% This example file calculates the cell voltage of a lithium-ion battery
% at given temperature, pressure, current, and range of state of charge (SOC).
% The thermodynamics are based on a graphite anode and a LiCoO2 cathode,
% modeled using the 'BinarySolutionTabulatedThermo' class.
% Further required cell parameters are the electrolyte ionic resistance, the
% stoichiometry ranges of the active materials (electrode balancing), and the
% surface area of the active materials.
% The functionality of this example is presented in greater detail in the
% reference (which also describes the derivation of the
% BinarySolutionTabulatedThermo class):
% Reference:
% M. Mayur, S. C. DeCaluwe, B. L. Kee, W. G. Bessler, “Modeling and simulation
% of the thermodynamics of lithium-ion battery intercalation materials in the
% open-source software Cantera,” Electrochim. Acta 323, 134797 (2019),
% https://doi.org/10.1016/j.electacta.2019.134797
% Keywords: surface chemistry, kinetics, electrochemistry, battery, plotting
% -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
% Input
% -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
% Operation parameters
SOC = 0:0.02:1; % [-] Input state of charge (0...1) (can be a vector)
I_app = -1; % [A] Externally-applied current, negative for discharge
T = 293; % [K] Temperature
P = oneatm; % [Pa] Pressure
% Cell properties
inputFile = 'lithium_ion_battery.yaml'; % Cantera input file name
R_elyt = 0.0384; % [Ohm] Electrolyte resistance
S_ca = 1.1167; % [m^2] Cathode total active material surface area
S_an = 0.7824; % [m^2] Anode total active material surface area
% Electrode balancing: The "balancing" of the electrodes relates the chemical
% composition (lithium mole fraction in the active materials) to the macroscopic
% cell-level state of charge.
X_Li_an_0 = 0.01; % [-] anode Li mole fraction at SOC = 0 %
X_Li_an_1 = 0.75; % [-] anode Li mole fraction at SOC = 100 %
X_Li_ca_0 = 0.99; % [-] cathode Li mole fraction at SOC = 0 %
X_Li_ca_1 = 0.49; % [-] cathode Li mole fraction at SOC = 100 %
% -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
% Calculations
% -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
% Calculate mole fractions from SOC
X_Li_an = (X_Li_an_1-X_Li_an_0)*SOC+X_Li_an_0; % anode balancing
X_Li_ca = (X_Li_ca_0-X_Li_ca_1)*(1-SOC)+X_Li_ca_1; % cathode balancing
% Import all Cantera phases
anode = Solution(inputFile, 'anode');
cathode = Solution(inputFile, 'cathode');
elde = Solution(inputFile, 'electron');
elyt = Solution(inputFile, 'electrolyte');
anode_interface = Interface(inputFile, 'edge_anode_electrolyte', anode, elde, elyt);
cathode_interface = Interface(inputFile, 'edge_cathode_electrolyte', cathode, elde, elyt);
% Set the temperatures and pressures of all phases
% Calculate cell voltage, separately for each entry of the input vectors
V_cell = zeros(length(SOC),1);
phi_l_an = 0;
phi_s_ca = 0;
for i = 1:length(SOC)
% Set anode electrode potential to 0
phi_s_an = 0;
% Calculate anode electrolyte potential
phi_l_an = fzero(@(E) anode_curr(phi_s_an,E,X_Li_an(i),anode,elde,elyt,anode_interface,S_an)-I_app, phi_l_an);
% Calculate cathode electrolyte potential
phi_l_ca = phi_l_an + I_app*R_elyt;
% Calculate cathode electrode potential
phi_s_ca = fzero(@(E) cathode_curr(E,phi_l_ca,X_Li_ca(i),cathode,elde,elyt,cathode_interface,S_ca)-I_app, phi_s_ca);
% Calculate cell voltage
V_cell(i) = phi_s_ca - phi_s_an;
% Let's plot the cell voltage, as a function of the state of charge:
xlabel('State of charge / %')
ylabel('Cell voltage / V')
% Helper functions
% -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
% This function returns the Cantera calculated anode current (in A)
function anCurr = anode_curr(phi_s,phi_l,X_Li_an,anode,elde,elyt,anode_interface,S_an)
% Set the active material mole fraction
set(anode,'X',['Li[anode]:' num2str(X_Li_an) ', V[anode]:' num2str(1-X_Li_an)]);
% Set the electrode and electrolyte potential
% Get the net reaction rate at the anode-side interface
% Reaction according to YAML file: Li+[elyt] + V[anode] + electron <=> Li[anode]
r = rop_net(anode_interface); % [kmol/m2/s]
% Calculate the current. Should be negative for cell discharge.
anCurr = r*faradayconstant*S_an; %
% This function returns the Cantera calculated cathode current (in A)
function caCurr = cathode_curr(phi_s,phi_l,X_Li_ca,cathode,elde,elyt,cathode_interface,S_ca)
% Set the active material mole fractions
set(cathode,'X',['Li[cathode]:' num2str(X_Li_ca) ', V[cathode]:' num2str(1-X_Li_ca)]);
% Set the electrode and electrolyte potential
% Get the net reaction rate at the cathode-side interface
% Reaction according to YAML file: Li+[elyt] + V[cathode] + electron <=> Li[cathode]
r = rop_net(cathode_interface); % [kmol/m2/s]
% Calculate the current. Should be negative for cell discharge.
caCurr = r*faradayconstant*S_ca*(-1); %