Elements.cpp Source File#

Cantera: Elements.cpp Source File
Go to the documentation of this file.
2 * @file Elements.cpp
3 * This file contains a database of atomic weights.
4 */
6// This file is part of Cantera. See License.txt in the top-level directory or
7// at https://cantera.org/license.txt for license and copyright information.
13namespace Cantera
17 * Database for atomic weights.
18 * Values are used from CIAAW. Atomic weights of the elements 2017
19 * when a single value is given. Available online at
20 * http://www.ciaaw.org/atomic-weights.htm
21 *
22 * When a range of values is given in the CIAAW table, the "conventional
23 * atomic weight" from the IUPAC Periodic Table is used. Available
24 * online at https://iupac.org/wp-content/uploads/2018/12/IUPAC_Periodic_Table-01Dec18.pdf
25 *
26 * If no value is given in either source, it is because no stable isotopes of
27 * that element are known and the atomic weight of that element is listed here
28 * as -1.0
29 *
30 * units = kg / kg-mol (or equivalently gm / gm-mol)
31 *
32 * This structure was picked because it's simple, compact, and extensible.
33 */
35 string symbol; //!< Element symbol, first letter capitalized
36 string fullName; //!< Element full name, first letter lowercase
37 double atomicWeight; //!< Element atomic weight in kg / kg-mol, if known. -1 if no stable isotope
41 * Database for named isotopic weights.
42 * Values are used from Kim, et al. @cite kim2019.
43 *
44 * units = kg / kg-mol (or equivalently gm / gm-mol)
45 *
46 * This structure was picked because it's simple, compact, and extensible.
47 */
49 string symbol; //!< Isotope symbol, first letter capitalized
50 string fullName; //!< Isotope full name, first letter lowercase
51 double atomicWeight; //!< Isotope atomic weight in kg / kg-mol
52 int atomicNumber; //!< Isotope atomic number
56 * @var static vector<atomicWeightData> atomicWeightTable
57 * @brief atomicWeightTable is a vector containing the atomic weights database.
58 *
59 * atomicWeightTable is a static variable with scope limited to this file.
60 * It can only be referenced via the functions in this file.
61 *
62 * The size of the table is given by the initial instantiation.
63 */
64static vector<atomicWeightData> atomicWeightTable {
65 {"H", "hydrogen", 1.008},
66 {"He", "helium", 4.002602},
67 {"Li", "lithium", 6.94},
68 {"Be", "beryllium", 9.0121831},
69 {"B", "boron", 10.81},
70 {"C", "carbon", 12.011},
71 {"N", "nitrogen", 14.007},
72 {"O", "oxygen", 15.999},
73 {"F", "fluorine", 18.998403163},
74 {"Ne", "neon", 20.1797},
75 {"Na", "sodium", 22.98976928},
76 {"Mg", "magnesium", 24.305},
77 {"Al", "aluminum", 26.9815384},
78 {"Si", "silicon", 28.085},
79 {"P", "phosphorus", 30.973761998},
80 {"S", "sulfur", 32.06},
81 {"Cl", "chlorine", 35.45},
82 {"Ar", "argon", 39.95},
83 {"K", "potassium", 39.0983},
84 {"Ca", "calcium", 40.078},
85 {"Sc", "scandium", 44.955908},
86 {"Ti", "titanium", 47.867},
87 {"V", "vanadium", 50.9415},
88 {"Cr", "chromium", 51.9961},
89 {"Mn", "manganese", 54.938043},
90 {"Fe", "iron", 55.845},
91 {"Co", "cobalt", 58.933194},
92 {"Ni", "nickel", 58.6934},
93 {"Cu", "copper", 63.546},
94 {"Zn", "zinc", 65.38},
95 {"Ga", "gallium", 69.723},
96 {"Ge", "germanium", 72.630},
97 {"As", "arsenic", 74.921595},
98 {"Se", "selenium", 78.971},
99 {"Br", "bromine", 79.904},
100 {"Kr", "krypton", 83.798},
101 {"Rb", "rubidium", 85.4678},
102 {"Sr", "strontium", 87.62},
103 {"Y", "yttrium", 88.90584},
104 {"Zr", "zirconium", 91.224},
105 {"Nb", "nobelium", 92.90637},
106 {"Mo", "molybdenum", 95.95},
107 {"Tc", "technetium", -1.0},
108 {"Ru", "ruthenium", 101.07},
109 {"Rh", "rhodium", 102.90549},
110 {"Pd", "palladium", 106.42},
111 {"Ag", "silver", 107.8682},
112 {"Cd", "cadmium", 112.414},
113 {"In", "indium", 114.818},
114 {"Sn", "tin", 118.710},
115 {"Sb", "antimony", 121.760},
116 {"Te", "tellurium", 127.60 },
117 {"I", "iodine", 126.90447},
118 {"Xe", "xenon", 131.293},
119 {"Cs", "cesium", 132.90545196},
120 {"Ba", "barium", 137.327},
121 {"La", "lanthanum", 138.90547},
122 {"Ce", "cerium", 140.116},
123 {"Pr", "praseodymium", 140.90766},
124 {"Nd", "neodymium", 144.242},
125 {"Pm", "promethium", -1.0},
126 {"Sm", "samarium", 150.36},
127 {"Eu", "europium", 151.964},
128 {"Gd", "gadolinium", 157.25},
129 {"Tb", "terbium", 158.925354},
130 {"Dy", "dysprosium", 162.500},
131 {"Ho", "holmium", 164.930328},
132 {"Er", "erbium", 167.259},
133 {"Tm", "thulium", 168.934218},
134 {"Yb", "ytterbium", 173.045},
135 {"Lu", "lutetium", 174.9668},
136 {"Hf", "hafnium", 178.49},
137 {"Ta", "tantalum", 180.94788},
138 {"W", "tungsten", 183.84},
139 {"Re", "rhenium", 186.207},
140 {"Os", "osmium", 190.23 },
141 {"Ir", "iridium", 192.217},
142 {"Pt", "platinum", 195.084},
143 {"Au", "gold", 196.966570},
144 {"Hg", "mercury", 200.592},
145 {"Tl", "thallium", 204.38},
146 {"Pb", "lead", 207.2 },
147 {"Bi", "bismuth", 208.98040},
148 {"Po", "polonium", -1.0},
149 {"At", "astatine", -1.0},
150 {"Rn", "radon", -1.0},
151 {"Fr", "francium", -1.0},
152 {"Ra", "radium", -1.0},
153 {"Ac", "actinium", -1.0},
154 {"Th", "thorium", 232.0377},
155 {"Pa", "protactinium", 231.03588},
156 {"U", "uranium", 238.02891},
157 {"Np", "neptunium", -1.0},
158 {"Pu", "plutonium", -1.0},
159 {"Am", "americium", -1.0},
160 {"Cm", "curium", -1.0},
161 {"Bk", "berkelium", -1.0},
162 {"Cf", "californium", -1.0},
163 {"Es", "einsteinium", -1.0},
164 {"Fm", "fermium", -1.0},
165 {"Md", "mendelevium", -1.0},
166 {"No", "nobelium", -1.0},
167 {"Lr", "lawrencium", -1.0},
168 {"Rf", "rutherfordium", -1.0},
169 {"Db", "dubnium", -1.0},
170 {"Sg", "seaborgium", -1.0},
171 {"Bh", "bohrium", -1.0},
172 {"Hs", "hassium", -1.0},
173 {"Mt", "meitnerium", -1.0},
174 {"Ds", "darmstadtium", -1.0},
175 {"Rg", "roentgenium", -1.0},
176 {"Cn", "copernicium", -1.0},
177 {"Nh", "nihonium", -1.0},
178 {"Gl", "flerovium", -1.0},
179 {"Mc", "moscovium", -1.0},
180 {"Lv", "livermorium", -1.0},
181 {"Ts", "tennessine", -1.0},
182 {"Og", "oganesson", -1.0},
186 * @var static vector<isotopeWeightData> isotopeWeightTable
187 * @brief isotopeWeightTable is a vector containing the atomic weights database.
188 *
189 * isotopeWeightTable is a static variable with scope limited to this file.
190 * It can only be referenced via the functions in this file.
191 *
192 * The size of the table is given by the initial instantiation.
193 */
194static vector<isotopeWeightData> isotopeWeightTable {
195 // M. Wang et al. The AME2016 atomic mass evaluation. Chinese Physics C.
196 // doi:10.1088/1674-1137/41/3/030003.
197 {"D", "deuterium", 2.0141017781, 1},
198 {"Tr", "tritium", 3.0160492820, 1},
199 {"E", "electron", ElectronMass * Avogadro, 0},
202// This is implemented as a separate function from elementSymbols() because this pattern
203// allows elementSymbols() to return a const reference to the data.
204vector<string> elementVectorsFromSymbols() {
205 vector<string> values;
206 for (const auto& atom : atomicWeightTable) {
207 values.push_back(atom.symbol);
208 }
209 return values;
212const vector<string>& elementSymbols() {
213 const static vector<string> values = elementVectorsFromSymbols();
214 return values;
217// This is implemented as a separate function from elementNames() because this pattern
218// allows elementNames() to return a const reference to the data.
219vector<string> elementVectorsFromNames() {
220 vector<string> values;
221 for (const auto& atom : atomicWeightTable) {
222 values.push_back(atom.fullName);
223 }
224 return values;
227const vector<string>& elementNames() {
228 const static vector<string> values = elementVectorsFromNames();
229 return values;
232map<string, double> mapAtomicWeights() {
233 map<string, double> symMap;
235 for (auto const& atom : atomicWeightTable) {
236 symMap.emplace(atom.symbol, atom.atomicWeight);
237 symMap.emplace(atom.fullName, atom.atomicWeight);
238 }
239 for (auto const& isotope : isotopeWeightTable) {
240 symMap.emplace(isotope.symbol, isotope.atomicWeight);
241 symMap.emplace(isotope.fullName, isotope.atomicWeight);
242 }
243 return symMap;
246const map<string, double>& elementWeights() {
247 const static map<string, double> symMap = mapAtomicWeights();
248 return symMap;
251double getElementWeight(const string& ename)
253 const auto& elementMap = elementWeights();
254 double elementWeight = 0.0;
255 string symbol = trimCopy(ename);
256 auto search = elementMap.find(symbol);
257 if (search != elementMap.end()) {
258 elementWeight = search->second;
259 } else {
260 string name = toLowerCopy(symbol);
261 search = elementMap.find(name);
262 if (search != elementMap.end()) {
263 elementWeight = search->second;
264 }
265 }
266 if (elementWeight > 0.0) {
267 return elementWeight;
268 } else if (elementWeight < 0.0) {
269 throw CanteraError("getElementWeight",
270 "element '{}' has no stable isotopes", ename);
271 }
272 throw CanteraError("getElementWeight", "element not found: " + ename);
275double getElementWeight(int atomicNumber)
277 int num = static_cast<int>(numElementsDefined());
278 if (atomicNumber > num || atomicNumber < 1) {
279 throw IndexError("getElementWeight", "atomicWeightTable", atomicNumber, num);
280 }
281 double elementWeight = atomicWeightTable[atomicNumber - 1].atomicWeight;
282 if (elementWeight < 0.0) {
283 throw CanteraError("getElementWeight",
284 "element '{}' has no stable isotopes", getElementName(atomicNumber));
285 }
286 return elementWeight;
289string getElementSymbol(const string& ename)
291 string name = toLowerCopy(trimCopy(ename));
292 for (const auto& atom : atomicWeightTable) {
293 if (name == atom.fullName) {
294 return atom.symbol;
295 }
296 }
297 for (const auto& atom : isotopeWeightTable) {
298 if (name == atom.fullName) {
299 return atom.symbol;
300 }
301 }
302 throw CanteraError("getElementSymbol", "element not found: " + ename);
305string getElementSymbol(int atomicNumber)
307 int num = static_cast<int>(numElementsDefined());
308 if (atomicNumber > num || atomicNumber < 1) {
309 throw IndexError("getElementSymbol", "atomicWeightTable", atomicNumber, num);
310 }
311 return atomicWeightTable[atomicNumber - 1].symbol;
314string getElementName(const string& ename)
316 string symbol = trimCopy(ename);
317 for (const auto& atom : atomicWeightTable) {
318 if (symbol == atom.symbol) {
319 return atom.fullName;
320 }
321 }
322 for (const auto& atom : isotopeWeightTable) {
323 if (symbol == atom.symbol) {
324 return atom.fullName;
325 }
326 }
327 throw CanteraError("getElementName", "element not found: " + ename);
330string getElementName(int atomicNumber)
332 int num = static_cast<int>(numElementsDefined());
333 if (atomicNumber > num || atomicNumber < 1) {
334 throw IndexError("getElementName", "atomicWeightTable", atomicNumber, num);
335 }
336 return atomicWeightTable[atomicNumber - 1].fullName;
339int getAtomicNumber(const string& ename)
341 size_t numElements = numElementsDefined();
342 size_t numIsotopes = numIsotopesDefined();
343 string symbol = trimCopy(ename);
344 string name = toLowerCopy(symbol);
345 for (size_t i = 0; i < numElements; i++) {
346 if (symbol == atomicWeightTable[i].symbol) {
347 return static_cast<int>(i) + 1;
348 } else if (name == atomicWeightTable[i].fullName) {
349 return static_cast<int>(i) + 1;
350 }
351 }
352 for (size_t i = 0; i < numIsotopes; i++) {
353 if (symbol == isotopeWeightTable[i].symbol) {
354 return isotopeWeightTable[i].atomicNumber;
355 } else if (name == isotopeWeightTable[i].fullName) {
356 return isotopeWeightTable[i].atomicNumber;
357 }
358 }
359 throw CanteraError("getAtomicNumber", "element not found: " + ename);
364 return atomicWeightTable.size();
369 return isotopeWeightTable.size();
Contains the getElementWeight function and the definitions of element constraint types.
Base class for exceptions thrown by Cantera classes.
An array index is out of range.
Definitions for the classes that are thrown when Cantera experiences an error condition (also contain...
string trimCopy(const string &input)
string toLowerCopy(const string &input)
Convert to lower case.
const double Avogadro
Avogadro's Number [number/kmol].
Definition ct_defs.h:81
const double ElectronMass
Electron Mass [kg].
Definition ct_defs.h:111
Namespace for the Cantera kernel.
Definition AnyMap.cpp:564
double getElementWeight(const string &ename)
Get the atomic weight of an element.
Definition Elements.cpp:251
static vector< atomicWeightData > atomicWeightTable
atomicWeightTable is a vector containing the atomic weights database.
Definition Elements.cpp:64
int getAtomicNumber(const string &ename)
Get the atomic number for an element.
Definition Elements.cpp:339
const vector< string > & elementNames()
Get a vector of the names of the elements defined in Cantera.
Definition Elements.cpp:227
static vector< isotopeWeightData > isotopeWeightTable
isotopeWeightTable is a vector containing the atomic weights database.
Definition Elements.cpp:194
string getElementName(const string &ename)
Get the name of an element.
Definition Elements.cpp:314
size_t numElementsDefined()
Get the number of named elements defined in Cantera.
Definition Elements.cpp:362
string getElementSymbol(const string &ename)
Get the symbol for an element.
Definition Elements.cpp:289
const map< string, double > & elementWeights()
Get a map with the element and isotope symbols and names as keys and weights as values.
Definition Elements.cpp:246
const vector< string > & elementSymbols()
Get a vector of the atomic symbols of the elements defined in Cantera.
Definition Elements.cpp:212
size_t numIsotopesDefined()
Get the number of named isotopes defined in Cantera.
Definition Elements.cpp:367
Contains declarations for string manipulation functions within Cantera.
Database for atomic weights.
Definition Elements.cpp:34
string fullName
Element full name, first letter lowercase.
Definition Elements.cpp:36
string symbol
Element symbol, first letter capitalized.
Definition Elements.cpp:35
double atomicWeight
Element atomic weight in kg / kg-mol, if known. -1 if no stable isotope.
Definition Elements.cpp:37
Database for named isotopic weights.
Definition Elements.cpp:48
int atomicNumber
Isotope atomic number.
Definition Elements.cpp:52
string fullName
Isotope full name, first letter lowercase.
Definition Elements.cpp:50
string symbol
Isotope symbol, first letter capitalized.
Definition Elements.cpp:49
double atomicWeight
Isotope atomic weight in kg / kg-mol.
Definition Elements.cpp:51