track of symmetric binary interactions amongst the solute species...
doublereal MC_slopepCut_
Parameter in the Molality Exp cutoff treatment.
void s_updateScaling_pHScaling_dT2() const
Apply the current phScale to a set of 2nd derivatives of the activity Coefficients wrt temperature...
vector_fp m_CMX_IJ
Intermediate variable called CMX in Pitzer's paper.
virtual doublereal enthalpy_mole() const
Molar enthalpy. Units: J/kmol.
double m_TempPitzerRef
Reference Temperature for the Pitzer formulations.
vector_fp m_CphiMX_ij_L
Derivative of Cphi_ij[i][j] wrt T.
void calc_lambdas(double is) const
Calculate the lambda interactions.
static int interp_est(const std::string &estString)
Utility function to assign an integer value from a string for the ElectrolyteSpeciesType field...
void constructPhaseXML(XML_Node &phaseNode, std::string id)
Import and initialize a HMWSoln phase specification in an XML tree into the current object...
void calc_thetas(int z1, int z2, double *etheta, double *etheta_prime) const
Calculate etheta and etheta_prime.
vector_fp m_BphiMX_IJ_L
Derivative of BphiMX_IJ wrt T.
vector_fp m_g2func_IJ
This is the value of g2(x2) in Pitzer's papers.
void constructPhaseFile(std::string inputFile, std::string id)
Import, construct, and initialize a HMWSoln phase specification from an XML tree into the current obj...
void readXMLThetaCation(XML_Node &BinSalt)
Process an XML node called "thetaCation".
double m_densWaterSS
density of standard-state water
Array2D m_Lambda_nj
Lambda coefficient for the ij interaction.
virtual ~HMWSoln()
vector_fp m_Phi_IJ_LL
Derivative of m_Phi_IJ wrt TT.
int m_formPitzer
This is the form of the Pitzer parameterization used in this model.
doublereal IMS_gamma_k_min_
gamma_k minimum for the cutoff process at the zero solvent point
vector_fp m_Alpha2MX_ij
Array of 2D data used in the Pitzer/HMW formulation.
virtual double A_Debye_TP(double temperature=-1.0, double pressure=-1.0) const
Value of the Debye Huckel constant as a function of temperature and pressure.
vector_int m_electrolyteSpeciesType
Vector containing the electrolyte species type.
vector_fp m_Beta0MX_ij
Array of 2D data used in the Pitzer/HMW formulation.
vector_fp m_BprimeMX_IJ_L
Derivative of BprimeMX wrt T.
doublereal IMS_gamma_o_min_
gamma_o value for the cutoff process at the zero solvent point
virtual double dA_DebyedT_TP(double temperature=-1.0, double pressure=-1.0) const
Value of the derivative of the Debye Huckel constant with respect to temperature as a function of tem...
vector_fp m_BMX_IJ_LL
Derivative of BMX_IJ wrt TT.
doublereal temperature() const
Temperature (K).
int m_formGC
Format for the generalized concentration:
double m_A_Debye
A_Debye -> this expression appears on the top of the ln actCoeff term in the general Debye-Huckel exp...
std::vector< int > CROP_speciesCropped_
This is a boolean-type vector indicating whether a species's activity coefficient is in the cropped r...
void initLengths()
Initialize all of the species-dependent lengths in the object.
virtual void getActivityConcentrations(doublereal *c) const
This method returns an array of generalized activity concentrations.
doublereal s_NBS_CLM_dlnMolalityActCoeff_dT() const
Calculate the temperature derivative of the Chlorine activity coefficient on the NBS scale...
std::vector< double > vector_fp
Turn on the use of stl vectors for the basic array type within cantera Vector of doubles.
Virtual base class for a species with a pressure dependent standard state.
double ADebye_L(double temperature=-1.0, double pressure=-1.0) const
Return Pitzer's definition of A_L.
virtual doublereal gibbs_mole() const
Molar Gibbs function. Units: J/kmol.
virtual double dA_DebyedP_TP(double temperature=-1.0, double pressure=-1.0) const
Value of the derivative of the Debye Huckel constant with respect to pressure, as a function of tempe...
virtual void applyphScale(doublereal *acMolality) const
Apply the current phScale to a set of activity Coefficients or activities.
void calcDensity()
Calculate the density of the mixture using the partial molar volumes and mole fractions as input...
vector_fp m_gamma_tmp
Intermediate storage of the activity coefficient itself.
virtual int eosType() const
Equation of state type flag.
virtual void getChemPotentials(doublereal *mu) const
Get the species chemical potentials. Units: J/kmol.
doublereal IMS_X_o_cutoff_
value of the solute mole fraction that centers the cutoff polynomials for the cutoff =1 process; ...
void calcMolalitiesCropped() const
Calculate the cropped molalities.
vector_fp m_Psi_ijk
Array of 3D data used in the Pitzer/HMW formulation.
vector_fp m_pp
Temporary array used in equilibrium calculations.
Class HMWSoln represents a dilute or concentrated liquid electrolyte phase which obeys the Pitzer for...
vector_fp m_BMX_IJ
Intermediate variable called BMX in Pitzer's paper This is the basic cation - anion interaction...
virtual double d2A_DebyedT2_TP(double temperature=-1.0, double pressure=-1.0) const
Value of the 2nd derivative of the Debye Huckel constant with respect to temperature as a function of...
virtual void setState_TP(doublereal t, doublereal p)
Set the temperature (K) and pressure (Pa)
double m_IionicMolalityStoich
Stoichiometric ionic strength on the molality scale.
vector_fp m_BprimeMX_IJ
Intermediate variable called BprimeMX in Pitzer's paper.
void s_updatePitzer_CoeffWRTemp(int doDerivs=2) const
Calculates the Pitzer coefficients' dependence on the temperature.
virtual void setToEquilState(const doublereal *lambda_RT)
This method is used by the ChemEquil equilibrium solver.
vector_fp m_d2lnActCoeffMolaldT2_Scaled
Derivative of the Logarithm of the activity coefficients on the molality scale wrt TT...
vector_fp m_CphiMX_ij
Array of 2D data used in the Pitzer/HMW formulation.
virtual doublereal density() const
Returns the current value of the density.
int m_formPitzerTemp
This is the form of the temperature dependence of Pitzer parameterization used in the model...
void printCoeffs() const
Print out all of the input Pitzer coefficients.
HMWSoln & operator=(const HMWSoln &right)
Assignment operator.
vector_fp m_Beta1MX_ij_L
Derivative of Beta1_ij[i][j] wrt T.
vector_fp m_Theta_ij_LL
Derivative of Theta_ij[i][j] wrt TT.
void s_updatePitzer_d2lnMolalityActCoeff_dT2() const
This function calculates the temperature second derivative of the natural logarithm of the molality a...
Array2D m_Theta_ij_coeff
Array of coefficients for Theta_ij[i][j] in the Pitzer/HMW formulation.
virtual doublereal cp_mole() const
Molar heat capacity at constant pressure. Units: J/kmol/K.
virtual doublereal satPressure(doublereal T)
Get the saturation pressure for a given temperature.
Array2D m_Mu_nnn_coeff
Array of coefficients form_Mu_nnn term.
doublereal s_NBS_CLM_dlnMolalityActCoeff_dP() const
Calculate the pressure derivative of the Chlorine activity coefficient.
vector_fp m_Mu_nnn_LL
Mu coefficient 2nd temperature derivative for the self-ternary neutral coefficient.
vector_fp m_Aionic
a_k = Size of the ionic species in the DH formulation units = meters
vector_fp m_BphiMX_IJ_P
Derivative of BphiMX_IJ wrt P.
Array2D m_Beta1MX_ij_coeff
Array of coefficients for Beta1, a variable in Pitzer's papers.
vector_fp m_PhiPhi_IJ_L
Derivative of m_PhiPhi_IJ wrt T.
virtual void getPartialMolarEnthalpies(doublereal *hbar) const
Returns an array of partial molar enthalpies for the species in the mixture.
vector_fp m_Beta0MX_ij_P
Derivative of Beta0_ij[i][j] wrt P.
vector_fp m_BphiMX_IJ_LL
Derivative of BphiMX_IJ wrt TT.