Cantera  3.1.0a1
Go to the documentation of this file.
1 /**
2  * @file Falloff.cpp Definitions for member functions of classes derived from
3  * Falloff
4  */
6 // This file is part of Cantera. See License.txt in the top-level directory or
7 // at for license and copyright information.
11 #include "cantera/base/global.h"
12 #include "cantera/base/AnyMap.h"
13 #include "cantera/kinetics/Falloff.h"
17 namespace Cantera
18 {
20 FalloffData::FalloffData()
21 {
22  conc_3b.resize(1, NAN);
23  m_conc_3b_buf.resize(1, NAN);
24 }
26 void FalloffData::update(double T)
27 {
28  throw CanteraError("FalloffData::update",
29  "Missing state information: 'FalloffData' requires third-body concentration.");
30 }
32 void FalloffData::update(double T, double M)
33 {
35  conc_3b[0] = M;
36 }
38 bool FalloffData::update(const ThermoPhase& phase, const Kinetics& kin)
39 {
40  double rho_m = phase.molarDensity();
41  int mf = phase.stateMFNumber();
42  double T = phase.temperature();
43  bool changed = false;
44  if (T != temperature) {
46  changed = true;
47  }
48  if (rho_m != molar_density || mf != m_state_mf_number) {
49  molar_density = rho_m;
50  m_state_mf_number = mf;
52  changed = true;
53  }
54  return changed;
55 }
58 {
59  if (m_perturbed) {
60  throw CanteraError("FalloffData::perturbThirdBodies",
61  "Cannot apply another perturbation as state is already perturbed.");
62  }
64  for (auto& c3b : conc_3b) {
65  c3b *= 1. + deltaM;
66  }
67  m_perturbed = true;
68 }
71 {
73  // only restore if there is a valid buffered value
74  if (!m_perturbed) {
75  return;
76  }
78  m_perturbed = false;
79 }
81 FalloffRate::FalloffRate(const AnyMap& node, const UnitStack& rate_units)
82  : FalloffRate()
83 {
84  setParameters(node, rate_units);
85 }
88 {
89  ArrheniusRate _low = low;
91  _low.check(m_input.getString("equation", ""));
93  throw CanteraError("FalloffRate::setLowRate",
94  "Detected inconsistent rate definitions;\nhigh and low "
95  "rate pre-exponential factors must have the same sign.");
96  }
97  m_lowRate = std::move(_low);
98 }
101 {
102  ArrheniusRate _high = high;
104  _high.check(m_input.getString("equation", ""));
105  if (m_lowRate.preExponentialFactor() * _high.preExponentialFactor() < 0.) {
106  throw CanteraError("FalloffRate::setHighRate",
107  "Detected inconsistent rate definitions;\nhigh and low "
108  "rate pre-exponential factors must have the same sign.");
109  }
110  m_highRate = std::move(_high);
111 }
113 void FalloffRate::setFalloffCoeffs(const vector<double>& c)
114 {
115  if (c.size() != 0) {
116  throw InputFileError("FalloffRate::setFalloffCoeffs", m_input,
117  "Incorrect number of parameters. 0 required. Received {}.",
118  c.size());
119  }
120  m_valid = true;
121 }
123 void FalloffRate::getFalloffCoeffs(vector<double>& c) const
124 {
125  c.clear();
126 }
128 void FalloffRate::setParameters(const AnyMap& node, const UnitStack& rate_units)
129 {
130  ReactionRate::setParameters(node, rate_units);
131  if (node.empty()) {
132  return;
133  }
135  m_negativeA_ok = node.getBool("negative-A", false);
136  if (node["type"] == "chemically-activated") {
137  m_chemicallyActivated = true;
138  }
140  UnitStack low_rate_units = rate_units;
141  UnitStack high_rate_units = rate_units;
142  if (rate_units.size()) {
143  if (m_chemicallyActivated) {
144  high_rate_units.join(1);
145  } else {
146  low_rate_units.join(-1);
147  }
148  }
149  if (node.hasKey("low-P-rate-constant")) {
151  node["low-P-rate-constant"], node.units(), low_rate_units);
153  }
154  if (node.hasKey("high-P-rate-constant")) {
156  node["high-P-rate-constant"], node.units(), high_rate_units);
158  }
159 }
162 {
163  if (m_negativeA_ok) {
164  node["negative-A"] = true;
165  }
166  AnyMap rNode;
168  if (!rNode.empty()) {
169  node["low-P-rate-constant"] = std::move(rNode);
170  }
171  rNode.clear();
173  if (!rNode.empty()) {
174  node["high-P-rate-constant"] = std::move(rNode);
175  }
176 }
178 void FalloffRate::check(const string& equation)
179 {
180  m_lowRate.check(equation);
181  m_highRate.check(equation);
182  if (!m_lowRate.valid() || !m_highRate.valid()) {
183  // arrhenius rates are not initialized
184  return;
185  }
187  throw InputFileError("FalloffRate::check", m_input,
188  "Inconsistent rate definitions found in reaction '{}';\nhigh and low "
189  "rate pre-exponential factors must have the same sign.", equation);
190  }
191 }
193 void FalloffRate::validate(const string& equation, const Kinetics& kin)
194 {
195  try {
196  m_lowRate.validate(equation, kin);
197  m_highRate.validate(equation, kin);
198  } catch (CanteraError& err) {
199  throw InputFileError("FalloffRate::validate", m_input, err.getMessage());
200  }
201 }
203 LindemannRate::LindemannRate(const AnyMap& node, const UnitStack& rate_units)
204  : LindemannRate()
205 {
206  setParameters(node, rate_units);
207 }
209 LindemannRate::LindemannRate(const ArrheniusRate& low, const ArrheniusRate& high,
210  const vector<double>& c)
211  : LindemannRate()
212 {
213  m_lowRate = low;
214  m_highRate = high;
215  setFalloffCoeffs(c);
216 }
218 TroeRate::TroeRate(const AnyMap& node, const UnitStack& rate_units)
219  : TroeRate()
220 {
221  setParameters(node, rate_units);
222 }
224 TroeRate::TroeRate(const ArrheniusRate& low, const ArrheniusRate& high,
225  const vector<double>& c)
226  : TroeRate()
227 {
228  m_lowRate = low;
229  m_highRate = high;
230  setFalloffCoeffs(c);
231 }
233 void TroeRate::setFalloffCoeffs(const vector<double>& c)
234 {
235  if (c.size() != 3 && c.size() != 4) {
236  throw InputFileError("TroeRate::setFalloffCoeffs", m_input,
237  "Incorrect number of coefficients. 3 or 4 required. Received {}.",
238  c.size());
239  }
240  m_a = c[0];
241  if (std::abs(c[1]) < SmallNumber) {
242  m_rt3 = std::numeric_limits<double>::infinity();
243  } else {
244  m_rt3 = 1.0 / c[1];
245  }
247  if (std::abs(c[2]) < SmallNumber) {
248  m_rt1 = std::numeric_limits<double>::infinity();
249  } else {
250  m_rt1 = 1.0 / c[2];
251  }
253  if (c.size() == 4) {
254  if (std::abs(c[3]) < SmallNumber) {
255  warn_user("TroeRate::setFalloffCoeffs",
256  "Unexpected parameter value T2=0. Omitting exp(T2/T) term from "
257  "falloff expression. To suppress this warning, remove value "
258  "for T2 from the input file. In the unlikely case that the "
259  "exp(T2/T) term should be included with T2 effectively equal "
260  "to 0, set T2 to a sufficiently small value "
261  "(for example, T2 < 1e-16).");
262  }
263  m_t2 = c[3];
264  } else {
265  m_t2 = 0.;
266  }
267  m_valid = true;
268 }
270 void TroeRate::getFalloffCoeffs(vector<double>& c) const
271 {
272  if (std::abs(m_t2) < SmallNumber) {
273  c.resize(3);
274  } else {
275  c.resize(4, 0.);
276  c[3] = m_t2;
277  }
278  c[0] = m_a;
279  c[1] = 1.0 / m_rt3;
280  c[2] = 1.0 / m_rt1;
281 }
283 void TroeRate::updateTemp(double T, double* work) const
284 {
285  double Fcent = (1.0 - m_a) * exp(-T*m_rt3) + m_a * exp(-T*m_rt1);
286  if (m_t2) {
287  Fcent += exp(- m_t2 / T);
288  }
289  *work = log10(std::max(Fcent, SmallNumber));
290 }
292 double TroeRate::F(double pr, const double* work) const
293 {
294  double lpr = log10(std::max(pr,SmallNumber));
295  double cc = -0.4 - 0.67 * (*work);
296  double nn = 0.75 - 1.27 * (*work);
297  double f1 = (lpr + cc)/ (nn - 0.14 * (lpr + cc));
298  double lgf = (*work) / (1.0 + f1 * f1);
299  return pow(10.0, lgf);
300 }
302 void TroeRate::setParameters(const AnyMap& node, const UnitStack& rate_units)
303 {
304  if (node.empty()) {
305  return;
306  }
308  FalloffRate::setParameters(node, rate_units);
309  auto& f = node["Troe"].as<AnyMap>();
310  if (f.empty()) {
311  return;
312  }
313  vector<double> params{
314  f["A"].asDouble(),
315  f["T3"].asDouble(),
316  f["T1"].asDouble()
317  };
318  if (f.hasKey("T2")) {
319  params.push_back(f["T2"].asDouble());
320  }
321  setFalloffCoeffs(params);
322 }
325 {
328  AnyMap params;
329  if (valid()) {
330  params["A"] = m_a;
331  params["T3"].setQuantity(1.0 / m_rt3, "K");
332  params["T1"].setQuantity(1.0 / m_rt1, "K");
333  if (std::abs(m_t2) > SmallNumber) {
334  params["T2"].setQuantity(m_t2, "K");
335  }
336  }
337  params.setFlowStyle();
338  node["Troe"] = std::move(params);
339 }
341 SriRate::SriRate(const AnyMap& node, const UnitStack& rate_units)
342  : SriRate()
343 {
344  setParameters(node, rate_units);
345 }
347 void SriRate::setFalloffCoeffs(const vector<double>& c)
348 {
349  if (c.size() != 3 && c.size() != 5) {
350  throw InputFileError("SriRate::setFalloffCoeffs", m_input,
351  "Incorrect number of coefficients. 3 or 5 required. Received {}.",
352  c.size());
353  }
355  if (c[2] < 0.0) {
356  throw InputFileError("SriRate::setFalloffCoeffs()", m_input,
357  "m_c parameter is less than zero: {}", c[2]);
358  }
359  m_a = c[0];
360  m_b = c[1];
361  m_c = c[2];
363  if (c.size() == 5) {
364  if (c[3] < 0.0) {
365  throw InputFileError("SriRate::setFalloffCoeffs()", m_input,
366  "m_d parameter is less than zero: {}", c[3]);
367  }
368  m_d = c[3];
369  m_e = c[4];
370  } else {
371  m_d = 1.0;
372  m_e = 0.0;
373  }
374  m_valid = true;
375 }
377 void SriRate::getFalloffCoeffs(vector<double>& c) const
378 {
379  if (m_e < SmallNumber && std::abs(m_e - 1.) < SmallNumber) {
380  c.resize(3);
381  } else {
382  c.resize(5, 0.);
383  c[3] = m_d;
384  c[4] = m_e;
385  }
386  c[0] = m_a;
387  c[1] = m_b;
388  c[2] = m_c;
389 }
391 void SriRate::updateTemp(double T, double* work) const
392 {
393  *work = m_a * exp(- m_b / T);
394  if (m_c != 0.0) {
395  *work += exp(- T/m_c);
396  }
397  work[1] = m_d * pow(T,m_e);
398 }
400 double SriRate::F(double pr, const double* work) const
401 {
402  double lpr = log10(std::max(pr,SmallNumber));
403  double xx = 1.0/(1.0 + lpr*lpr);
404  return pow(*work, xx) * work[1];
405 }
407 void SriRate::setParameters(const AnyMap& node, const UnitStack& rate_units)
408 {
409  if (node.empty()) {
410  return;
411  }
413  FalloffRate::setParameters(node, rate_units);
414  auto& f = node["SRI"].as<AnyMap>();
415  if (f.empty()) {
416  return;
417  }
418  vector<double> params{
419  f["A"].asDouble(),
420  f["B"].asDouble(),
421  f["C"].asDouble()
422  };
423  if (f.hasKey("D")) {
424  params.push_back(f["D"].asDouble());
425  }
426  if (f.hasKey("E")) {
427  params.push_back(f["E"].asDouble());
428  }
429  setFalloffCoeffs(params);
430 }
433 {
436  AnyMap params;
437  if (valid()) {
438  params["A"] = m_a;
439  params["B"].setQuantity(m_b, "K");
440  params["C"].setQuantity(m_c, "K");
441  if (m_d != 1.0 || m_e != 0.0) {
442  params["D"] = m_d;
443  params["E"] = m_e;
444  }
445  }
446  params.setFlowStyle();
447  node["SRI"] = std::move(params);
448 }
450 TsangRate::TsangRate(const AnyMap& node, const UnitStack& rate_units)
451  : TsangRate()
452 {
453  setParameters(node, rate_units);
454 }
456 void TsangRate::setFalloffCoeffs(const vector<double>& c)
457 {
458  if (c.size() != 1 && c.size() != 2) {
459  throw InputFileError("TsangRate::init", m_input,
460  "Incorrect number of coefficients. 1 or 2 required. Received {}.",
461  c.size());
462  }
463  m_a = c[0];
465  if (c.size() == 2) {
466  m_b = c[1];
467  }
468  else {
469  m_b = 0.0;
470  }
471  m_valid = true;
472 }
474 void TsangRate::getFalloffCoeffs(vector<double>& c) const
475 {
476  if (std::abs(m_b) < SmallNumber) {
477  c.resize(1);
478  } else {
479  c.resize(2, 0.);
480  c[1] = m_b;
481  }
482  c[0] = m_a;
483 }
485 void TsangRate::updateTemp(double T, double* work) const
486 {
487  double Fcent = m_a + (m_b * T);
488  *work = log10(std::max(Fcent, SmallNumber));
489 }
491 double TsangRate::F(double pr, const double* work) const
492 { //identical to TroeRate::F
493  double lpr = log10(std::max(pr,SmallNumber));
494  double cc = -0.4 - 0.67 * (*work);
495  double nn = 0.75 - 1.27 * (*work);
496  double f1 = (lpr + cc)/ (nn - 0.14 * (lpr + cc));
497  double lgf = (*work) / (1.0 + f1 * f1);
498  return pow(10.0, lgf);
499 }
501 void TsangRate::setParameters(const AnyMap& node, const UnitStack& rate_units)
502 {
503  if (node.empty()) {
504  return;
505  }
507  FalloffRate::setParameters(node, rate_units);
508  auto& f = node["Tsang"].as<AnyMap>();
509  if (f.empty()) {
510  return;
511  }
512  vector<double> params{
513  f["A"].asDouble(),
514  f["B"].asDouble()
515  };
516  setFalloffCoeffs(params);
517 }
520 {
523  AnyMap params;
524  if (!valid()) {
525  // pass
526  } else {
527  // Parameters do not have unit system (yet)
528  params["A"] = m_a;
529  params["B"] = m_b;
530  }
531  params.setFlowStyle();
532  node["Tsang"] = std::move(params);
533 }
535 }
Base class for kinetics managers and also contains the kineticsmgr module documentation (see Kinetics...
Header file for class ThermoPhase, the base class for phases with thermodynamic properties,...
A map of string keys to values whose type can vary at runtime.
Definition: AnyMap.h:427
size_t size() const
Returns the number of elements in this map.
Definition: AnyMap.h:622
bool hasKey(const string &key) const
Returns true if the map contains an item named key.
Definition: AnyMap.cpp:1423
bool empty() const
Return boolean indicating whether AnyMap is empty.
Definition: AnyMap.cpp:1418
void setFlowStyle(bool flow=true)
Use "flow" style when outputting this AnyMap to YAML.
Definition: AnyMap.cpp:1726
bool getBool(const string &key, bool default_) const
If key exists, return it as a bool, otherwise return default_.
Definition: AnyMap.cpp:1515
void clear()
Erase all items in the mapping.
Definition: AnyMap.cpp:1433
const string & getString(const string &key, const string &default_) const
If key exists, return it as a string, otherwise return default_.
Definition: AnyMap.cpp:1530
const UnitSystem & units() const
Return the default units that should be used to convert stored values.
Definition: AnyMap.h:630
void setAllowNegativePreExponentialFactor(bool value)
Set flag indicating whether negative A values are permitted.
Definition: Arrhenius.h:141
void getRateParameters(AnyMap &node) const
Get Arrhenius parameters used to populate the rate-coefficient or equivalent field.
Definition: Arrhenius.cpp:76
void validate(const string &equation, const Kinetics &kin) override
Validate the reaction rate expression.
Definition: Arrhenius.cpp:138
virtual double preExponentialFactor() const
Return the pre-exponential factor A (in m, kmol, s to powers depending on the reaction order)
Definition: Arrhenius.h:97
void check(const string &equation) override
Check rate expression.
Definition: Arrhenius.cpp:123
Arrhenius reaction rate type depends only on temperature.
Definition: Arrhenius.h:170
Base class for exceptions thrown by Cantera classes.
Definition: ctexceptions.h:66
virtual string getMessage() const
Method overridden by derived classes to format the error message.
Base class for falloff rate calculators.
Definition: Falloff.h:83
void setParameters(const AnyMap &node, const UnitStack &rate_units) override
Set parameters.
Definition: Falloff.cpp:128
void setHighRate(const ArrheniusRate &high)
Set reaction rate in the high-pressure limit.
Definition: Falloff.cpp:100
virtual void setFalloffCoeffs(const vector< double > &c)
Set coefficients of the falloff parameterization.
Definition: Falloff.cpp:113
ArrheniusRate m_highRate
The reaction rate in the high-pressure limit.
Definition: Falloff.h:222
void validate(const string &equation, const Kinetics &kin) override
Validate the reaction rate expression.
Definition: Falloff.cpp:193
ArrheniusRate m_lowRate
The reaction rate in the low-pressure limit.
Definition: Falloff.h:221
bool m_chemicallyActivated
Flag labeling reaction as chemically activated.
Definition: Falloff.h:225
void getParameters(AnyMap &node) const override
Get parameters.
Definition: Falloff.cpp:161
bool m_negativeA_ok
Flag indicating whether negative A values are permitted.
Definition: Falloff.h:227
void check(const string &equation) override
Check basic syntax and settings of reaction rate expression.
Definition: Falloff.cpp:178
virtual void getFalloffCoeffs(vector< double > &c) const
Retrieve coefficients of the falloff parameterization.
Definition: Falloff.cpp:123
void setLowRate(const ArrheniusRate &low)
Set reaction rate in the low-pressure limit.
Definition: Falloff.cpp:87
Error thrown for problems processing information contained in an AnyMap or AnyValue.
Definition: AnyMap.h:738
Public interface for kinetics managers.
Definition: Kinetics.h:125
virtual const vector< double > & thirdBodyConcentrations() const
Provide direct access to current third-body concentration values.
Definition: Kinetics.h:528
The Lindemann falloff parameterization.
Definition: Falloff.h:242
virtual double molarDensity() const
Molar density (kmol/m^3).
Definition: Phase.cpp:576
double temperature() const
Temperature (K).
Definition: Phase.h:562
int stateMFNumber() const
Return the State Mole Fraction Number.
Definition: Phase.h:761
virtual void setParameters(const AnyMap &node, const UnitStack &units)
Set parameters.
Definition: ReactionRate.h:101
bool valid() const
Get flag indicating whether reaction rate is set up correctly.
Definition: ReactionRate.h:203
bool m_valid
Flag indicating whether reaction rate is set up correctly.
Definition: ReactionRate.h:236
AnyMap m_input
Input data used for specific models.
Definition: ReactionRate.h:230
The SRI falloff function.
Definition: Falloff.h:398
double F(double pr, const double *work) const override
The falloff function.
Definition: Falloff.cpp:400
void setParameters(const AnyMap &node, const UnitStack &rate_units) override
Set parameters.
Definition: Falloff.cpp:407
void setFalloffCoeffs(const vector< double > &c) override
Set coefficients used by parameterization.
Definition: Falloff.cpp:347
void updateTemp(double T, double *work) const override
Update the temperature parameters in the representation.
Definition: Falloff.cpp:391
double m_d
parameter d in the 5-parameter SRI falloff function. Dimensionless.
Definition: Falloff.h:461
void getParameters(AnyMap &node) const override
Get parameters.
Definition: Falloff.cpp:432
double m_a
parameter a in the 5-parameter SRI falloff function. Dimensionless.
Definition: Falloff.h:452
void getFalloffCoeffs(vector< double > &c) const override
Retrieve coefficients of the falloff parameterization.
Definition: Falloff.cpp:377
double m_c
parameter c in the 5-parameter SRI falloff function. [K]
Definition: Falloff.h:458
double m_b
parameter b in the 5-parameter SRI falloff function. [K]
Definition: Falloff.h:455
Definition: Falloff.h:401
double m_e
parameter d in the 5-parameter SRI falloff function. Dimensionless.
Definition: Falloff.h:464
Base class for a phase with thermodynamic properties.
Definition: ThermoPhase.h:390
double F(double pr, const double *work) const override
The falloff function.
Definition: Falloff.cpp:292
void setParameters(const AnyMap &node, const UnitStack &rate_units) override
Set parameters.
Definition: Falloff.cpp:302
void setFalloffCoeffs(const vector< double > &c) override
Set coefficients used by parameterization.
Definition: Falloff.cpp:233
void updateTemp(double T, double *work) const override
Update the temperature parameters in the representation.
Definition: Falloff.cpp:283
double m_t2
parameter T_2 in the 4-parameter Troe falloff function. [K]
Definition: Falloff.h:361
void getParameters(AnyMap &node) const override
Get parameters.
Definition: Falloff.cpp:324
double m_rt1
parameter 1/T_1 in the 4-parameter Troe falloff function. [K^-1]
Definition: Falloff.h:358
double m_a
parameter a in the 4-parameter Troe falloff function. Dimensionless
Definition: Falloff.h:352
void getFalloffCoeffs(vector< double > &c) const override
Retrieve coefficients of the falloff parameterization.
Definition: Falloff.cpp:270
Definition: Falloff.h:307
double m_rt3
parameter 1/T_3 in the 4-parameter Troe falloff function. [K^-1]
Definition: Falloff.h:355
The 1- or 2-parameter Tsang falloff parameterization.
Definition: Falloff.h:492
double F(double pr, const double *work) const override
The falloff function.
Definition: Falloff.cpp:491
void setParameters(const AnyMap &node, const UnitStack &rate_units) override
Set parameters.
Definition: Falloff.cpp:501
void setFalloffCoeffs(const vector< double > &c) override
Set coefficients used by parameterization.
Definition: Falloff.cpp:456
void updateTemp(double T, double *work) const override
Update the temperature parameters in the representation.
Definition: Falloff.cpp:485
Definition: Falloff.h:495
void getParameters(AnyMap &node) const override
Get parameters.
Definition: Falloff.cpp:519
double m_a
parameter a in the Tsang F_cent formulation. Dimensionless
Definition: Falloff.h:546
void getFalloffCoeffs(vector< double > &c) const override
Retrieve coefficients of the falloff parameterization.
Definition: Falloff.cpp:474
double m_b
parameter b in the Tsang F_cent formulation. [K^-1]
Definition: Falloff.h:549
Definitions for the classes that are thrown when Cantera experiences an error condition (also contain...
This file contains definitions for utility functions and text for modules, inputfiles and logging,...
void warn_user(const string &method, const string &msg, const Args &... args)
Print a user warning raised from method as CanteraWarning.
Definition: global.h:267
Namespace for the Cantera kernel.
Definition: AnyMap.cpp:564
const double SmallNumber
smallest number to compare to zero.
Definition: ct_defs.h:158
Contains declarations for string manipulation functions within Cantera.
int m_state_mf_number
integer that is incremented when composition changes
Definition: Falloff.h:58
vector< double > m_conc_3b_buf
buffered third-body concentrations
Definition: Falloff.h:61
void perturbThirdBodies(double deltaM)
Perturb third-body concentration vector of data container.
Definition: Falloff.cpp:57
vector< double > conc_3b
vector of effective third-body concentrations
Definition: Falloff.h:54
virtual void update(double T)
Update data container based on temperature T
Definition: ReactionData.h:36
double molar_density
used to determine if updates are needed
Definition: Falloff.h:53
void restore() override
Restore data container after a perturbation.
Definition: Falloff.cpp:70
bool m_perturbed
boolean indicating whether 3-rd body values are perturbed
Definition: Falloff.h:60
virtual void update(double T)
Update data container based on temperature T
Definition: ReactionData.h:36
double temperature
Definition: ReactionData.h:110
virtual void restore()
Restore data container after a perturbation.
Definition: ReactionData.h:90
Unit aggregation utility.
Definition: Units.h:105
size_t size() const
Size of UnitStack.
Definition: Units.h:118
void join(double exponent)
Join (update) exponent of standard units, where the updated exponent is the sum of the pre-existing e...
Definition: Units.cpp:352