| StickingRate (const AnyMap &node, const UnitStack &rate_units) |
| Constructor based on AnyMap content.
| StickingRate (const AnyMap &node) |
unique_ptr< MultiRateBase > | newMultiRate () const override |
const string | type () const override |
| Identifier of reaction rate type.
void | setRateUnits (const UnitStack &rate_units) override |
void | setParameters (const AnyMap &node, const UnitStack &rate_units) override |
void | getParameters (AnyMap &node) const override |
void | setContext (const Reaction &rxn, const Kinetics &kin) override |
void | validate (const string &equation, const Kinetics &kin) override |
void | updateFromStruct (const DataType &shared_data) |
| Update reaction rate parameters.
double | evalFromStruct (const DataType &shared_data) const |
| Evaluate reaction rate.
double | ddTScaledFromStruct (const DataType &shared_data) const |
| Evaluate derivative of reaction rate with respect to temperature divided by reaction rate.
double | preExponentialFactor () const override |
double | activationEnergy () const override |
void | setStickingParameters (const AnyMap &node) |
| Perform object setup based on AnyMap node information.
void | getStickingParameters (AnyMap &node) const |
| Store parameters needed to reconstruct an identical object.
bool | motzWiseCorrection () const |
| Get flag indicating whether sticking rate uses the correction factor developed by Motz & Wise for reactions with high (near-unity) sticking coefficients.
void | setMotzWiseCorrection (bool motz_wise) |
| Set flag for Motz & Wise correction factor.
string | stickingSpecies () const |
| Get sticking species.
void | setStickingSpecies (const string &stickingSpecies) |
| Set sticking species.
double | stickingOrder () |
| Get exponent applied to site density (sticking order)
void | setStickingOrder (double order) |
| Set exponent applied to site density (sticking order)
double | stickingWeight () |
| Get the molecular weight of the sticking species.
void | setStickingWeight (double weight) |
| Set the molecular weight of the sticking species.
void | setContext (const Reaction &rxn, const Kinetics &kin) |
| Build rate-specific parameters based on Reaction and Kinetics context.
void | setParameters (const AnyMap &node) |
| Perform object setup based on AnyMap node information.
void | getParameters (AnyMap &node) const |
| Store parameters needed to reconstruct an identical object.
void | setCoverageDependencies (const AnyMap &dependencies, const UnitSystem &units=UnitSystem()) |
| Set coverage dependencies based on AnyMap node information.
void | getCoverageDependencies (AnyMap &dependencies) const |
| Store parameters needed to reconstruct coverage dependencies.
virtual void | addCoverageDependence (const string &sp, double a, double m, const vector< double > &e) |
| Add a coverage dependency for species sp, with exponential dependence a, power-law exponent m, and activation energy dependence e, where e is in Kelvin, that is, energy divided by the molar gas constant.
bool | exchangeCurrentDensityFormulation () |
| Boolean indicating whether rate uses exchange current density formulation.
void | setContext (const Reaction &rxn, const Kinetics &kin) |
| Build rate-specific parameters based on Reaction and Kinetics context.
void | setSpecies (const vector< string > &species) |
| Set association with an ordered list of all species associated with a given Kinetics object.
void | updateFromStruct (const InterfaceData &shared_data) |
| Update reaction rate parameters.
double | voltageCorrection () const |
| Calculate modifications for the forward reaction rate for interfacial charge transfer reactions.
bool | usesElectrochemistry () |
| Boolean indicating whether rate uses electrochemistry.
double | beta () const |
| Return the charge transfer beta parameter.
double | siteDensity () const |
| Return site density [kmol/m^2].
void | setSiteDensity (double siteDensity) |
| Set site density [kmol/m^2].