Cantera 2.6.0
Go to the documentation of this file.
2 * @file vcs_VolPhase.h
3 * Header for the object representing each phase within vcs
4 */
6// This file is part of Cantera. See License.txt in the top-level directory or
7// at for license and copyright information.
10#define VCS_VOLPHASE_H
13#include "cantera/base/Array.h"
15namespace Cantera
18class ThermoPhase;
21 * DEFINITIONS FOR THE vcs_VolPhase structure
22 *
23 * Equation of State Types
24 * - Permissible values for the EqnState variable in CPC_PHASE structure
25 */
26#define VCS_EOS_CONSTANT 0
27#define VCS_EOS_IDEAL_GAS 1
28#define VCS_EOS_STOICH_SUB 5
29#define VCS_EOS_IDEAL_SOLN 22
33#define VCS_EOS_UNK_CANTERA -1
35struct VCS_SPECIES;
36class vcs_SpeciesProperties;
37class VCS_SOLVE;
39//! Phase information and Phase calculations for vcs.
41 * Each phase in a vcs calculation has a vcs_VolPhase object associated with it.
42 * This object helps to coordinate property evaluations for species within the
43 * phase. Usually these evaluations must be carried out on a per phase basis.
44 * However, vcs frequently needs per species quantities. Therefore, we need an
45 * interface layer between vcs and Cantera's ThermoPhase.
46 *
47 * The species stay in the same ordering within this structure. The vcs
48 * algorithm will change the ordering of species in the global species list.
49 * However, the indexing of species in this list stays the same. This structure
50 * contains structures that point to the species belonging to this phase in the
51 * global vcs species list.
52 *
53 * This object is considered not to own the underlying Cantera ThermoPhase
54 * object for the phase.
55 *
56 * This object contains an idea of the temperature and pressure. It checks to
57 * see if if the temperature and pressure has changed before calling underlying
58 * property evaluation routines.
59 *
60 * The object contains values for the electric potential of a phase. It
61 * coordinates the evaluation of properties wrt when the electric potential of a
62 * phase has changed.
63 *
64 * The object knows about the mole fractions of the phase. It controls the
65 * values of mole fractions, and coordinates the property evaluation wrt to
66 * changes in the mole fractions. It also will keep track of the likely values
67 * of mole fractions in multicomponent phases even when the phase doesn't
68 * actually exist within the thermo program.
69 *
70 * The object knows about the total moles of a phase. It checks to see if the
71 * phase currently exists or not, and modifies its behavior accordingly.
72 *
73 * Activity coefficients and volume calculations are lagged. They are only
74 * called when they are needed (and when the state has changed so that they need
75 * to be recalculated).
76 */
80 vcs_VolPhase(VCS_SOLVE* owningSolverObject = 0);
82 vcs_VolPhase(const vcs_VolPhase& b) = delete;
83 vcs_VolPhase& operator=(const vcs_VolPhase& b) = delete;
86 //! The resize() function fills in all of the initial information if it
87 //! is not given in the constructor.
88 /*!
89 * @param phaseNum index of the phase in the vcs problem
90 * @param numSpecies Number of species in the phase
91 * @param numElem Number of elements in the phase
92 * @param phaseName String name for the phase
93 * @param molesInert kmoles of inert in the phase (defaults to zero)
94 */
95 void resize(const size_t phaseNum, const size_t numSpecies,
96 const size_t numElem, const char* const phaseName,
97 const double molesInert = 0.0);
99 void elemResize(const size_t numElemConstraints);
101 //! Set the moles and/or mole fractions within the phase
102 /*!
103 * @param molNum total moles in the phase
104 * @param moleFracVec Vector of input mole fractions
105 * @param vcsStateStatus Status flag for this update
106 */
107 void setMoleFractionsState(const double molNum, const double* const moleFracVec,
108 const int vcsStateStatus);
110 //! Set the moles within the phase
111 /*!
112 * This function takes as input the mole numbers in vcs format, and then
113 * updates this object with their values. This is essentially a gather
114 * routine.
115 *
116 * @param stateCalc Flag indicating which mole numbers to update. Either
118 * @param molesSpeciesVCS Array of mole numbers. Note, the indices for
119 * species in this array may not be contiguous. IndSpecies[] is needed
120 * to gather the species into the local contiguous vector format.
121 */
122 void setMolesFromVCS(const int stateCalc,
123 const double* molesSpeciesVCS = 0);
125 //! Set the moles within the phase
126 /*!
127 * This function takes as input the mole numbers in vcs format, and then
128 * updates this object with their values. This is essentially a gather
129 * routine.
130 *
131 * Additionally it checks to see that the total moles value in
132 * TPhMoles[iplace] is equal to the internally computed value. If this isn't
133 * the case, an error exit is carried out.
134 *
135 * @param vcsStateStatus State calc value either `VCS_STATECALC_OLD` or
136 * `VCS_STATECALC_NEW`. With any other value nothing is done.
137 * @param molesSpeciesVCS array of mole numbers. Note, the indices for
138 * species in this array may not be contiguous. IndSpecies[] is needed
139 * to gather the species into the local contiguous vector format.
140 * @param TPhMoles VCS's array containing the number of moles in each phase.
141 */
142 void setMolesFromVCSCheck(const int vcsStateStatus,
143 const double* molesSpeciesVCS,
144 const double* const TPhMoles);
146 //! Update the moles within the phase, if necessary
147 /*!
148 * This function takes as input the stateCalc value, which determines where
149 * within VCS_SOLVE to fetch the mole numbers. It then updates this object
150 * with their values. This is essentially a gather routine.
151 *
152 * @param stateCalc State calc value either VCS_STATECALC_OLD or
153 * VCS_STATECALC_NEW. With any other value nothing is done.
154 */
155 void updateFromVCS_MoleNumbers(const int stateCalc);
157 //! Fill in an activity coefficients vector within a VCS_SOLVE object
158 /*!
159 * This routine will calculate the activity coefficients for the current
160 * phase, and fill in the corresponding entries in the VCS activity
161 * coefficients vector.
162 *
163 * @param stateCalc Flag indicating which mole numbers to update. Either
165 * @param AC vector of activity coefficients for all of the species in all
166 * of the phases in a VCS problem. Only the entries for the current
167 * phase are filled in.
168 */
169 void sendToVCS_ActCoeff(const int stateCalc, double* const AC);
171 //! set the electric potential of the phase
172 /*!
173 * @param phi electric potential (volts)
174 */
175 void setElectricPotential(const double phi);
177 //! Returns the electric field of the phase
178 /*!
179 * Units are potential
180 */
181 double electricPotential() const;
183 //! Gibbs free energy calculation for standard state of one species
184 /*!
185 * Calculate the Gibbs free energies for the standard state of the kth
186 * species. The results are held internally within the object.
187 *
188 * @param kspec Species number (within the phase)
189 * @returns the Gibbs free energy for the standard state of the kth species.
190 */
191 double GStar_calc_one(size_t kspec) const;
193 //! Gibbs free energy calculation at a temperature for the reference state
194 //! of a species, return a value for one species
195 /*!
196 * @param kspec species index
197 * @returns value of the Gibbs free energy
198 */
199 double G0_calc_one(size_t kspec) const;
201 //! Molar volume calculation for standard state of one species
202 /*!
203 * Calculate the molar volume for the standard states. The results are held
204 * internally within the object.
205 *
206 * @param kspec Species number (within the phase)
207 * @return molar volume of the kspec species's standard state (m**3/kmol)
208 */
209 double VolStar_calc_one(size_t kspec) const;
211 //! Fill in the partial molar volume vector for VCS
212 /*!
213 * This routine will calculate the partial molar volumes for the current
214 * phase (if needed), and fill in the corresponding entries in the VCS
215 * partial molar volumes vector.
216 *
217 * @param[out] VolPM vector of partial molar volumes for all of the species in
218 * all of the phases in a VCS problem. Only the entries for the current
219 * phase are filled in.
220 */
221 double sendToVCS_VolPM(double* const VolPM) const;
223 //! Fill in the standard state Gibbs free energy vector for VCS
224 /*!
225 * This routine will calculate the standard state Gibbs free energies for the
226 * current phase (if needed), and fill in the corresponding entries in the
227 * VCS standard state gibbs free energy vector.
228 *
229 * @param[out] gstar vector of standard state Gibbs free energies for all of the
230 * species in all of the phases in a VCS problem. Only the entries for the
231 * current phase are filled in.
232 */
233 void sendToVCS_GStar(double* const gstar) const;
235 //! Sets the temperature and pressure in this object and underlying
236 //! ThermoPhase objects
237 /*!
238 * @param temperature_Kelvin (Kelvin)
239 * @param pressure_PA Pressure (MKS units - Pascal)
240 */
241 void setState_TP(const double temperature_Kelvin, const double pressure_PA);
243 //! Sets the temperature in this object and underlying ThermoPhase objects
244 /*!
245 * @param temperature_Kelvin (Kelvin)
246 */
247 void setState_T(const double temperature_Kelvin);
249 // Downloads the ln ActCoeff Jacobian into the VCS version of the
250 // ln ActCoeff Jacobian.
251 /*
252 * This is essentially a scatter operation.
253 *
254 * @param LnAcJac_VCS Jacobian parameter
255 * The Jacobians are actually d( lnActCoeff) / d (MolNumber);
256 * dLnActCoeffdMolNumber(k,j)
257 *
258 * j = id of the species mole number
259 * k = id of the species activity coefficient
260 */
261 void sendToVCS_LnActCoeffJac(Array2D& LnACJac_VCS);
263 //! Set the pointer for Cantera's ThermoPhase parameter
264 /*!
265 * When we first initialize the ThermoPhase object, we read the state of the
266 * ThermoPhase into vcs_VolPhase object.
267 *
268 * @param tp_ptr Pointer to the ThermoPhase object corresponding
269 * to this phase.
270 */
271 void setPtrThermoPhase(ThermoPhase* tp_ptr);
273 //! Return a const ThermoPhase pointer corresponding to this phase
274 /*!
275 * @return pointer to the ThermoPhase.
276 */
277 const ThermoPhase* ptrThermoPhase() const;
279 //! Return the total moles in the phase
280 double totalMoles() const;
282 //! Returns the mole fraction of the kspec species
283 /*!
284 * @param kspec Index of the species in the phase
285 *
286 * @return Value of the mole fraction
287 */
288 double molefraction(size_t kspec) const;
290 //! Sets the total moles in the phase
291 /*!
292 * We don't have to flag the internal state as changing here because we have
293 * just changed the total moles.
294 *
295 * @param totalMols Total moles in the phase (kmol)
296 */
297 void setTotalMoles(const double totalMols);
299 //! Sets the mole flag within the object to out of date
300 /*!
301 * This will trigger the object to go get the current mole numbers when it
302 * needs it.
303 */
304 void setMolesOutOfDate(int stateCalc = -1);
306 //! Sets the mole flag within the object to be current
307 void setMolesCurrent(int vcsStateStatus);
310 //! Set the mole fractions from a conventional mole fraction vector
311 /*!
312 * @param xmol Value of the mole fractions for the species in the phase.
313 * These are contiguous.
314 */
315 void setMoleFractions(const double* const xmol);
318 //! Return a const reference to the mole fractions stored in the object.
319 const vector_fp & moleFractions() const;
321 double moleFraction(size_t klocal) const;
323 //! Sets the creationMoleNum's within the phase object
324 /*!
325 * @param n_k Pointer to a vector of n_k's
326 */
327 void setCreationMoleNumbers(const double* const n_k, const std::vector<size_t> &creationGlobalRxnNumbers);
329 //! Return a const reference to the creationMoleNumbers stored in the object.
330 /*!
331 * @returns a const reference to the vector of creationMoleNumbers
332 */
333 const vector_fp & creationMoleNumbers(std::vector<size_t> &creationGlobalRxnNumbers) const;
335 //! Returns whether the phase is an ideal solution phase
336 bool isIdealSoln() const;
338 //! Return the index of the species that represents the the voltage of the
339 //! phase
340 size_t phiVarIndex() const;
342 void setPhiVarIndex(size_t phiVarIndex);
344 //! Retrieve the kth Species structure for the species belonging to this
345 //! phase
346 /*!
347 * The index into this vector is the species index within the phase.
348 *
349 * @param kindex kth species index.
350 */
351 vcs_SpeciesProperties* speciesProperty(const size_t kindex);
353 //! int indicating whether the phase exists or not
354 /*!
355 * returns the m_existence int for the phase
356 *
357 * - VCS_PHASE_EXIST_ZEROEDPHASE = -6: Set to not exist by fiat from a
358 * higher level. This is used in phase stability boundary calculations
359 * - VCS_PHASE_EXIST_NO = 0: Doesn't exist currently
360 * - VCS_PHASE_EXIST_MINORCONC = 1: Exists, but the concentration is so low
361 * that an alternate method is used to calculate the total phase
362 * concentrations.
363 * - VCS_PHASE_EXIST_YES = 2 : Does exist currently
364 * - VCS_PHASE_EXIST_ALWAYS = 3: Always exists because it contains inerts
365 * which can't exist in any other phase. Or, the phase exists always
366 * because it consists of a single species, which is identified with the
367 * voltage, for example, it's an electron metal phase.
368 */
369 int exists() const;
371 //! Set the existence flag in the object
372 /*!
373 * Note the total moles of the phase must have been set appropriately before
374 * calling this routine.
375 *
376 * @param existence Phase existence flag
377 *
378 * @note try to eliminate this routine
379 */
380 void setExistence(const int existence);
382 //! Return the Global VCS index of the kth species in the phase
383 /*!
384 * @param spIndex local species index (0 to the number of species in the
385 * phase)
386 *
387 * @returns the VCS_SOLVE species index of the species. This changes as
388 * rearrangements are carried out.
389 */
390 size_t spGlobalIndexVCS(const size_t spIndex) const;
393 //! set the Global VCS index of the kth species in the phase
394 /*!
395 * @param spIndex local species index (0 to the number of species
396 * in the phase)
397 * @param spGlobalIndex Global species index (across all phases)
398 *
399 * @returns the VCS_SOLVE species index of the that species This changes as
400 * rearrangements are carried out.
401 */
402 void setSpGlobalIndexVCS(const size_t spIndex, const size_t spGlobalIndex);
404 //! Sets the total moles of inert in the phase
405 /*!
406 * @param tMolesInert Value of the total kmols of inert species in the
407 * phase.
408 */
409 void setTotalMolesInert(const double tMolesInert);
411 //! Returns the value of the total kmol of inert in the phase
412 double totalMolesInert() const;
414 //! Returns the global index of the local element index for the phase
415 size_t elemGlobalIndex(const size_t e) const;
417 //! sets a local phase element to a global index value
418 /*!
419 * @param eLocal Local phase element index
420 * @param eGlobal Global phase element index
421 */
422 void setElemGlobalIndex(const size_t eLocal, const size_t eGlobal);
424 //! Returns the number of element constraints
425 size_t nElemConstraints() const;
427 //! Name of the element constraint with index \c e.
428 /*!
429 * @param e Element index.
430 */
431 std::string elementName(const size_t e) const;
433 //! Type of the element constraint with index \c e.
434 /*!
435 * @param e Element index.
436 */
437 int elementType(const size_t e) const;
439 //! Transfer all of the element information from the ThermoPhase object to
440 //! the vcs_VolPhase object.
441 /*!
442 * Also decide whether we need a new charge neutrality element in the phase
443 * to enforce a charge neutrality constraint.
444 *
445 * @param tPhase Pointer to the ThermoPhase object
446 */
447 size_t transferElementsFM(const ThermoPhase* const tPhase);
449 //! Get a constant form of the Species Formula Matrix
450 /*!
451 * Returns a `double**` pointer such that `fm[e][f]` is the formula
452 * matrix entry for element `e` for species `k`
453 */
454 const Array2D& getFormulaMatrix() const;
456 //! Returns the type of the species unknown
457 /*!
458 * @param k species index
459 * @return the SpeciesUnknownType[k] = type of species
460 * - Normal -> VCS_SPECIES_TYPE_MOLUNK (unknown is the mole number in
461 * the phase)
462 * - metal electron -> VCS_SPECIES_INTERFACIALVOLTAGE (unknown is the
463 * interfacial voltage (volts))
464 */
465 int speciesUnknownType(const size_t k) const;
467 int elementActive(const size_t e) const;
469 //! Return the number of species in the phase
470 size_t nSpecies() const;
472 //! Return the name corresponding to the equation of state
473 std::string eos_name() const;
476 //! Evaluate the activity coefficients at the current conditions
477 /*!
478 * We carry out a calculation whenever #m_UpToDate_AC is false. Specifically
479 * whenever a phase goes zero, we do not carry out calculations on it.
480 */
481 void _updateActCoeff() const;
483 //! Gibbs free energy calculation for standard states
484 /*!
485 * Calculate the Gibbs free energies for the standard states The results are
486 * held internally within the object.
487 */
488 void _updateGStar() const;
490 //! Gibbs free energy calculation at a temperature for the reference state
491 //! of each species
492 void _updateG0() const;
494 //! Molar volume calculation for standard states
495 /*!
496 * Calculate the molar volume for the standard states. The results are held
497 * internally within the object. Units are in m**3/kmol.
498 */
499 void _updateVolStar() const;
501 //! Calculate the partial molar volumes of all species and return the
502 //! total volume
503 /*!
504 * Calculates these quantities internally and then stores them
505 *
506 * @return total volume [m^3]
507 */
508 double _updateVolPM() const;
510 //! Evaluation of Activity Coefficient Jacobians
511 /*!
512 * This is the derivative of the ln of the activity coefficient with respect
513 * to mole number of jth species. (temp, pressure, and other mole numbers
514 * held constant)
515 *
516 * We employ a finite difference derivative approach here. Because we have
517 * to change the mole numbers, this is not a const function, even though the
518 * paradigm would say that it should be.
519 */
522 //! Updates the mole fraction dependencies
523 /*!
524 * Whenever the mole fractions change, this routine should be called.
525 */
529 //! Backtrack value of VCS_SOLVE *
533 //! Original ID of the phase in the problem.
534 /*!
535 * If a non-ideal phase splits into two due to a miscibility gap, these
536 * numbers will stay the same after the split.
537 */
538 size_t VP_ID_;
540 //! If true, this phase consists of a single species
543 //! If true, this phase is a gas-phase like phase
544 /*!
545 * A RTlog(p/1atm) term is added onto the chemical potential for inert
546 * species if this is true.
547 */
550 //! Type of the equation of state
551 /*!
552 * The known types are listed at the top of this file.
553 */
556 //! This is the element number for the charge neutrality condition of the
557 //! phase
558 /*!
559 * If it has one. If it does not have a charge neutrality
560 * constraint, then this value is equal to -1
561 */
564 //! Convention for the activity formulation
565 /*!
566 * * 0 = molar based activities (default)
567 * * 1 = Molality based activities, mu = mu_0 + ln a_molality. Standard
568 * state is based on unity molality
569 */
573 //! Number of element constraints within the problem
574 /*!
575 * This is usually equal to the number of elements.
576 */
579 //! vector of strings containing the element constraint names
580 /*!
581 * Length = nElemConstraints
582 */
583 std::vector<std::string> m_elementNames;
585 //! boolean indicating whether an element constraint is active
586 //! for the current problem
589 //! Type of the element constraint
590 /*!
591 * m_elType[j] = type of the element:
592 * * 0 VCS_ELEM_TYPE_ABSPOS Normal element that is positive or zero in
593 * all species.
594 * * 1 VCS_ELEM_TYPE_ELECTRONCHARGE element dof that corresponds to the
595 * charge DOF.
596 * * 2 VCS_ELEM_TYPE_OTHERCONSTRAINT Other constraint which may mean that
597 * a species has neg 0 or pos value of that constraint (other than
598 * charge)
599 */
602 //! Formula Matrix for the phase
603 /*!
604 * FormulaMatrix(kspec,j) = Formula Matrix for the species
605 * Number of elements, j, in the kspec species
606 */
609 //! Type of the species unknown
610 /*!
611 * SpeciesUnknownType[k] = type of species
612 * - Normal -> VCS_SPECIES_TYPE_MOLUNK.
613 * (unknown is the mole number in the phase)
614 * - metal electron -> VCS_SPECIES_INTERFACIALVOLTAGE.
615 * (unknown is the interfacial voltage (volts))
616 */
619 //! Index of the element number in the global list of elements stored in VCS_SOLVE
620 std::vector<size_t> m_elemGlobalIndex;
622 //! Number of species in the phase
626 //! String name for the phase
627 std::string PhaseName;
630 //! Total moles of inert in the phase
633 //! Boolean indicating whether the phase is an ideal solution
634 //! and therefore its molar-based activity coefficients are
635 //! uniformly equal to one.
638 //! Current state of existence:
639 /*!
640 * - VCS_PHASE_EXIST_ZEROEDPHASE = -6: Set to not exist by fiat from a
641 * higher level. This is used in phase stability boundary calculations
642 * - VCS_PHASE_EXIST_NO = 0: Doesn't exist currently
643 * - VCS_PHASE_EXIST_MINORCONC = 1: Exists, but the concentration is so
644 * low that an alternate method is used to calculate the total phase
645 * concentrations.
646 * - VCS_PHASE_EXIST_YES = 2 : Does exist currently
647 * - VCS_PHASE_EXIST_ALWAYS = 3: Always exists because it contains inerts
648 * which can't exist in any other phase. Or, the phase exists always
649 * because it consists of a single species, which is identified with the
650 * voltage, for example, its an electron metal phase.
651 */
654 // Index of the first MF species in the list of unknowns for this phase
655 /*!
656 * This is always equal to zero.
657 * Am anticipating the case where the phase potential is species # 0,
658 * for multiphase phases. Right now we have the phase potential equal
659 * to 0 for single species phases, where we set by hand the mole fraction
660 * of species 0 to one.
661 */
664 //! Index into the species vectors
665 /*!
666 * Maps the phase species number into the global species number.
667 * Note, as part of the vcs algorithm, the order of the species
668 * vector is changed during the algorithm
669 */
670 std::vector<size_t> IndSpecies;
672 //! Vector of Species structures for the species belonging to this phase
673 /*!
674 * The index into this vector is the species index within the phase.
675 */
676 std::vector<vcs_SpeciesProperties*> ListSpeciesPtr;
678 /**
679 * If we are using Cantera, this is the pointer to the ThermoPhase
680 * object. If not, this is null.
681 */
684 //! Total mols in the phase. units are kmol
687 //! Vector of the current mole fractions for species in the phase
690 //! Vector of current creationMoleNumbers_
691 /*!
692 * These are the actual unknowns in the phase stability problem
693 */
696 //! Vector of creation global reaction numbers for the phase stability problem
697 /*!
698 * The phase stability problem requires a global reaction number for each
699 * species in the phase. Usually this is the krxn = kglob - M for species in
700 * the phase that are not components. For component species, the choice of
701 * the reaction is one which maximizes the chance that the phase pops into
702 * (or remains in) existence.
703 *
704 * The index here is the local phase species index. the value of the
705 * variable is the global vcs reaction number. Note, that the global
706 * reaction number will go out of order when the species positions are
707 * swapped. So, this number has to be recalculated.
708 *
709 * Length = number of species in phase
710 */
711 std::vector<size_t> creationGlobalRxnNumbers_;
713 //! If the potential is a solution variable in VCS, it acts as a species.
714 //! This is the species index in the phase for the potential
717 //! Total Volume of the phase. Units are m**3.
718 mutable double m_totalVol;
720 //! Vector of calculated SS0 chemical potentials for the
721 //! current Temperature.
722 /*!
723 * Note, This is the chemical potential derived strictly from the polynomial
724 * in temperature. Pressure effects have to be added in to get to the
725 * standard state. Units are J/kmol.
726 */
729 //! Vector of calculated Star chemical potentials for the
730 //! current Temperature and pressure.
731 /*!
732 * Note, This is the chemical potential at unit activity. Thus, we can call
733 * it the standard state chemical potential as well. Units are J/kmol.
734 */
737 //! Vector of the Star molar Volumes of the species. units m3 / kmol
740 //! Vector of the Partial molar Volumes of the species. units m3 / kmol
743 //! Vector of calculated activity coefficients for the current state
744 /*!
745 * Whether or not this vector is current is determined by the bool
746 * #m_UpToDate_AC.
747 */
750 //! Vector of the derivatives of the ln activity coefficient wrt to the
751 //! current mole number multiplied by the current phase moles
752 /*!
753 * np_dLnActCoeffdMolNumber(k,j);
754 * - j = id of the species mole number
755 * - k = id of the species activity coefficient
756 */
759 //! Status
760 /*!
761 * valid values are
765 */
768 //! Value of the potential for the phase (Volts)
769 double m_phi;
771 //! Boolean indicating whether the object has an up-to-date mole number vector
772 //! and potential with respect to the current vcs state calc status
775 //! Boolean indicating whether activity coefficients are up to date.
776 /*!
777 * Activity coefficients and volume calculations are lagged. They are only
778 * called when they are needed (and when the state has changed so that they
779 * need to be recalculated).
780 */
781 mutable bool m_UpToDate_AC;
783 //! Boolean indicating whether Star volumes are up to date.
784 /*!
785 * Activity coefficients and volume calculations are lagged. They are only
786 * called when they are needed (and when the state has changed so that they
787 * need to be recalculated). Star volumes are sensitive to temperature and
788 * pressure
789 */
790 mutable bool m_UpToDate_VolStar;
792 //! Boolean indicating whether partial molar volumes are up to date.
793 /*!
794 * Activity coefficients and volume calculations are lagged. They are only
795 * called when they are needed (and when the state has changed so that they
796 * need to be recalculated). partial molar volumes are sensitive to
797 * everything
798 */
799 mutable bool m_UpToDate_VolPM;
801 //! Boolean indicating whether GStar is up to date.
802 /*!
803 * GStar is sensitive to the temperature and the pressure, only
804 */
805 mutable bool m_UpToDate_GStar;
807 //! Boolean indicating whether G0 is up to date.
808 /*!
809 * G0 is sensitive to the temperature and the pressure, only
810 */
811 mutable bool m_UpToDate_G0;
813 //! Current value of the temperature for this object, and underlying objects
814 double Temp_;
816 //! Current value of the pressure for this object, and underlying objects
817 double Pres_;
Header file for class Cantera::Array2D.
A class for 2D arrays stored in column-major (Fortran-compatible) form.
Definition: Array.h:30
Base class for a phase with thermodynamic properties.
Definition: ThermoPhase.h:102
This is the main structure used to hold the internal data used in vcs_solve_TP(), and to solve TP sys...
Definition: vcs_solve.h:45
Properties of a single species.
Phase information and Phase calculations for vcs.
Definition: vcs_VolPhase.h:78
void setElectricPotential(const double phi)
set the electric potential of the phase
bool m_UpToDate_GStar
Boolean indicating whether GStar is up to date.
Definition: vcs_VolPhase.h:805
double electricPotential() const
Returns the electric field of the phase.
size_t m_phiVarIndex
If the potential is a solution variable in VCS, it acts as a species.
Definition: vcs_VolPhase.h:715
double Temp_
Current value of the temperature for this object, and underlying objects.
Definition: vcs_VolPhase.h:814
std::string eos_name() const
Return the name corresponding to the equation of state.
int speciesUnknownType(const size_t k) const
Returns the type of the species unknown.
size_t elemGlobalIndex(const size_t e) const
Returns the global index of the local element index for the phase.
void _updateGStar() const
Gibbs free energy calculation for standard states.
size_t nSpecies() const
Return the number of species in the phase.
std::string elementName(const size_t e) const
Name of the element constraint with index e.
void setMolesFromVCSCheck(const int vcsStateStatus, const double *molesSpeciesVCS, const double *const TPhMoles)
Set the moles within the phase.
void setMoleFractionsState(const double molNum, const double *const moleFracVec, const int vcsStateStatus)
Set the moles and/or mole fractions within the phase.
void setMolesOutOfDate(int stateCalc=-1)
Sets the mole flag within the object to out of date.
double _updateVolPM() const
Calculate the partial molar volumes of all species and return the total volume.
double m_totalVol
Total Volume of the phase. Units are m**3.
Definition: vcs_VolPhase.h:718
vector_fp creationMoleNumbers_
Vector of current creationMoleNumbers_.
Definition: vcs_VolPhase.h:694
size_t ChargeNeutralityElement
This is the element number for the charge neutrality condition of the phase.
Definition: vcs_VolPhase.h:562
size_t VP_ID_
Original ID of the phase in the problem.
Definition: vcs_VolPhase.h:538
std::vector< std::string > m_elementNames
vector of strings containing the element constraint names
Definition: vcs_VolPhase.h:583
vector_fp ActCoeff
Vector of calculated activity coefficients for the current state.
Definition: vcs_VolPhase.h:748
Array2D np_dLnActCoeffdMolNumber
Vector of the derivatives of the ln activity coefficient wrt to the current mole number multiplied by...
Definition: vcs_VolPhase.h:757
const Array2D & getFormulaMatrix() const
Get a constant form of the Species Formula Matrix.
std::vector< size_t > creationGlobalRxnNumbers_
Vector of creation global reaction numbers for the phase stability problem.
Definition: vcs_VolPhase.h:711
bool m_UpToDate_VolStar
Boolean indicating whether Star volumes are up to date.
Definition: vcs_VolPhase.h:790
void updateFromVCS_MoleNumbers(const int stateCalc)
Update the moles within the phase, if necessary.
vcs_SpeciesProperties * speciesProperty(const size_t kindex)
Retrieve the kth Species structure for the species belonging to this phase.
size_t phiVarIndex() const
Return the index of the species that represents the the voltage of the phase.
double totalMolesInert() const
Returns the value of the total kmol of inert in the phase.
double v_totalMoles
Total mols in the phase. units are kmol.
Definition: vcs_VolPhase.h:685
bool m_singleSpecies
If true, this phase consists of a single species.
Definition: vcs_VolPhase.h:541
void setMolesFromVCS(const int stateCalc, const double *molesSpeciesVCS=0)
Set the moles within the phase.
vector_int m_speciesUnknownType
Type of the species unknown.
Definition: vcs_VolPhase.h:617
void setElemGlobalIndex(const size_t eLocal, const size_t eGlobal)
sets a local phase element to a global index value
std::vector< size_t > m_elemGlobalIndex
Index of the element number in the global list of elements stored in VCS_SOLVE.
Definition: vcs_VolPhase.h:620
vector_fp StarChemicalPotential
Vector of calculated Star chemical potentials for the current Temperature and pressure.
Definition: vcs_VolPhase.h:735
void resize(const size_t phaseNum, const size_t numSpecies, const size_t numElem, const char *const phaseName, const double molesInert=0.0)
The resize() function fills in all of the initial information if it is not given in the constructor.
bool m_isIdealSoln
Boolean indicating whether the phase is an ideal solution and therefore its molar-based activity coef...
Definition: vcs_VolPhase.h:636
int exists() const
int indicating whether the phase exists or not
size_t nElemConstraints() const
Returns the number of element constraints.
double m_phi
Value of the potential for the phase (Volts)
Definition: vcs_VolPhase.h:769
size_t spGlobalIndexVCS(const size_t spIndex) const
Return the Global VCS index of the kth species in the phase.
std::vector< vcs_SpeciesProperties * > ListSpeciesPtr
Vector of Species structures for the species belonging to this phase.
Definition: vcs_VolPhase.h:676
size_t transferElementsFM(const ThermoPhase *const tPhase)
Transfer all of the element information from the ThermoPhase object to the vcs_VolPhase object.
std::vector< size_t > IndSpecies
Index into the species vectors.
Definition: vcs_VolPhase.h:670
double VolStar_calc_one(size_t kspec) const
Molar volume calculation for standard state of one species.
double GStar_calc_one(size_t kspec) const
Gibbs free energy calculation for standard state of one species.
bool m_gasPhase
If true, this phase is a gas-phase like phase.
Definition: vcs_VolPhase.h:548
void _updateVolStar() const
Molar volume calculation for standard states.
int m_vcsStateStatus
Definition: vcs_VolPhase.h:766
bool m_UpToDate_G0
Boolean indicating whether G0 is up to date.
Definition: vcs_VolPhase.h:811
void _updateG0() const
Gibbs free energy calculation at a temperature for the reference state of each species.
double Pres_
Current value of the pressure for this object, and underlying objects.
Definition: vcs_VolPhase.h:817
std::string PhaseName
String name for the phase.
Definition: vcs_VolPhase.h:627
double molefraction(size_t kspec) const
Returns the mole fraction of the kspec species.
Array2D m_formulaMatrix
Formula Matrix for the phase.
Definition: vcs_VolPhase.h:607
void _updateLnActCoeffJac()
Evaluation of Activity Coefficient Jacobians.
void setTotalMoles(const double totalMols)
Sets the total moles in the phase.
void setCreationMoleNumbers(const double *const n_k, const std::vector< size_t > &creationGlobalRxnNumbers)
Sets the creationMoleNum's within the phase object.
int p_activityConvention
Convention for the activity formulation.
Definition: vcs_VolPhase.h:570
void setMolesCurrent(int vcsStateStatus)
Sets the mole flag within the object to be current.
void sendToVCS_GStar(double *const gstar) const
Fill in the standard state Gibbs free energy vector for VCS.
void sendToVCS_ActCoeff(const int stateCalc, double *const AC)
Fill in an activity coefficients vector within a VCS_SOLVE object.
const vector_fp & creationMoleNumbers(std::vector< size_t > &creationGlobalRxnNumbers) const
Return a const reference to the creationMoleNumbers stored in the object.
vector_int m_elementActive
boolean indicating whether an element constraint is active for the current problem
Definition: vcs_VolPhase.h:587
vector_fp PartialMolarVol
Vector of the Partial molar Volumes of the species. units m3 / kmol.
Definition: vcs_VolPhase.h:741
const vector_fp & moleFractions() const
Return a const reference to the mole fractions stored in the object.
size_t m_numElemConstraints
Number of element constraints within the problem.
Definition: vcs_VolPhase.h:577
vector_fp StarMolarVol
Vector of the Star molar Volumes of the species. units m3 / kmol.
Definition: vcs_VolPhase.h:738
vector_fp SS0ChemicalPotential
Vector of calculated SS0 chemical potentials for the current Temperature.
Definition: vcs_VolPhase.h:727
double sendToVCS_VolPM(double *const VolPM) const
Fill in the partial molar volume vector for VCS.
int m_eqnState
Type of the equation of state.
Definition: vcs_VolPhase.h:554
void setTotalMolesInert(const double tMolesInert)
Sets the total moles of inert in the phase.
double G0_calc_one(size_t kspec) const
Gibbs free energy calculation at a temperature for the reference state of a species,...
void _updateActCoeff() const
Evaluate the activity coefficients at the current conditions.
void setState_TP(const double temperature_Kelvin, const double pressure_PA)
Sets the temperature and pressure in this object and underlying ThermoPhase objects.
int m_existence
Current state of existence:
Definition: vcs_VolPhase.h:652
vector_int m_elementType
Type of the element constraint.
Definition: vcs_VolPhase.h:600
bool m_UpToDate_AC
Boolean indicating whether activity coefficients are up to date.
Definition: vcs_VolPhase.h:781
VCS_SOLVE * m_owningSolverObject
Backtrack value of VCS_SOLVE *.
Definition: vcs_VolPhase.h:530
ThermoPhase * TP_ptr
If we are using Cantera, this is the pointer to the ThermoPhase object.
Definition: vcs_VolPhase.h:682
void _updateMoleFractionDependencies()
Updates the mole fraction dependencies.
double m_totalMolesInert
Total moles of inert in the phase.
Definition: vcs_VolPhase.h:631
int elementType(const size_t e) const
Type of the element constraint with index e.
const ThermoPhase * ptrThermoPhase() const
Return a const ThermoPhase pointer corresponding to this phase.
void setSpGlobalIndexVCS(const size_t spIndex, const size_t spGlobalIndex)
set the Global VCS index of the kth species in the phase
size_t m_numSpecies
Number of species in the phase.
Definition: vcs_VolPhase.h:623
void setExistence(const int existence)
Set the existence flag in the object.
void setMoleFractions(const double *const xmol)
Set the mole fractions from a conventional mole fraction vector.
bool m_UpToDate
Boolean indicating whether the object has an up-to-date mole number vector and potential with respect...
Definition: vcs_VolPhase.h:773
void setState_T(const double temperature_Kelvin)
Sets the temperature in this object and underlying ThermoPhase objects.
vector_fp Xmol_
Vector of the current mole fractions for species in the phase.
Definition: vcs_VolPhase.h:688
bool m_UpToDate_VolPM
Boolean indicating whether partial molar volumes are up to date.
Definition: vcs_VolPhase.h:799
bool isIdealSoln() const
Returns whether the phase is an ideal solution phase.
double totalMoles() const
Return the total moles in the phase.
void setPtrThermoPhase(ThermoPhase *tp_ptr)
Set the pointer for Cantera's ThermoPhase parameter.
Namespace for the Cantera kernel.
Definition: AnyMap.h:29
std::vector< int > vector_int
Vector of ints.
Definition: ct_defs.h:186
std::vector< double > vector_fp
Turn on the use of stl vectors for the basic array type within cantera Vector of doubles.
Definition: ct_defs.h:184