Cantera  3.1.0a1
Go to the documentation of this file.
1 /**
2  * @file InterfaceRate.h
3  * Header for reaction rates that occur at interfaces.
4  */
6 // This file is part of Cantera. See License.txt in the top-level directory or
7 // at for license and copyright information.
12 #include "cantera/base/global.h"
14 #include "MultiRate.h"
16 namespace Cantera
17 {
19 class AnyMap;
21 //! Data container holding shared data for reaction rate specification with interfaces
22 /**
23  * The data container InterfaceData holds precalculated data common to
24  * InterfaceRate and StickingRate objects.
25  *
26  * The data container inherits from BlowersMaselData, where density is used to
27  * hold the site density [kmol/m^2].
28  */
30 {
31  InterfaceData() = default;
33  bool update(const ThermoPhase& bulk, const Kinetics& kin) override;
35  void update(double T) override;
37  void update(double T, const vector<double>& values) override;
41  virtual void perturbTemperature(double deltaT);
43  void resize(size_t nSpecies, size_t nReactions, size_t nPhases) override {
44  coverages.resize(nSpecies, 0.);
45  logCoverages.resize(nSpecies, 0.);
46  partialMolarEnthalpies.resize(nSpecies, 0.);
47  electricPotentials.resize(nPhases, 0.);
48  standardChemPotentials.resize(nSpecies, 0.);
49  standardConcentrations.resize(nSpecies, 0.);
50  ready = true;
51  }
53  double sqrtT = NAN; //!< square root of temperature
55  vector<double> coverages; //!< surface coverages
56  vector<double> logCoverages; //!< logarithm of surface coverages
57  vector<double> electricPotentials; //!< electric potentials of phases
58  vector<double> standardChemPotentials; //!< standard state chemical potentials
59  vector<double> standardConcentrations; //!< standard state concentrations
60 };
63 //! Base class for rate parameterizations that involve interfaces
64 /**
65  * Rate expressions defined for interfaces may include coverage dependent terms,
66  * where an example is given by Kee, et al. @cite kee2003, Eq 11.113.
67  * Using %Cantera nomenclature, this expression can be rewritten as
68  * @f[
69  * k_f = A T^b \exp \left( - \frac{E_a}{RT} \right)
70  * \prod_k 10^{a_k \theta_k} \theta_k^{m_k}
71  * \exp \left( \frac{- E_k \theta_k}{RT} \right)
72  * @f]
73  * It is evident that this expression combines a regular modified Arrhenius rate
74  * expression @f$ A T^b \exp \left( - \frac{E_a}{RT} \right) @f$ with coverage-related
75  * terms, where the parameters @f$ (a_k, E_k, m_k) @f$ describe the dependency on the
76  * surface coverage of species @f$ k, \theta_k @f$. In addition to the linear coverage
77  * dependence on the activation energy modifier @f$ E_k @f$, polynomial coverage
78  * dependence is also available. When the dependence parameter @f$ E_k @f$ is given as
79  * a scalar value, the linear dependency is applied whereas if a list of four values
80  * are given as @f$ [E^{(1)}_k, ..., E^{(4)}_k] @f$, a polynomial dependency is applied as
81  * @f[
82  * k_f = A T^b \exp \left( - \frac{E_a}{RT} \right)
83  * \prod_k 10^{a_k \theta_k} \theta_k^{m_k}
84  * \exp \left( \frac{- E^{(1)}_k \theta_k - E^{(2)}_k \theta_k^2
85  * - E^{(3)}_k \theta_k^3 - E^{(4)}_k \theta_k^4}{RT} \right)
86  * @f]
87  * The InterfaceRateBase class implements terms related to coverage only, which allows
88  * for combinations with arbitrary rate parameterizations (for example Arrhenius and
89  * BlowersMaselRate).
90  * @ingroup surfaceGroup
91  */
93 {
94 public:
97  //! Perform object setup based on AnyMap node information
98  //! @param node AnyMap object containing reaction rate specification
99  void setParameters(const AnyMap& node);
101  //! Store parameters needed to reconstruct an identical object
102  //! @param node AnyMap object receiving reaction rate specification
103  void getParameters(AnyMap& node) const;
105  //! Set coverage dependencies based on AnyMap node information
106  //! @param dependencies Coverage dependencies
107  //! @param units Unit system
108  void setCoverageDependencies(const AnyMap& dependencies,
109  const UnitSystem& units=UnitSystem());
111  //! Store parameters needed to reconstruct coverage dependencies
112  //! @param dependencies AnyMap receiving coverage information
113  void getCoverageDependencies(AnyMap& dependencies) const;
115  //! Add a coverage dependency for species *sp*, with exponential dependence
116  //! *a*, power-law exponent *m*, and activation energy dependence *e*,
117  //! where *e* is in Kelvin, that is, energy divided by the molar gas constant.
118  virtual void addCoverageDependence(const string& sp, double a, double m,
119  const vector<double>& e);
121  //! Boolean indicating whether rate uses exchange current density formulation
123  return m_exchangeCurrentDensityFormulation;
124  }
126  //! Build rate-specific parameters based on Reaction and Kinetics context
127  //! @param rxn Reaction associated with rate parameterization
128  //! @param kin Kinetics object associated with rate parameterization
129  void setContext(const Reaction& rxn, const Kinetics& kin);
131  //! Set association with an ordered list of all species associated with a given
132  //! `Kinetics` object.
133  void setSpecies(const vector<string>& species);
135  //! Update reaction rate parameters
136  //! @param shared_data data shared by all reactions of a given type
137  void updateFromStruct(const InterfaceData& shared_data);
139  //! Calculate modifications for the forward reaction rate for interfacial charge
140  //! transfer reactions.
141  /*!
142  * For reactions that transfer charge across a potential difference, the
143  * activation energies are modified by the potential difference. The correction
144  * factor is based on the net electric potential energy change
145  * @f[
146  * \Delta E_{p,j} = \sum_i E_{p,i} \nu_{i,j}
147  * @f]
148  * where potential energies are calculated as @f$ E_{p,i} = F \phi_i z_i @f$.
149  * Here, @f$ F @f$ is Faraday's constant, @f$ \phi_i @f$ is the electric potential
150  * of the species phase and @f$ z_i @f$ is the charge of the species.
151  *
152  * When an electrode reaction rate is specified in terms of its exchange current
153  * density, the correction factor is adjusted to the standard reaction rate
154  * constant form and units. Specifically, this converts a reaction rate constant
155  * that was specified in units of A/m2 to kmol/m2/s.
156  *
157  * @warning The updated calculation of voltage corrections is an experimental
158  * part of the %Cantera API and may be changed or removed without notice.
159  */
160  double voltageCorrection() const {
161  // Calculate reaction rate correction. Only modify those with a non-zero
162  // activation energy.
163  double correction = 1.;
164  if (m_deltaPotential_RT != 0.) {
165  // Comments preserved from previous implementation:
166  // Below we decrease the activation energy below zero.
167  // NOTE, there is some discussion about this point. Should we decrease the
168  // activation energy below zero? I don't think this has been decided in any
169  // definitive way. The treatment below is numerically more stable, however.
170  correction = exp(-m_beta * m_deltaPotential_RT);
171  }
173  // Update correction if exchange current density formulation format is used.
174  if (m_exchangeCurrentDensityFormulation) {
175  // Comment preserved from previous implementation:
176  // We need to have the straight chemical reaction rate constant to
177  // come out of this calculation.
178  double tmp = exp(-m_beta * m_deltaGibbs0_RT);
180  correction *= tmp;
181  }
182  return correction;
183  }
185  //! Boolean indicating whether rate uses electrochemistry
186  /*!
187  * If this is true, the Butler-Volmer correction
188  * @f[
189  * f_{BV} = \exp ( - \beta * Delta E_{p,j} / R T )
190  * @f]
191  * is applied to the forward reaction rate.
192  *
193  * @see voltageCorrection().
194  */
196  return m_chargeTransfer;
197  }
199  //! Return the charge transfer beta parameter
200  double beta() const {
201  if (m_chargeTransfer) {
202  return m_beta;
203  }
204  return NAN;
205  }
207  //! Return site density [kmol/m^2]
208  /*!
209  * @warning This method is an experimental part of the %Cantera API and
210  * may be changed or removed without notice.
211  */
212  double siteDensity() const {
213  return m_siteDensity;
214  }
216  //! Set site density [kmol/m^2]
217  /*!
218  * @note This method is used internally, for testing purposes only as the site
219  * density is a property of InterfaceKinetics and will be overwritten during an
220  * update of the thermodynamic state.
221  *
222  * @warning This method is an experimental part of the %Cantera API and
223  * may be changed or removed without notice.
224  */
227  }
229 protected:
230  double m_siteDensity; //!< Site density [kmol/m^2]
231  double m_acov; //!< Coverage contribution to pre-exponential factor
232  double m_ecov; //!< Coverage contribution to activation energy
233  double m_mcov; //!< Coverage term in reaction rate
234  bool m_chargeTransfer; //!< Boolean indicating use of electrochemistry
235  bool m_exchangeCurrentDensityFormulation; //! Electrochemistry only
236  double m_beta; //!< Forward value of apparent electrochemical transfer coefficient
237  double m_deltaPotential_RT; //!< Normalized electric potential energy change
238  double m_deltaGibbs0_RT; //!< Normalized standard state Gibbs free energy change
239  double m_prodStandardConcentrations; //!< Products of standard concentrations
241  //! Map from coverage dependencies stored in this object to the index of the
242  //! coverage species in the Kinetics object
243  map<size_t, size_t> m_indices;
244  vector<string> m_cov; //!< Vector holding names of coverage species
245  vector<double> m_ac; //!< Vector holding coverage-specific exponential dependence
246  //! Vector holding coverage-specific activation energy dependence as a
247  //! 5-membered array of polynomial coeffcients starting from 0th-order to
248  //! 4th-order coefficients
249  vector<vector<double>> m_ec;
250  vector<bool> m_lindep; //!< Vector holding boolean for linear dependence
251  vector<double> m_mc; //!< Vector holding coverage-specific power-law exponents
253 private:
254  //! Pairs of species index and multipliers to calculate enthalpy change
255  vector<pair<size_t, double>> m_stoichCoeffs;
257  //! Pairs of phase index and net electric charges (same order as m_stoichCoeffs)
258  vector<pair<size_t, double>> m_netCharges;
259 };
262 //! Base class for rate parameterizations that implement sticking coefficients
263 /**
264  * The StickingCoverage class enhances Coverage to accommodate sticking coefficients.
265  * @ingroup surfaceGroup
266  */
268 {
269 public:
272  //! Perform object setup based on AnyMap node information
273  //! @param node Sticking coefficient parameters
274  void setStickingParameters(const AnyMap& node);
276  //! Store parameters needed to reconstruct an identical object
277  //! @param node Sticking coefficient parameters
278  void getStickingParameters(AnyMap& node) const;
280  //! Get flag indicating whether sticking rate uses the correction factor developed
281  //! by Motz & Wise for reactions with high (near-unity) sticking coefficients.
282  //! Defaults to 'false'.
283  bool motzWiseCorrection() const {
284  return m_motzWise;
285  }
287  //! Set flag for Motz & Wise correction factor
288  void setMotzWiseCorrection(bool motz_wise) {
289  m_motzWise = motz_wise;
290  m_explicitMotzWise = true;
291  }
293  //! Get sticking species.
294  string stickingSpecies() const {
295  return m_stickingSpecies;
296  }
298  //! Set sticking species
299  /*!
300  * For reactions with multiple non-surface species, the sticking species needs
301  * to be explicitly identified. Note that species have to be specified prior
302  * to adding a reaction to a Kinetics object.
303  */
304  void setStickingSpecies(const string& stickingSpecies) {
306  m_explicitSpecies = true;
307  }
309  //! Get exponent applied to site density (sticking order)
310  double stickingOrder() {
311  return m_surfaceOrder;
312  }
314  //! Set exponent applied to site density (sticking order)
315  /*!
316  * @note This method is used for internal testing purposes only as the value is
317  * determined automatically by setContext.
318  *
319  * @warning This method is an experimental part of the %Cantera API and
320  * may be changed or removed without notice.
321  */
322  void setStickingOrder(double order) {
323  m_surfaceOrder = order;
324  }
326  //! Get the molecular weight of the sticking species
327  double stickingWeight() {
328  return GasConstant / (2 * Pi * m_multiplier * m_multiplier);
329  }
331  //! Set the molecular weight of the sticking species
332  /*!
333  * @note This method is used for internal testing purposes only as the value is
334  * determined automatically by setContext.
335  *
336  * @warning This method is an experimental part of the %Cantera API and
337  * may be changed or removed without notice.
338  */
339  void setStickingWeight(double weight) {
340  m_multiplier = sqrt(GasConstant / (2 * Pi * weight));
341  }
343  //! Build rate-specific parameters based on Reaction and Kinetics context
344  //! @param rxn Reaction associated with the sticking coefficient
345  //! @param kin Kinetics object associated with the sticking coefficient
346  //! Parameters can be accessed using the method stickingSpecies, stickingOrder
347  //! and stickingWeight.
348  void setContext(const Reaction& rxn, const Kinetics& kin);
350 protected:
351  bool m_motzWise; //!< boolean indicating whether Motz & Wise correction is used
352  bool m_explicitMotzWise; //!< Correction cannot be overriden by default
353  string m_stickingSpecies; //!< string identifying sticking species
354  bool m_explicitSpecies; //!< Boolean flag
355  double m_surfaceOrder; //!< exponent applied to site density term
356  double m_multiplier; //!< multiplicative factor in rate expression
357  double m_factor; //!< cached factor
358 };
361 //! A class template for interface reaction rate specifications
362 //! @ingroup surfaceGroup
363 template <class RateType, class DataType>
364 class InterfaceRate : public RateType, public InterfaceRateBase
365 {
368 public:
369  InterfaceRate() = default;
370  using RateType::RateType; // inherit constructors
372  //! Constructor based on AnyMap content
373  InterfaceRate(const AnyMap& node, const UnitStack& rate_units) {
374  setParameters(node, rate_units);
375  }
376  explicit InterfaceRate(const AnyMap& node) {
377  setParameters(node, {});
378  }
380  unique_ptr<MultiRateBase> newMultiRate() const override {
381  return make_unique<MultiRate<InterfaceRate<RateType, DataType>, DataType>>();
382  }
384  //! Identifier of reaction rate type
385  const string type() const override {
386  return "interface-" + RateType::type();
387  }
389  void setParameters(const AnyMap& node, const UnitStack& rate_units) override {
391  RateType::setParameters(node, rate_units);
392  }
394  void getParameters(AnyMap& node) const override {
395  RateType::getParameters(node);
396  node["type"] = type();
398  }
400  void setContext(const Reaction& rxn, const Kinetics& kin) override {
401  RateType::setContext(rxn, kin);
403  }
405  //! Update reaction rate parameters
406  //! @param shared_data data shared by all reactions of a given type
407  void updateFromStruct(const DataType& shared_data) {
408  if constexpr (has_update<RateType>::value) {
409  RateType::updateFromStruct(shared_data);
410  }
412  }
414  //! Evaluate reaction rate
415  //! @param shared_data data shared by all reactions of a given type
416  double evalFromStruct(const DataType& shared_data) const {
417  double out = RateType::evalRate(shared_data.logT, shared_data.recipT) *
418  std::exp(std::log(10.0) * m_acov - m_ecov * shared_data.recipT + m_mcov);
419  if (m_chargeTransfer) {
420  out *= voltageCorrection();
421  }
422  return out;
423  }
425  //! Evaluate derivative of reaction rate with respect to temperature
426  //! divided by reaction rate
427  //! @param shared_data data shared by all reactions of a given type
428  double ddTScaledFromStruct(const DataType& shared_data) const {
429  throw NotImplementedError("InterfaceRate<>::ddTScaledFromStruct");
430  }
432  double preExponentialFactor() const override {
433  return RateType::preExponentialFactor() *
434  std::exp(std::log(10.0) * m_acov + m_mcov);
435  }
437  double activationEnergy() const override {
438  return RateType::activationEnergy() + m_ecov * GasConstant;
439  }
441  void addCoverageDependence(const string& sp, double a, double m,
442  const vector<double>& e) override
443  {
445  RateType::setCompositionDependence(true);
446  }
447 };
449 //! Arrhenius-type interface reaction rate specifications
450 //! @ingroup surfaceGroup
453 //! Blowers-Masel-type interface reaction rate specifications
454 //! @ingroup surfaceGroup
458 //! A class template for interface sticking rate specifications
459 //! @ingroup surfaceGroup
460 template <class RateType, class DataType>
461 class StickingRate : public RateType, public StickingCoverage
462 {
465 public:
466  StickingRate() = default;
467  using RateType::RateType; // inherit constructors
469  //! Constructor based on AnyMap content
470  StickingRate(const AnyMap& node, const UnitStack& rate_units) {
471  setParameters(node, rate_units);
472  }
473  explicit StickingRate(const AnyMap& node) {
474  setParameters(node, {});
475  }
477  unique_ptr<MultiRateBase> newMultiRate() const override {
478  return make_unique<MultiRate<StickingRate<RateType, DataType>, DataType>>();
479  }
481  //! Identifier of reaction rate type
482  const string type() const override {
483  return "sticking-" + RateType::type();
484  }
486  void setRateUnits(const UnitStack& rate_units) override {
487  // Sticking coefficients are dimensionless
488  RateType::m_conversion_units = Units(1.0);
489  }
491  void setParameters(const AnyMap& node, const UnitStack& rate_units) override {
493  setRateUnits(rate_units);
494  RateType::m_negativeA_ok = node.getBool("negative-A", false);
495  setStickingParameters(node);
496  if (!node.hasKey("sticking-coefficient")) {
497  RateType::setRateParameters(AnyValue(), node.units(), rate_units);
498  return;
499  }
500  RateType::setRateParameters(
501  node["sticking-coefficient"], node.units(), rate_units);
502  }
504  void getParameters(AnyMap& node) const override {
505  node["type"] = type();
506  if (RateType::m_negativeA_ok) {
507  node["negative-A"] = true;
508  }
509  AnyMap rateNode;
510  RateType::getRateParameters(rateNode);
511  getStickingParameters(node);
512  if (!rateNode.empty()) {
513  // RateType object is configured
514  node["sticking-coefficient"] = std::move(rateNode);
515  }
517  }
519  void setContext(const Reaction& rxn, const Kinetics& kin) override {
520  RateType::setContext(rxn, kin);
523  }
525  void validate(const string &equation, const Kinetics& kin) override {
526  RateType::validate(equation, kin);
527  fmt::memory_buffer err_reactions;
528  double T[] = {200.0, 500.0, 1000.0, 2000.0, 5000.0, 10000.0};
529  for (size_t i=0; i < 6; i++) {
530  double k = RateType::evalRate(log(T[i]), 1 / T[i]);
531  if (k > 1) {
532  fmt_append(err_reactions, "at T = {:.1f}\n", T[i]);
533  }
534  }
535  if (err_reactions.size()) {
536  warn_user("StickingRate::validate",
537  "\nSticking coefficient is greater than 1 for reaction '{}'\n{}",
538  equation, to_string(err_reactions));
539  }
540  }
542  //! Update reaction rate parameters
543  //! @param shared_data data shared by all reactions of a given type
544  void updateFromStruct(const DataType& shared_data) {
545  if constexpr (has_update<RateType>::value) {
546  RateType::updateFromStruct(shared_data);
547  }
550  }
552  //! Evaluate reaction rate
553  //! @param shared_data data shared by all reactions of a given type
554  double evalFromStruct(const DataType& shared_data) const {
555  double out = RateType::evalRate(shared_data.logT, shared_data.recipT) *
556  std::exp(std::log(10.0) * m_acov - m_ecov * shared_data.recipT + m_mcov);
557  if (m_chargeTransfer) {
558  // @todo the physical interpretation of a 'sticking' charge transfer
559  // reaction remains to be resolved.
560  out *= voltageCorrection();
561  }
562  if (m_motzWise) {
563  out /= 1 - 0.5 * out;
564  }
565  return out * m_factor * shared_data.sqrtT * m_multiplier;
566  }
568  //! Evaluate derivative of reaction rate with respect to temperature
569  //! divided by reaction rate
570  //! @param shared_data data shared by all reactions of a given type
571  double ddTScaledFromStruct(const DataType& shared_data) const {
572  throw NotImplementedError("StickingRate<>::ddTScaledFromStruct");
573  }
575  double preExponentialFactor() const override {
576  return RateType::preExponentialFactor() *
577  std::exp(std::log(10.0) * m_acov + m_mcov);
578  }
580  double activationEnergy() const override {
581  return RateType::activationEnergy() + m_ecov * GasConstant;
582  }
583 };
585 //! Arrhenius-type interface sticking rate specifications
586 //! @ingroup surfaceGroup
589 //! Blowers-Masel-type interface sticking rate specifications
590 //! @ingroup surfaceGroup
593 }
594 #endif
Header for Blowers-Masel reaction rates.
A map of string keys to values whose type can vary at runtime.
Definition: AnyMap.h:427
Base class for rate parameterizations that involve interfaces.
Definition: InterfaceRate.h:93
double m_mcov
Coverage term in reaction rate.
void setCoverageDependencies(const AnyMap &dependencies, const UnitSystem &units=UnitSystem())
Set coverage dependencies based on AnyMap node information.
double m_beta
Electrochemistry only.
double m_ecov
Coverage contribution to activation energy.
vector< pair< size_t, double > > m_stoichCoeffs
Pairs of species index and multipliers to calculate enthalpy change.
vector< double > m_ac
Vector holding coverage-specific exponential dependence.
void setParameters(const AnyMap &node)
Perform object setup based on AnyMap node information.
void setSpecies(const vector< string > &species)
Set association with an ordered list of all species associated with a given Kinetics object.
vector< string > m_cov
Vector holding names of coverage species.
double m_prodStandardConcentrations
Products of standard concentrations.
double m_deltaGibbs0_RT
Normalized standard state Gibbs free energy change.
virtual void addCoverageDependence(const string &sp, double a, double m, const vector< double > &e)
Add a coverage dependency for species sp, with exponential dependence a, power-law exponent m,...
void getCoverageDependencies(AnyMap &dependencies) const
Store parameters needed to reconstruct coverage dependencies.
double beta() const
Return the charge transfer beta parameter.
bool exchangeCurrentDensityFormulation()
Boolean indicating whether rate uses exchange current density formulation.
bool usesElectrochemistry()
Boolean indicating whether rate uses electrochemistry.
bool m_chargeTransfer
Boolean indicating use of electrochemistry.
double siteDensity() const
Return site density [kmol/m^2].
vector< double > m_mc
Vector holding coverage-specific power-law exponents.
map< size_t, size_t > m_indices
Map from coverage dependencies stored in this object to the index of the coverage species in the Kine...
vector< pair< size_t, double > > m_netCharges
Pairs of phase index and net electric charges (same order as m_stoichCoeffs)
double m_acov
Coverage contribution to pre-exponential factor.
vector< bool > m_lindep
Vector holding boolean for linear dependence.
void getParameters(AnyMap &node) const
Store parameters needed to reconstruct an identical object.
vector< vector< double > > m_ec
Vector holding coverage-specific activation energy dependence as a 5-membered array of polynomial coe...
double m_siteDensity
Site density [kmol/m^2].
void setContext(const Reaction &rxn, const Kinetics &kin)
Build rate-specific parameters based on Reaction and Kinetics context.
double voltageCorrection() const
Calculate modifications for the forward reaction rate for interfacial charge transfer reactions.
void updateFromStruct(const InterfaceData &shared_data)
Update reaction rate parameters.
void setSiteDensity(double siteDensity)
Set site density [kmol/m^2].
double m_deltaPotential_RT
Normalized electric potential energy change.
A class template for interface reaction rate specifications.
double ddTScaledFromStruct(const DataType &shared_data) const
Evaluate derivative of reaction rate with respect to temperature divided by reaction rate.
InterfaceRate(const AnyMap &node, const UnitStack &rate_units)
Constructor based on AnyMap content.
void updateFromStruct(const DataType &shared_data)
Update reaction rate parameters.
void addCoverageDependence(const string &sp, double a, double m, const vector< double > &e) override
Add a coverage dependency for species sp, with exponential dependence a, power-law exponent m,...
const string type() const override
Identifier of reaction rate type.
double evalFromStruct(const DataType &shared_data) const
Evaluate reaction rate.
Public interface for kinetics managers.
Definition: Kinetics.h:125
An error indicating that an unimplemented function has been called.
Definition: ctexceptions.h:195
Abstract base class which stores data about a reaction and its rate parameterization so that it can b...
Definition: Reaction.h:25
Base class for rate parameterizations that implement sticking coefficients.
void setStickingParameters(const AnyMap &node)
Perform object setup based on AnyMap node information.
bool m_explicitSpecies
Boolean flag.
void setStickingWeight(double weight)
Set the molecular weight of the sticking species.
double m_factor
cached factor
string m_stickingSpecies
string identifying sticking species
void setStickingOrder(double order)
Set exponent applied to site density (sticking order)
bool m_explicitMotzWise
Correction cannot be overriden by default.
void setMotzWiseCorrection(bool motz_wise)
Set flag for Motz & Wise correction factor.
void getStickingParameters(AnyMap &node) const
Store parameters needed to reconstruct an identical object.
string stickingSpecies() const
Get sticking species.
double m_multiplier
multiplicative factor in rate expression
bool m_motzWise
boolean indicating whether Motz & Wise correction is used
double m_surfaceOrder
exponent applied to site density term
void setContext(const Reaction &rxn, const Kinetics &kin)
Build rate-specific parameters based on Reaction and Kinetics context.
double stickingWeight()
Get the molecular weight of the sticking species.
bool motzWiseCorrection() const
Get flag indicating whether sticking rate uses the correction factor developed by Motz & Wise for rea...
void setStickingSpecies(const string &stickingSpecies)
Set sticking species.
double stickingOrder()
Get exponent applied to site density (sticking order)
A class template for interface sticking rate specifications.
double ddTScaledFromStruct(const DataType &shared_data) const
Evaluate derivative of reaction rate with respect to temperature divided by reaction rate.
StickingRate(const AnyMap &node, const UnitStack &rate_units)
Constructor based on AnyMap content.
void updateFromStruct(const DataType &shared_data)
Update reaction rate parameters.
const string type() const override
Identifier of reaction rate type.
double evalFromStruct(const DataType &shared_data) const
Evaluate reaction rate.
Base class for a phase with thermodynamic properties.
Definition: ThermoPhase.h:390
Unit conversion utility.
Definition: Units.h:169
A representation of the units associated with a dimensional quantity.
Definition: Units.h:35
void fmt_append(fmt::memory_buffer &b, Args... args)
Versions 6.2.0 and 6.2.1 of fmtlib do not include this define before they include windows....
Definition: fmt.h:29
This file contains definitions for utility functions and text for modules, inputfiles and logging,...
const double Faraday
Faraday constant [C/kmol].
Definition: ct_defs.h:131
const double GasConstant
Universal Gas Constant [J/kmol/K].
Definition: ct_defs.h:120
const double Pi
Definition: ct_defs.h:68
void warn_user(const string &method, const string &msg, const Args &... args)
Print a user warning raised from method as CanteraWarning.
Definition: global.h:267
Namespace for the Cantera kernel.
Definition: AnyMap.cpp:564
Data container holding shared data specific to BlowersMaselRate.
vector< double > partialMolarEnthalpies
partial molar enthalpies
bool ready
boolean indicating whether vectors are accessible
virtual void update(double T)
Update data container based on temperature T
Definition: ReactionData.h:36
Data container holding shared data for reaction rate specification with interfaces.
Definition: InterfaceRate.h:30
vector< double > logCoverages
logarithm of surface coverages
Definition: InterfaceRate.h:56
vector< double > electricPotentials
electric potentials of phases
Definition: InterfaceRate.h:57
bool update(const ThermoPhase &bulk, const Kinetics &kin) override
Update data container based on thermodynamic phase state.
void resize(size_t nSpecies, size_t nReactions, size_t nPhases) override
Update number of species, reactions and phases.
Definition: InterfaceRate.h:43
vector< double > coverages
surface coverages
Definition: InterfaceRate.h:55
vector< double > standardChemPotentials
standard state chemical potentials
Definition: InterfaceRate.h:58
vector< double > standardConcentrations
standard state concentrations
Definition: InterfaceRate.h:59
double sqrtT
square root of temperature
Definition: InterfaceRate.h:53
Unit aggregation utility.
Definition: Units.h:105
#define CT_DEFINE_HAS_MEMBER(detector_name, func_name)
A macro for generating member function detectors, which can then be used in combination with if const...
Definition: utilities.h:205