Cantera  3.0.0
No Matches
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1//! @file ResidEval.h
3// This file is part of Cantera. See License.txt in the top-level directory or
4// at for license and copyright information.
12#include "cantera/base/global.h"
15#pragma message("warning: ResidEval.h and class ResidEval are deprecated and will " \
16 "be removed after Cantera 3.0.")
19namespace Cantera
22const int c_NONE = 0;
23const int c_GE_ZERO = 1;
24const int c_GT_ZERO = 2;
25const int c_LE_ZERO = -1;
26const int c_LT_ZERO = -2;
29 * Virtual base class for DAE residual function evaluators.
30 * Classes derived from ResidEval evaluate the residual function
31 * @f[
32 * \vec{F}(t,\vec{y}, \vec{y^\prime})
33 * @f]
34 * The DAE solver attempts to find a solution y(t) such that F = 0.
35 * @deprecated Unused. To be removed after %Cantera 3.0.
36 * @ingroup DAE_Group
37 */
41 ResidEval() {
42 warn_deprecated("class ResidEval", "To be removed after Cantera 3.0");
43 }
44 virtual ~ResidEval() {}
46 /**
47 * Constrain solution component k. Possible values for
48 * 'flag' are:
49 * - c_NONE no constraint
50 * - c_GE_ZERO >= 0
51 * - c_GT_ZERO > 0
52 * - c_LE_ZERO <= 0
53 * - c_LT_ZERO < 0
54 */
55 virtual void constrain(const int k, const int flag) {
56 m_constrain[k] = flag;
57 }
58 int constraint(const int k) const {
59 return getValue(m_constrain, k, c_NONE);
60 }
62 //! Initialization function
63 virtual void initSizes() {
64 int neq = nEquations();
65 m_alg.resize(neq, 0);
66 }
68 /**
69 * Specify that solution component k is purely algebraic - that is, the
70 * derivative of this component does not appear in the residual function.
71 */
72 virtual void setAlgebraic(const int k) {
73 if ((int) m_alg.size() < (k+1)) {
74 initSizes();
75 }
76 m_alg[k] = 1;
77 }
79 virtual bool isAlgebraic(const int k) {
80 return (m_alg[k] == 1);
81 }
83 /**
84 * Evaluate the residual function. Called by the integrator.
85 * @param t time. (input)
86 * @param y solution vector. (input)
87 * @param ydot rate of change of solution vector. (input)
88 * @param r residual vector (output)
89 */
90 virtual int eval(const double t, const double* const y,
91 const double* const ydot,
92 double* const r) {
93 throw NotImplementedError("ResidEval::eval");
94 }
96 virtual int evalSS(const double t, const double* const y,
97 double* const r) {
98 return eval(t, y, 0, r);
99 }
101 virtual int evalSimpleTD(const double t, const double* const y,
102 const double* const yold, double deltaT,
103 double* const r) {
104 int nn = nEquations();
105 vector<double> ydot(nn);
106 for (int i = 0; i < nn; i++) {
107 ydot[i] = (y[i] - yold[i]) / deltaT;
108 }
109 return eval(t, y,, r);
110 }
112 //! Fill in the initial conditions
113 /*!
114 * Values for both the solution and the value of ydot may be provided.
115 *
116 * @param[in] t0 Time
117 * @param[out] y Solution vector
118 * @param[out] ydot Rate of change of solution vector.
119 *
120 * @returns a flag to indicate that operation is successful.
121 * 1 Means a successful operation
122 * -0 or neg value Means an unsuccessful operation
123 */
124 virtual int getInitialConditions(const double t0, double* const y,
125 double* const ydot) {
126 initSizes();
127 throw NotImplementedError("ResidEval::GetInitialConditions");
128 return 1;
129 }
131 //! Return the number of equations in the equation system
132 virtual int nEquations() const = 0;
134 //! Write out to a file or to standard output the current solution
135 /*!
136 * ievent is a description of the event that caused this function to be
137 * called.
138 */
139 virtual void writeSolution(int ievent, const double time,
140 const double deltaT,
141 const int time_step_num,
142 const double* y, const double* ydot) {
143 int k;
144 writelog("ResidEval::writeSolution\n");
145 writelogf(" Time = %g, ievent = %d, deltaT = %g\n", time, ievent, deltaT);
146 if (ydot) {
147 writelogf(" k y[] ydot[]\n");
148 for (k = 0; k < nEquations(); k++) {
149 writelogf("%d %g %g\n", k, y[k], ydot[k]);
150 }
151 } else {
152 writelogf(" k y[]\n");
153 for (k = 0; k < nEquations(); k++) {
154 writelogf("%d %g \n", k, y[k]);
155 }
156 }
157 }
159 //! Return the number of parameters in the calculation
160 /*!
161 * This is the number of parameters in the sensitivity calculation. We have
162 * set this to zero and have included it for later expansion
163 */
164 int nparams() const {
165 return 0;
166 }
169 //! Mapping vector that stores whether a degree of freedom is a DAE or not
170 /*!
171 * The first index is the equation number. The second index is 1 if it is a
172 * DAE, and zero if it is not.
173 */
174 vector<int> m_alg;
175 map<int, int> m_constrain;
An error indicating that an unimplemented function has been called.
Virtual base class for DAE residual function evaluators.
Definition ResidEval.h:39
virtual int getInitialConditions(const double t0, double *const y, double *const ydot)
Fill in the initial conditions.
Definition ResidEval.h:124
virtual int eval(const double t, const double *const y, const double *const ydot, double *const r)
Evaluate the residual function.
Definition ResidEval.h:90
virtual void writeSolution(int ievent, const double time, const double deltaT, const int time_step_num, const double *y, const double *ydot)
Write out to a file or to standard output the current solution.
Definition ResidEval.h:139
virtual void setAlgebraic(const int k)
Specify that solution component k is purely algebraic - that is, the derivative of this component doe...
Definition ResidEval.h:72
vector< int > m_alg
Mapping vector that stores whether a degree of freedom is a DAE or not.
Definition ResidEval.h:174
virtual int nEquations() const =0
Return the number of equations in the equation system.
int nparams() const
Return the number of parameters in the calculation.
Definition ResidEval.h:164
virtual void constrain(const int k, const int flag)
Constrain solution component k.
Definition ResidEval.h:55
virtual void initSizes()
Initialization function.
Definition ResidEval.h:63
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void writelogf(const char *fmt, const Args &... args)
Write a formatted message to the screen.
Definition global.h:195
void writelog(const string &fmt, const Args &... args)
Write a formatted message to the screen.
Definition global.h:175
Namespace for the Cantera kernel.
Definition AnyMap.cpp:564
void warn_deprecated(const string &source, const AnyBase &node, const string &message)
A deprecation warning for syntax in an input file.
Definition AnyMap.cpp:1926
const U & getValue(const map< T, U > &m, const T &key, const U &default_val)
Const accessor for a value in a map.
Definition utilities.h:190
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