Cantera  3.1.0a1
Go to the documentation of this file.
1 /**
2  * @file Nasa9PolyMultiTempRegion.h
3  * Header for a single-species standard state object derived
4  * from @link Cantera::SpeciesThermoInterpType
5  * SpeciesThermoInterpType@endlink based
6  * on the NASA 9 coefficient temperature polynomial form
7  * applied to multiple temperature regions
8  * (see @ref spthermo and class @link Cantera::Nasa9PolyMultiTempRegion Nasa9PolyMultiTempRegion@endlink).
9  *
10  * This parameterization has multiple NASA temperature regions.
11  */
13 // This file is part of Cantera. See License.txt in the top-level directory or
14 // at for license and copyright information.
21 namespace Cantera
22 {
23 //! The NASA 9 polynomial parameterization for a single species encompassing
24 //! multiple temperature regions.
25 /*!
26  * The parameterization used in each temperature range is described in the
27  * documentation for class Nasa9Poly1.
28  *
29  * These NASA representations may have multiple temperature regions through the
30  * use of this Nasa9PolyMultiTempRegion object, which uses multiple copies of
31  * the Nasa9Poly1 object to handle multiple temperature regions.
32  *
33  * @ingroup spthermo
34  * @see Nasa9Poly1
35  */
37 {
38 public:
39  Nasa9PolyMultiTempRegion() = default;
41  //! Constructor with all input data
42  /*!
43  * @param regionPts Vector of pointers to Nasa9Poly1 objects. These objects
44  * all refer to the temperature regions for the same species. The vector
45  * must be in increasing temperature region format. Together they
46  * represent the reference temperature parameterization for a single
47  * species.
48  *
49  * Note, after the constructor, we will own the underlying Nasa9Poly1
50  * objects and be responsible for owning them.
51  */
52  Nasa9PolyMultiTempRegion(vector<Nasa9Poly1*> &regionPts);
54  //! Constructor with all input data
55  /*!
56  * @param tlow Minimum temperature
57  * @param thigh Maximum temperature
58  * @param pref reference pressure (Pa).
59  * @param coeffs Vector of coefficients used to set the parameters for the
60  * standard state. The vector has 1 + 11*`nzones` elements
61  * in the following order:
62  * - `coeffs[0]`: Number of zones (`nzones`)
63  * - `coeffs[1 + 11*zone]`: minimum temperature within zone
64  * - `coeffs[2 + 11*zone]`: maximum temperature within zone
65  * - `coeffs[3:11 + 11*zone]`: 9 coefficient parameterization
66  * where `zone` runs from zero to `nzones`-1.
67  */
68  Nasa9PolyMultiTempRegion(double tlow, double thigh, double pref,
69  const double* coeffs);
71  //! Set the array of polynomial coefficients for each temperature region
72  /*!
73  * @param regions Map where each key is the minimum temperature for a
74  * region and each value is the array of 9 polynomial
75  * coefficients for that region.
76  */
77  void setParameters(const map<double, vector<double>>& regions);
79  int reportType() const override;
81  size_t temperaturePolySize() const override { return 7; }
82  void updateTemperaturePoly(double T, double* T_poly) const override;
84  //! @copydoc Nasa9Poly1::updateProperties
85  void updateProperties(const double* tt, double* cp_R, double* h_RT,
86  double* s_R) const override;
88  void updatePropertiesTemp(const double temp, double* cp_R, double* h_RT,
89  double* s_R) const override;
91  size_t nCoeffs() const override;
93  //! This utility function reports back the type of parameterization and all
94  //! of the parameters for the species, index.
95  /*!
96  * All parameters are output variables
97  *
98  * @param n Species index
99  * @param type Integer type of the standard type
100  * @param tlow output - Minimum temperature
101  * @param thigh output - Maximum temperature
102  * @param pref output - reference pressure (Pa).
103  * @param coeffs Vector of coefficients used to set the parameters for
104  * the standard state. There are 1 + 11*nzones coefficients.
105  * coeffs[0] is equal to nTempZones.
106  * index = 1
107  * for each zone:
108  * coeffs[index] = minTempZone
109  * coeffs[index+1] = maxTempZone
110  * coeffs[index+2+i] from i =0,9 are the coefficients themselves
111  */
112  void reportParameters(size_t& n, int& type, double& tlow, double& thigh,
113  double& pref, double* const coeffs) const override;
115  void getParameters(AnyMap& thermo) const override;
117 protected:
118  //! Lower boundaries of each temperature regions
119  vector<double> m_lowerTempBounds;
121  //! Individual temperature region objects
122  vector<unique_ptr<Nasa9Poly1>> m_regionPts;
124  //! current region
125  mutable int m_currRegion = 0;
126 };
128 }
129 #endif
Header for a single-species standard state object derived from SpeciesThermoInterpType based on the N...
A map of string keys to values whose type can vary at runtime.
Definition: AnyMap.h:427
The NASA 9 polynomial parameterization for a single species encompassing multiple temperature regions...
int reportType() const override
Returns an integer representing the type of parameterization.
size_t temperaturePolySize() const override
Number of terms in the temperature polynomial for this parameterization.
void getParameters(AnyMap &thermo) const override
Store the parameters of the species thermo object such that an identical species thermo object could ...
size_t nCoeffs() const override
This utility function returns the number of coefficients for a given type of species parameterization...
void updateTemperaturePoly(double T, double *T_poly) const override
Given the temperature T, compute the terms of the temperature polynomial T_poly.
void reportParameters(size_t &n, int &type, double &tlow, double &thigh, double &pref, double *const coeffs) const override
This utility function reports back the type of parameterization and all of the parameters for the spe...
vector< double > m_lowerTempBounds
Lower boundaries of each temperature regions.
vector< unique_ptr< Nasa9Poly1 > > m_regionPts
Individual temperature region objects.
void setParameters(const map< double, vector< double >> &regions)
Set the array of polynomial coefficients for each temperature region.
void updateProperties(const double *tt, double *cp_R, double *h_RT, double *s_R) const override
Update the properties for this species, given a temperature polynomial.
void updatePropertiesTemp(const double temp, double *cp_R, double *h_RT, double *s_R) const override
Compute the reference-state property of one species.
Abstract Base class for the thermodynamic manager for an individual species' reference state.
Namespace for the Cantera kernel.
Definition: AnyMap.cpp:564