| MultiJac (OneDim &r) |
void | eval (double *x0, double *resid0, double rdt) |
| Evaluate the Jacobian at x0.
double | elapsedTime () const |
| Elapsed CPU time spent computing the Jacobian.
int | nEvals () const |
| Number of Jacobian evaluations.
int | age () const |
| Number of times 'incrementAge' has been called since the last evaluation.
void | incrementAge () |
| Increment the Jacobian age.
void | updateTransient (double rdt, integer *mask) |
void | setAge (int age) |
| Set the Jacobian age.
vector< int > & | transientMask () |
void | incrementDiagonal (int j, double d) |
Public Member Functions inherited from BandMatrix |
| BandMatrix () |
| Base Constructor.
| BandMatrix (size_t n, size_t kl, size_t ku, double v=0.0) |
| Creates a banded matrix and sets all elements to zero.
| BandMatrix (const BandMatrix &y) |
BandMatrix & | operator= (const BandMatrix &y) |
void | resize (size_t n, size_t kl, size_t ku, double v=0.0) |
| Resize the matrix problem.
void | bfill (double v=0.0) |
| Fill or zero the matrix.
double & | operator() (size_t i, size_t j) override |
| Index into the (i,j) element.
double | operator() (size_t i, size_t j) const override |
| Constant Index into the (i,j) element.
double & | value (size_t i, size_t j) |
| Return a changeable reference to element (i,j).
double | value (size_t i, size_t j) const |
| Return the value of element (i,j).
size_t | index (size_t i, size_t j) const |
| Returns the location in the internal 1D array corresponding to the (i,j) element in the banded array.
double | _value (size_t i, size_t j) const |
| Return the value of the (i,j) element for (i,j) within the bandwidth.
size_t | nRows () const override |
| Return the number of rows in the matrix.
size_t | nColumns () const |
| Number of columns.
size_t | nSubDiagonals () const |
| Number of subdiagonals.
size_t | nSuperDiagonals () const |
| Number of superdiagonals.
size_t | ldim () const |
| Return the number of rows of storage needed for the band storage.
void | mult (const double *b, double *prod) const override |
| Multiply A*b and write result to prod .
void | leftMult (const double *const b, double *const prod) const override |
| Multiply b*A and write result to prod.
int | factor () override |
| Perform an LU decomposition, the LAPACK routine DGBTRF is used.
int | solve (const double *const b, double *const x) |
| Solve the matrix problem Ax = b.
int | solve (double *b, size_t nrhs=1, size_t ldb=0) override |
| Solve the matrix problem Ax = b.
vector< double >::iterator | begin () override |
| Returns an iterator for the start of the band storage data.
vector< double >::iterator | end () |
| Returns an iterator for the end of the band storage data.
vector< double >::const_iterator | begin () const override |
| Returns a const iterator for the start of the band storage data.
vector< double >::const_iterator | end () const |
| Returns a const iterator for the end of the band storage data.
void | zero () override |
| Zero the matrix elements.
double | rcond (double a1norm) override |
| Returns an estimate of the inverse of the condition number for the matrix.
int | factorAlgorithm () const override |
| Returns the factor algorithm used.
double | oneNorm () const override |
| Returns the one norm of the matrix.
double * | ptrColumn (size_t j) override |
| Return a pointer to the top of column j.
double *const * | colPts () override |
| Return a vector of const pointers to the columns.
size_t | checkRows (double &valueSmall) const override |
| Check to see if we have any zero rows in the Jacobian.
size_t | checkColumns (double &valueSmall) const override |
| Check to see if we have any zero columns in the Jacobian.
int | info () const |
| LAPACK "info" flag after last factor/solve operation.
| GeneralMatrix ()=default |
| Base Constructor.
virtual void | zero ()=0 |
| Zero the matrix elements.
virtual void | mult (const double *b, double *prod) const =0 |
| Multiply A*b and write result to prod.
virtual void | leftMult (const double *const b, double *const prod) const =0 |
| Multiply b*A and write result to prod.
virtual int | factor ()=0 |
| Factors the A matrix, overwriting A.
virtual int | factorQR () |
| Factors the A matrix using the QR algorithm, overwriting A.
virtual double | rcondQR () |
| Returns an estimate of the inverse of the condition number for the matrix.
virtual double | rcond (double a1norm)=0 |
| Returns an estimate of the inverse of the condition number for the matrix.
virtual void | useFactorAlgorithm (int fAlgorithm) |
| Change the way the matrix is factored.
virtual int | factorAlgorithm () const =0 |
| Return the factor algorithm used.
virtual double | oneNorm () const =0 |
| Calculate the one norm of the matrix.
virtual size_t | nRows () const =0 |
| Return the number of rows in the matrix.
virtual void | clearFactorFlag () |
| clear the factored flag
virtual int | solve (double *b, size_t nrhs=1, size_t ldb=0)=0 |
| Solves the Ax = b system returning x in the b spot.
virtual bool | factored () const |
| true if the current factorization is up to date with the matrix
virtual double * | ptrColumn (size_t j)=0 |
| Return a pointer to the top of column j, columns are assumed to be contiguous in memory.
virtual double & | operator() (size_t i, size_t j)=0 |
| Index into the (i,j) element.
virtual double | operator() (size_t i, size_t j) const =0 |
| Constant Index into the (i,j) element.
virtual vector< double >::iterator | begin ()=0 |
| Return an iterator pointing to the first element.
virtual vector< double >::const_iterator | begin () const =0 |
| Return a const iterator pointing to the first element.
virtual double *const * | colPts ()=0 |
| Return a vector of const pointers to the columns.
virtual size_t | checkRows (double &valueSmall) const =0 |
| Check to see if we have any zero rows in the Jacobian.
virtual size_t | checkColumns (double &valueSmall) const =0 |
| Check to see if we have any zero columns in the Jacobian.