33 :
public Factory<ReactionRate, const AnyMap&, const UnitStack&>
File contains the FactoryBase class declarations.
A map of string keys to values whose type can vary at runtime.
Factory class that supports registering functions to create objects.
Factory class to construct reaction rate calculators.
static ReactionRateFactory * s_factory
Pointer to the single instance of the factory.
default constructor, which is defined as private
static std::mutex rate_mutex
Mutex for use when calling the factory.
static ReactionRateFactory * factory()
Return a pointer to the factory.
virtual void deleteFactory()
Virtual abstract function that deletes the factory.
Namespace for the Cantera kernel.
shared_ptr< ReactionRate > newReactionRate(const std::string &type)
Create a new empty ReactionRate object.
Unit aggregation utility.