WaterSSTP.h Source File#

Cantera: WaterSSTP.h Source File
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2 * @file WaterSSTP.h
3 * Declares a ThermoPhase class consisting of pure water (see @ref thermoprops
4 * and class @link Cantera::WaterSSTP WaterSSTP@endlink).
5 */
7// This file is part of Cantera. See License.txt in the top-level directory or
8// at https://cantera.org/license.txt for license and copyright information.
10#ifndef CT_WATERSSTP_H
11#define CT_WATERSSTP_H
13#include "SingleSpeciesTP.h"
17namespace Cantera
20class WaterPropsIAPWS;
21class WaterProps;
22//! Class for single-component water. This is designed to cover just the liquid
23//! and supercritical phases of water.
25 * The reference is W. Wagner, A. Pruss, "The IAPWS Formulation 1995 for the
26 * Thermodynamic Properties of Ordinary Water Substance for General and
27 * Scientific Use," J. Phys. Chem. Ref. Dat, 31, 387, 2002.
28 *
29 * ## Specification of Species Standard State Properties
30 *
31 * The offsets used in the steam tables are different than NIST's. They assume
32 * u_liq(TP) = 0.0, s_liq(TP) = 0.0, where TP is the triple point conditions:
33 *
34 * - u(273.16, rho) = 0.0
35 * - s(273.16, rho) = 0.0
36 * - psat(273.16) = 611.655 Pascal
37 * - rho(273.16, psat) = 999.793 kg m-3
38 *
39 * These "steam table" assumptions are used by the WaterPropsIAPWS class.
40 * Therefore, offsets must be calculated to make the thermodynamic properties
41 * calculated within this class to be consistent with thermo properties within
42 * Cantera.
43 *
44 * The thermodynamic base state for water is set to the NIST basis here by
45 * specifying constants, #EW_Offset and #SW_Offset, one for energy quantities
46 * and one for entropy quantities. The offsets are specified so that the
47 * following properties hold:
48 *
49 * - Delta_Hfo_idealgas(298.15) = -241.826 kJ/gmol
50 * - So_idealgas(298.15, 1bar) = 188.835 J/gmolK
51 *
52 * (From http://webbook.nist.gov)
53 *
54 * The "o" here refers to a hypothetical ideal gas state. The way we achieve
55 * this in practice is to evaluate at a very low pressure and then use the
56 * theoretical ideal gas results to scale up to higher pressures:
57 *
58 * Ho(1bar) = H(P0)
59 *
60 * So(1bar) = S(P0) + RT ln(1bar/P0)
61 *
62 * ## Application within Kinetics Managers
63 *
64 * This is unimplemented.
65 *
66 * @ingroup thermoprops
67 */
71 //! Full constructor for a water phase
72 /*!
73 * @param inputFile String name of the input file
74 * @param id string id of the phase name
75 */
76 explicit WaterSSTP(const string& inputFile="", const string& id="");
78 string type() const override {
79 return "liquid-water-IAPWS95";
80 }
82 string phaseOfMatter() const override;
84 //! @name Molar Thermodynamic Properties of the Solution
85 //! @{
87 double cv_mole() const override;
89 //! @}
90 //! @name Mechanical Equation of State Properties
91 //! @{
93 double pressure() const override;
94 void setPressure(double p) override;
95 double isothermalCompressibility() const override;
96 double thermalExpansionCoeff() const override;
98 //! Return the derivative of the volumetric thermal expansion coefficient.
99 //! Units: 1/K2.
100 double dthermalExpansionCoeffdT() const;
102 //! @}
103 //! @name Properties of the Standard State of the Species in the Solution
104 //! @{
106 void getStandardChemPotentials(double* gss) const override;
107 void getGibbs_RT(double* grt) const override;
108 void getEnthalpy_RT(double* hrt) const override;
109 void getEntropy_R(double* sr) const override;
110 void getCp_R(double* cpr) const override;
111 void getIntEnergy_RT(double* urt) const override;
113 //! @}
114 //! @name Thermodynamic Values for the Species Reference State
115 //!
116 //! All functions in this group need to be overridden, because the
117 //! m_spthermo MultiSpeciesThermo function is not adequate for the real
118 //! equation of state.
119 //! @{
121 void getEnthalpy_RT_ref(double* hrt) const override;
122 void getGibbs_RT_ref(double* grt) const override;
123 void getGibbs_ref(double* g) const override;
124 void getEntropy_R_ref(double* er) const override;
125 void getCp_R_ref(double* cprt) const override;
126 void getStandardVolumes_ref(double* vol) const override;
127 //! @}
129 double critTemperature() const override;
130 double critPressure() const override;
131 double critDensity() const override;
133 double satPressure(double t) override;
135 bool compatibleWithMultiPhase() const override{
136 return false;
137 }
139 //! Return the fraction of vapor at the current conditions
140 /*!
141 * Below Tcrit, this routine will always return 0, by definition of the
142 * functionality of the routine. Above Tcrit, we query the density to toggle
143 * between 0 and 1.
144 */
145 double vaporFraction() const override;
147 //! Set the temperature of the phase
148 /*!
149 * The density and composition of the phase is constant during this
150 * operator.
151 *
152 * @param temp Temperature (Kelvin)
153 */
154 void setTemperature(const double temp) override;
156 //! Set the density of the phase
157 /*!
158 * The temperature and composition of the phase is constant during this
159 * operator.
160 *
161 * @param dens value of the density in kg m-3
162 */
163 void setDensity(const double dens) override;
165 void initThermo() override;
167 //! Get a pointer to a changeable WaterPropsIAPWS object
169 return &m_sub;
170 }
172 //! Get a pointer to a changeable WaterPropsIAPWS object
174 return m_waterProps.get();
175 }
177 //! Switch that enables calculations in the gas phase
178 /**
179 * Since this phase represents a liquid (or supercritical) phase, it is an
180 * error to return a gas-phase answer. The sole intended use for this
181 * member function is to check the thermodynamic consistency of the
182 * underlying WaterProps class with ideal-gas thermo functions.
183 */
184 void _allowGasPhase(bool flag) { m_allowGasPhase = flag; }
187 //! This routine must be overridden because it is not applicable.
188 void _updateThermo() const;
191 //! WaterPropsIAPWS that calculates the real properties of water.
194 //! Pointer to the WaterProps object
195 /*!
196 * This class is used to house several approximation routines for properties
197 * of water. This object owns m_waterProps, and the WaterPropsIAPWS object
198 * used by WaterProps is m_sub, which is defined above.
199 */
200 unique_ptr<WaterProps> m_waterProps;
202 //! Molecular weight of Water -> %Cantera assumption
203 double m_mw = 0.0;
205 //! Offset constants used to obtain consistency with the NIST database.
206 /*!
207 * This is added to all internal energy and enthalpy results.
208 * units = J kmol-1.
209 */
210 double EW_Offset = 0.0;
212 //! Offset constant used to obtain consistency with NIST convention.
213 /*!
214 * This is added to all internal entropy results.
215 * units = J kmol-1 K-1.
216 */
217 double SW_Offset = 0.0;
219 //! Boolean is true if object has been properly initialized for calculation
220 bool m_ready = false;
222 /**
223 * Since this phase represents a liquid (or supercritical) phase, it is an
224 * error to return a gas-phase answer. However, if the below is true, then
225 * a gas-phase answer is allowed. This is used to check the thermodynamic
226 * consistency with ideal-gas thermo functions for example.
227 */
228 bool m_allowGasPhase = false;
Header for the SingleSpeciesTP class, which is a filter class for ThermoPhase, that eases the constru...
Headers for a class for calculating the equation of state of water from the IAPWS 1995 Formulation ba...
Header for a class used to house several approximation routines for properties of water.
The SingleSpeciesTP class is a filter class for ThermoPhase.
Class for calculating the equation of state of water.
The WaterProps class is used to house several approximation routines for properties of water.
Definition WaterProps.h:38
Class for single-component water.
Definition WaterSSTP.h:69
void setDensity(const double dens) override
Set the density of the phase.
unique_ptr< WaterProps > m_waterProps
Pointer to the WaterProps object.
Definition WaterSSTP.h:200
double thermalExpansionCoeff() const override
Return the volumetric thermal expansion coefficient. Units: 1/K.
WaterPropsIAPWS m_sub
WaterPropsIAPWS that calculates the real properties of water.
Definition WaterSSTP.h:192
bool m_ready
Boolean is true if object has been properly initialized for calculation.
Definition WaterSSTP.h:220
double pressure() const override
Return the thermodynamic pressure (Pa).
double critPressure() const override
Critical pressure (Pa).
double SW_Offset
Offset constant used to obtain consistency with NIST convention.
Definition WaterSSTP.h:217
double critDensity() const override
Critical density (kg/m3).
void getEntropy_R(double *sr) const override
Get the array of nondimensional Entropy functions for the standard state species at the current T and...
Definition WaterSSTP.cpp:98
WaterPropsIAPWS * getWater()
Get a pointer to a changeable WaterPropsIAPWS object.
Definition WaterSSTP.h:168
void getGibbs_ref(double *g) const override
Returns the vector of the Gibbs function of the reference state at the current temperature of the sol...
double critTemperature() const override
Critical temperature (K).
void getCp_R(double *cpr) const override
Get the nondimensional Heat Capacities at constant pressure for the species standard states at the cu...
string type() const override
String indicating the thermodynamic model implemented.
Definition WaterSSTP.h:78
void initThermo() override
Initialize the ThermoPhase object after all species have been set up.
Definition WaterSSTP.cpp:28
void setPressure(double p) override
Set the internally stored pressure (Pa) at constant temperature and composition.
void getStandardVolumes_ref(double *vol) const override
Get the molar volumes of the species reference states at the current T and P_ref of the solution.
double vaporFraction() const override
Return the fraction of vapor at the current conditions.
double dthermalExpansionCoeffdT() const
Return the derivative of the volumetric thermal expansion coefficient.
double cv_mole() const override
Molar heat capacity at constant volume. Units: J/kmol/K.
double EW_Offset
Offset constants used to obtain consistency with the NIST database.
Definition WaterSSTP.h:210
void getEnthalpy_RT(double *hrt) const override
Get the nondimensional Enthalpy functions for the species at their standard states at the current T a...
Definition WaterSSTP.cpp:88
void getEntropy_R_ref(double *er) const override
Returns the vector of nondimensional entropies of the reference state at the current temperature of t...
void setTemperature(const double temp) override
Set the temperature of the phase.
double isothermalCompressibility() const override
Returns the isothermal compressibility. Units: 1/Pa.
void getGibbs_RT(double *grt) const override
Get the nondimensional Gibbs functions for the species in their standard states at the current T and ...
void getStandardChemPotentials(double *gss) const override
Get the array of chemical potentials at unit activity for the species at their standard states at the...
void getCp_R_ref(double *cprt) const override
Returns the vector of nondimensional constant pressure heat capacities of the reference state at the ...
void getIntEnergy_RT(double *urt) const override
Returns the vector of nondimensional Internal Energies of the standard state species at the current T...
Definition WaterSSTP.cpp:93
WaterProps * getWaterProps()
Get a pointer to a changeable WaterPropsIAPWS object.
Definition WaterSSTP.h:173
void _allowGasPhase(bool flag)
Switch that enables calculations in the gas phase.
Definition WaterSSTP.h:184
bool compatibleWithMultiPhase() const override
Indicates whether this phase type can be used with class MultiPhase for equilibrium calculations.
Definition WaterSSTP.h:135
double m_mw
Molecular weight of Water -> Cantera assumption.
Definition WaterSSTP.h:203
bool m_allowGasPhase
Since this phase represents a liquid (or supercritical) phase, it is an error to return a gas-phase a...
Definition WaterSSTP.h:228
void _updateThermo() const
This routine must be overridden because it is not applicable.
void getGibbs_RT_ref(double *grt) const override
Returns the vector of nondimensional Gibbs Free Energies of the reference state at the current temper...
string phaseOfMatter() const override
String indicating the mechanical phase of the matter in this Phase.
Definition WaterSSTP.cpp:21
void getEnthalpy_RT_ref(double *hrt) const override
Returns the vector of nondimensional enthalpies of the reference state at the current temperature of ...
double satPressure(double t) override
Return the saturation pressure given the temperature.
Namespace for the Cantera kernel.
Definition AnyMap.cpp:564