| IonFlow (ThermoPhase *ph=0, size_t nsp=1, size_t points=1) |
| IonFlow (shared_ptr< Solution > sol, const string &id="", size_t points=1) |
| Create a new flow domain.
string | type () const override |
| String indicating the domain implemented.
size_t | getSolvingStage () const override |
| Get the solving stage (used by IonFlow specialization)
void | setSolvingStage (const size_t stage) override |
| Solving stage mode for handling ionized species (used by IonFlow specialization)
void | resize (size_t components, size_t points) override |
| Resize the domain to have nv components and np grid points.
bool | componentActive (size_t n) const override |
| Returns true if the specified component is an active part of the solver state.
void | _finalize (const double *x) override |
| In some cases, a domain may need to set parameters that depend on the initial solution estimate.
void | solveElectricField (size_t j=npos) override |
| Set to solve electric field in a point (used by IonFlow specialization)
void | fixElectricField (size_t j=npos) override |
| Set to fix voltage in a point (used by IonFlow specialization)
bool | doElectricField (size_t j) const override |
| Retrieve flag indicating whether electric field is solved or not (used by IonFlow specialization)
void | setElectronTransport (vector< double > &tfix, vector< double > &diff_e, vector< double > &mobi_e) |
| Sometimes it is desired to carry out the simulation using a specified electron transport profile, rather than assuming it as a constant (0.4).
| StFlow (ThermoPhase *ph=0, size_t nsp=1, size_t points=1) |
| Create a new flow domain.
| StFlow (shared_ptr< ThermoPhase > th, size_t nsp=1, size_t points=1) |
| Delegating constructor.
| StFlow (shared_ptr< Solution > sol, const string &id="", size_t points=1) |
| Create a new flow domain.
string | type () const override |
| String indicating the domain implemented.
string | componentName (size_t n) const override |
| Name of the nth component. May be overloaded.
size_t | componentIndex (const string &name) const override |
| index of component with name name.
virtual bool | componentActive (size_t n) const |
| Returns true if the specified component is an active part of the solver state.
void | show (const double *x) override |
| Print the solution.
shared_ptr< SolutionArray > | asArray (const double *soln) const override |
| Save the state of this domain as a SolutionArray.
void | fromArray (SolutionArray &arr, double *soln) override |
| Restore the solution for this domain from a SolutionArray.
void | setFreeFlow () |
| Set flow configuration for freely-propagating flames, using an internal point with a fixed temperature as the condition to determine the inlet mass flux.
void | setAxisymmetricFlow () |
| Set flow configuration for axisymmetric counterflow flames, using specified inlet mass fluxes.
void | setUnstrainedFlow () |
| Set flow configuration for burner-stabilized flames, using specified inlet mass fluxes.
virtual string | flowType () const |
| Return the type of flow domain being represented, either "Free Flame" or "Axisymmetric Stagnation".
void | solveEnergyEqn (size_t j=npos) |
virtual size_t | getSolvingStage () const |
| Get the solving stage (used by IonFlow specialization)
virtual void | setSolvingStage (const size_t stage) |
| Solving stage mode for handling ionized species (used by IonFlow specialization)
virtual void | solveElectricField (size_t j=npos) |
| Set to solve electric field in a point (used by IonFlow specialization)
virtual void | fixElectricField (size_t j=npos) |
| Set to fix voltage in a point (used by IonFlow specialization)
virtual bool | doElectricField (size_t j) const |
| Retrieve flag indicating whether electric field is solved or not (used by IonFlow specialization)
void | enableRadiation (bool doRadiation) |
| Turn radiation on / off.
bool | radiationEnabled () const |
| Returns true if the radiation term in the energy equation is enabled.
double | radiativeHeatLoss (size_t j) const |
| Return radiative heat loss at grid point j.
void | setBoundaryEmissivities (double e_left, double e_right) |
| Set the emissivities for the boundary values.
double | leftEmissivity () const |
| Return emissivity at left boundary.
double | rightEmissivity () const |
| Return emissivity at right boundary.
void | fixTemperature (size_t j=npos) |
bool | doEnergy (size_t j) |
void | resize (size_t components, size_t points) override |
| Change the grid size. Called after grid refinement.
void | setGas (const double *x, size_t j) |
| Set the gas object state to be consistent with the solution at point j.
void | setGasAtMidpoint (const double *x, size_t j) |
| Set the gas state to be consistent with the solution at the midpoint between j and j + 1.
double | density (size_t j) const |
virtual bool | fixed_mdot () |
bool | isFree () const |
| Retrieve flag indicating whether flow is freely propagating.
bool | isStrained () const |
| Retrieve flag indicating whether flow uses radial momentum.
void | setViscosityFlag (bool dovisc) |
void | eval (size_t j, double *x, double *r, integer *mask, double rdt) override |
| Evaluate the residual function for axisymmetric stagnation flow.
virtual void | evalRightBoundary (double *x, double *res, int *diag, double rdt) |
| Evaluate all residual components at the right boundary.
virtual void | evalContinuity (size_t j, double *x, double *r, int *diag, double rdt) |
| Evaluate the residual corresponding to the continuity equation at all interior grid points.
size_t | leftExcessSpecies () const |
| Index of the species on the left boundary with the largest mass fraction.
size_t | rightExcessSpecies () const |
| Index of the species on the right boundary with the largest mass fraction.
void | setupGrid (size_t n, const double *z) override |
| called to set up initial grid, and after grid refinement
void | resetBadValues (double *xg) override |
| When called, this function should reset "bad" values in the state vector such as negative species concentrations.
ThermoPhase & | phase () |
Kinetics & | kinetics () |
void | setThermo (ThermoPhase &th) |
| Set the thermo manager.
void | setKinetics (shared_ptr< Kinetics > kin) override |
| Set the kinetics manager.
void | setKinetics (Kinetics &kin) |
| Set the kinetics manager.
void | setTransport (shared_ptr< Transport > trans) override |
| Set transport model to existing instance.
void | setTransport (Transport &trans) |
| Set transport model to existing instance.
void | setTransportModel (const string &trans) |
| Set the transport model.
string | transportModel () const |
| Retrieve transport model.
void | enableSoret (bool withSoret) |
| Enable thermal diffusion, also known as Soret diffusion.
bool | withSoret () const |
void | setPressure (double p) |
| Set the pressure.
double | pressure () const |
| The current pressure [Pa].
void | _getInitialSoln (double *x) override |
| Write the initial solution estimate into array x.
void | _finalize (const double *x) override |
| In some cases, a domain may need to set parameters that depend on the initial solution estimate.
void | setFixedTempProfile (vector< double > &zfixed, vector< double > &tfixed) |
| Sometimes it is desired to carry out the simulation using a specified temperature profile, rather than computing it by solving the energy equation.
void | setTemperature (size_t j, double t) |
| Set the temperature fixed point at grid point j, and disable the energy equation so that the solution will be held to this value.
double | T_fixed (size_t j) const |
| The fixed temperature value at point j.
Public Member Functions inherited from Domain1D |
| Domain1D (size_t nv=1, size_t points=1, double time=0.0) |
| Constructor.
| Domain1D (const Domain1D &)=delete |
Domain1D & | operator= (const Domain1D &)=delete |
int | domainType () |
| Domain type flag.
virtual string | type () const |
| String indicating the domain implemented.
size_t | domainIndex () |
| The left-to-right location of this domain.
virtual bool | isConnector () |
| True if the domain is a connector domain.
void | setSolution (shared_ptr< Solution > sol) |
| Set the solution manager.
virtual void | setKinetics (shared_ptr< Kinetics > kin) |
| Set the kinetics manager.
virtual void | setTransport (shared_ptr< Transport > trans) |
| Set transport model to existing instance.
const OneDim & | container () const |
| The container holding this domain.
void | setContainer (OneDim *c, size_t index) |
| Specify the container object for this domain, and the position of this domain in the list.
void | setBandwidth (int bw=-1) |
| Set the Jacobian bandwidth. See the discussion of method bandwidth().
size_t | bandwidth () |
| Set the Jacobian bandwidth for this domain.
virtual void | init () |
| Initialize.
virtual void | setInitialState (double *xlocal=0) |
virtual void | setState (size_t point, const double *state, double *x) |
virtual void | resetBadValues (double *xg) |
| When called, this function should reset "bad" values in the state vector such as negative species concentrations.
virtual void | resize (size_t nv, size_t np) |
| Resize the domain to have nv components and np grid points.
Refiner & | refiner () |
| Return a reference to the grid refiner.
size_t | nComponents () const |
| Number of components at each grid point.
void | checkComponentIndex (size_t n) const |
| Check that the specified component index is in range.
void | checkComponentArraySize (size_t nn) const |
| Check that an array size is at least nComponents().
size_t | nPoints () const |
| Number of grid points in this domain.
void | checkPointIndex (size_t n) const |
| Check that the specified point index is in range.
void | checkPointArraySize (size_t nn) const |
| Check that an array size is at least nPoints().
virtual string | componentName (size_t n) const |
| Name of the nth component. May be overloaded.
void | setComponentName (size_t n, const string &name) |
virtual size_t | componentIndex (const string &name) const |
| index of component with name name.
void | setBounds (size_t n, double lower, double upper) |
void | setTransientTolerances (double rtol, double atol, size_t n=npos) |
| Set tolerances for time-stepping mode.
void | setSteadyTolerances (double rtol, double atol, size_t n=npos) |
| Set tolerances for steady-state mode.
double | rtol (size_t n) |
| Relative tolerance of the nth component.
double | atol (size_t n) |
| Absolute tolerance of the nth component.
double | steady_rtol (size_t n) |
| Steady relative tolerance of the nth component.
double | steady_atol (size_t n) |
| Steady absolute tolerance of the nth component.
double | transient_rtol (size_t n) |
| Transient relative tolerance of the nth component.
double | transient_atol (size_t n) |
| Transient absolute tolerance of the nth component.
double | upperBound (size_t n) const |
| Upper bound on the nth component.
double | lowerBound (size_t n) const |
| Lower bound on the nth component.
void | initTimeInteg (double dt, const double *x0) |
| Prepare to do time stepping with time step dt.
void | setSteadyMode () |
| Prepare to solve the steady-state problem.
bool | steady () |
| True if in steady-state mode.
bool | transient () |
| True if not in steady-state mode.
void | needJacUpdate () |
| Set this if something has changed in the governing equations (for example, the value of a constant has been changed, so that the last-computed Jacobian is no longer valid.
virtual void | eval (size_t j, double *x, double *r, integer *mask, double rdt=0.0) |
| Evaluate the residual function at point j.
size_t | index (size_t n, size_t j) const |
double | value (const double *x, size_t n, size_t j) const |
virtual void | setJac (MultiJac *jac) |
AnyMap | serialize (const double *soln) const |
| Save the state of this domain as an AnyMap.
virtual shared_ptr< SolutionArray > | asArray (const double *soln) const |
| Save the state of this domain as a SolutionArray.
shared_ptr< SolutionArray > | toArray (bool normalize=false) const |
| Save the state of this domain to a SolutionArray.
void | restore (const AnyMap &state, double *soln, int loglevel) |
| Restore the solution for this domain from an AnyMap.
virtual void | fromArray (SolutionArray &arr, double *soln) |
| Restore the solution for this domain from a SolutionArray.
void | fromArray (const shared_ptr< SolutionArray > &arr) |
| Restore the solution for this domain from a SolutionArray.
shared_ptr< Solution > | solution () const |
| Return thermo/kinetics/transport manager used in the domain.
size_t | size () const |
void | locate () |
| Find the index of the first grid point in this domain, and the start of its variables in the global solution vector.
virtual size_t | loc (size_t j=0) const |
| Location of the start of the local solution vector in the global solution vector,.
size_t | firstPoint () const |
| The index of the first (that is, left-most) grid point belonging to this domain.
size_t | lastPoint () const |
| The index of the last (that is, right-most) grid point belonging to this domain.
void | linkLeft (Domain1D *left) |
| Set the left neighbor to domain 'left.
void | linkRight (Domain1D *right) |
| Set the right neighbor to domain 'right.'.
void | append (Domain1D *right) |
| Append domain 'right' to this one, and update all links.
Domain1D * | left () const |
| Return a pointer to the left neighbor.
Domain1D * | right () const |
| Return a pointer to the right neighbor.
double | prevSoln (size_t n, size_t j) const |
| Value of component n at point j in the previous solution.
void | setID (const string &s) |
| Specify an identifying tag for this domain.
string | id () const |
virtual void | showSolution_s (std::ostream &s, const double *x) |
virtual void | showSolution (const double *x) |
| Print the solution.
virtual void | show (std::ostream &s, const double *x) |
| Print the solution.
virtual void | show (const double *x) |
| Print the solution.
double | z (size_t jlocal) const |
double | zmin () const |
double | zmax () const |
void | setProfile (const string &name, double *values, double *soln) |
vector< double > & | grid () |
const vector< double > & | grid () const |
double | grid (size_t point) const |
virtual void | setupGrid (size_t n, const double *z) |
| called to set up initial grid, and after grid refinement
virtual void | _getInitialSoln (double *x) |
| Writes some or all initial solution values into the global solution array, beginning at the location pointed to by x.
virtual double | initialValue (size_t n, size_t j) |
| Initial value of solution component n at grid point j.
virtual void | _finalize (const double *x) |
| In some cases, a domain may need to set parameters that depend on the initial solution estimate.
void | forceFullUpdate (bool update) |
| In some cases, for computational efficiency some properties (such as transport coefficients) may not be updated during Jacobian evaluations.
void | setData (shared_ptr< vector< double > > &data) |
| Set shared data pointer.