Cantera  3.0.0
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2 * @file TransportFactory.h
3 * Header file defining class TransportFactory
4 * (see @link Cantera::TransportFactory TransportFactory@endlink)
5 */
7// This file is part of Cantera. See License.txt in the top-level directory or
8// at for license and copyright information.
13// Cantera includes
14#include "Transport.h"
17namespace Cantera
20//! Factory class for creating new instances of classes derived from Transport.
22 * Creates 'transport managers', which are classes derived from class
23 * Transport that provide transport properties. TransportFactory handles all
24 * initialization required, including evaluation of collision integrals and
25 * generating polynomial fits. Transport managers can also be created in
26 * other ways.
27 *
28 * @ingroup tranprops
29 */
30class TransportFactory : public Factory<Transport>
33 //! Return a pointer to a TransportFactory instance.
34 /*!
35 * TransportFactory is implemented as a 'singleton', which means that at
36 * most one instance may be created. The constructor is private. When a
37 * TransportFactory instance is required, call static method factory() to
38 * return a pointer to the TransportFactory instance.
39 *
40 * @code
41 * TransportFactory* f;
42 * f = TransportFactory::factory();
43 * @endcode
44 */
45 static TransportFactory* factory();
47 //! Deletes the statically allocated factory instance.
48 void deleteFactory() override;
50 //! Build a new transport manager using a transport manager
51 //! that may not be the same as in the phase description
52 //! and return a base class pointer to it
53 /*!
54 * @param model String name for the transport manager
55 * @param thermo ThermoPhase object
56 * @param log_level log level
57 */
58 Transport* newTransport(const string& model, ThermoPhase* thermo, int log_level=0);
60 //! Build a new transport manager using the default transport manager
61 //! in the phase description and return a base class pointer to it
62 /*!
63 * @param thermo ThermoPhase object
64 * @param log_level log level
65 */
66 Transport* newTransport(ThermoPhase* thermo, int log_level=0);
69 //! Static instance of the factor -> This is the only instance of this
70 //! object allowed
73 //! Static instance of the mutex used to ensure the proper reading of the
74 //! transport database
75 static std::mutex transport_mutex;
77 //! The constructor is private; use static method factory() to
78 //! get a pointer to a factory instance
79 /*!
80 * The default constructor for this class sets up m_models[], a mapping
81 * between the string name for a transport model and the integer name.
82 */
85 //! Models included in this map are initialized in CK compatibility mode
86 map<string, bool> m_CK_mode;
89//! @copydoc TransportFactory::newTransport(const string&, ThermoPhase*, int)
90//! @deprecated To be removed after %Cantera 3.0; superseded by newTransport()
91Transport* newTransportMgr(const string& model="", ThermoPhase* thermo=0,
92 int log_level=0);
94//! Create a new Transport instance.
96 * @param thermo the ThermoPhase object associated with the phase
97 * @param model name of transport model; if "default", the default
98 * transport model for the ThermoPhase object is created
99 * @returns a Transport object for the phase
100 * @ingroup tranprops
101 */
102shared_ptr<Transport> newTransport(shared_ptr<ThermoPhase> thermo,
103 const string& model="default");
105//! @copydoc newTransport(shared_ptr<ThermoPhase>, const string&)
106//! @deprecated To be removed after %Cantera 3.0; superseded by newTransport()
107shared_ptr<Transport> newTransport(ThermoPhase* thermo, const string& model="default");
109//! Create a new transport manager instance.
111 * @param thermo ThermoPhase object associated with the phase
112 * @param loglevel int containing the Loglevel, defaults to zero
113 * @returns a transport manager for the phase
114 * @deprecated To be removed after %Cantera 3.0; superseded by newTransport()
115 * @ingroup tranprops
116 */
117Transport* newDefaultTransportMgr(ThermoPhase* thermo, int loglevel = 0);
119} // End of namespace Cantera
File contains the FactoryBase class declarations.
Headers for the Transport object, which is the virtual base class for all transport property evaluato...
Factory class that supports registering functions to create objects.
Definition FactoryBase.h:69
Base class for a phase with thermodynamic properties.
Factory class for creating new instances of classes derived from Transport.
static TransportFactory * s_factory
Static instance of the factor -> This is the only instance of this object allowed.
void deleteFactory() override
Deletes the statically allocated factory instance.
static TransportFactory * factory()
Return a pointer to a TransportFactory instance.
static std::mutex transport_mutex
Static instance of the mutex used to ensure the proper reading of the transport database.
map< string, bool > m_CK_mode
Models included in this map are initialized in CK compatibility mode.
The constructor is private; use static method factory() to get a pointer to a factory instance.
Transport * newTransport(const string &model, ThermoPhase *thermo, int log_level=0)
Build a new transport manager using a transport manager that may not be the same as in the phase desc...
Base class for transport property managers.
Definition Transport.h:146
shared_ptr< Transport > newTransport(shared_ptr< ThermoPhase > thermo, const string &model)
Create a new Transport instance.
Transport * newDefaultTransportMgr(ThermoPhase *thermo, int loglevel)
Create a new transport manager instance.
Namespace for the Cantera kernel.
Definition AnyMap.cpp:564
Transport * newTransportMgr(const string &model, ThermoPhase *thermo, int log_level)
Build a new transport manager using a transport manager that may not be the same as in the phase desc...