41 "CK_Mode not accepted");
73 virtual doublereal Tcrit_i(
size_t i);
75 virtual doublereal Pcrit_i(
size_t i);
77 virtual doublereal Vcrit_i(
size_t i);
79 virtual doublereal Zcrit_i(
size_t i);
85 virtual doublereal FQ_i(doublereal Q, doublereal Tr, doublereal MW);
87 virtual doublereal setPcorr(doublereal Pr, doublereal Tr);
HighPressureGasTransport(thermo_t *thermo=0)
default constructor
virtual void getThermalDiffCoeffs(doublereal *const dt)
Return the thermal diffusion coefficients (kg/m/s)
Factory class for creating new instances of classes derived from Transport.
Interface for class MultiTransport.
Base class for a phase with thermodynamic properties.
int m_mode
Type of the polynomial fits to temperature.
Class MultiTransport implements transport properties for high pressure gas mixtures.
virtual void getBinaryDiffCoeffs(const size_t ld, doublereal *const d)
virtual double thermalConductivity()
Returns the mixture thermal conductivity in W/m/K.
virtual int model() const
Transport model.
Base class for exceptions thrown by Cantera classes.
virtual void getMultiDiffCoeffs(const size_t ld, doublereal *const d)
Return the Multicomponent diffusion coefficients. Units: [m^2/s].
Class MultiTransport implements multicomponent transport properties for ideal gas mixtures...
virtual doublereal viscosity()
Viscosity of the mixture (kg /m /s)
std::vector< double > vector_fp
Turn on the use of stl vectors for the basic array type within cantera Vector of doubles.
Headers for the DenseMatrix object, which deals with dense rectangular matrices and description of th...