Cantera  3.1.0a1
Go to the documentation of this file.
1 //! @file Arrhenius.cpp
3 // This file is part of Cantera. See License.txt in the top-level directory or
4 // at for license and copyright information.
9 namespace Cantera
10 {
12 ArrheniusBase::ArrheniusBase(double A, double b, double Ea)
13  : m_A(A)
14  , m_b(b)
15  , m_Ea_R(Ea / GasConstant)
16 {
17  if (m_A > 0.0) {
18  m_logA = std::log(m_A);
19  }
20  m_valid = true;
21 }
24  const UnitStack& rate_units)
25 {
26  setRateUnits(rate_units);
27  setRateParameters(rate, units, rate_units);
28 }
30 ArrheniusBase::ArrheniusBase(const AnyMap& node, const UnitStack& rate_units)
31 {
32  setParameters(node, rate_units);
33 }
36  const AnyValue& rate, const UnitSystem& units, const UnitStack& rate_units)
37 {
38  m_Ea_R = 0.; // assume zero if not provided
39  m_E4_R = 0.; // assume zero if not provided
40  if (rate.empty()) {
41  m_A = NAN;
42  m_b = NAN;
43  m_logA = NAN;
44  setRateUnits(Units(0.));
45  return;
46  }
48  if (<AnyMap>()) {
50  auto& rate_map =<AnyMap>();
51  m_A = units.convertRateCoeff(rate_map[m_A_str], conversionUnits());
52  m_b = rate_map[m_b_str].asDouble();
53  if (rate_map.hasKey(m_Ea_str)) {
54  m_Ea_R = units.convertActivationEnergy(rate_map[m_Ea_str], "K");
55  }
56  if (rate_map.hasKey(m_E4_str)) {
57  m_E4_R = units.convertActivationEnergy(rate_map[m_E4_str], "K");
58  }
59  } else {
60  auto& rate_vec = rate.asVector<AnyValue>(2, 4);
61  m_A = units.convertRateCoeff(rate_vec[0], conversionUnits());
62  m_b = rate_vec[1].asDouble();
63  if (rate_vec.size() > 2) {
64  m_Ea_R = units.convertActivationEnergy(rate_vec[2], "K");
65  }
66  if (rate_vec.size() > 3) {
67  m_E4_R = units.convertActivationEnergy(rate_vec[3], "K");
68  }
69  }
70  if (m_A > 0.0) {
71  m_logA = std::log(m_A);
72  }
73  m_valid = true;
74 }
77 {
78  if (!valid()) {
79  // Return empty/unmodified AnyMap
80  return;
81  }
83  if (conversionUnits().factor() != 0.0) {
84  node[m_A_str].setQuantity(m_A, conversionUnits());
85  } else {
86  node[m_A_str] = m_A;
87  // This can't be converted to a different unit system because the dimensions of
88  // the rate constant were not set. Can occur if the reaction was created outside
89  // the context of a Kinetics object and never added to a Kinetics object.
90  node["__unconvertible__"] = true;
91  }
92  node[m_b_str] = m_b;
93  node[m_Ea_str].setQuantity(m_Ea_R, "K", true);
94  if (m_E4_str != "") {
95  node[m_E4_str].setQuantity(m_E4_R, "K", true);
96  }
97  node.setFlowStyle();
98 }
100 void ArrheniusBase::setParameters(const AnyMap& node, const UnitStack& rate_units)
101 {
102  ReactionRate::setParameters(node, rate_units);
103  m_negativeA_ok = node.getBool("negative-A", false);
104  if (!node.hasKey("rate-constant")) {
105  setRateParameters(AnyValue(), node.units(), rate_units);
106  return;
107  }
108  setRateParameters(node["rate-constant"], node.units(), rate_units);
109 }
112  if (m_negativeA_ok) {
113  node["negative-A"] = true;
114  }
115  AnyMap rateNode;
116  getRateParameters(rateNode);
117  if (!rateNode.empty()) {
118  // RateType object is configured
119  node["rate-constant"] = std::move(rateNode);
120  }
121 }
123 void ArrheniusBase::check(const string& equation)
124 {
125  if (!m_negativeA_ok && m_A < 0) {
126  if (equation == "") {
127  throw CanteraError("ArrheniusBase::check",
128  "Detected negative pre-exponential factor (A={}).\n"
129  "Enable 'allowNegativePreExponentialFactor' to suppress "
130  "this message.", m_A);
131  }
132  throw InputFileError("ArrheniusBase::check", m_input,
133  "Undeclared negative pre-exponential factor found in reaction '{}'",
134  equation);
135  }
136 }
138 void ArrheniusBase::validate(const string& equation, const Kinetics& kin)
139 {
140  if (!valid()) {
141  throw InputFileError("ArrheniusBase::validate", m_input,
142  "Rate object for reaction '{}' is not configured.", equation);
143  }
144 }
146 bool ArrheniusData::update(const ThermoPhase& phase, const Kinetics& kin)
147 {
148  double T = phase.temperature();
149  if (T == temperature) {
150  return false;
151  }
152  update(T);
153  return true;
154 }
156 }
Header for reaction rates that involve Arrhenius-type kinetics.
Header file for class ThermoPhase, the base class for phases with thermodynamic properties,...
A map of string keys to values whose type can vary at runtime.
Definition: AnyMap.h:427
bool hasKey(const string &key) const
Returns true if the map contains an item named key.
Definition: AnyMap.cpp:1423
bool empty() const
Return boolean indicating whether AnyMap is empty.
Definition: AnyMap.cpp:1418
void setFlowStyle(bool flow=true)
Use "flow" style when outputting this AnyMap to YAML.
Definition: AnyMap.cpp:1726
bool getBool(const string &key, bool default_) const
If key exists, return it as a bool, otherwise return default_.
Definition: AnyMap.cpp:1515
const UnitSystem & units() const
Return the default units that should be used to convert stored values.
Definition: AnyMap.h:630
A wrapper for a variable whose type is determined at runtime.
Definition: AnyMap.h:86
bool empty() const
Return boolean indicating whether AnyValue is empty.
Definition: AnyMap.cpp:647
bool is() const
Returns true if the held value is of the specified type.
Definition: AnyMap.inl.h:68
const vector< T > & asVector(size_t nMin=npos, size_t nMax=npos) const
Return the held value, if it is a vector of type T.
Definition: AnyMap.inl.h:109
const T & as() const
Get the value of this key as the specified type.
Definition: AnyMap.inl.h:16
void setParameters(const AnyMap &node, const UnitStack &rate_units) override
Set parameters.
Definition: Arrhenius.cpp:100
string m_b_str
The string for temperature exponent.
Definition: Arrhenius.h:154
string m_E4_str
The string for an optional 4th parameter.
Definition: Arrhenius.h:156
double m_E4_R
Optional 4th energy parameter (in temperature units)
Definition: Arrhenius.h:150
void getRateParameters(AnyMap &node) const
Get Arrhenius parameters used to populate the rate-coefficient or equivalent field.
Definition: Arrhenius.cpp:76
void validate(const string &equation, const Kinetics &kin) override
Validate the reaction rate expression.
Definition: Arrhenius.cpp:138
string m_Ea_str
The string for activation energy.
Definition: Arrhenius.h:155
void getParameters(AnyMap &node) const override
Get parameters.
Definition: Arrhenius.cpp:111
double m_A
Pre-exponential factor.
Definition: Arrhenius.h:147
void setRateParameters(const AnyValue &rate, const UnitSystem &units, const UnitStack &rate_units)
Perform object setup based on AnyValue node information.
Definition: Arrhenius.cpp:35
bool m_negativeA_ok
Permissible negative A values.
Definition: Arrhenius.h:146
string m_A_str
The string for the pre-exponential factor.
Definition: Arrhenius.h:153
double m_b
Temperature exponent.
Definition: Arrhenius.h:148
void check(const string &equation) override
Check rate expression.
Definition: Arrhenius.cpp:123
void setRateUnits(const UnitStack &rate_units) override
Set units of the reaction rate expression.
Definition: Arrhenius.h:126
Default constructor.
Definition: Arrhenius.h:47
double m_logA
Logarithm of pre-exponential factor.
Definition: Arrhenius.h:151
double m_Ea_R
Activation energy (in temperature units)
Definition: Arrhenius.h:149
Base class for exceptions thrown by Cantera classes.
Definition: ctexceptions.h:66
Error thrown for problems processing information contained in an AnyMap or AnyValue.
Definition: AnyMap.h:738
Public interface for kinetics managers.
Definition: Kinetics.h:125
double temperature() const
Temperature (K).
Definition: Phase.h:562
virtual void setParameters(const AnyMap &node, const UnitStack &units)
Set parameters.
Definition: ReactionRate.h:101
bool valid() const
Get flag indicating whether reaction rate is set up correctly.
Definition: ReactionRate.h:203
const Units & conversionUnits() const
Get the units for converting the leading term in the reaction rate expression.
Definition: ReactionRate.h:121
bool m_valid
Flag indicating whether reaction rate is set up correctly.
Definition: ReactionRate.h:236
AnyMap m_input
Input data used for specific models.
Definition: ReactionRate.h:230
Base class for a phase with thermodynamic properties.
Definition: ThermoPhase.h:390
Unit conversion utility.
Definition: Units.h:169
double convertRateCoeff(const AnyValue &val, const Units &dest) const
Convert a generic AnyValue node representing a reaction rate coefficient to the units specified in de...
Definition: Units.cpp:631
double convertActivationEnergy(double value, const string &src, const string &dest) const
Convert value from the units of src to the units of dest, allowing for the different dimensions that ...
Definition: Units.cpp:673
A representation of the units associated with a dimensional quantity.
Definition: Units.h:35
const double GasConstant
Universal Gas Constant [J/kmol/K].
Definition: ct_defs.h:120
Namespace for the Cantera kernel.
Definition: AnyMap.cpp:564
virtual void update(double T)
Update data container based on temperature T
Definition: ReactionData.h:36
double temperature
Definition: ReactionData.h:110
Unit aggregation utility.
Definition: Units.h:105