Cantera  2.1.2
Go to the documentation of this file.
1 /**
2  * @file WaterProps.cpp
3  */
4 /*
5  * Copyright (2006) Sandia Corporation. Under the terms of
6  * Contract DE-AC04-94AL85000 with Sandia Corporation, the
7  * U.S. Government retains certain rights in this software.
8  */
11 #include "cantera/base/ctml.h"
16 namespace Cantera
17 {
19  m_waterIAPWS(0),
20  m_own_sub(false)
21 {
22  // object owns its own water evaluator
24  m_own_sub = true;
25 }
28  m_waterIAPWS(0),
29  m_own_sub(false)
30 {
31  if (wptr) {
32  // object in slave mode; it doesn't own its own water evaluator.
33  m_waterIAPWS = wptr->getWater();
34  m_own_sub = false;
35  } else {
37  m_own_sub = true;
38  }
39 }
42  m_waterIAPWS(0),
43  m_own_sub(false)
44 {
45  if (waterIAPWS) {
46  m_waterIAPWS = waterIAPWS;
47  m_own_sub = false;
48  } else {
50  m_own_sub = true;
51  }
52 }
55  m_waterIAPWS(0),
56  m_own_sub(false)
57 {
58  *this = b;
59 }
62 {
63  if (m_own_sub) {
64  delete m_waterIAPWS;
65  }
66 }
69 {
70  if (&b == this) {
71  return *this;
72  }
74  if (m_own_sub) {
75  if (m_waterIAPWS) {
76  delete m_waterIAPWS;
77  m_waterIAPWS = 0;
78  }
79  }
80  if (b.m_own_sub) {
82  m_own_sub = true;
83  } else {
85  m_own_sub = false;
86  }
88  return *this;
89 }
91 doublereal WaterProps::density_T(doublereal T, doublereal P, int ifunc)
92 {
93  doublereal Tc = T - 273.15;
94  const doublereal U1 = 288.9414;
95  const doublereal U2 = 508929.2;
96  const doublereal U3 = 68.12963;
97  const doublereal U4 = -3.9863;
99  doublereal tmp1 = Tc + U1;
100  doublereal tmp4 = Tc + U4;
101  doublereal t4t4 = tmp4 * tmp4;
102  doublereal tmp3 = Tc + U3;
103  doublereal rho = 1000. * (1.0 - tmp1*t4t4/(U2 * tmp3));
105  /*
106  * Impose an ideal gas lower bound on rho. We need this
107  * to ensure positivity of rho, even though it is
108  * grossly unrepresentative.
109  */
110  doublereal rhomin = P / (GasConstant * T);
111  if (rho < rhomin) {
112  rho = rhomin;
113  if (ifunc == 1) {
114  return - rhomin / T;
115  } else if (ifunc == 3) {
116  return rhomin / P;
117  } else if (ifunc == 2) {
118  return 2.0 * rhomin / (T * T);
119  }
120  }
122  if (ifunc == 1) {
123  doublereal drhodT = 1000./U2 * (
124  - tmp4 * tmp4 / (tmp3)
125  - tmp1 * 2 * tmp4 / (tmp3)
126  + tmp1 * t4t4 / (tmp3*tmp3)
127  );
128  return drhodT;
129  } else if (ifunc == 3) {
130  return 0.0;
131  } else if (ifunc == 2) {
132  doublereal t3t3 = tmp3 * tmp3;
133  doublereal d2rhodT2 = 1000./U2 *
134  ((-4.0*tmp4-2.0*tmp1)/tmp3 +
135  (2.0*t4t4 + 4.0*tmp1*tmp4)/t3t3
136  - 2.0*tmp1 * t4t4/(t3t3*tmp3));
137  return d2rhodT2;
138  }
140  return rho;
141 }
143 doublereal WaterProps::relEpsilon(doublereal T, doublereal P_pascal,
144  int ifunc)
145 {
146  const doublereal U1 = 3.4279E2;
147  const doublereal U2 = -5.0866E-3;
148  const doublereal U3 = 9.4690E-7;
149  const doublereal U4 = -2.0525;
150  const doublereal U5 = 3.1159E3;
151  const doublereal U6 = -1.8289E2;
152  const doublereal U7 = -8.0325E3;
153  const doublereal U8 = 4.2142E6;
154  const doublereal U9 = 2.1417;
155  doublereal T2 = T * T;
157  doublereal eps1000 = U1 * exp(U2 * T + U3 * T2);
158  doublereal C = U4 + U5/(U6 + T);
159  doublereal B = U7 + U8/T + U9 * T;
161  doublereal Pbar = P_pascal * 1.0E-5;
162  doublereal tmpBpar = B + Pbar;
163  doublereal tmpB1000 = B + 1000.0;
164  doublereal ltmp = log(tmpBpar/tmpB1000);
165  doublereal epsRel = eps1000 + C * ltmp;
167  if (ifunc == 1 || ifunc == 2) {
168  doublereal tmpC = U6 + T;
169  doublereal dCdT = - U5/(tmpC * tmpC);
171  doublereal dBdT = - U8/(T * T) + U9;
173  doublereal deps1000dT = eps1000 * (U2 + 2.0 * U3 * T);
175  doublereal dltmpdT = (dBdT/tmpBpar - dBdT/tmpB1000);
176  if (ifunc == 1) {
177  return deps1000dT + dCdT * ltmp + C * dltmpdT;
178  }
179  doublereal T3 = T2 * T;
180  doublereal d2CdT2 = - 2.0 * dCdT / tmpC;
181  doublereal d2BdT2 = 2.0 * U8 / (T3);
183  doublereal d2ltmpdT2 = (d2BdT2*(1.0/tmpBpar - 1.0/tmpB1000) +
184  dBdT*dBdT*(1.0/(tmpB1000*tmpB1000) - 1.0/(tmpBpar*tmpBpar)));
186  doublereal d2eps1000dT2 = (deps1000dT * (U2 + 2.0 * U3 * T) + eps1000 * (2.0 * U3));
188  if (ifunc == 2) {
189  doublereal d2epsReldT2 = (d2eps1000dT2 + d2CdT2 * ltmp + 2.0 * dCdT * dltmpdT
190  + C * d2ltmpdT2);
191  return d2epsReldT2;
192  }
193  }
194  if (ifunc == 3) {
195  doublereal dltmpdP = 1.0E-5 / tmpBpar;
196  return C * dltmpdP;
197  }
199  return epsRel;
200 }
203 doublereal WaterProps::ADebye(doublereal T, doublereal P_input, int ifunc)
204 {
205  doublereal psat = satPressure(T);
206  doublereal P;
207  if (psat > P_input) {
208  //printf("ADebye WARNING: p_input < psat: %g %g\n",
209  // P_input, psat);
210  P = psat;
211  } else {
212  P = P_input;
213  }
214  doublereal epsRelWater = relEpsilon(T, P, 0);
215  //printf("releps calc = %g, compare to 78.38\n", epsRelWater);
216  //doublereal B_Debye = 3.28640E9;
218  doublereal epsilon = epsilon_0 * epsRelWater;
219  doublereal dw = density_IAPWS(T, P);
220  doublereal tmp = sqrt(2.0 * Avogadro * dw / 1000.);
221  doublereal tmp2 = ElectronCharge * ElectronCharge * Avogadro /
222  (epsilon * GasConstant * T);
223  doublereal tmp3 = tmp2 * sqrt(tmp2);
224  doublereal A_Debye = tmp * tmp3 / (8.0 * Pi);
227  /*
228  * dAdT = - 3/2 Ad/T + 1/2 Ad/dw d(dw)/dT - 3/2 Ad/eps d(eps)/dT
229  *
230  * dAdT = - 3/2 Ad/T - 1/2 Ad/Vw d(Vw)/dT - 3/2 Ad/eps d(eps)/dT
231  */
232  if (ifunc == 1 || ifunc == 2) {
233  doublereal dAdT = - 1.5 * A_Debye / T;
235  doublereal depsRelWaterdT = relEpsilon(T, P, 1);
236  dAdT -= A_Debye * (1.5 * depsRelWaterdT / epsRelWater);
238  //int methodD = 1;
239  //doublereal ddwdT = density_T_new(T, P, 1);
240  // doublereal contrib1 = A_Debye * (0.5 * ddwdT / dw);
242  /*
243  * calculate d(lnV)/dT _constantP, i.e., the cte
244  */
245  doublereal cte = coeffThermalExp_IAPWS(T, P);
246  doublereal contrib2 = - A_Debye * (0.5 * cte);
248  //dAdT += A_Debye * (0.5 * ddwdT / dw);
249  dAdT += contrib2;
251 #ifdef DEBUG_HKM
252  //printf("dAdT = %g, contrib1 = %g, contrib2 = %g\n",
253  // dAdT, contrib1, contrib2);
254 #endif
256  if (ifunc == 1) {
257  return dAdT;
258  }
260  if (ifunc == 2) {
261  /*
262  * Get the second derivative of the dielectric constant wrt T
263  * -> we will take each of the terms in dAdT and differentiate
264  * it again.
265  */
266  doublereal d2AdT2 = 1.5 / T * (A_Debye/T - dAdT);
268  doublereal d2epsRelWaterdT2 = relEpsilon(T, P, 2);
270  //doublereal dT = -0.01;
271  //doublereal TT = T + dT;
272  //doublereal depsRelWaterdTdel = relEpsilon(TT, P, 1);
273  //doublereal d2alt = (depsRelWaterdTdel- depsRelWaterdT ) / dT;
274  //printf("diff %g %g\n",d2epsRelWaterdT2, d2alt);
275  // HKM -> checks out, i.e., they are the same.
277  d2AdT2 += 1.5 * (- dAdT * depsRelWaterdT / epsRelWater
278  - A_Debye / epsRelWater *
279  (d2epsRelWaterdT2 - depsRelWaterdT * depsRelWaterdT / epsRelWater));
281  doublereal deltaT = -0.1;
282  doublereal Tdel = T + deltaT;
283  doublereal cte_del = coeffThermalExp_IAPWS(Tdel, P);
284  doublereal dctedT = (cte_del - cte) / Tdel;
287  //doublereal d2dwdT2 = density_T_new(T, P, 2);
289  doublereal contrib3 = 0.5 * (-(dAdT * cte) -(A_Debye * dctedT));
290  d2AdT2 += contrib3;
292  return d2AdT2;
293  }
294  }
295  /*
296  * A_Debye = (1/(8 Pi)) sqrt(2 Na dw / 1000)
297  * (e e/(epsilon R T))^3/2
298  *
299  * dAdP = + 1/2 Ad/dw d(dw)/dP - 3/2 Ad/eps d(eps)/dP
300  *
301  * dAdP = - 1/2 Ad/Vw d(Vw)/dP - 3/2 Ad/eps d(eps)/dP
302  *
303  * dAdP = + 1/2 Ad * kappa - 3/2 Ad/eps d(eps)/dP
304  *
305  * where kappa = - 1/Vw d(Vw)/dP_T (isothermal compressibility)
306  */
307  if (ifunc == 3) {
309  doublereal dAdP = 0.0;
311  doublereal depsRelWaterdP = relEpsilon(T, P, 3);
312  dAdP -= A_Debye * (1.5 * depsRelWaterdP / epsRelWater);
314  doublereal kappa = isothermalCompressibility_IAPWS(T,P);
316  //doublereal ddwdP = density_T_new(T, P, 3);
317  dAdP += A_Debye * (0.5 * kappa);
319  return dAdP;
320  }
322  return A_Debye;
323 }
325 doublereal WaterProps::satPressure(doublereal T)
326 {
327  return m_waterIAPWS->psat(T);
328 }
330 doublereal WaterProps::density_IAPWS(doublereal temp, doublereal press)
331 {
332  return m_waterIAPWS->density(temp, press, WATER_LIQUID);
333 }
335 doublereal WaterProps::density_IAPWS() const
336 {
337  return m_waterIAPWS->density();
338 }
340 doublereal WaterProps::coeffThermalExp_IAPWS(doublereal temp, doublereal press)
341 {
342  doublereal dens = m_waterIAPWS->density(temp, press, WATER_LIQUID);
343  if (dens < 0.0) {
344  throw CanteraError("WaterProps::coeffThermalExp_IAPWS",
345  "Unable to solve for density at T = " + fp2str(temp) + " and P = " + fp2str(press));
346  }
347  return m_waterIAPWS->coeffThermExp();
348 }
350 doublereal WaterProps::isothermalCompressibility_IAPWS(doublereal temp, doublereal press)
351 {
352  doublereal dens = m_waterIAPWS->density(temp, press, WATER_LIQUID);
353  if (dens < 0.0) {
354  throw CanteraError("WaterProps::isothermalCompressibility_IAPWS",
355  "Unable to solve for density at T = " + fp2str(temp) + " and P = " + fp2str(press));
356  }
358 }
360 // Parameters for the viscosityWater() function
362 // \cond
363 const doublereal H[4] = {1.,
364  0.978197,
365  0.579829,
366  -0.202354
367  };
369 const doublereal Hij[6][7] = {
370  { 0.5132047, 0.2151778, -0.2818107, 0.1778064, -0.04176610, 0., 0.},
371  { 0.3205656, 0.7317883, -1.070786 , 0.4605040, 0., -0.01578386, 0.},
372  { 0., 1.241044 , -1.263184 , 0.2340379, 0., 0., 0.},
373  { 0., 1.476783 , 0., -0.4924179, 0.1600435, 0., -0.003629481},
374  {-0.7782567, 0.0 , 0., 0. , 0., 0., 0.},
375  { 0.1885447, 0.0 , 0., 0. , 0., 0., 0.},
376 };
377 const doublereal TStar = 647.27; // Kelvin
378 const doublereal rhoStar = 317.763; // kg / m3
379 const doublereal presStar = 22.115E6; // Pa
380 const doublereal muStar = 55.071E-6; //Pa s
381 // \endcond
383 doublereal WaterProps::viscosityWater() const
384 {
385  doublereal temp = m_waterIAPWS->temperature();
386  doublereal dens = m_waterIAPWS->density();
388  //WaterPropsIAPWS *waterP = new WaterPropsIAPWS();
389  //m_waterIAPWS->setState_TR(temp, dens);
390  //doublereal pressure = m_waterIAPWS->pressure();
391  //printf("pressure = %g\n", pressure);
392  //dens = 18.02 * pressure / (GasConstant * temp);
393  //printf ("mod dens = %g\n", dens);
395  doublereal rhobar = dens/rhoStar;
396  doublereal tbar = temp / TStar;
397  // doublereal pbar = pressure / presStar;
399  doublereal tbar2 = tbar * tbar;
400  doublereal tbar3 = tbar2 * tbar;
402  doublereal mu0bar = std::sqrt(tbar) / (H[0] + H[1]/tbar + H[2]/tbar2 + H[3]/tbar3);
404  //printf("mu0bar = %g\n", mu0bar);
405  //printf("mu0 = %g\n", mu0bar * muStar);
407  doublereal tfac1 = 1.0 / tbar - 1.0;
408  doublereal tfac2 = tfac1 * tfac1;
409  doublereal tfac3 = tfac2 * tfac1;
410  doublereal tfac4 = tfac3 * tfac1;
411  doublereal tfac5 = tfac4 * tfac1;
413  doublereal rfac1 = rhobar - 1.0;
414  doublereal rfac2 = rfac1 * rfac1;
415  doublereal rfac3 = rfac2 * rfac1;
416  doublereal rfac4 = rfac3 * rfac1;
417  doublereal rfac5 = rfac4 * rfac1;
418  doublereal rfac6 = rfac5 * rfac1;
420  doublereal sum = (Hij[0][0] + Hij[1][0]*tfac1 + Hij[4][0]*tfac4 + Hij[5][0]*tfac5 +
421  Hij[0][1]*rfac1 + Hij[1][1]*tfac1*rfac1 + Hij[2][1]*tfac2*rfac1 + Hij[3][1]*tfac3*rfac1 +
422  Hij[0][2]*rfac2 + Hij[1][2]*tfac1*rfac2 + Hij[2][2]*tfac2*rfac2 +
423  Hij[0][3]*rfac3 + Hij[1][3]*tfac1*rfac3 + Hij[2][3]*tfac2*rfac3 + Hij[3][3]*tfac3*rfac3 +
424  Hij[0][4]*rfac4 + Hij[3][4]*tfac3*rfac4 +
425  Hij[1][5]*tfac1*rfac5 + Hij[3][6]*tfac3*rfac6
426  );
427  doublereal mu1bar = std::exp(rhobar * sum);
429  // Apply the near-critical point corrections if necessary
430  doublereal mu2bar = 1.0;
431  if ((tbar >= 0.9970) && tbar <= 1.0082) {
432  if ((rhobar >= 0.755) && (rhobar <= 1.290)) {
433  doublereal drhodp = 1.0 / m_waterIAPWS->dpdrho();
434  drhodp *= presStar / rhoStar;
435  doublereal xsi = rhobar * drhodp;
436  if (xsi >= 21.93) {
437  mu2bar = 0.922 * std::pow(xsi, 0.0263);
438  }
439  }
440  }
442  doublereal mubar = mu0bar * mu1bar * mu2bar;
444  return mubar * muStar;
445 }
448 {
449  static const doublereal Tstar = 647.27;
450  static const doublereal rhostar = 317.763;
451  static const doublereal lambdastar = 0.4945;
452  static const doublereal presstar = 22.115E6;
453  static const doublereal L[4] = {
454  1.0000,
455  6.978267,
456  2.599096,
457  -0.998254
458  };
459  static const doublereal Lji[6][5] = {
460  { 1.3293046, 1.7018363, 5.2246158, 8.7127675, -1.8525999},
461  {-0.40452437, -2.2156845, -10.124111, -9.5000611, 0.93404690},
462  { 0.24409490, 1.6511057, 4.9874687, 4.3786606, 0.0},
463  { 0.018660751, -0.76736002, -0.27297694, -0.91783782, 0.0},
464  {-0.12961068, 0.37283344, -0.43083393, 0.0, 0.0},
465  { 0.044809953, -0.11203160, 0.13333849, 0.0, 0.0},
466  };
468  doublereal temp = m_waterIAPWS->temperature();
469  doublereal dens = m_waterIAPWS->density();
471  doublereal rhobar = dens/rhostar;
472  doublereal tbar = temp / Tstar;
473  doublereal tbar2 = tbar * tbar;
474  doublereal tbar3 = tbar2 * tbar;
475  doublereal lambda0bar = sqrt(tbar) / (L[0] + L[1]/tbar + L[2]/tbar2 + L[3]/tbar3);
477  //doublereal lambdagas = lambda0bar * lambdastar * 1.0E3;
479  doublereal tfac1 = 1.0 / tbar - 1.0;
480  doublereal tfac2 = tfac1 * tfac1;
481  doublereal tfac3 = tfac2 * tfac1;
482  doublereal tfac4 = tfac3 * tfac1;
484  doublereal rfac1 = rhobar - 1.0;
485  doublereal rfac2 = rfac1 * rfac1;
486  doublereal rfac3 = rfac2 * rfac1;
487  doublereal rfac4 = rfac3 * rfac1;
488  doublereal rfac5 = rfac4 * rfac1;
490  doublereal sum = (Lji[0][0] + Lji[0][1]*tfac1 + Lji[0][2]*tfac2 + Lji[0][3]*tfac3 + Lji[0][4]*tfac4 +
491  Lji[1][0]*rfac1 + Lji[1][1]*tfac1*rfac1 + Lji[1][2]*tfac2*rfac1 + Lji[1][3]*tfac3*rfac1 + Lji[1][4]*tfac4*rfac1 +
492  Lji[2][0]*rfac2 + Lji[2][1]*tfac1*rfac2 + Lji[2][2]*tfac2*rfac2 + Lji[2][3]*tfac3*rfac2 +
493  Lji[3][0]*rfac3 + Lji[3][1]*tfac1*rfac3 + Lji[3][2]*tfac2*rfac3 + Lji[3][3]*tfac3*rfac3 +
494  Lji[4][0]*rfac4 + Lji[4][1]*tfac1*rfac4 + Lji[4][2]*tfac2*rfac4 +
495  Lji[5][0]*rfac5 + Lji[5][1]*tfac1*rfac5 + Lji[5][2]*tfac2*rfac5
496  );
497  doublereal lambda1bar = exp(rhobar * sum);
499  doublereal mu0bar = std::sqrt(tbar) / (H[0] + H[1]/tbar + H[2]/tbar2 + H[3]/tbar3);
501  doublereal tfac5 = tfac4 * tfac1;
502  doublereal rfac6 = rfac5 * rfac1;
504  sum = (Hij[0][0] + Hij[1][0]*tfac1 + Hij[4][0]*tfac4 + Hij[5][0]*tfac5 +
505  Hij[0][1]*rfac1 + Hij[1][1]*tfac1*rfac1 + Hij[2][1]*tfac2*rfac1 + Hij[3][1]*tfac3*rfac1 +
506  Hij[0][2]*rfac2 + Hij[1][2]*tfac1*rfac2 + Hij[2][2]*tfac2*rfac2 +
507  Hij[0][3]*rfac3 + Hij[1][3]*tfac1*rfac3 + Hij[2][3]*tfac2*rfac3 + Hij[3][3]*tfac3*rfac3 +
508  Hij[0][4]*rfac4 + Hij[3][4]*tfac3*rfac4 +
509  Hij[1][5]*tfac1*rfac5 + Hij[3][6]*tfac3*rfac6
510  );
511  doublereal mu1bar = std::exp(rhobar * sum);
513  doublereal t2r2 = tbar * tbar / (rhobar * rhobar);
514  doublereal drhodp = 1.0 / m_waterIAPWS->dpdrho();
515  drhodp *= presStar / rhoStar;
516  doublereal xsi = rhobar * drhodp;
517  doublereal xsipow = std::pow(xsi, 0.4678);
518  doublereal rho1 = rhobar - 1.;
519  doublereal rho2 = rho1 * rho1;
520  doublereal rho4 = rho2 * rho2;
521  doublereal temp2 = (tbar - 1.0) * (tbar - 1.0);
523  /*
524  * beta = M / (rho * Rgas) (d (pressure) / dT) at constant rho
525  *
526  * Note for ideal gases this is equal to one.
527  *
528  * beta = delta (phi0_d() + phiR_d())
529  * - tau delta (phi0_dt() + phiR_dt())
530  */
531  doublereal beta = m_waterIAPWS->coeffPresExp();
533  doublereal dpdT_const_rho = beta * GasConstant * dens / 18.015268;
534  dpdT_const_rho *= Tstar / presstar;
536  doublereal lambda2bar = 0.0013848 / (mu0bar * mu1bar) * t2r2 * dpdT_const_rho * dpdT_const_rho *
537  xsipow * sqrt(rhobar) * exp(-18.66*temp2 - rho4);
539  return (lambda0bar * lambda1bar + lambda2bar) * lambdastar;
540 }
542 }
doublereal isothermalCompressibility() const
Returns the coefficient of isothermal compressibility for the state of the object.
CTML ("Cantera Markup Language") is the variant of XML that Cantera uses to store data...
doublereal viscosityWater() const
Returns the viscosity of water at the current conditions (kg/m/s)
Definition: WaterProps.cpp:383
doublereal density(doublereal temperature, doublereal pressure, int phase=-1, doublereal rhoguess=-1.0)
Calculates the density given the temperature and the pressure, and a guess at the density...
Class for calculating the equation of state of water.
doublereal density_IAPWS() const
Returns the density of water.
Definition: WaterProps.cpp:335
Implementation of a pressure dependent standard state virtual function for a Pure Water Phase (see Sp...
Header for a class used to house several approximation routines for properties of water...
doublereal coeffThermExp() const
Returns the coefficient of thermal expansion.
const doublereal Pi
Definition: ct_defs.h:51
doublereal satPressure(doublereal T)
Returns the saturation pressure given the temperature.
Definition: WaterProps.cpp:325
doublereal dpdrho() const
Returns the value of dp / drho at constant T for the state of the object.
WaterProps & operator=(const WaterProps &b)
Assignment operator.
Definition: WaterProps.cpp:68
doublereal isothermalCompressibility_IAPWS(doublereal T, doublereal P)
Returns the isothermal compressibility of water.
Definition: WaterProps.cpp:350
The WaterProps class is used to house several approximation routines for properties of water...
Definition: WaterProps.h:96
virtual ~WaterProps()
Definition: WaterProps.cpp:61
WaterPropsIAPWS * getWater()
Get a pointer to a changeable WaterPropsIAPWS object.
Definition: PDSS_Water.h:218
std::string fp2str(const double x, const std::string &fmt)
Convert a double into a c++ string.
Definition: stringUtils.cpp:29
Class for the liquid water pressure dependent standard state.
Definition: PDSS_Water.h:54
WaterPropsIAPWS * m_waterIAPWS
Pointer to the WaterPropsIAPWS object.
Definition: WaterProps.h:290
doublereal thermalConductivityWater() const
Returns the thermal conductivity of water at the current conditions (W/m/K)
Definition: WaterProps.cpp:447
Base class for exceptions thrown by Cantera classes.
Definition: ctexceptions.h:68
Default constructor.
Definition: WaterProps.cpp:18
const doublereal Avogadro
Avogadro's Number [number/kmol].
Definition: ct_defs.h:63
const doublereal GasConstant
Universal Gas Constant. [J/kmol/K].
Definition: ct_defs.h:66
Contains declarations for string manipulation functions within Cantera.
const doublereal epsilon_0
Permittivity of free space in F/m.
Definition: ct_defs.h:108
doublereal ADebye(doublereal T, doublereal P, int ifunc)
ADebye calculates the value of A_Debye as a function of temperature and pressure according to relatio...
Definition: WaterProps.cpp:203
doublereal coeffThermalExp_IAPWS(doublereal T, doublereal P)
returns the coefficient of thermal expansion
Definition: WaterProps.cpp:340
doublereal relEpsilon(doublereal T, doublereal P_pascal, int ifunc=0)
Bradley-Pitzer equation for the dielectric constant of water as a function of temperature and pressur...
Definition: WaterProps.cpp:143
static doublereal density_T(doublereal T, doublereal P, int ifunc)
Simple calculation of water density at atmospheric pressure.
Definition: WaterProps.cpp:91
bool m_own_sub
true if we own the WaterPropsIAPWS object
Definition: WaterProps.h:293
doublereal temperature() const
Returns the temperature (Kelvin)
doublereal psat(doublereal temperature, int waterState=WATER_LIQUID)
This function returns the saturation pressure given the temperature as an input parameter, and sets the internal state to the saturated conditions.
doublereal coeffPresExp() const
Returns the isochoric pressure derivative wrt temperature.
Headers for a class for calculating the equation of state of water from the IAPWS 1995 Formulation ba...