Nozzle with compressible flow#

This code snippet is to model a constant area and varying area (converging and diverging) nozzle as Plug Flow Reactor with given dimensions and an incoming gas. The pressure is not assumed to be constant here, as opposed to the Python Version of the Plug Flow Reactor model.

The reactor assumes that the flow follows the Ideal Gas Law.

The governing equations used in this code (see PFR_solver.m) can be referenced at:

S.R Turns, An Introduction to Combustion - Concepts and Applications, McGraw Hill Education, India, 2012, 206-210.

The current example is written for methane combustion, but can be readily adapted for other chemistries.

Example originally developed by Ashwin Kumar (Research Assistant, and Dr. Joseph Meadows (Assistant Professor,, Advanced Propulsion and Power Laboratory, Virginia Tech.

Tags: Matlab combustion user-defined model compressible flow plotting


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close all

help plug_flow_reactor

Operation Parameters#

% Temperature of gas, in K
T0 = 1473;
% Pressure of gas, in Pa
P0 = 4.47 * 101325;

% Equivalence Ratio
Phi = 0.2899;

% Import the gas phase, read out key species indices:
gas_calc = Solution('gri30.yaml', 'gri30');
ich4 = gas_calc.speciesIndex('CH4');
io2 = gas_calc.speciesIndex('O2');
in2 = gas_calc.speciesIndex('N2');
nsp = gas_calc.nSpecies;
x = zeros(nsp, 1);

% Change the below values for different Phi values of methane Combustion
x(ich4, 1) = Phi;
x(io2, 1) = 2.0;
x(in2, 1) = 7.52;

% Set the initial state and then equilibrate for a given enthalpy and pressure:
gas_calc.TPX = {T0, P0, x};

Calculation of properties along the reactor length#

% The Dimensions and conditions of the reactor are given below

% Inlet Area, in m^2
A_in = 0.018;
% Exit Area, in m^2
A_out = 0.003;
% Length of the reactor, in m
L = 1.284 * 0.0254;
% The whole reactor is divided into n small reactors
n = 100;
% Mass flow rate into the reactor, in kg/s
mdot_calc = 1.125;

% Flag to indicate whether the area is converging, diverging, or constant:
% k = -1 makes the solver solve for converging area.
% k = +1 makes the solver solve for diverging area.
% k = 0 makes the solver solve for constant cross sectional area
if A_in > A_out
    k = -1;
elseif A_out > A_in
    k = 1;
    k = 0;

dAdx = abs(A_in - A_out) / L;
% The whole length of the reactor is divided into n small lengths
dx = L / n;

x_calc = 0:dx:L;
nsp = gas_calc.nSpecies;

% Initialize arrays for T, Y, and rho at each location:
T_calc = zeros(length(x_calc), 1);
Y_calc = zeros(length(x_calc), nsp);
rho_calc = zeros(length(x_calc), 1);

T_calc(1) = gas_calc.T;
Y_calc(1, :) = gas_calc.Y;
rho_calc(1) = gas_calc.D;

for i = 2:length(x_calc)

    %Solver location indicator
    fprintf('Solving reactor %d of %d\n', i, length(x_calc))

    %------The values of variables at previous location are given as initial---
    %------values to the current iteration and the limits of the current-------
    %--------------reactor and the gas entering it are being set---------------
    inlet_soln(1) = rho_calc(i - 1);
    inlet_soln(2) = T_calc(i - 1);
    inlet_soln(3:nsp + 2) = Y_calc(i - 1, :);
    limits = [x_calc(i - 1), x_calc(i)];
    gas_calc.TDY = {T_calc(i - 1), rho_calc(i - 1), Y_calc(i - 1, :)};
    options = odeset('RelTol', 1.e-10, 'AbsTol', 1e-10, ...
                    'InitialStep', 1e-8, 'NonNegative', 1);
    % These values are passed onto the ode15s solver
    [~, y] = ode15s(@PFR_solver, limits, inlet_soln, options, ...
                    gas_calc, mdot_calc, A_in, dAdx, k);

    T_calc(i) = y(end, 2);
    rho_calc(i) = y(end, 1);
    Y_calc(i, :) = y(end, 3:nsp + 2);

A_calc = A_in + k .* x_calc * dAdx;
vx_calc = zeros(length(x_calc), 1);
R_calc = zeros(length(x_calc), 1);
M_calc = zeros(length(x_calc), 1);
P_calc = zeros(length(x_calc), 1);

for i = 1:length(x_calc)
    % The gas is set to the solved property values at each location
    gas.TDY = {T_calc(i), rho_calc(i), Y_calc(i, :)};
    % Velocity is calculated from Mass flow rate, Area and Density
    vx_calc(i) = mdot_calc ./ (A_calc(i) * rho_calc(i));
    % Specific Gas Constant
    R_calc(i) = GasConstant() / gas_calc.meanMolecularWeight;
    % Mach No. is calculated from local velocity and local speed of sound
    M_calc(i) = vx_calc(i) / gas_calc.soundSpeed;
    % Pressure is calculated from density, temperature and gas constant
    P_calc(i) = rho_calc(i) * R_calc(i) * T_calc(i);


plot(x_calc, M_calc)
xlabel('X-Position (m)')
ylabel('Mach No')
title('Mach No. Variation')
plot(x_calc, A_calc)
xlabel('X-Position (m)')
ylabel('Area (m^2)')
title('Reactor Profile')
plot(x_calc, T_calc)
xlabel('X-Position (m)')
title('Temperature Variation')
plot(x_calc, rho_calc)
xlabel('X-Position (m)')
ylabel('Density (kg/m^3)')
title('Density Variation')
plot(x_calc, P_calc)
xlabel('X-Position (m)')
ylabel('Pressure (Pa)')
title('Pressure Variation')


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