10 #ifndef CT_TRANSPORTFACTORY_H 11 #define CT_TRANSPORTFACTORY_H 173 XML_Node& log,
const std::vector<std::string>& names,
209 const std::string phaseName,
271 thermo_t* thermo = 0,
int loglevel = 0,
int ndim=1);
Enumeration of the types of transport properties that can be handled by the variables in the various ...
static std::mutex transport_mutex
Static instance of the mutex used to ensure the proper reading of the transport database.
virtual Transport * newTransport(const std::string &model, thermo_t *thermo, int log_level=0, int ndim=1)
Build a new transport manager using a transport manager that may not be the same as in the phase desc...
Factory class for creating new instances of classes derived from Transport.
void getSolidTransportData(const XML_Node &transportNode, XML_Node &log, const std::string phaseName, SolidTransportData &tr)
Read transport property data from a file for a solid phase.
Headers for the Transport object, which is the virtual base class for all transport property evaluato...
Class XML_Node is a tree-based representation of the contents of an XML file.
Base class for transport property managers.
std::map< int, std::string > m_modelNames
Inverse mapping of transport models, from integer constant to string.
std::map< std::string, bool > m_CK_mode
Models included in this map are initialized in CK compatibility mode.
static TransportFactory * s_factory
Static instance of the factor -> This is the only instance of this object allowed.
Base class for a phase with thermodynamic properties.
static std::string modelName(int model)
Get the name of the transport model corresponding to the specified constant.
Class LiquidTransportParams holds transport model parameters relevant to transport in mixtures...
void getLiquidInteractionsTransportData(const XML_Node &phaseTran_db, XML_Node &log, const std::vector< std::string > &names, LiquidTransportParams &tr)
Read transport property data from a file for interactions between species.
Header file defining class LiquidTransportParams.
The constructor is private; use static method factory() to get a pointer to a factory instance...
std::map< std::string, TransportPropertyType > m_tranPropMap
Mapping between between the string name for a transport property and the integer name.
std::map< std::string, LiquidTranMixingModel > m_LTImodelMap
Mapping between between the string name for a liquid mixture transport property model and the integer...
void setupLiquidTransport(thermo_t *thermo, int log_level, LiquidTransportParams &trParam)
Prepare to build a new transport manager for liquids assuming that viscosity transport data is provid...
virtual LiquidTranInteraction * newLTI(const XML_Node &trNode, TransportPropertyType tp_ind, LiquidTransportParams &trParam)
Factory function for the construction of new LiquidTranInteraction objects, which are transport model...
std::map< std::string, int > m_models
Mapping between between the string name for a transport model and the integer name.
void getLiquidSpeciesTransportData(const std::vector< const XML_Node *> &db, XML_Node &log, const std::vector< std::string > &names, LiquidTransportParams &tr)
Read transport property data from a file for a list of species that comprise the phase.
Factory class that supports registering functions to create objects.
Class LTPspecies holds transport parameterizations for a specific liquid- phase species.
static TransportFactory * factory()
Return a pointer to a TransportFactory instance.
virtual void initLiquidTransport(Transport *tr, thermo_t *thermo, int log_level=0)
Initialize an existing transport manager for liquid phase.
std::map< std::string, LTPTemperatureDependenceType > m_LTRmodelMap
Mapping between between the string name for a species-specific transport property model and the integ...
void setupSolidTransport(thermo_t *thermo, int log_level, SolidTransportData &trParam)
Prepare to build a new transport manager for solids.
Transport * newTransportMgr(const std::string &transportModel, thermo_t *thermo, int loglevel, TransportFactory *f, int ndim)
Create a new transport manager instance.
virtual LTPspecies * newLTP(const XML_Node &trNode, const std::string &name, TransportPropertyType tp_ind, thermo_t *thermo)
Make one of several transport models, and return a base class pointer to it.
Transport * newDefaultTransportMgr(thermo_t *thermo, int loglevel, TransportFactory *f)
Create a new transport manager instance.
virtual void initSolidTransport(Transport *tr, thermo_t *thermo, int log_level=0)
Initialize an existing transport manager for solid phase.
Namespace for the Cantera kernel.
virtual void deleteFactory()
Deletes the statically allocated factory instance.
Class SolidTransportData holds transport parameters for a specific solid- phase species.
Base class to handle transport property evaluation in a mixture.
File contains the FactoryBase class declarations.