10 #define CT_NEWFALLOFF_H
14 #include "cantera/base/smart_ptr.h"
15 #include "cantera/kinetics/Falloff.h"
virtual Falloff * newFalloff(int type, const vector_fp &c)
Return a pointer to a new falloff function calculator.
shared_ptr< Falloff > newFalloff(int type, const vector_fp &c)
Return a pointer to a new falloff function calculator.
Base class for factories.
static mutex_t falloff_mutex
Mutex for use when calling the factory.
default constructor, which is defined as private
static FalloffFactory * factory()
Return a pointer to the factory.
virtual void deleteFactory()
Virtual abstract function that deletes the factory.
static FalloffFactory * s_factory
Pointer to the single instance of the factory.
Base class for falloff function calculators.
std::vector< double > vector_fp
Turn on the use of stl vectors for the basic array type within cantera Vector of doubles.
Factory class to construct falloff function calculators.
File contains the FactoryBase class declarations.