Cantera  3.1.0a1
Go to the documentation of this file.
1 //! @file InterfaceRate.cpp
3 // This file is part of Cantera. See License.txt in the top-level directory or
4 // at for license and copyright information.
11 #include "cantera/base/AnyMap.h"
12 #include "cantera/base/utilities.h"
14 namespace Cantera
15 {
17 void InterfaceData::update(double T)
18 {
19  throw CanteraError("InterfaceData::update",
20  "Missing state information: 'InterfaceData' requires species coverages.");
21 }
23 void InterfaceData::update(double T, const vector<double>& values)
24 {
25  warn_user("InterfaceData::update",
26  "This method does not update the site density.");
28  sqrtT = sqrt(T);
29  if (coverages.size() == 0) {
30  coverages = values;
31  logCoverages.resize(values.size());
32  } else if (values.size() == coverages.size()) {
33  std::copy(values.begin(), values.end(), coverages.begin());
34  } else {
35  throw CanteraError("InterfaceData::update",
36  "Incompatible lengths of coverage arrays: received {} elements while "
37  "{} are required.", values.size(), coverages.size());
38  }
39  for (size_t n = 0; n < coverages.size(); n++) {
40  logCoverages[n] = std::log(std::max(coverages[n], Tiny));
41  }
42 }
44 bool InterfaceData::update(const ThermoPhase& phase, const Kinetics& kin)
45 {
46  int mf = 0;
47  for (size_t n = 0; n < kin.nPhases(); n++) {
48  mf += kin.thermo(n).stateMFNumber();
49  }
51  double T = phase.temperature();
52  bool changed = false;
53  const auto& surf = dynamic_cast<const SurfPhase&>(kin.thermo(0));
54  double site_density = surf.siteDensity();
55  if (density != site_density) {
56  density = surf.siteDensity();
57  changed = true;
58  }
59  if (T != temperature) {
61  sqrtT = sqrt(T);
62  changed = true;
63  }
64  if (changed || mf != m_state_mf_number) {
65  surf.getCoverages(;
66  for (size_t n = 0; n < coverages.size(); n++) {
67  logCoverages[n] = std::log(std::max(coverages[n], Tiny));
68  }
69  for (size_t n = 0; n < kin.nPhases(); n++) {
70  size_t start = kin.kineticsSpeciesIndex(0, n);
71  const auto& ph = kin.thermo(n);
72  electricPotentials[n] = ph.electricPotential();
73  ph.getPartialMolarEnthalpies( + start);
74  ph.getStandardChemPotentials( + start);
75  size_t nsp = ph.nSpecies();
76  for (size_t k = 0; k < nsp; k++) {
77  // only used for exchange current density formulation
78  standardConcentrations[k + start] = ph.standardConcentration(k);
79  }
80  }
81  m_state_mf_number = mf;
82  changed = true;
83  }
84  return changed;
85 }
87 void InterfaceData::perturbTemperature(double deltaT)
88 {
89  throw NotImplementedError("InterfaceData::perturbTemperature");
90 }
92 InterfaceRateBase::InterfaceRateBase()
93  : m_siteDensity(NAN)
94  , m_acov(0.)
95  , m_ecov(0.)
96  , m_mcov(0.)
97  , m_chargeTransfer(false)
98  , m_exchangeCurrentDensityFormulation(false)
99  , m_beta(0.5)
100  , m_deltaPotential_RT(NAN)
101  , m_deltaGibbs0_RT(NAN)
102  , m_prodStandardConcentrations(NAN)
103 {
104 }
107 {
108  if (node.hasKey("coverage-dependencies")) {
110  node["coverage-dependencies"].as<AnyMap>(), node.units());
111  }
112  if (node.hasKey("beta")) {
113  m_beta = node["beta"].asDouble();
114  }
115  m_exchangeCurrentDensityFormulation = node.getBool(
116  "exchange-current-density-formulation", false);
117 }
120 {
121  if (!m_cov.empty()) {
122  AnyMap deps;
124  node["coverage-dependencies"] = std::move(deps);
125  }
126  if (m_chargeTransfer) {
127  if (m_beta != 0.5) {
128  node["beta"] = m_beta;
129  }
130  if (m_exchangeCurrentDensityFormulation) {
131  node["exchange-current-density-formulation"] = true;
132  }
133  }
134 }
137  const UnitSystem& units)
138 {
139  m_cov.clear();
140  m_ac.clear();
141  m_ec.clear();
142  m_mc.clear();
143  m_lindep.clear();
144  for (const auto& [species, coeffs] : dependencies) {
145  double a, m;
146  vector<double> E(5, 0.0);
147  if (<AnyMap>()) {
148  auto& cov_map =<AnyMap>();
149  a = cov_map["a"].asDouble();
150  m = cov_map["m"].asDouble();
151  if (cov_map["E"].isScalar()) {
152  m_lindep.push_back(true);
153  E[1] = units.convertActivationEnergy(cov_map["E"], "K");
154  } else {
155  m_lindep.push_back(false);
156  auto& E_temp = cov_map["E"].asVector<AnyValue>(1, 4);
157  for (size_t i = 0; i < E_temp.size(); i++) {
158  E[i+1] = units.convertActivationEnergy(E_temp[i], "K");
159  }
160  }
161  } else {
162  auto& cov_vec = coeffs.asVector<AnyValue>(3);
163  a = cov_vec[0].asDouble();
164  m = cov_vec[1].asDouble();
165  if (cov_vec[2].isScalar()) {
166  m_lindep.push_back(true);
167  E[1] = units.convertActivationEnergy(cov_vec[2], "K");
168  } else {
169  m_lindep.push_back(false);
170  auto& E_temp = cov_vec[2].asVector<AnyValue>(1, 4);
171  for (size_t i = 0; i < E_temp.size(); i++) {
172  E[i+1] = units.convertActivationEnergy(E_temp[i], "K");
173  }
174  }
175  }
176  addCoverageDependence(species, a, m, E);
177  }
178 }
181 {
182  for (size_t k = 0; k < m_cov.size(); k++) {
183  AnyMap dep;
184  dep["a"] = m_ac[k];
185  dep["m"] = m_mc[k];
186  if (m_lindep[k]) {
187  dep["E"].setQuantity(m_ec[k][1], "K", true);
188  } else {
189  vector<AnyValue> E_temp(4);
190  for (size_t i = 0; i < m_ec[k].size() - 1; i++) {
191  E_temp[i].setQuantity(m_ec[k][i+1], "K", true);
192  }
193  dep["E"] = E_temp;
194  }
195  dependencies[m_cov[k]] = std::move(dep);
196  }
197 }
199 void InterfaceRateBase::addCoverageDependence(const string& sp, double a, double m,
200  const vector<double>& e)
201 {
202  if (std::find(m_cov.begin(), m_cov.end(), sp) == m_cov.end()) {
203  m_cov.push_back(sp);
204  m_ac.push_back(a);
205  m_ec.push_back(e);
206  m_mc.push_back(m);
207  m_indices.clear();
208  } else {
209  throw CanteraError("InterfaceRateBase::addCoverageDependence",
210  "Coverage for species '{}' is already specified.", sp);
211  }
212 }
214 void InterfaceRateBase::setSpecies(const vector<string>& species)
215 {
216  m_indices.clear();
217  for (size_t k = 0; k < m_cov.size(); k++) {
218  auto it = find(species.begin(), species.end(), m_cov[k]);
219  if (it != species.end()) {
220  m_indices.emplace(k, it - species.begin());
221  } else {
222  throw CanteraError("InterfaceRateBase:setSpeciesIndices",
223  "Species list does not contain '{}'.", m_cov[k]);
224  }
225  }
226 }
229  if (shared_data.ready) {
230  m_siteDensity = shared_data.density;
231  }
233  if (m_indices.size() != m_cov.size()) {
234  // object is not set up correctly (setSpecies needs to be run)
235  m_acov = NAN;
236  m_ecov = NAN;
237  m_mcov = NAN;
238  return;
239  }
240  m_acov = 0.0;
241  m_ecov = 0.0;
242  m_mcov = 0.0;
243  for (auto& [iCov, iKin] : m_indices) {
244  m_acov += m_ac[iCov] * shared_data.coverages[iKin];
245  if (m_lindep[iCov]) {
246  m_ecov += m_ec[iCov][1] * shared_data.coverages[iKin];
247  } else {
248  m_ecov += poly4(shared_data.coverages[iKin], m_ec[iCov].data());
249  }
250  m_mcov += m_mc[iCov] * shared_data.logCoverages[iKin];
251  }
253  // Update change in electrical potential energy
254  if (m_chargeTransfer) {
255  m_deltaPotential_RT = 0.;
256  for (const auto& [iPhase, netCharge] : m_netCharges) {
258  shared_data.electricPotentials[iPhase] * netCharge;
259  }
261  }
263  // Update quantities used for exchange current density formulation
264  if (m_exchangeCurrentDensityFormulation) {
265  m_deltaGibbs0_RT = 0.;
267  for (const auto& [k, stoich] : m_stoichCoeffs) {
269  shared_data.standardChemPotentials[k] * stoich;
270  if (stoich > 0.) {
272  shared_data.standardConcentrations[k];
273  }
274  }
275  m_deltaGibbs0_RT /= GasConstant * shared_data.temperature;
276  }
277 }
279 void InterfaceRateBase::setContext(const Reaction& rxn, const Kinetics& kin)
280 {
281  setSpecies(kin.thermo().speciesNames());
284  if (!m_chargeTransfer) {
285  return;
286  }
288  m_stoichCoeffs.clear();
289  for (const auto& [name, stoich] : rxn.reactants) {
290  m_stoichCoeffs.emplace_back(kin.kineticsSpeciesIndex(name), -stoich);
291  }
292  for (const auto& [name, stoich] : rxn.products) {
293  m_stoichCoeffs.emplace_back(kin.kineticsSpeciesIndex(name), stoich);
294  }
296  m_netCharges.clear();
297  for (const auto& [k, stoich] : m_stoichCoeffs) {
298  size_t n = kin.speciesPhaseIndex(k);
299  size_t start = kin.kineticsSpeciesIndex(0, n);
300  double charge = kin.thermo(n).charge(k - start);
301  m_netCharges.emplace_back(n, Faraday * charge * stoich);
302  }
303 }
305 StickingCoverage::StickingCoverage()
306  : m_motzWise(false)
307  , m_explicitMotzWise(false)
308  , m_stickingSpecies("")
309  , m_explicitSpecies(false)
310  , m_surfaceOrder(NAN)
311  , m_multiplier(NAN)
312  , m_factor(NAN)
313 {
314 }
317 {
318  m_motzWise = node.getBool("Motz-Wise", false);
319  m_explicitMotzWise = node.hasKey("Motz-Wise");
320  m_stickingSpecies = node.getString("sticking-species", "");
321  m_explicitSpecies = node.hasKey("sticking-species");
322 }
325 {
326  if (m_explicitMotzWise) {
327  node["Motz-Wise"] = m_motzWise;
328  }
329  if (m_explicitSpecies) {
330  node["sticking-species"] = m_stickingSpecies;
331  }
332 }
334 void StickingCoverage::setContext(const Reaction& rxn, const Kinetics& kin)
335 {
336  // Ensure that site density is initialized
337  const ThermoPhase& phase = kin.thermo(0);
338  const auto& surf = dynamic_cast<const SurfPhase&>(phase);
339  m_siteDensity = surf.siteDensity();
340  if (!m_explicitMotzWise) {
341  m_motzWise = kin.thermo().input().getBool("Motz-Wise", false);
342  }
344  string sticking_species = m_stickingSpecies;
345  if (sticking_species == "") {
346  // Identify the sticking species if not explicitly given
347  vector<string> gasSpecies;
348  vector<string> anySpecies;
349  for (const auto& [name, stoich] : rxn.reactants) {
350  size_t iPhase = kin.speciesPhaseIndex(kin.kineticsSpeciesIndex(name));
351  if (iPhase != 0) {
352  // Non-interface species. There should be exactly one of these
353  // (either in gas phase or other phase)
354  if (kin.thermo(iPhase).phaseOfMatter() == "gas") {
355  gasSpecies.push_back(name);
356  }
357  anySpecies.push_back(name);
358  }
359  }
360  if (gasSpecies.size() == 1) {
361  // single sticking species in gas phase
362  sticking_species = gasSpecies[0];
363  } else if (anySpecies.size() == 1) {
364  // single sticking species in any phase
365  sticking_species = anySpecies[0];
366  } else if (anySpecies.size() == 0) {
367  throw InputFileError("StickingCoverage::setContext",
368  rxn.input, "No non-interface species found "
369  "in sticking reaction: '{}'", rxn.equation());
370  } else {
371  throw InputFileError("StickingCoverage::setContext",
372  rxn.input, "Multiple non-interface species ({})\nfound in sticking "
373  "reaction: '{}'.\nSticking species must be explicitly specified.",
374  fmt::format("'{}'", fmt::join(anySpecies, "', '")), rxn.equation());
375  }
376  }
377  m_stickingSpecies = sticking_species;
379  double surface_order = 0.0;
380  double multiplier = 1.0;
381  // Adjust the A-factor
382  for (const auto& [name, stoich] : rxn.reactants) {
383  size_t iPhase = kin.speciesPhaseIndex(kin.kineticsSpeciesIndex(name));
384  const ThermoPhase& p = kin.thermo(iPhase);
385  size_t k = p.speciesIndex(name);
386  if (name == sticking_species) {
387  multiplier *= sqrt(GasConstant / (2 * Pi * p.molecularWeight(k)));
388  } else {
389  // Non-sticking species. Convert from coverages used in the
390  // sticking probability expression to the concentration units
391  // used in the mass action rate expression. For surface phases,
392  // the dependence on the site density is incorporated when the
393  // rate constant is evaluated, since we don't assume that the
394  // site density is known at this time.
395  double order = getValue(rxn.orders, name, stoich);
396  if (&p == &surf) {
397  multiplier *= pow(surf.size(k), order);
398  surface_order += order;
399  } else {
400  multiplier *= pow(p.standardConcentration(k), -order);
401  }
402  }
403  }
404  m_surfaceOrder = surface_order;
405  m_multiplier = multiplier;
406 }
408 }
Header for reaction rates that occur at interfaces.
Base class for kinetics managers and also contains the kineticsmgr module documentation (see Kinetics...
Header for a simple thermodynamics model of a surface phase derived from ThermoPhase,...
Header file for class ThermoPhase, the base class for phases with thermodynamic properties,...
A map of string keys to values whose type can vary at runtime.
Definition: AnyMap.h:427
bool hasKey(const string &key) const
Returns true if the map contains an item named key.
Definition: AnyMap.cpp:1423
bool getBool(const string &key, bool default_) const
If key exists, return it as a bool, otherwise return default_.
Definition: AnyMap.cpp:1515
const string & getString(const string &key, const string &default_) const
If key exists, return it as a string, otherwise return default_.
Definition: AnyMap.cpp:1530
const UnitSystem & units() const
Return the default units that should be used to convert stored values.
Definition: AnyMap.h:630
A wrapper for a variable whose type is determined at runtime.
Definition: AnyMap.h:86
double & asDouble()
Return the held value as a double, if it is a double or a long int.
Definition: AnyMap.cpp:824
Base class for exceptions thrown by Cantera classes.
Definition: ctexceptions.h:66
Error thrown for problems processing information contained in an AnyMap or AnyValue.
Definition: AnyMap.h:738
double m_mcov
Coverage term in reaction rate.
void setCoverageDependencies(const AnyMap &dependencies, const UnitSystem &units=UnitSystem())
Set coverage dependencies based on AnyMap node information.
double m_beta
Electrochemistry only.
double m_ecov
Coverage contribution to activation energy.
vector< pair< size_t, double > > m_stoichCoeffs
Pairs of species index and multipliers to calculate enthalpy change.
vector< double > m_ac
Vector holding coverage-specific exponential dependence.
void setParameters(const AnyMap &node)
Perform object setup based on AnyMap node information.
void setSpecies(const vector< string > &species)
Set association with an ordered list of all species associated with a given Kinetics object.
vector< string > m_cov
Vector holding names of coverage species.
double m_prodStandardConcentrations
Products of standard concentrations.
double m_deltaGibbs0_RT
Normalized standard state Gibbs free energy change.
virtual void addCoverageDependence(const string &sp, double a, double m, const vector< double > &e)
Add a coverage dependency for species sp, with exponential dependence a, power-law exponent m,...
void getCoverageDependencies(AnyMap &dependencies) const
Store parameters needed to reconstruct coverage dependencies.
bool m_chargeTransfer
Boolean indicating use of electrochemistry.
vector< double > m_mc
Vector holding coverage-specific power-law exponents.
map< size_t, size_t > m_indices
Map from coverage dependencies stored in this object to the index of the coverage species in the Kine...
vector< pair< size_t, double > > m_netCharges
Pairs of phase index and net electric charges (same order as m_stoichCoeffs)
double m_acov
Coverage contribution to pre-exponential factor.
vector< bool > m_lindep
Vector holding boolean for linear dependence.
void getParameters(AnyMap &node) const
Store parameters needed to reconstruct an identical object.
vector< vector< double > > m_ec
Vector holding coverage-specific activation energy dependence as a 5-membered array of polynomial coe...
double m_siteDensity
Site density [kmol/m^2].
void setContext(const Reaction &rxn, const Kinetics &kin)
Build rate-specific parameters based on Reaction and Kinetics context.
void updateFromStruct(const InterfaceData &shared_data)
Update reaction rate parameters.
double m_deltaPotential_RT
Normalized electric potential energy change.
Public interface for kinetics managers.
Definition: Kinetics.h:125
size_t nPhases() const
The number of phases participating in the reaction mechanism.
Definition: Kinetics.h:184
size_t kineticsSpeciesIndex(size_t k, size_t n) const
The location of species k of phase n in species arrays.
Definition: Kinetics.h:276
ThermoPhase & thermo(size_t n=0)
This method returns a reference to the nth ThermoPhase object defined in this kinetics mechanism.
Definition: Kinetics.h:242
size_t speciesPhaseIndex(size_t k) const
This function takes as an argument the kineticsSpecies index (that is, the list index in the list of ...
Definition: Kinetics.cpp:281
An error indicating that an unimplemented function has been called.
Definition: ctexceptions.h:195
double temperature() const
Temperature (K).
Definition: Phase.h:562
size_t speciesIndex(const string &name) const
Returns the index of a species named 'name' within the Phase object.
Definition: Phase.cpp:129
int stateMFNumber() const
Return the State Mole Fraction Number.
Definition: Phase.h:761
const vector< string > & speciesNames() const
Return a const reference to the vector of species names.
Definition: Phase.cpp:148
double molecularWeight(size_t k) const
Molecular weight of species k.
Definition: Phase.cpp:383
double charge(size_t k) const
Dimensionless electrical charge of a single molecule of species k The charge is normalized by the the...
Definition: Phase.h:538
Abstract base class which stores data about a reaction and its rate parameterization so that it can b...
Definition: Reaction.h:25
Composition orders
Forward reaction order with respect to specific species.
Definition: Reaction.h:119
string equation() const
The chemical equation for this reaction.
Definition: Reaction.cpp:345
bool usesElectrochemistry(const Kinetics &kin) const
Check whether reaction uses electrochemistry.
Definition: Reaction.cpp:687
Composition products
Product species and stoichiometric coefficients.
Definition: Reaction.h:114
Composition reactants
Reactant species and stoichiometric coefficients.
Definition: Reaction.h:111
AnyMap input
Input data used for specific models.
Definition: Reaction.h:139
void setStickingParameters(const AnyMap &node)
Perform object setup based on AnyMap node information.
bool m_explicitSpecies
Boolean flag.
string m_stickingSpecies
string identifying sticking species
bool m_explicitMotzWise
Correction cannot be overriden by default.
void getStickingParameters(AnyMap &node) const
Store parameters needed to reconstruct an identical object.
double m_multiplier
multiplicative factor in rate expression
bool m_motzWise
boolean indicating whether Motz & Wise correction is used
double m_surfaceOrder
exponent applied to site density term
void setContext(const Reaction &rxn, const Kinetics &kin)
Build rate-specific parameters based on Reaction and Kinetics context.
A simple thermodynamic model for a surface phase, assuming an ideal solution model.
Definition: SurfPhase.h:98
double siteDensity() const
Returns the site density.
Definition: SurfPhase.h:216
Base class for a phase with thermodynamic properties.
Definition: ThermoPhase.h:390
virtual double standardConcentration(size_t k=0) const
Return the standard concentration for the kth species.
Definition: ThermoPhase.h:718
virtual string phaseOfMatter() const
String indicating the mechanical phase of the matter in this Phase.
Definition: ThermoPhase.h:428
const AnyMap & input() const
Access input data associated with the phase description.
Unit conversion utility.
Definition: Units.h:169
double convertActivationEnergy(double value, const string &src, const string &dest) const
Convert value from the units of src to the units of dest, allowing for the different dimensions that ...
Definition: Units.cpp:673
R poly4(D x, R *c)
Evaluates a polynomial of order 4.
Definition: utilities.h:153
const double Faraday
Faraday constant [C/kmol].
Definition: ct_defs.h:131
const double GasConstant
Universal Gas Constant [J/kmol/K].
Definition: ct_defs.h:120
const double Pi
Definition: ct_defs.h:68
void warn_user(const string &method, const string &msg, const Args &... args)
Print a user warning raised from method as CanteraWarning.
Definition: global.h:267
Namespace for the Cantera kernel.
Definition: AnyMap.cpp:564
const double Tiny
Small number to compare differences of mole fractions against.
Definition: ct_defs.h:173
const U & getValue(const map< T, U > &m, const T &key, const U &default_val)
Const accessor for a value in a map.
Definition: utilities.h:190
int m_state_mf_number
integer that is incremented when composition changes
vector< double > partialMolarEnthalpies
partial molar enthalpies
bool ready
boolean indicating whether vectors are accessible
double density
used to determine if updates are needed
Data container holding shared data for reaction rate specification with interfaces.
Definition: InterfaceRate.h:30
vector< double > logCoverages
logarithm of surface coverages
Definition: InterfaceRate.h:56
vector< double > electricPotentials
electric potentials of phases
Definition: InterfaceRate.h:57
vector< double > coverages
surface coverages
Definition: InterfaceRate.h:55
vector< double > standardChemPotentials
standard state chemical potentials
Definition: InterfaceRate.h:58
vector< double > standardConcentrations
standard state concentrations
Definition: InterfaceRate.h:59
double sqrtT
square root of temperature
Definition: InterfaceRate.h:53
virtual void update(double T)
Update data container based on temperature T
Definition: ReactionData.h:36
double temperature
Definition: ReactionData.h:110
Various templated functions that carry out common vector and polynomial operations (see Templated Arr...