Phases and their Interfaces in YAML

A description of how phases and interfaces are defined in YAML input files.


For each phase that appears in a problem, a corresponding entry should be present in the input file(s). The phase entry specifies the elements and species present in that phase, and the models to be used for computing thermodynamic, kinetic, and transport properties.

Naming the Phase

The name entry is a string that identifies the phase. It must be unique within the file among all phase definitions of any type. Phases are referenced by name when importing them. The name is also used to identify the phase within multiphase mixtures or at phase boundaries.

Setting the Thermodynamic Model

The thermodynamic model used to represent a phase is specified in the thermo field. Supported models are:

  • binary-solution-tabulated: A binary mixture where the excess enthalpy and entropy are interpolated between tabulated values as a function of mole fraction; New in Cantera 2.5

  • compound-lattice: A phase that is comprised of a fixed additive combination of other lattice phases

  • coverage-dependent-surface: A surface phase where the enthalpy, entropy, and heat capacity of each species may depend on the species' coverages. New in Cantera 3.0

  • Debye-Huckel: A dilute liquid electrolyte which obeys the Debye-Hückel formulation for nonideality

  • edge: A one-dimensional edge between two surfaces

  • electron-cloud: A phase representing free electrons in a metal

  • fixed-stoichiometry: An incompressible, single-species phase

  • HMW-electrolyte: A dilute or concentrated liquid electrolyte which obeys the Pitzer formulation for nonideality

  • ideal-gas: A mixture which obeys the ideal gas law

  • ideal-molal-solution: An ideal solution based on the mixing-rule assumption that all molality-based activity coefficients are equal to one

  • ideal-condensed: An ideal liquid or solid solution

  • ideal-solution-VPSS: An ideal solution; Uses "variable pressure standard state" methods for calculating thermodynamic properties

  • ideal-surface: A surface between two bulk phases

  • ions-from-neutral-molecule: A phase for representing ionic species based on another phase where those ions are components of neutral molecules; Deprecated in Cantera 3.0

  • lattice: A simple model for an incompressible lattice of solid atoms

  • liquid-water-IAPWS95: An implementation of the IAPWS95 equation of state for water, for the liquid region only

  • Margules: A model that employs the Margules approximation for the excess Gibbs free energy

  • Maskell-solid-solution: A condensed, binary, non-ideal solution; Deprecated in Cantera 3.0

  • Peng-Robinson: A multi-species real gas following the Peng-Robinson equation of state; New in Cantera 3.0

  • plasma: A phase defined by a distinct electron temperature or detailed electron energy distribution function; New in Cantera 2.6

  • pure-fluid: A phase representing one of several pure substances including liquid, vapor, two-phase, and supercritical regions

  • Redlich-Kister: A model that employs the Redlich-Kister approximation for the excess Gibbs free energy

  • Redlich-Kwong: A multi-species mixture obeying the Redlich-Kwong equation of state.

Some thermodynamic models use additional fields in the phase entry, which are described in the linked documentation.

Declaring the Elements

In most cases, it is not necessary to specify the elements present in a phase. If no elements field is present, elements will be added automatically using the definitions of the standard chemical elements based on the composition of the species present in the phase.

If non-standard elements such as isotopes need to be represented, or the ordering of elements within the phase is important, the elements in the phase may be declared in the optional elements entry.

If all of the elements to be added are either standard chemical elements or defined in the elements section of the current input file, the elements can be specified as a list of element symbols. For example:

- name: my-mechanism
  elements: [H, C, O, Ar]

To add elements from other top-level sections, from a different file, or from multiple such sources, a list of single-key mappings can be used where the key of each mapping specifies the source and the value is a list of element names. The keys can be:

  • The name of a section within the current file.

  • The name of an input file and a section in that file, separated by a slash, for example myfile.yaml/my_elements. If a relative path is specified, the directory containing the current file is searched first, followed by the Cantera data path.

  • The name default to reference the standard chemical elements.


- name: O18
  atomic-weight: 17.9991603

- name: my-phase
  - default: [C, H, Ar]
  - my-isotopes: [O18]
  - myelements.yaml/uranium: [U235, U238]
  species: ...

The order of the elements specified in the input file determines the order of the elements in the phase when it is imported by Cantera.

Declaring the Species

If the species present in the phase corresponds to those species defined in the species section of the input file, the species field may be omitted, and those species will be added to the phase automatically. As a more explicit alternative, the species field may be set to the string all.

To include specific species from the species section of the input file, the species entry can be a list of species names from that section. For example:

- name: my-phase
  species: [H2, O2, H2O]

If species are defined in multiple input file sections, the species entry can be a list of single-key mappings, where the key of each mapping specifies the source and the value is either the string all or a list of species names. Each key can be either the name of a section within the current input file or the name of a different file and a section in that file, separated by a slash. If a relative path is specified, the directory containing the current file is searched first, followed by the Cantera data path. Example:

- name: my-phase
  - species: [O2, N2]
  - more_species: all
  - subdir/myfile.yaml/species: [NO2, N2O]

The order of species specified in the input file determines the order of the species in the phase when it is imported by Cantera.

Species containing elements that are not declared within the phase may be skipped by setting the skip-undeclared-elements field to true. For example, to add all species from the species section that contain only hydrogen or oxygen, the phase definition could contain:

- name: hydrogen-and-oxygen
  elements: [H, O]
  species: all
  skip-undeclared-elements: true

Setting the Kinetics Model

The kinetics model to be used, if any, is specified in the kinetics field. Supported model strings are:

If omitted, no kinetics model will be used.

Declaring the Reactions

If a kinetics model has been specified, reactions may be added to the phase. By default, all reactions from the reactions section of the input file will be added. Equivalently, the reactions entry may be specified as the string all.

To disable automatic addition of reactions from the reactions section, the reactions entry may be set to none. This may be useful if reactions will be added programmatically after the phase is constructed. The reactions field must be set to none if a kinetics model has been specified but there is no reactions section in the input file.

To include only those reactions from the reactions section where all of the species involved are declared as being in the phase, the reactions entry can be set to the string declared-species.

To include reactions from multiple sections or other files, the reactions entry can be given as a list of section names, for example:

- name: my-phase
  - OH_submechanism
  - otherfile.yaml/C1-reactions
  - otherfile.yaml/C2-reactions

To include reactions from multiple sections or other files while only including reactions involving declared species, a list of single-key mappings can be used, where the key is the section name (or file and section name) and the value is either the string all or the string declared-species. For example:

- name: my-phase
  - OH_submechanism: all
  - otherfile.yaml/C1-reactions: all
  - otherfile.yaml/C2-reactions: declared-species

To permit reactions containing third-body efficiencies for species not present in the phase, the additional field skip-undeclared-third-bodies may be added to the phase entry with the value true.

Setting the Transport Model

To enable transport property calculation, the transport model to be used can be specified in the transport field. Supported models are:

  • high-pressure: A model for high-pressure gas transport properties based on a method of corresponding states

  • ionized-gas: A model implementing the Stockmayer-(n,6,4) model for transport of ions in a gas

  • mixture-averaged: The mixture-averaged transport model for ideal gases

  • mixture-averaged-CK: The mixture-averaged transport model for ideal gases, using polynomial fits corresponding to Chemkin-II

  • multicomponent: The multicomponent transport model for ideal gases

  • multicomponent-CK: The multicomponent transport model for ideal gases, using polynomial fits corresponding to Chemkin-II

  • unity-Lewis-number: A transport model for ideal gases, where diffusion coefficients for all species are set so that the Lewis number is 1

  • water: A transport model for pure water applicable in both liquid and vapor phases

Declaring Adjacent Phases

For interface phases (surfaces and edges), the names of phases adjacent to the interface can be specified, in which case these additional phases can be automatically constructed when creating the interface phase. This behavior is useful when the interface has reactions that include species from one of these adjacent phases, since those phases must be known when adding such reactions to the interface.

If the definitions of the adjacent phases are contained in the phases section of the same input file as the interface, they can be specified as a list of names:

- name: my-surface-phase
  adjacent: [gas, bulk]
- name: gas
- name: bulk

Alternatively, if the adjacent phase definitions are in other sections or other input files, they can be specified as a list of single-key mappings where the key is the section name (or file and section name) and the value is the phase name:

- name: my-surface-phase
  - {my-other-phases: gas}
  - {path/to/other-file.yaml/phases: bulk} # a phase defined in the 'phases' section
                                           # of a different YAML file

- name: gas

Since an interface kinetics mechanism is defined for the lowest-dimensional phase involved in the mechanism, only higher-dimensional adjacent phases should be specified. For example, when defining a surface, adjacent bulk phases may be specified, but adjacent edges must not.

Setting the Initial State

The state of a phase can be set using two properties to set the thermodynamic state, plus the composition. This state is specified as a mapping in the state field of phase entry.

The thermodynamic state can be set in terms of two of the following properties, with the valid property pairs depending on the phase model:

  • temperature or T

  • pressure or P

  • enthalpy or H

  • entropy or S

  • int-energy, internal-energy or U

  • specific-volume or V

  • density or D

  • vapor-fraction or Q

The composition can be set using one of the following fields, depending on the phase type. The composition is specified as a mapping of species names to values. Where necessary, the values will be automatically normalized.

  • mass-fractions or Y

  • mole-fractions or X

  • coverages

  • molalities or M


- name: my-phase
    T: 300 K
    P: 101325 Pa
    X: {O2: 1.0, N2: 3.76}
- name: my-other-phase
    density: 100 kg/m^3
    T: 298
      CH4: 0.2
      C3H8: 0.1
      CO2: 0.7

For pure fluid phases, the temperature, pressure, and vapor fraction may all be specified if and only if they define a consistent state.


The following input file defines two equivalent gas phases including all reactions and species defined in the input file. The species and reaction data is not shown for clarity. In the second case, the phase definition is simplified by having the elements added based on the species definitions, taking the species definitions from the default species section, and reactions from the default reactions section.

- name: gas1
  thermo: ideal-gas
  elements: [O, H, N, Ar]
  species: [H2, H, O, O2, OH, H2O, HO2, H2O2, N2, AR]
  kinetics: gas
  reactions: all
  transport: mixture-averaged
    T: 300.0
    P: 1.01325e+05
- name: gas2
  thermo: ideal-gas
  kinetics: gas
  transport: mixture-averaged
  state: {T: 300.0, 1 atm}

- H2: ...
- H: ...
- AR: ...


An input file defining an interface and its adjacent bulk phases, with full species data not shown for clarity:

- name: graphite
  thermo: lattice
  - graphite-species: all
  state: {T: 300, P: 101325, X: {C6: 1.0, LiC6: 1e-5}}
  density: 2.26 g/cm^3

- name: electrolyte
  thermo: lattice
  species: [{electrolyte-species: all}]
  density: 1208.2 kg/m^3
    T: 300
    P: 101325
    X: {Li+(e): 0.08, PF6-(e): 0.08, EC(e): 0.28, EMC(e): 0.56}

- name: anode-surface
  thermo: ideal-surface
  adjacent: [graphite, electrolyte]
  kinetics: surface
  reactions: [graphite-anode-reactions]
  species: [{anode-species: all}]
  site-density: 1.0 mol/cm^2
  state: {T: 300, P: 101325}

- name: C6
- name: LiC6

- name: Li+(e)
- name: PF6-(e)
- name: EC(e)
- name: EMC(e)

- name: (int)

- equation: LiC6 <=> Li+(e) + C6
  rate-constant: [5.74, 0.0, 0.0]
  beta: 0.4