Cantera  2.5.1
Go to the documentation of this file.
1 /**
2  * @file WaterPropsIAPWS.cpp
3  * Definitions for a class for calculating the equation of state of water
4  * from the IAPWS 1995 Formulation based on the steam tables thermodynamic
5  * basis (See class \link Cantera::WaterPropsIAPWS WaterPropsIAPWS\endlink).
6  */
8 // This file is part of Cantera. See License.txt in the top-level directory or
9 // at for license and copyright information.
15 namespace Cantera
16 {
17 // Critical Point values of water in mks units
19 //! Critical Temperature value (kelvin)
20 const doublereal T_c = 647.096;
21 //! Critical Pressure (Pascals)
22 static const doublereal P_c = 22.064E6;
23 //! Value of the Density at the critical point (kg m-3)
24 const doublereal Rho_c = 322.;
25 //! Molecular Weight of water that is consistent with the paper (kg kmol-1)
26 static const doublereal M_water = 18.015268;
28 //! Gas constant that is quoted in the paper
29 /*
30  * Note, this is the Rgas value quoted in the paper. For consistency
31  * we have to use that value and not the updated value
32  *
33  * The Ratio of R/M = 0.46151805 kJ kg-1 K-1 , which is Eqn. (6.3) in the paper.
34  */
35 static const doublereal Rgas = 8.314371E3; // Joules kmol-1 K-1
37 // Base constructor
39  tau(-1.0),
40  delta(-1.0),
41  iState(-30000)
42 {
43 }
45 void WaterPropsIAPWS::calcDim(doublereal temperature, doublereal rho)
46 {
47  tau = T_c / temperature;
48  delta = rho / Rho_c;
50  // Determine the internal state
51  if (temperature > T_c) {
53  } else {
54  if (delta < 1.0) {
55  iState = WATER_GAS;
56  } else {
57  iState = WATER_LIQUID;
58  }
59  }
60 }
62 doublereal WaterPropsIAPWS::helmholtzFE() const
63 {
64  doublereal retn = m_phi.phi(tau, delta);
65  doublereal temperature = T_c/tau;
66  doublereal RT = Rgas * temperature;
67  return retn * RT;
68 }
70 doublereal WaterPropsIAPWS::pressure() const
71 {
72  doublereal retn = m_phi.pressureM_rhoRT(tau, delta);
73  doublereal rho = delta * Rho_c;
74  doublereal temperature = T_c / tau;
75  return retn * rho * Rgas * temperature/M_water;
76 }
78 doublereal WaterPropsIAPWS::density(doublereal temperature, doublereal pressure,
79  int phase, doublereal rhoguess)
80 {
81  if (fabs(pressure - P_c) / P_c < 1.e-8 &&
82  fabs(temperature - T_c) / T_c < 1.e-8) {
83  // Catch critical point, as no solution is found otherwise
85  return Rho_c;
86  }
87  doublereal deltaGuess = 0.0;
88  if (rhoguess == -1.0) {
89  if (phase != -1) {
90  if (temperature > T_c) {
91  rhoguess = pressure * M_water / (Rgas * temperature);
92  } else {
93  if (phase == WATER_GAS || phase == WATER_SUPERCRIT) {
94  rhoguess = pressure * M_water / (Rgas * temperature);
95  } else if (phase == WATER_LIQUID) {
96  // Provide a guess about the liquid density that is
97  // relatively high -> convergence from above seems robust.
98  rhoguess = 1000.;
99  } else if (phase == WATER_UNSTABLELIQUID || phase == WATER_UNSTABLEGAS) {
100  throw CanteraError("WaterPropsIAPWS::density",
101  "Unstable Branch finder is untested");
102  } else {
103  throw CanteraError("WaterPropsIAPWS::density",
104  "unknown state: {}", phase);
105  }
106  }
107  } else {
108  // Assume the Gas phase initial guess, if nothing is specified to
109  // the routine
110  rhoguess = pressure * M_water / (Rgas * temperature);
111  }
112  }
113  doublereal p_red = pressure * M_water / (Rgas * temperature * Rho_c);
114  deltaGuess = rhoguess / Rho_c;
115  setState_TR(temperature, rhoguess);
116  doublereal delta_retn = m_phi.dfind(p_red, tau, deltaGuess);
117  if (delta_retn <= 0) {
118  // No solution found for first initial guess; perturb initial guess once
119  // to avoid spurious failures (band-aid fix)
120  delta_retn = m_phi.dfind(p_red, tau, 0.9 * deltaGuess);
121  }
122  doublereal density_retn;
123  if (delta_retn > 0.0) {
124  delta = delta_retn;
126  // Dimensionalize the density before returning
127  density_retn = delta_retn * Rho_c;
129  // Set the internal state -> this may be a duplication. However, let's
130  // just be sure.
131  setState_TR(temperature, density_retn);
132  } else {
133  density_retn = -1.0;
134  }
135  return density_retn;
136 }
138 doublereal WaterPropsIAPWS::density_const(doublereal pressure,
139  int phase, doublereal rhoguess) const
140 {
141  doublereal temperature = T_c / tau;
142  doublereal deltaGuess = 0.0;
143  doublereal deltaSave = delta;
144  if (rhoguess == -1.0) {
145  if (phase != -1) {
146  if (temperature > T_c) {
147  rhoguess = pressure * M_water / (Rgas * temperature);
148  } else {
149  if (phase == WATER_GAS || phase == WATER_SUPERCRIT) {
150  rhoguess = pressure * M_water / (Rgas * temperature);
151  } else if (phase == WATER_LIQUID) {
152  // Provide a guess about the liquid density that is
153  // relatively high -> convergence from above seems robust.
154  rhoguess = 1000.;
155  } else if (phase == WATER_UNSTABLELIQUID || phase == WATER_UNSTABLEGAS) {
156  throw CanteraError("WaterPropsIAPWS::density_const",
157  "Unstable Branch finder is untested");
158  } else {
159  throw CanteraError("WaterPropsIAPWS::density_const",
160  "unknown state: {}", phase);
161  }
162  }
163  } else {
164  // Assume the Gas phase initial guess, if nothing is specified to
165  // the routine
166  rhoguess = pressure * M_water / (Rgas * temperature);
167  }
168  }
169  doublereal p_red = pressure * M_water / (Rgas * temperature * Rho_c);
170  deltaGuess = rhoguess / Rho_c;
172  delta = deltaGuess;
175  doublereal delta_retn = m_phi.dfind(p_red, tau, deltaGuess);
176  doublereal density_retn;
177  if (delta_retn > 0.0) {
178  delta = delta_retn;
180  // Dimensionalize the density before returning
181  density_retn = delta_retn * Rho_c;
183  } else {
184  density_retn = -1.0;
185  }
187  delta = deltaSave;
189  return density_retn;
190 }
192 doublereal WaterPropsIAPWS::density() const
193 {
194  return delta * Rho_c;
195 }
198 {
199  return T_c / tau;
200 }
202 doublereal WaterPropsIAPWS::psat_est(doublereal temperature) const
203 {
204  // Formula and constants from: "NBS/NRC Steam Tables: Thermodynamic and
205  // Transport Properties and Computer Programs for Vapor and Liquid States of
206  // Water in SI Units". L. Haar, J. S. Gallagher, G. S. Kell. Hemisphere
207  // Publishing. 1984.
208  static const doublereal A[8] = {
209  -7.8889166E0,
210  2.5514255E0,
211  -6.716169E0,
212  33.2239495E0,
213  -105.38479E0,
214  174.35319E0,
215  -148.39348E0,
216  48.631602E0
217  };
218  doublereal ps;
219  if (temperature < 314.) {
220  doublereal pl = 6.3573118E0 - 8858.843E0 / temperature
221  + 607.56335E0 * pow(temperature, -0.6);
222  ps = 0.1 * exp(pl);
223  } else {
224  doublereal v = temperature / 647.25;
225  doublereal w = fabs(1.0-v);
226  doublereal b = 0.0;
227  for (int i = 0; i < 8; i++) {
228  doublereal z = i + 1;
229  b += A[i] * pow(w, ((z+1.0)/2.0));
230  }
231  doublereal q = b / v;
232  ps = 22.093*exp(q);
233  }
235  // Original correlation was in cgs. Convert to mks
236  ps *= 1.0E6;
237  return ps;
238 }
241 {
242  doublereal dpdrho_val = dpdrho();
243  doublereal dens = delta * Rho_c;
244  return 1.0 / (dens * dpdrho_val);
245 }
247 doublereal WaterPropsIAPWS::dpdrho() const
248 {
249  doublereal retn = m_phi.dimdpdrho(tau, delta);
250  doublereal temperature = T_c/tau;
251  return retn * Rgas * temperature / M_water;
252 }
255 {
256  return m_phi.dimdpdT(tau, delta);
257 }
260 {
261  doublereal kappa = isothermalCompressibility();
262  doublereal beta = coeffPresExp();
263  doublereal dens = delta * Rho_c;
264  return kappa * dens * Rgas * beta / M_water;
265 }
267 doublereal WaterPropsIAPWS::Gibbs() const
268 {
269  doublereal gRT = m_phi.gibbs_RT();
270  doublereal temperature = T_c/tau;
271  return gRT * Rgas * temperature;
272 }
274 void WaterPropsIAPWS::corr(doublereal temperature, doublereal pressure,
275  doublereal& densLiq, doublereal& densGas, doublereal& delGRT)
276 {
277  densLiq = density(temperature, pressure, WATER_LIQUID, densLiq);
278  if (densLiq <= 0.0) {
279  throw CanteraError("WaterPropsIAPWS::corr",
280  "Error occurred trying to find liquid density at (T,P) = {} {}",
282  }
283  setState_TR(temperature, densLiq);
284  doublereal gibbsLiqRT = m_phi.gibbs_RT();
286  densGas = density(temperature, pressure, WATER_GAS, densGas);
287  if (densGas <= 0.0) {
288  throw CanteraError("WaterPropsIAPWS::corr",
289  "Error occurred trying to find gas density at (T,P) = {} {}",
291  }
292  setState_TR(temperature, densGas);
293  doublereal gibbsGasRT = m_phi.gibbs_RT();
295  delGRT = gibbsLiqRT - gibbsGasRT;
296 }
298 void WaterPropsIAPWS::corr1(doublereal temperature, doublereal pressure,
299  doublereal& densLiq, doublereal& densGas, doublereal& pcorr)
300 {
301  densLiq = density(temperature, pressure, WATER_LIQUID, densLiq);
302  if (densLiq <= 0.0) {
303  throw CanteraError("WaterPropsIAPWS::corr1",
304  "Error occurred trying to find liquid density at (T,P) = {} {}",
306  }
307  setState_TR(temperature, densLiq);
308  doublereal prL = m_phi.phiR();
310  densGas = density(temperature, pressure, WATER_GAS, densGas);
311  if (densGas <= 0.0) {
312  throw CanteraError("WaterPropsIAPWS::corr1",
313  "Error occurred trying to find gas density at (T,P) = {} {}",
315  }
316  setState_TR(temperature, densGas);
317  doublereal prG = m_phi.phiR();
318  doublereal rhs = (prL - prG) + log(densLiq/densGas);
319  rhs /= (1.0/densGas - 1.0/densLiq);
320  pcorr = rhs * Rgas * temperature / M_water;
321 }
323 doublereal WaterPropsIAPWS::psat(doublereal temperature, int waterState)
324 {
325  static int method = 1;
326  doublereal densLiq = -1.0, densGas = -1.0, delGRT = 0.0;
327  doublereal dp, pcorr;
328  if (temperature >= T_c) {
329  densGas = density(temperature, P_c, WATER_SUPERCRIT);
330  setState_TR(temperature, densGas);
331  return P_c;
332  }
333  doublereal p = psat_est(temperature);
334  for (int i = 0; i < 30; i++) {
335  if (method == 1) {
336  corr(temperature, p, densLiq, densGas, delGRT);
337  doublereal delV = M_water * (1.0/densLiq - 1.0/densGas);
338  dp = - delGRT * Rgas * temperature / delV;
339  } else {
340  corr1(temperature, p, densLiq, densGas, pcorr);
341  dp = pcorr - p;
342  }
343  p += dp;
345  if ((method == 1) && delGRT < 1.0E-8) {
346  break;
347  } else {
348  if (fabs(dp/p) < 1.0E-9) {
349  break;
350  }
351  }
352  }
353  // Put the fluid in the desired end condition
354  if (waterState == WATER_LIQUID) {
355  setState_TR(temperature, densLiq);
356  } else if (waterState == WATER_GAS) {
357  setState_TR(temperature, densGas);
358  } else {
359  throw CanteraError("WaterPropsIAPWS::psat",
360  "unknown water state input: {}", waterState);
361  }
362  return p;
363 }
365 int WaterPropsIAPWS::phaseState(bool checkState) const
366 {
367  if (checkState) {
368  if (tau <= 1.0) {
369  iState = WATER_SUPERCRIT;
370  } else {
371  doublereal T = T_c / tau;
372  doublereal rho = delta * Rho_c;
373  doublereal rhoMidAtm = 0.5 * (OneAtm * M_water / (Rgas * 373.15) + 1.0E3);
374  doublereal rhoMid = Rho_c + (T - T_c) * (Rho_c - rhoMidAtm) / (T_c - 373.15);
375  int iStateGuess = WATER_LIQUID;
376  if (rho < rhoMid) {
377  iStateGuess = WATER_GAS;
378  }
379  doublereal kappa = isothermalCompressibility();
380  if (kappa >= 0.0) {
381  iState = iStateGuess;
382  } else {
383  // When we are here we are between the spinodal curves
384  doublereal rhoDel = rho * 1.000001;
385  doublereal deltaSave = delta;
386  doublereal deltaDel = rhoDel / Rho_c;
387  delta = deltaDel;
388  m_phi.tdpolycalc(tau, deltaDel);
390  doublereal kappaDel = isothermalCompressibility();
391  doublereal d2rhodp2 = (rhoDel * kappaDel - rho * kappa) / (rhoDel - rho);
392  if (d2rhodp2 > 0.0) {
394  } else {
396  }
397  delta = deltaSave;
399  }
400  }
401  }
402  return iState;
403 }
406 {
407  doublereal temperature = T_c/tau;
408  doublereal delta_save = delta;
409  // return the critical density if we are above or even just a little below
410  // the critical temperature. We just don't want to worry about the critical
411  // point at this juncture.
412  if (temperature >= T_c - 0.001) {
413  return Rho_c;
414  }
415  doublereal p = psat_est(temperature);
416  doublereal rho_low = 0.0;
417  doublereal rho_high = 1000;
418  doublereal densSatLiq = density_const(p, WATER_LIQUID);
419  doublereal dens_old = densSatLiq;
420  delta = dens_old / Rho_c;
422  doublereal dpdrho_old = dpdrho();
423  if (dpdrho_old > 0.0) {
424  rho_high = std::min(dens_old, rho_high);
425  } else {
426  rho_low = std::max(rho_low, dens_old);
427  }
428  doublereal dens_new = densSatLiq* (1.0001);
429  delta = dens_new / Rho_c;
431  doublereal dpdrho_new = dpdrho();
432  if (dpdrho_new > 0.0) {
433  rho_high = std::min(dens_new, rho_high);
434  } else {
435  rho_low = std::max(rho_low, dens_new);
436  }
437  bool conv = false;
439  for (int it = 0; it < 50; it++) {
440  doublereal slope = (dpdrho_new - dpdrho_old)/(dens_new - dens_old);
441  if (slope >= 0.0) {
442  slope = std::max(slope, dpdrho_new *5.0/ dens_new);
443  } else {
444  slope = -dpdrho_new;
445  // shouldn't be here for liquid spinodal
446  }
447  doublereal delta_rho = - dpdrho_new / slope;
448  if (delta_rho > 0.0) {
449  delta_rho = std::min(delta_rho, dens_new * 0.1);
450  } else {
451  delta_rho = std::max(delta_rho, - dens_new * 0.1);
452  }
453  doublereal dens_est = dens_new + delta_rho;
454  if (dens_est < rho_low) {
455  dens_est = 0.5 * (rho_low + dens_new);
456  }
457  if (dens_est > rho_high) {
458  dens_est = 0.5 * (rho_high + dens_new);
459  }
461  dens_old = dens_new;
462  dpdrho_old = dpdrho_new;
463  dens_new = dens_est;
465  delta = dens_new / Rho_c;
467  dpdrho_new = dpdrho();
468  if (dpdrho_new > 0.0) {
469  rho_high = std::min(dens_new, rho_high);
470  } else if (dpdrho_new < 0.0) {
471  rho_low = std::max(rho_low, dens_new);
472  } else {
473  conv = true;
474  break;
475  }
477  if (fabs(dpdrho_new) < 1.0E-5) {
478  conv = true;
479  break;
480  }
481  }
483  if (!conv) {
484  throw CanteraError("WaterPropsIAPWS::densSpinodalWater",
485  "convergence failure");
486  }
487  // Restore the original delta
488  delta = delta_save;
490  return dens_new;
491 }
494 {
495  doublereal temperature = T_c/tau;
496  doublereal delta_save = delta;
497  // return the critical density if we are above or even just a little below
498  // the critical temperature. We just don't want to worry about the critical
499  // point at this juncture.
500  if (temperature >= T_c - 0.001) {
501  return Rho_c;
502  }
503  doublereal p = psat_est(temperature);
504  doublereal rho_low = 0.0;
505  doublereal rho_high = 1000;
506  doublereal densSatGas = density_const(p, WATER_GAS);
507  doublereal dens_old = densSatGas;
508  delta = dens_old / Rho_c;
510  doublereal dpdrho_old = dpdrho();
511  if (dpdrho_old < 0.0) {
512  rho_high = std::min(dens_old, rho_high);
513  } else {
514  rho_low = std::max(rho_low, dens_old);
515  }
516  doublereal dens_new = densSatGas * (0.99);
517  delta = dens_new / Rho_c;
519  doublereal dpdrho_new = dpdrho();
520  if (dpdrho_new < 0.0) {
521  rho_high = std::min(dens_new, rho_high);
522  } else {
523  rho_low = std::max(rho_low, dens_new);
524  }
525  bool conv = false;
526  for (int it = 0; it < 50; it++) {
527  doublereal slope = (dpdrho_new - dpdrho_old)/(dens_new - dens_old);
528  if (slope >= 0.0) {
529  slope = dpdrho_new;
530  // shouldn't be here for gas spinodal
531  } else {
532  slope = std::min(slope, dpdrho_new *5.0 / dens_new);
534  }
535  doublereal delta_rho = - dpdrho_new / slope;
536  if (delta_rho > 0.0) {
537  delta_rho = std::min(delta_rho, dens_new * 0.1);
538  } else {
539  delta_rho = std::max(delta_rho, - dens_new * 0.1);
540  }
541  doublereal dens_est = dens_new + delta_rho;
542  if (dens_est < rho_low) {
543  dens_est = 0.5 * (rho_low + dens_new);
544  }
545  if (dens_est > rho_high) {
546  dens_est = 0.5 * (rho_high + dens_new);
547  }
549  dens_old = dens_new;
550  dpdrho_old = dpdrho_new;
551  dens_new = dens_est;
552  delta = dens_new / Rho_c;
554  dpdrho_new = dpdrho();
555  if (dpdrho_new < 0.0) {
556  rho_high = std::min(dens_new, rho_high);
557  } else if (dpdrho_new > 0.0) {
558  rho_low = std::max(rho_low, dens_new);
559  } else {
560  conv = true;
561  break;
562  }
564  if (fabs(dpdrho_new) < 1.0E-5) {
565  conv = true;
566  break;
567  }
568  }
570  if (!conv) {
571  throw CanteraError("WaterPropsIAPWS::densSpinodalSteam",
572  "convergence failure");
573  }
574  // Restore the original delta
575  delta = delta_save;
577  return dens_new;
578 }
580 void WaterPropsIAPWS::setState_TR(doublereal temperature, doublereal rho)
581 {
582  calcDim(temperature, rho);
584 }
586 doublereal WaterPropsIAPWS::enthalpy() const
587 {
588  doublereal temperature = T_c/tau;
589  doublereal hRT = m_phi.enthalpy_RT();
590  return hRT * Rgas * temperature;
591 }
593 doublereal WaterPropsIAPWS::intEnergy() const
594 {
595  doublereal temperature = T_c / tau;
596  doublereal uRT = m_phi.intEnergy_RT();
597  return uRT * Rgas * temperature;
598 }
600 doublereal WaterPropsIAPWS::entropy() const
601 {
602  doublereal sR = m_phi.entropy_R();
603  return sR * Rgas;
604 }
606 doublereal WaterPropsIAPWS::cv() const
607 {
608  doublereal cvR = m_phi.cv_R();
609  return cvR * Rgas;
610 }
612 doublereal WaterPropsIAPWS::cp() const
613 {
614  doublereal cpR = m_phi.cp_R();
615  return cpR * Rgas;
616 }
619 {
620  doublereal rho = delta * Rho_c;
621  return M_water / rho;
622 }
624 }
Headers for a class for calculating the equation of state of water from the IAPWS 1995 Formulation ba...
Base class for exceptions thrown by Cantera classes.
Definition: ctexceptions.h:61
void corr(doublereal temperature, doublereal pressure, doublereal &densLiq, doublereal &densGas, doublereal &delGRT)
Utility routine in the calculation of the saturation pressure.
void corr1(doublereal temperature, doublereal pressure, doublereal &densLiq, doublereal &densGas, doublereal &pcorr)
Utility routine in the calculation of the saturation pressure.
void calcDim(doublereal temperature, doublereal rho)
Calculate the dimensionless temp and rho and store internally.
doublereal coeffThermExp() const
Returns the coefficient of thermal expansion.
doublereal densSpinodalWater() const
Return the value of the density at the water spinodal point (on the liquid side) for the current temp...
doublereal cp() const
Calculate the constant pressure heat capacity in mks units of J kmol-1 K-1 at the last temperature an...
doublereal tau
Dimensionless temperature, tau = T_C / T.
doublereal pressure() const
Calculates the pressure (Pascals), given the current value of the temperature and density.
doublereal enthalpy() const
Calculate the enthalpy in mks units of J kmol-1 using the last temperature and density.
doublereal density_const(doublereal pressure, int phase=-1, doublereal rhoguess=-1.0) const
Calculates the density given the temperature and the pressure, and a guess at the density,...
doublereal coeffPresExp() const
Returns the isochoric pressure derivative wrt temperature.
Base constructor.
doublereal densSpinodalSteam() const
Return the value of the density at the water spinodal point (on the gas side) for the current tempera...
doublereal cv() const
Calculate the constant volume heat capacity in mks units of J kmol-1 K-1 at the last temperature and ...
doublereal molarVolume() const
Calculate the molar volume (kmol m-3) at the last temperature and density.
doublereal entropy() const
Calculate the entropy in mks units of J kmol-1 K-1.
doublereal intEnergy() const
Calculate the internal energy in mks units of J kmol-1.
doublereal density() const
Returns the density (kg m-3)
doublereal Gibbs() const
Calculate the Gibbs free energy in mks units of J kmol-1 K-1.
int iState
Current state of the system.
doublereal temperature() const
Returns the temperature (Kelvin)
doublereal helmholtzFE() const
Calculate the Helmholtz free energy in mks units of J kmol-1 K-1, using the last temperature and dens...
doublereal psat_est(doublereal temperature) const
This function returns an estimated value for the saturation pressure.
doublereal delta
Dimensionless density, delta = rho / rho_c.
doublereal psat(doublereal temperature, int waterState=WATER_LIQUID)
This function returns the saturation pressure given the temperature as an input parameter,...
void setState_TR(doublereal temperature, doublereal rho)
Set the internal state of the object wrt temperature and density.
WaterPropsIAPWSphi m_phi
pointer to the underlying object that does the calculations.
doublereal dpdrho() const
Returns the value of dp / drho at constant T for the state of the object.
int phaseState(bool checkState=false) const
Returns the Phase State flag for the current state of the object.
doublereal isothermalCompressibility() const
Returns the coefficient of isothermal compressibility for the state of the object.
doublereal dimdpdrho(doublereal tau, doublereal delta)
Dimensionless derivative of p wrt rho at constant T.
doublereal entropy_R() const
Calculate the dimensionless entropy, s/R.
doublereal enthalpy_RT() const
Calculate the dimensionless enthalpy, h/RT.
doublereal gibbs_RT() const
Calculate the dimensionless Gibbs free energy.
doublereal cv_R() const
Calculate the dimensionless constant volume heat capacity, Cv/R.
doublereal dfind(doublereal p_red, doublereal tau, doublereal deltaGuess)
This function computes the reduced density, given the reduced pressure and the reduced temperature,...
doublereal cp_R() const
Calculate the dimensionless constant pressure heat capacity, Cv/R.
doublereal phi(doublereal tau, doublereal delta)
Calculate the Phi function, which is the base function.
doublereal intEnergy_RT() const
Calculate the dimensionless internal energy, u/RT.
doublereal dimdpdT(doublereal tau, doublereal delta)
Dimensionless derivative of p wrt T at constant rho.
void tdpolycalc(doublereal tau, doublereal delta)
Calculates internal polynomials in tau and delta.
doublereal pressureM_rhoRT(doublereal tau, doublereal delta)
Calculate the dimensionless pressure at tau and delta;.
Definitions for the classes that are thrown when Cantera experiences an error condition (also contain...
const double OneAtm
One atmosphere [Pa].
Definition: ct_defs.h:78
Namespace for the Cantera kernel.
Definition: AnyMap.cpp:264
const doublereal Rho_c
Value of the Density at the critical point (kg m-3)
static const doublereal P_c
Critical Pressure (Pascals)
const doublereal T_c
Critical Temperature value (kelvin)
static const doublereal M_water
Molecular Weight of water that is consistent with the paper (kg kmol-1)
static const doublereal Rgas
Gas constant that is quoted in the paper.
Contains declarations for string manipulation functions within Cantera.